Pain and Gain [OOC]

  • 616 Replies


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  • Ace Runner
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« Reply #615 on: <09-03-16/0532:45> »
Hey, boys!

Uh, darn, i didn't even manage to set up my bnc's holidays' post. I'll amend this as soon as I can.
Which will not be before too long, I'm afraid. I've been offline for two months yet because I have my final exams on Sept 26th, if I'm lucky, Oct 2nd more likely. Until then, private life has been and will be reduced to a minimum (which unfortunately can't include pbp). I've got another, less important, exam on Oct 15th.
I hope you are okay with me not joining or posting before that. If you want to procede without me, I'm perfectly all right. I still do wish to join once I become a person again ^^

See you then, girls!

"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


  • *
  • Ace Runner
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  • Posts: 1896
« Reply #616 on: <09-16-16/0734:14> »
During the time off, bnc is basically living a life beyond her shadowrunning self. She rents a small flat/cell (common bathroom, common kitchen) somewhere not too far from the universities (I don't know Seattle, but Bellevue or Renton seem to be a plausible place for Bianca). There she tries not to need a lot of money (which, her rent being low and other regular costs being nigh existant shouldn't be that much of a problem). What she needs, she gets through small jobs, both legal and illegal, for which you need people which her talents.

In this time, she tries to tie build the fundaments to escape shadowrunning at some point. Her dream is to study medicine in the University of Washington one day, so she hangs out with students, studies for the admission tests and tries to, by whatever means there are available, overcome other obstacles like her being an immigrant, her having no money, her havong a low social status or her being a total dick to anyone who might actually help her. Although she could use the money will, she still doesn't sell any drugs. She buys whatever she needs to brew her own doses, however.

She tries to keep contacts to her former lives to a minimum. That is, she only calls Kerstin once every one or two months, and Krestov not much more often. She doesn't call the other team members a single time.
How strong the contact between Krestov and her will be, depends a lot about how much she gets herself into difficulties and how much she needs someone to support her without question.  Still, she doesn't only contact Krestov in times of need. She would, for example, hack his commlink from time to time to find out in what kind of distractions Krestov is into - movies, music, clubs, etc. - and would then try to find a suiting present - a movie/music collection, a fan shirt his size, etc. - and buy it for him.

There's on thing, however, that ties her to her shadowrunning life. She will do whatever she can to support the waitress who got caught during their infiltration job. She'll gather information on the case, any "proofs" there could be, the judges, and will send them anonymously to her attourney. If the judges are being bribed, she's gonna find out and send proof to the attourney. She'll do anything to keep her out from jail although she'd not to anything too reckless. Also, if she can harm Velmont in a kind of safe way, she will.

Finer details basically depend on what the other team members, how her new life goes, which people she meets, how the case around Velmont and his waitress develops, and so on, but this is basically how I picture bnc trying to live on her own for a while.


I rolled some lucky rolls on different aspects of her life, which is, due to her general instability, very much influenced by chance:

  • bnc trying to get a foot into the university:
Lucky roll: 1d20 6
Fate doesn't mean well. She does make contact to one student or two, but basically they are of little help. The tuition fees are beyond her possibilities unless she does some more shadowrunning.

  • bnc trying not to get herself into too much trouble:
Lucky roll: 1d20 4
I've got to think about this in more detail. Qwikfix and Jack will get a PM from me.

  • bnc trying to help out the waitress (I can't find her name, alas).
Lucky roll: 1d20 15
Some luck at least. bnc can dig up some serious evidence in her favor. While neither Valmont nor any of the involved parties are left scathed in any way, at least the judge refrains from putting the girl into jail. Instead her sentence gets suspended (again, although this is strictly speaking not allowed).[/list]
« Last Edit: <09-20-16/1211:14> by Volker »
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"

