Pain and Gain [IC]

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« Reply #465 on: <12-16-15/0438:12> »
Totally high on both drugs and full VR, bnc is about to go crazy. If there's nothing else to do, she can always create confusion.

[spoiler]Free Action (before I act): load Fork.
Hacking on the Fly (both sunglasses): Hacking on the Fly: 19d6t5 6
Free Action: Control Device (turn off input)
This should effectively blind the two mages for at least as long as it takes to
 a) realize what the fuck is going on and
 b) put off the glasses.

This is what I do in the 3rd pass, if the dog doesn't perform any action that would otherwise prevent me from doing it.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #466 on: <12-16-15/0454:14> »
Scarry's shot hit true through the barrier and squarely into the chest of the enemy mage. The force field collapsed and his sister suddenly stumbled, moving a lot slower than she had before. Again she screamed as she saw her brother fall to the ground.
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #467 on: <12-16-15/0520:14> »
When the male twin fell , Torrent saw the opening he was waiting for.The glow around the female twin vanished and she seemed distracted and enraged.

Don't worry honey, you won't feel a thing.

@GM: do I have any more meters to move(14m total)? I guess I could run(28m total)? Don't know how far I've walked during the Combat Turn.
Nerve Strike (Target: Reaction): 19d6t5 6
Forgot I had to subtract one dice from my pool due to injury, I guess I got 5 hits

« Last Edit: <12-16-15/0533:18> by Sabato Kuroi »


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« Reply #468 on: <12-16-15/0549:50> »
Defense: 10d6t5 3
Reaction falls by two

Ini for Round 2
Yin: Ini: 8+1d6 12
Yin's Foo Dog: Ini: 14+2d6 16 [2d6=1, 1]

Wow. The dog got even slower. I wouldn't have thought this possible.

Also Volker's attack is successful, with a free action she'll drop the sun glasses - if she get's the chance to to so - suffering -3 to her defense on the first attack of this new round

Yin screamed as the elf hit the nerve cluster just above her left knee. Staggering she grasped for her sunglasses that had just became a dazzling display of flashes like worst kind of seizure inducing anime.
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #469 on: <12-16-15/0610:15> »
[spoiler]How did Yin get a defense test?I thought I surprised her(did she notice me flanking  her?) :([/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <12-16-15/0613:18> by Sabato Kuroi »


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« Reply #470 on: <12-16-15/0631:14> »
You sneaked up on Yang, who was thrown back by Krestov. Ying attacked Krestov in melee, so Torrent wouldn't have come up behind her.

But don't worry, I am sure you'll nail her this round for good before she can act ;)
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #471 on: <12-16-15/0644:55> »
[spoiler]You have the final word of course but I merely stated my intention to strike at Yang before Scary Spice KOed him, I didn't come out of hiding during the previous Pass since coming out of hiding without striking  would be an automatic success on a perception test for the enemy (and that is why I wrote that during the previous pass I go as close as I can to avoid being noticed). I was under the impression that my sneaking test was rolled against the whole enemy team.I guess it's my fault and  I should describe my actions in more detail  ;D

Initiative: 4d6+10 22
« Last Edit: <12-16-15/0648:08> by Sabato Kuroi »


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« Reply #472 on: <12-16-15/0945:29> »
Since bnc is hyper-useless against mages, she just hacks her commlink for fun.

[spoiler]2 marks at once: Hacking on the Fly: 15d6t5 4
You don't really have to make an opposed roll. It's not really that I'm going to actually do something important. She's just bored and hyper and has to hack something
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #473 on: <12-16-15/1019:25> »
Round 1, Initiative 7 (Just to make sure things are in the right place)

Yin's Dog charged and attacked Slobbertooth, who was still defensively aware and managed to dodge away from the strike.

[spoiler]Charge: 13d6t5 4 [13d6t5=4, 6, 5, 5, 2, 5, 1, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1]
Bite with 12 AP -6(fire) + Successes

Defense - Int 5 + Rea 8 + Gymnastics Agility 6 -1: 18d6t5 4 Grazing hit. No damage[/spoiler]

Round 2, Initiative 25

Slobbertooth was suddenly very happy he hadn't become a wage-slave for government pest control companies. Hell hounds seemed bad
enough, but having to deal with the reality that whenever you came across a dog it could turn into a vessel for some kind of fire
spirit was a bridge too far. Well, time to put the dog down.

Slobbertooth backed away and the dog snapped at him.

Yin's dog Intercept Action -5 Ini
Intercept Attack: 13d6t5 6
Damage Code 14pfire) -6AP

Slobbertooth uses Full Defense -10 ini +Agility 8 to all future defense tests
 Agi 8+Int 5+Rea 8+Combat Sense 2: 23d6t5 10 attack dodged[/spoiler]

Slobbertooth avoided the possessed dog's jaws and went to put a clip of Ex-Explosive ammunition into his gun, and then suddenly froze.

"Wait... seriously?

"Oh come on, it's just a dog, Wolf.

"No I don't think that all-

"Oh for the Fragging spirts! Alright I'll use the gel ammo so I don't hurt your new dog friend."

Slobbertooth put the clip of gel ammunition back into his weapon and fired at the dog, while mumbling cursewords in Or'zet

Simple Action: Insert magazine into Ares Alpha
Simple Action: Slobbertooth FA Burst
Agi 8+Automatics 6+Smartlink 1: 15d6t5 6

Damage Code
17s -1 AP -5 to defense

Slobbertooth's iniative is now 5, and the dog's initiative is now 11[/spoiler]
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #474 on: <12-16-15/1024:58> »
Foo DogDefense: 9d6t5 4  [9d6t5=6, 1, 5, 5, 3, 5, 1, 4, 2] 13 S
Soak: 7d6t5 3

End result: 10 S, still conscious.

But Wolf smiles on your decision: Have a point of Edge back


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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #475 on: <12-16-15/1110:10> »
Torrent pressed his attack. He knew the mage should get  no time to focus and blast them all  to pieces with a destructive spell.

Look at me , trading blows with a Chinese mobster, as if starring in a vintage kung fu flick.

[spoiler] Nerve Strike (Target:Reaction): 18d6t5 6   [/spoiler]


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« Reply #476 on: <12-16-15/1120:04> »
Defense: 5d6t5 2
And she is paralyzed - but remember, she's a mage - doesn't take muscles to magic


Torrents fingers hit true again, this time just below the neck and the woman seized up completely and fell on her back.
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #477 on: <12-18-15/0911:25> »
As he brought his feet back under him after kicking Yang, Krestov stared down the wall that formed between them.  It was at that moment that he felt something coming from his arm, an odd sensation.

Pain.  Pure, legitimate pain

Roaring out, the troll wheeled on the remaining mage, just in time to see her go down with wide eyes, the slim for of Torrent taking her place.  Giving a nod, he looked down before swinging his leg high into the air, driving his heel down in his signature axe kick onto her skull...


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« Reply #478 on: <12-19-15/1136:30> »
YinSoak: 15d6t5 5[/spoiler]

The kick ended rather abruptly any remaining hostilities. The dog lost its flame aura and bounded away as fast as Scary's gunshot wound allowed him. From one moment to the other silence reigned.
Scary dusted himself off and calmly walked over to the mages.
"Well, seems like Feng has played his last card. Well done."

With a smooth motion he swung the gun around and calmly shot both mages a neat hole into their heads. "You can't be careful enough with those mage types - and after what they did to me in the cellar I won't take any risks in that regard.

But time to take a look into the container - after all you want to be paid in merchandise - would be a shame if anything was missing."

He walked over to the container and opened the maglock.

Inside everything was packed to the roof with crates and boxes from different weapons and cybertech manufacturers. As Scary looked around, he frowned:
"Huh? Don't remember packing that thing in there." With those words he pulled a sheet away.

From under it a one meter tall fox statue made of pure gold appeared. It's eyes were made of Sapphires and it sported nine tails.

On cue, Sunkid appeared.
"Oy, You's done it. You's got it back."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #479 on: <12-19-15/1337:05> »
Slobbertooth went over to the unconcious dog to make sure it was okay after Scary Spice made sure the two mages were geeked. He wasn't particularly happy with Scary Spice's decision to do so, "Well now I know why Scary Spice isn't liked by Triads. We're going to need to lie low for a while now."

Slobbertooth petted very large dog that suddenly seemed completely harmless. "I always did want a puppy dog. (Or'zet)" He looked over to the team with a toothy and goofy smile on his face. "Can we keep him?"

The grin was replaced with shock when he saw the contents of the container. "What in the fuck is that!?"(Or'zet)
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)