Round 1, Initiative 7 (Just to make sure things are in the right place)
Yin's Dog charged and attacked Slobbertooth, who was still defensively aware and managed to dodge away from the strike.
13d6t5 4 [13d6t5=4, 6, 5, 5, 2, 5, 1, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1]
Bite with 12 AP -6(fire) + Successes
Defense - Int 5 + Rea 8 + Gymnastics Agility 6 -1:
18d6t5 4 Grazing hit. No damage[/spoiler]
Round 2, Initiative 25Slobbertooth was suddenly very happy he hadn't become a wage-slave for government pest control companies. Hell hounds seemed bad
enough, but having to deal with the reality that whenever you came across a dog it could turn into a vessel for some kind of fire
spirit was a bridge too far. Well, time to put the dog down.
Slobbertooth backed away and the dog snapped at him.
Yin's dog Intercept Action -5 Ini
Intercept Attack:
13d6t5 6Damage Code 14pfire) -6AP
Slobbertooth uses Full Defense -10 ini +Agility 8 to all future defense tests
Agi 8+Int 5+Rea 8+Combat Sense 2:
23d6t5 10 attack dodged[/spoiler]
Slobbertooth avoided the possessed dog's jaws and went to put a clip of Ex-Explosive ammunition into his gun, and then suddenly froze.
"Wait... seriously?"Oh come on, it's just a dog, Wolf."No I don't think that all-"Oh for the Fragging spirts! Alright I'll use the gel ammo so I don't hurt your new dog friend."Slobbertooth put the clip of gel ammunition back into his weapon and fired at the dog, while mumbling cursewords in Or'zet
Simple Action: Insert magazine into Ares Alpha
Simple Action: Slobbertooth FA Burst
Agi 8+Automatics 6+Smartlink 1:
15d6t5 6Damage Code
17s -1 AP -5 to defense
Slobbertooth's iniative is now 5, and the dog's initiative is now 11[/spoiler]