Pain and Gain [IC]

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« Reply #480 on: <12-20-15/0710:32> »
bnc returns back to her now liberated meat body and stretches. Slowly, the tension began to wear off.
Golden Mirror didn't.

"Heilige Scheiße! Are you friggin' kidding me? This... This must be worth ... well, worth enough to pay four professional shadowrunners, I guess. Frag! Has it got a name?"
bnc whistles in amazement.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #481 on: <12-20-15/0726:32> »
The old orks face had turned into a grin: "Well, yes actually. It's me brother called Jingoro - or rather the shrine made in 'is 'onor."
"Your brother?!" Scary replied incredulous. "What's going on here?"
"Ah, come on Scary, you's known me for so long, you's never wondered how's I's got those gigs for the two's of us? True, I's been lacking a bit - seeing as I's was under one of them geas - so I's couldn't practice me arts until I's get the shrine back in order - or change my shape."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #482 on: <12-20-15/1016:05> »
The name of Sunkid's apparent brother set of bells in Slobbertooth's head. "Jingoro?" (Japanese) Why didn't I ever pay more attention to the Armstrong's tellings of Japanese myths and legends. Oh right, I was looking at K's sister.

"bnc, look up shapechanging creatures from Japanese myth."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #483 on: <12-20-15/1222:14> »
What can I find out about Jingoro or something related?
Matrix search: 12d6t5 5[/spoiler]
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #484 on: <12-20-15/1231:26> »
What you find:
Jingoro (enshrined) is the name of a Kitsune and was recorded as possessing someone when he thought the man was going to try to kill him. The man, to escape possession and not come to harm, had a shrine built to Jingoro, calling it Jingoro-Inari.

Looking for his brother you find:
Gengoro (express messenger) was a kitsune known for having the strength, speed, and vitality of three people, and was known to do farmwork, and send messenges for the people he protected. He was supposedly killed by a wild dog.

Kitsune do not use their real names when among mortals. The true name of a kitsune can be used to bind the kitsune, banish it, or work spirit magic on it. For the most part, the kitsune will take a name appropiate to the task at hand, or as a joke.


talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #485 on: <12-21-15/0233:16> »
bnc quickly forwards the summary to her team.

Swallowing, she asks: "So, what's this s'posed to mean. You ... You wanna tell us that you're a mucho grande Kitsune? Your job's to free your brother?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #486 on: <12-21-15/0315:20> »
"No, no. Me brother's fine. It's 'is shrine I' 'ad to bring back. You's know 'ow it is - you's need a few million cash pronto and you's pawn a few valuables. Mixed up - purely by accident - that piece of me brother in my haul. Took me 20 years to get it back. " The old ork turned to Scary "And you's almost got it lost and yourselves killed."
"I already said sorry... wait a minute. The Triads! You stole the statue from them, didn't you!"
"I's didn't steal it - I's bought it fair an square."
"From a professional thief I gather."
"Of course - you's got any idea how valuable that thing is?"
"And you didn't think to mention that to me? That I might have Triad contacts of my own that I ask for storing their own stolen goods?"
"How was I's supposed to know you had them? You's never told me about them."
"I... you are just unbelievable."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #487 on: <12-21-15/0724:45> »
Torrent didn't buy the   "accidental pawning  of my brother's holy shrine" story but he was not going to express any doubts about its validity.

Their employer was weird and probably quite powerful, he knew that since Sunkid's  little show at the mall.
Being a kitsune just meant more power and weirdness.And danger.

"So, are we done here?"



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« Reply #488 on: <12-21-15/0745:55> »
"Not, unless you don't want to get paid." Scary still glowered at the ork: "Since my friend neglected to tell me and you about this additional little package of trouble, I think it's only fair if you get a little bonus from his share. I've seen you are in the market for some augmentations. It happens that I have a very good friend at a discreet delta clinic near Glasgow. If you'd like I can arrange an appointment for you.
What do you say - upgrades to all the ware you wanted - and Sunkid pays the bill."

"Now you's wait a second..."
"No, no I won't. Since they got me out of this cellar you gave me shit for my decision to keep your precious multi-million dollar statue safe."
"Sheesh... you's mortal always get so 'uffy about such stuff. But don' expect any Christmas presents this year."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #489 on: <12-21-15/0821:38> »
Not gonna lie to you Raven...this is a tempting offer...on the other hand cyberware-even deltaware- can be traced and I enjoy being a faceless bastard.This is the reason you chose me isn't it?

"Do you happen to know any magical tattoo artists as well?"


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« Reply #490 on: <12-21-15/0832:58> »
A mischievous grin appeared on Scary's face: "Oh sure, I imagine our Immortal over there will get you a contact and a good price."
"...and no birthday present for you - except that little T-Bird. And only because I want to take a ride on it too." replied the Sunkid.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #491 on: <12-21-15/0842:41> »
A giant grin spread across Slobbertooth's face, and then he started to laugh. "And to think I had giant shopping list before I came to this container."

"But I don't want ware, or magical tattoos, or even some really nice YNT softweave mil-spec hardened armor with an environmental seal and thermal damping. That last one would be nice, though."

Slobbertooth paused and then got a look of determination on his face. He hadn't felt this close to his answer in a long time. 
"No, I don't want any of that. I want information. I want everything you can find on the murder of two Orcs in 2062"
« Last Edit: <12-21-15/0844:28> by SquirrelDude »
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #492 on: <12-21-15/1020:38> »
"Tell me more. I have one or two Lonestar and KE contacts who might be able to help you." Scary answered.

That reminded Krestov of something
Memory test for Krestov

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #493 on: <12-21-15/1116:48> »
Slobbertooth nodded. "I'd worry about giving you too many details, but you don't appear to the best memory, and we're too small fry for anyone to go after Sunkid.

"Orc couple. The barrens. William and Zelda Willows. All signs of the murder pointed towards it being a Humanis attack. My fa- William. William was hung and shot in front of the building. Their home was burned down. Remains examined inside the building pointed towards..." Slobbertooth faked a cough and centered himself. "she was knocked out and left in the house while it burned down."

"The couple apparently had a kid. Whereabouts currently unknown. He moved to a foster home, but after more violence he appears to have disappeared from the premises.

"I want the people who did that."

Josiah Willows looked over at the unconscious Tibetan Mastiff. "I also want the pup."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #494 on: <12-21-15/1401:40> »
"Help yourself. Their previous owner won't mind. I'll try to find out what I can. Any other wishes while we are at it? How about you bnc? The invitation to dinner still stands."
Scary Spice grinned at the last remark.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

