What you find:
Jingoro (enshrined) is the name of a Kitsune and was recorded as possessing someone when he thought the man was going to try to kill him. The man, to escape possession and not come to harm, had a shrine built to Jingoro, calling it Jingoro-Inari.
Looking for his brother you find:
Gengoro (express messenger) was a kitsune known for having the strength, speed, and vitality of three people, and was known to do farmwork, and send messenges for the people he protected. He was supposedly killed by a wild dog.
Kitsune do not use their real names when among mortals. The true name of a kitsune can be used to bind the kitsune, banish it, or work spirit magic on it. For the most part, the kitsune will take a name appropiate to the task at hand, or as a joke.