Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #3165 on: <04-03-16/1323:25> »
He knew this question was coming.  Sooner or later, he'd be asked the why of it all.  Anders rubs the bridge of his nose, pondering the best way to answer.  The truth behind his reasoning was sad but understandable.  Nothing overtly impressive or dramatic or even anything to be ashamed about.  Just a mere fact.  He was broke and had nothing else lined up.  Spent the last of what he had on this months rent.  Leaving practically nothing for next month.  To be out on the streets again, that's something he'd like to avoid if possible.  Even if it meant sailing to Poland on what could be best described as a suicide mission of revenge.

Contemplative thought is broken and Anders responds in a near cagey way.  "A paying job coupled with a fable of vengeance and betrayal.  I cross the ocean to unknown country on a task of bloodshed.  Some grand adventure straight out of a fairy tale.  I think my ancestors would be proud.  Is that not enough?  Need I a reason more than that?"  He looks up at the elf's violet eyes intently and yet simultaneously distant.  The ravages of frost and hunger give a deeper meaning than his evasiveness.
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3166 on: <04-03-16/1331:25> »
Yelena looks at Anders, waiting to see if he will add to that, but he does not.  She shrugs.  "Is strange.  Not mage man fight.  Go Poland Kill people.  Not grand adventure.  Is justice for betrayal long ago.  Might not come back."  She sniffs deeply, as if trying smell something.  "Yelena see Viking.  Yelena hear mage man words.  Yelena not smell shadow on mage man.  Have killed before?  Is different from talk about it."
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« Reply #3167 on: <04-03-16/1401:24> »
Arc stepped back, glancing between the two as they conversed and remained fairly quiet.  She didn't see much that she could add to the conversation.  This was, after all, Yelena's mission, and she would have the final say on who comes along.  This kid's got heart.  He's throwing himself in, and from what it seems he's got some power.  I just hope it's enough..  Arc looked over Yelena and her probing questions, and couldn't help but give a little smile.  She cares...she doesn't want anyone going in that isn't committed.  That's awesome  Averting her gaze, she glanced over to see Firefly off to the side, looking a bit zoned out.  Tilting her head, the mechanic glanced a nod to Yelena and to Anders before stepping out.  The elf knew her evaluation, at the very least.

And so, cautiously Arc would approach the astrally viewing decker, the cold lifeless parts at her eyes, head, and arm a dark and stark contrast to the fire burning in her heart.  Slowly and gently, she would put an arm on the younger girl's shoulder, letting her know she was there.  "Ya feelin' aight, omae?  Was gettin' worried about yeh, specially knowing the drek you wash having to deal with.  What's on yo mind, girly?"


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« Reply #3168 on: <04-03-16/1446:22> »
The coals of her inquiry scorch Anders' brain.  Endless reverbs of regret play back within mind and memory.  A regret that has no bearing or meaning to anyone but him.  A childish murderous mistake that haunts him four years to the day.  Depression starts to seep in and Anders become more stern the longer he talks.  "I've killed before.  Just never out of justice or money.  I know it's not my fight.  I know it's not my business.  Also, don't forget, you don't owe me anything.  Neither does Feathers for that matter.  I'm here because I choose to be here."
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3169 on: <04-03-16/1502:51> »
Yelena pauses, as if considering something or someone Anders cannot quite see.  The woman is clearly not your normal Keeb weed eater, and there is an intensity to her that many find a put off.  She smiles, Yelena thinks you will do, mage man Anders.  You will do.  And Yelena already know Viking will do.  Can smell shadow on him.  Can smell death and savagery.  Is like Yelena."  She turns back to the huge Viking warrior.  "Leveres med Yelena og denne mage Anders. Vi vil synge sanger av kamp. Av seier og døden. Ære til de som slåss og kan Valhalla venter alle de modige. Yelena stor honnør du, kanskje kriger. I en annen alder jeg kunne ha blitt skjoldet maiden og vi kunne ha savaged kystene i Europa og Afrika og tatt thralls fra Russland og Persia. Reisen vår ville ha vært episke og modige menn og kvinner vil synge sanger om oss til slutten av dager og Ragnarok var over oss.

[spoiler]Come with Yelena and this mage Anders.  We will sing songs of battle.  Of victory and of death.  Glory to those who fight and may Valhalla await all the brave.  Yelena salutes you, mighty warrior.  In another age I could have been your shield maiden and we could have savaged the coasts of Europe and Africa and taken thralls from Russia and Persia.  Our journey would have been epic and brave men and women would sing songs about us until the end of days and the Ragnarok was upon us.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <04-03-16/1647:32> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #3170 on: <04-03-16/1655:56> »
"Ya feelin' aight, omae?  Was gettin' worried about yeh, specially knowing the drek you wash having to deal with.  What's on yo mind, girly?"

The sensation of being touched and the sound of Arc's voice registers vaguely into my astral concentration.  I'm in pretty deep trying to learn all I can about this new mage and his ally.  Still, it would be rude to keep my friend, teacher, and benefactor waiting.  I carefully slip out of trance, blink, and turn my face in the direction of the shoulder being touched...

...and find myself taking a step back.  Or I would it I wasn't up against a wall already.  The effect I suspect is to make me look plastered against the surface.

My eyes go wide and I don't even try to hide it or the look of horror that must be gracing my young features.

"Wha...ho...Arc-sensei, what happened to your face!?!" I screech in shock and dismay.


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« Reply #3171 on: <04-03-16/1754:39> »
The norseman regards Yelena grimly. "Jeg kjemper for ære og til ære. Valhalla er for de som har kamper bringe ære til sine haller." He says.

[spoiler]I fight for glory and for honor. Valhalla is for those whose battles bring honor to it's halls. [/spoiler]
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3172 on: <04-03-16/1826:14> »
Yelena looks hard at the spirit for a moment then lowers her glass and pours the vodka on the floor without drinking it.  She nods at Anders and says, "Spirit guest insult Yelena.  Yelena leave.  Get mage man tomorrow for shooting.  Yelena go club."  She takes her bottle back into the living area and returns to the garage to get her bike.  Opening the bay door, she wheels it out and climbs on after setting it to close again.  Firing up the mechanical monster, she pulls away from the garage and into the night, headed for Josie's.  Upon arriving at the brightly lit club, she parks and goes inside to be greeted by Henri.  "Yelena want listen jazz.  Did not bring sax.  Bring, bring coffee.  Strong Turkish coffee.  Yelena need stay sober."
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« Reply #3173 on: <04-03-16/1936:04> »
Anders cracks a smile at Yelena's approval and candor.  The smile fades as fast as it appears though.  Tróndur í Gøtu wasn't all that impressed by Yelena's words and coldly puts her down.  Sighing and shaking his head as she leaves insulted.  Apologetically he says right before she goes.  "Alright, see you tomorrow.  Take care."  Anders looks up at the ghostly einherjar and speaks to him dourly.  "Du trengte ikke å skjelle henne sånn.  Det er ikke hennes feil at hun ikke vet sannheten om vikingene eller Åsatru tro.  Når noen eller noen tenker på viking mennesker.  Alt de tror er at de var en kultur dedikert til raiding, plyndring og voldtekt. Litt mer enn en blodtørstig barbar rase.  Ingen vet eller bryr seg om å vite at de ikke var sånn i det hele tatt.  Så prøv å ikke være så hardt på dem.  Den alv var bare å være hyggelig i måten hun trodde det ville gjøre deg stolt."

[spoiler]You didn't have to scold her like that.  It's not her fault she doesn't know the truth of the Vikings or the Asatru faith.  When someone or anyone thinks of the Viking people.  All they think is that they were a culture dedicated to raiding, pillaging and rape.  Little more than a bloodthirsty barbarian race.  Nobody knows or cares to know that they weren't like that at all.  So try not to be so hard on them.  The elf was just being nice in the way she thought it would make you proud.  [/spoiler]
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« Reply #3174 on: <04-03-16/2013:56> »
The reaction was not one that Arc expected, the shorter girl tilting her head in confusion at the decker recoil in so from her presence.  The resulting words brought it all to light however, and forced the mechanic to Crack a grin, only further accentuating the little tusks sticking up just past her lip.

"tch. Ya  notice now, eh?  Null sheen, thish was something I wanted to do.  Suits me more, don't Ya think?"  she winked, squeezing the other'side shoulder assuringly before she looked at her.  "something on yo mind?"

As she was talking, a blur in her peripherals indicated that Yelena was leaving.  And rather quickly.  Puzzled, she glanced away from Firefly for but a moment, glancing towards Anders and the spirit.  now what's up with that...

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3175 on: <04-03-16/2031:28> »
Yelena sits in a booth and listens to the soft jazz coming from the group on the stage, drinking strong coffee, and smoking her thin cigars.  She is alone and likes it that way.  Once again she is confused and that disturbs her.  She had been sure that she smelled the shadow on the spirit but then the Viking had begun talking of honor and refusing her tribute to him.  The shadow is strength, survival, and desire, and honor, too, of a sort.  But the tone of the creature had implied that Yelena has no honor and would not be an acceptable companion.  For some reason she could sense a kindred spirit but the thing refused to know its own type and was not able to recognize her.  This implied that the spirit existed only on the fringe of the shadow and was not able to clearly see what was in front of him.  Either that or it existed in denial of its place in the shadow and desired to be something else.  In either case, the huge spirit no longer merited her admiration or respect.  She could respect its power and strength, but not its existence.

The logic involved in reaching this conclusion is certainly circular in nature and would likely confuse an organized mind such as Marco and Firefly have, but it satisfies Yelena's somewhat less organized brain.  Smiling, she looks up and calls Henri over to see if there is perhaps a club sax that she may borrow for a set.  The man smiles at Yelena and goes to get Josie himself, who comes to the table and visits for a bit then invites her to play, saying that he has a nice sax for her for times such as this.  Yelena smiles and goes to practice with the instrument before taking the stage with Josie and performing a string of duets.  Such is the skill of the pair that the audience is in their hands from the first song.  She does not want to play Her song without her sax so closes out with a jam that includes several other people that come on stage to play. 

Feeling much better, Yelena thanks Josie and Henri and leaves the club to return to Marco's apartment and, hopefully, Marco.
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« Reply #3176 on: <04-03-16/2135:01> »
@ Anders  Tróndur í Gøtu looks at him and says, "Hun stinker av mord. Av død og hat. Hun omfavner de mørkeste  delene av sin sjel som en elsker. og har en enda mørkere veien foran henne. Kanskje hun vil nærme seg den med ære. Kanskje hun ønsker å endre. Men, er hun ikke skjoldmø å gå inn i Valhalla."

[spoiler]She stinks of murder. Of death and hatred. She embraces the darkest recesses of his soul as a lover. and has an even darker road ahead of her. Maybe she will approach it with honor. Maybe she wants to change. However, she is not Skjoldmøen to enter Valhalla.[/spoiler]
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« Reply #3177 on: <04-03-16/2201:13> »
"tch. Ya  notice now, eh?  Null sheen, thish was something I wanted to do.  Suits me more, don't Ya think?"[/b]  she winked, squeezing the other'side shoulder assuringly before she looked at her.  "something on yo mind?"

"Why?" I stammer in confusion as I remain pinned to the wall like a butterfly on display.  "You did...that...on purpose?"
« Last Edit: <04-03-16/2209:28> by Shaman_Yuri »


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« Reply #3178 on: <04-03-16/2319:50> »
Anders folds his arms across his chest, while doing a quick glance around before matching the spirit's gaze and saying.  "Det er lett å kaste en hard dom sånn og skrive dem ut.  Kanskje hun dreper for å leve, for å overleve.  Kanskje for å beskytte det lille hun har igjen. Du eller jeg har ingen måte å virkelig vite med mindre vi fysisk finne ut selv.  Odin mandater som vi søker visdom og hemmeligheter uansett hvilken vei vi reiser.  Og Tyr vil berømme henne for pliktoppfyllende flid til klanen og pårørende.  Selv om hun opptrer med hevn på deres vegne."

Anders stops to take a short breath before continuing on.  Easing and lightening up as well.  "Resten av brikkene vil falle på plass som vi setter seil for Polen.  Vi er bare å se et lite fragment av historien her.  Den alv hevder hennes venner ble drept av en annen av hennes kriminalitet gjengen.  En ond kvinne med enda mindre ære enn alv.  Så langt er jeg tilbøyelig til å tro henne.  Hvis det viser seg å være løgn, og hvis hjertet hennes er død og kald.  Deretter vil intet være igjen av Jelena men en navnløs grav.  En død er alltid fra ens egen gjør."

[spoiler]It's easy to cast a harsh judgement like that and write them off.  Perhaps she kills to live, to survive.  Maybe to protect what little she has left.  You nor I have no way of truly knowing unless we physically find out for ourselves.  Odin mandates that we seek wisdom and secrets no matter what path we travel.  And Tyr would commend her for the dutiful diligence to clan and kin.  Even if she is acting with vengeance on their behalf.

The rest of the pieces will fall into place as we set sail for Poland.  We are only seeing a small fragment of the story here.  The elf claims her friends were murdered by another of her crime gang.  An evil woman with even less honor than the elf.  So far, i'm inclined to believe her.  If it all turns out to be lies and if her heart is dead and cold.  Then naught will be left of Yelena but a nameless grave.  One's demise is always from one's own doing.[/spoiler]
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3179 on: <04-03-16/2338:06> »
Yelena almost makes it home.  On her way she passes one of the Barrens ubiquitous strip bars.  The lure of another shot of vodka is too much and she turns in.  After all, Marco might not be home yet.  She walks into the bar and the Ork bouncer does not even look twice at the Predator at her hip, but she sees a number of shotguns and rifles in a rack behind the bouncer with claim tags attached.  She surmises the place is a bit on the rough side and smiles.  Just her kind of place.  She walks into the crowded room and past the small stage where a naked human woman is dancing listlessly around a pole.  There is a small table off to the right that is being vacated as she walks up to it and she slides into the chair.  Two men had been approaching the table from another direction and seem upset that she had pipped it first, until she motions for them to take the vacant chairs.  She orders a vodka shot and they order beers.  Names are not exchanged, but it is not important or required in a place like this.  Her new companions try her cigars but quickly decide that they prefer their own.  A drink and several cigars later, the three are exchanging stories and laughing in the anonymous camaraderie of bars like this.

A pimply-faced kid of maybe eighteen wanders into the bar and starts making rounds of the tables.  Yelena sees small packets leave his hands and cash go into his pockets and her yearning spikes.  One hit would not be too much.  After all, she has worked hard and is still in some pain from the surgeries.  A bit of Bliss would help.  It would help a lot.  Yelena's palms begin to sweat as the kid gets closer, emphasizing the need for the drug.  She can already anticipate everything from the initial tug at her senses to the extended release of pleasure and serenity.  Her experience tells her that she will be in a different world soon and she looks forward to it.  Frag, she NEEDS it.  Yelena feels the call and raises her hand to get the attention of the pusher, who nods and smiles.  He will clear a large part of his load in the bar tonight, making his provider happy.  If he had gone straight to her, he might have made the sale, but he delays with another customer long enough for the shadow to draw back, leaving Yelena alone and unprotected.  The feeling shocks her and brings some degree of sense to her clouded mind.  She does not realize the cause at first, but the realization hits like a ton of bricks.  The drugs are a crutch for the weak, not a tool of the strong. 

The last time the shadow left her, she had already been high on drugs and did not recognize it.  This time she feels the shadow drain away and the loss is profound.  She reaches down into her strength and spreads her senses to grab at the shadow as it moves away, forcing it back to her and this time she succeeds in forcing the elusive tendrils to gather around her.  She steps back from the table and tosses some scrip down and walks away, leaving her companions and the pimply kid looking after her in surprise.  She steps out of the bar and turns to the right, making it to the corner before she doubles up in pain and throws up anything that was still in her system.  She kneels as the spasms keep coming, calling the shadow, which does not let her down this time.  This time.  Next time she might give in to the cravings, but not this time.  Throwing her head back, she lets out a primal scream that does not sound like it could come from any throat.  A hand touches her shoulder and she whips about, pistol in hand and pressed against the man's forehead before he can move.  The man stutters that he was only trying to see if she was alright.  Yelena lowers the pistol and replies.  "Yelena better now.  Thank you.  You are nice man.  Stay alive."

Yelena holsters the pistol and smiles at the man before stepping away.  She runs to her Scorpion and climbs aboard.  She forces the shadow to wrap around her and fires the bike up, heading back to the road and Marco's place. 

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>