Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #1725 on: <09-15-15/2044:29> »
@ Arc. When Arc steps into the garage she enters a world of parts and tools she's never been able to afford and all of it stored with a neatness and precision that does it's owners mind.  The next three hours are spent in the garage stripping down hardware. Piecing things together and putting it back together in ways it's makers hadn't intended.  And when testing it's range had slagged the h2a7 resulting in a fireworks show that had all but destroyed the armatures Henri is so crestfallen it's funny. But evidently James sister had perfect timing because food and drinks came at that moment.

Arc couldn't begin to describe how she felt to be in such a place.  Amazed, for one: much of the parts and tools found in this garage she had only heard of from tech manuals, each regarded highly in them.  Enthused for sure: she had been invited to join her Vrukart and his Ork brother-in-law to play with them.  And most definitely humbled: the owner of all this was definitely a master of his craft, to a level that Arc could only dream to be.  And on top of that he was legit: not a runner like her.

But what I'm doing is going to save some people.  And it's a challenge to face.  Can't forget that, girly  She chided to herself as she felt her man embrace her from behind, Henri giving a welcoming hug as well before they got to work.  Much laughter was to be had as they all tinkered, bouncing their ideas off of each other, pointing out details each had missed, and for a few hours, Arc had completely forgotten that this was only one side of her life.  Here, she was Tessa, Vruken to Jaime and welcomed into this new family, all sharing a love for tech and bonding over it.  Tessa wouldn't trade any of it for the world, and for her work time fixes vehicles in the Barrens under the SIN "Lauren Summers", which is perfectly acceptable in Barrens society to have a false name for the records.

When the night fell, though, she was Arc, an underground mechanic with gang history and a shadowrunner.  She fixed vehicles under the table, along with any manner of armor, weapons, and other tech.  And she committed to jobs that put her at risk to better others or to bring money home.  The jobs were challenges, and the inner problem-solving drive Arc possessed loved it.  Both sides are her...she loves them both, and for now will keep both.  She had mentioned to Jaime about maybe wanting sleep regulator just the other day...after the long nights she has had recently, it wouldn't hurt.  Maybe if I can get enough spare cred, I'll pull for one.  It's for me, so I should be paying for it 

Bringing herself back into focus, she glanced over at Henri and spouted off some Or'Zet as she fired up the welder iron in her arm.  "BIch karryat ia vut pra'karaka?"  As he handed over the housing she was looking to install her circuit board in, the h2a7 that was the center of their current focus went up, making a high pitched whine before erupting in a shower of sparks.  Jaime was the first to react, grabbing the nearby extinguisher and dousing the device before more damage was done.  Taking a step back, Henri's look was absolutely priceless as the mechanic woman gave a low whistle.  "...induction coils musta made contact with the capacitance manifold, shorted out the resistors, overloaded the circuits...whoops"  Jaime, with the timing of a jovial deity, came back with the extinguisher in one hand, giving the ork a pat on the back with the other.  "Don't lie and say you didn't anticipate this.  Weren't you telling me just last week on spacing of components, Sruikart?  Come on, let's see if you have a spare..." 

Henri looked, to say the very least to Tessa, dumbfounded and struck with what seemed like genuine grief and frustration at such a botching, but luckily for them, Bettina came to the rescue, the motherly-looking human bearing a tray of loaded up sandwhiches and some sodas for each of them in one arm, her other holding up a squirming Little J perched upon her hip.  "Ookay, break time is in order I think.  Huu, Henri, what are you cooking in here?  Come on in, get outta that smoke huh?"  No arguments to be found the trio filed into the dining room, Arc once again bewildered by the quality and quantity of food that was offered, popping off the bottletops with her cybernetic hand for everyone's sodas as a way of helping.  Having been so focused on the work with the two guys, the mechanic had forgotten how hungry she was after her own pathetic attempt at breakfast, and dug in with gusto.

Much of the lunch was spent eating, the occasional interjection of ideas of how to circumvent their most recent botch breaking their repast, and it wasn't long before the four of them were faced with empty plates, quite full and content as they dusted off their sodas.  Suppressing a small burp, Arc covered her mouth as everyone else got up, the boys heading back to the garage whilst Bettina started working to clean up the table whilst holding the mini-ork.  "Ah...need some help?  I can clean up or..." 

Without a word, the short girl found herself seated again, a squirming and happy Little J on her lap and in her arms, the baby seemingly remembering the rigger...or at least the shiny metal arm she sported, his mouth opening as he attempted to set his tusks on the cybernetic limb.  Cheeks flushing, she waved her arm to dodge the forming teeth, playing with the infant whilst the older woman cleaned the dishes.  There was silence for a few minutes before Arc said anything, glancing over to the garage.  "...your Vruk loves his work, doesn't he.  I can tell.  And you as well.  Three kids and I dunno how many years, and he never took eyes off ya for the lunch.  Thanks for that, by the way...I'm a bit of a drek cook, haha~"  She looked up at the older woman, remembering that they shared a common trait: history in a gang, both free from that part of their life.  She looks happy.  Wonder how hard it was to break free...  Thinking, she sat back and closed her eyes, keeping her arms out to prevent Little J from sneaking out of her lap.
« Last Edit: <09-15-15/2203:03> by SgtBoomCloud »


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« Reply #1726 on: <09-16-15/0019:43> »
@ Marco& Yelena. It's not more than two minutes before you're in Hacks office. "Snowdens body is gone. Is this you're doing?'
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« Reply #1727 on: <09-16-15/0052:07> »
To Marco that question was anticipated and his wheels are going Banana's. He has the perfect reason. Forensic science, with so much police attention, Yelena and data dancer would be in troubles if the police finds a body. Perhaps Yelena touched it to verify death, perhaps they can trace the gun. Only J knows what science can do for the rich. Killing Snowden is not like killing a ganger, or even an arch criminal for that manner. Snowden is a rich man in the light -protecting him serve the KE interests. Marco is not sure that he is allowed to talk, so he stays silent using his super natural calmness he is giving away no particular emotion.

« Last Edit: <09-16-15/0055:41> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1728 on: <09-16-15/0136:42> »
Yelena looks as surprised as she is.  "Body missing?  Wanderer and DataDancer not do.  Body in blood pool when leave."  She points to her forehead.  "Three shots here.  Wanderer have photo.  DataDancer say same.  Leave together.  Body not in pocket."  She shrugs.  "Maybe KE have.  Not matter where body is.  Man is dead.  Wanderer come for balance of fee." 

Any sort of body language skill would tell Hank that Yelena is telling the truth.
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« Reply #1729 on: <09-16-15/0557:50> »
@ Subaru  Subaru:wasn't quite ready when Bootstraps call came and it was a simple, >>Here<<
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« Reply #1730 on: <09-16-15/0623:19> »
@ Yelena. "The balance will be transferred. You'll have it in the hour. But you can understand that we need to ask." Hank tells you. "We've got a few more jobs for you. But, they aren't the same king of high profile  job and do the cred won't be as much." Hank tells you.
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« Reply #1731 on: <09-16-15/0656:40> »
"Even more killings... Death seems to always have a market." Thought Marco and wished that Hank will kick a the corner with his bare feet. Right with little finger - the painful kind. Perhaps in the middle of the night.  This was the worst Marco could wish the guy.
« Last Edit: <09-16-15/0659:07> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1732 on: <09-16-15/0956:13> »
Yelena nods her head.  "Wanderer understand.  Am confused too.  Maybe KE take body crime lab.  Wanderer than for fee.  Hank call Virtual Goddess if have job for Wanderer  Hank remember Wanderer not amateur.  Pay for professional."  Her business concluded, Yelena nods to Marco and leaves the office.  They collect their weapons from the man at the door and leave.

At the bike, Yelena sends a message off a couple of messages.  >>Arc.  Is Yelena.  Have meet with Firefly.  Garage at 1600.  Maybe Marco and Blake too.  Srui can come?<<  >>Jed.  Is Yelena.  Doing meeting garage 1600.  Can come?<<

Turning to Marco she says, "Where want go?  Have meet garage 1600.  Want go for ride on bike?  Go nowhere special.  Just ride."
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« Reply #1733 on: <09-16-15/1125:08> »
@ Marco  >>I did the checking into the first accident that you asked about. I can't find any info on the fatality in that accident. Original report had KE keeping the ID under wraps until the family was notified. But, no ID has been released as of yet. Still, it's only been a day, so maybe they'll release it soon.<< Dr Kawagishiri finally answered. >>You can pick me up at 18:15 Friday. And see if you can get some of that LaunchCode and PayLoad from the club you took me to. I enjoyed that explosion.<<

Marco say "I am also working tonight so I cannot come to garage at 16:00, I need to prepare... So we have some time, but can you leave me at the apartment.  With the kind of outfit I need it will take a while. "

On the way out Marco is looking for Tammie or some familiar faces perhaps he can negotiate/bribe a fancy drink out of that joint.


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« Reply #1734 on: <09-16-15/1346:17> »

My cheap Metalink announces itself as I mull over the image in the mirror.  A quick glance tells me Bootstrap's a bit early.  I still need to check some things out on the 'trix and do a full diagnostics on my little Erika to make sure I'm ready for prime time tonight.

Well, I'm covered already.  No sense making the poor boy chill outside when we have at least some heat in here and Jenna's gone.

I open the door and my eyes scan in vain for the boy.  I would never have seen him if he didn't slip from behind some cover so that I could make him out in the shadows of a stairwell nearby.

"Bootstrap," I call my new friend.  "I need more time but if you'd like you can wait inside.  You might even have time for a quick shower if you'd like."


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« Reply #1735 on: <09-16-15/2044:26> »
The sound of washing dishes kept the silence at bay while Arc remained quiet after saying her piece just a moment before, figuring that Bettina might just be focusing on her dishes now that she's been allowed a moment free from Little J.  Giving a little smile, Arc made little faces at the child to amuse him, only pausing slightly as her AR vision activated, bringing forth the message from her Russian blood sister.

>>Arc.  Is Yelena.  Have meet with Firefly.  Garage at 1600.  Maybe Marco and Blake too.  Srui can come?<<

The rigger couldn't help but raise a nod at the seemingly impromptu remeet was with most of the group.  And Yelena was meeting with Firefly, someone working under her?  Odd indeed...Yelena must have an issue that the youngster can deal's not mojo, she would hook up with Marco for, it must be a decking issue.  Can't think of nothing else  Bouncing the little tyke on her knee, Arc pulled up her messenger widget, mentally belting out a couple messages of her own, deciding to send it as text and voice optional, using her virtual raider persona.

<<Yelena, Arc here.  16:00?  I shouldn't have any issue to make it, null sweat.  I'll tell vrukart I'm needed.  See ya there>>

<<Firefly, this is Arc.  Just got invited to meet up with you and Yelena later today.  Maybe then we can swing a chip chat over what we was looking into?  Wiz stuff either way, see ya there.>>

Taking a glance over at Bettina, Arc bit her lip for a moment before picking Little J up, cradling the head with her hand before bringing him up to carry him, his head on her shoulder as she stepped to the garage door, the boys still surveying their wreckage.  "Hoi, Tarana'kah, just got a call.  I'm needed back at the garage at 16:00 for likely a little bit.  Hoping that don't mess with your plans for today?"  She eyed him with a slight embarrassed look on her face, the Tessa part of her feeling a bit guilty about the potential interruption.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1736 on: <09-16-15/2333:31> »
Yelena nods and climbs on the bike, waiting for Marco to climb on behind her.  When he is seated and his arms wrapped around her, Yelena drives off.  She is headed nowhere in particular, just enjoying the feel of the wind on her face and the arms around her waist.  Some part of her thinks how easy it would be to just keep driving and go to another city and another gang and another contract.

Yelena drops Marco off at his apartment in time to jet off to the garage by 1530.  She rolls the bike inside and goes into the living area.  While getting her sax out, she sends a short message to her fixer.  >>Virtual Goddess.  Is Wanderer.  Club men say pay fee today.  Wanderer wait for confirm.<<  Once that is out of the way, she goes out to the garage and sits on the couch, playing her sax.  The jazz tunes float softly through the garage and out into the afternoon air.
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« Reply #1737 on: <09-17-15/0132:07> »
Just doing not thinking people do not honk so hard when Yelena is driving and the motorcycle just cruise the traffic. Perhaps Seattle is the wrong city and Marco just wants to disappear. If only as a mind game. “Heck, it is not a question wanting to be a runner or not... I am just too busy to run and still have some time to breathe. Perhaps I am feeling like that for trying to both work and run at the same time. If I have to choose now, clearly without anyone forcing my hand what would that be? Must I entertain people all day... can’t I be something else something darker and powerful?”

He arrives to the apartment and it is a construction site... Ginny is orchestrating some major renovations. Why or how can she afford it Marco has no idea. He is too overwhelmed to talk.  He gives her a warm excited smile and rush to the shower to think "Talk later...! I am in a bit of a hurry.". He puts on Beethoven's 5th’s and lets as the wonderful sound fills any corner of his house. Beethoven is Marco’s favorite, not because of his music but because his lack of hearing. He composed his 9th while barely able to hear. He gave inspiration to Marco to manipulate a world that he cannot perceive.
But these thoughts were for some other time and at the moment fate was knocking at the door, or was it the opening notes.  No it was fate!, Marco felt like everything is about to change. That morning just showed Marco how attached he his to his material possessions.  “Attachments, they are all bad and I took an oath of poverty yet, I live in such a nice apartment. Perhaps the 5th is a goodbye?  Perhaps I can learn how to mask my nature and live in the Barrens like the common ganger?”

Marco allowed the water and steam envelop his body, wash his sins and memories away to make room for new. Such a long shower was not Possible at Yelena’s and Marco could never understand water rations... “Technology does so many wonders like augmenting people with superhuman capabilities, helicopters spaceships and even a mars colony... Yet, unlimited hot water remains a luxury,  science fiction for most people in the city -but how complicated is it to heat water?”  The ways of science are a complete mystery to Marco but he’ll ask some brainiac how can that be.  In the meanwhile he need to prepare his mind for the night to come.

I listened to the 5th while writing this.

"What is Ginny doing with the apartment... she couldn't but she had no money - why would she waste so much, she owes me nothing... If any I owe her for that awful date"

« Last Edit: <09-17-15/0316:50> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1738 on: <09-17-15/0205:02> »
Ginny follows Marco to the bedroom door and watches him as he undresses.  Her eyes linger on his body as he moves to put some music on and disappears into the shower.  She is tempted to join him, but just then one of the men asks if the bar is positioned correctly.  She sighs and turns back to her task, comparing the location in her mind with what she sees.  Something is slightly off and she has the men fix it before giving a nod of approval and sending them on their way with a large tip.  The men smile at her and leave, just in time for another man to show up with one of the lamps she has ordered.  The table it goes on has not been delivered yet so Ginny puts the lamp on the floor where it will go, thanks the deliveryman, and shows him out the door.

Ginny's body is singing to her to strip her clothes off and join Marco, and her hand brushes against her hardening nipples, but there is still too much to do.  It would not be good to have deliverymen stacked up in the hall while she was having sex with the man of the house.  She makes do with fantasizing about it, resolving to get the real thing later.  She does go to the bedroom door and stands in it, waiting for Marco to emerge from the bathroom.  From here she can watch him as he dresses and listen for the next delivery.  The music interests her and is obviously something Marco likes.  She makes a mental note to learn what it is.
« Last Edit: <09-17-15/0229:03> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #1739 on: <09-17-15/0317:18> »
Marco leaves the shower and looks at Ginny. He say "That's quite an impressive renovation you are doing in here... whats the plan?"