Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #735 on: <06-18-15/0114:00> »
Ambrose looked to the drugs, passing the credentials of the keeb he had finished making not moments earlier. "Here is this one.. I've got the other cards still in my jacket, until its time for you to head out... as for the drugs.."

BlackMarkets: 9d6t5 3
Chemistry: 8d6t5 1
Criminals: 8d6t5 5
USAC Politics: 6d6t5 3

Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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« Reply #736 on: <06-18-15/0351:20> »
Mearco say: “Jed - this conversation is none of the ancients concern if you want to stay and help fine - I am sure we could work out some fair financial arrangement as we need your skills for this gig... remember though that you are only obligated to the ancients for finding out something about Sam not for causing damage to our little venture.  So pick a place, in the car or here.“
He waits to see Jed’s decision and then Tells Phoenix.

“My plan is like that... as far as I know the stardust are terrified that someone will discover how they are making their innovative drugs, let alone duplicate or improve them.  Yelena is involved deep with a high roller from the club. She cannot lie, but if she believe what I say is truth we will be alright.

In case these are legit, I want you to reshape them into something that reminds the level of sophistication of stardust drugs. I’ll need two samples quickly, one placebo for Yelena, and the real deal with some  bliss or other passion drug for her hedonistic friend. Yelena will introduce that drug to her friend and I will use my magic to augment the drug potency and give them tremendous pleasure when they try the drug. If the combined effect is strong enough - Yelena’s friend will be convinced that indeed Yelena have acquired some innovative piece of drug - she’ll want to get more at the Stardust. She'll talk about it and start a rumor. The supplier... They'll be especially receptive to such a rumor because their security around that drug is so tight... The drug supplier is going to be me... 

In the meanwhile, with the drugs looking that good, rumors about new innovative drugs out on the market... we'll be able to sell these babies for 10 times their street worth. I have the contacts to drop the goods once it is ready. If all go well we can pay you for your services and at least finish what Sam started. If we find out that the club took him... Having them think that I hold something super valuable can be a good thing... especially if we need to negotiate some sort of deal with them... they may have Feathers and Sam. We can make a trade... If they see through my deception and find my real identity it will make sense to them because I am a man of pleasures in my regular job as well.

I am new with these gigs, but I am good with deception,  I hope this seems like a reasonable plan. ”
« Last Edit: <06-18-15/0408:49> by gilga »


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« Reply #737 on: <06-18-15/0922:30> »
The way to the Marina is event less, some traffic but nothing unexpected at this hour.  Marco tries to brake the silence with a short chat, asking Jed how long he's been a PI and trying to get him to talk about that encounter with the toxic mage few weeks ago. Namely, figuring out if there is a toxic mage hanging around anywhere near here.
"So... you said you had an encounter with a toxic mage... ? " he asks.

Well you see, I took a paranormal investigations job from a street gang.  They were having some of their guys disappear and they knew it wasn't a rival gang.  I never intended to go up against a toxic mage alone, as I haven't had the scratch to bind any powerful spirits.  I just had one spirit summoned.  I was in the {Smiles can decide what part of the Barrens}, and I could tell I was getting close to the source of the problem.  He caught me totally off guard.  I managed to sling some mojo his way as I made it back to my car, and I tried to run him down as I raced away.  That was the mistake... 
Jed proceeds to fill Marco in on all the details. 

@ Escher:  Just let me know how to get it to you and I'll have it there as quick as I can.

Mearco say: “Jed - this conversation is none of the ancients concern if you want to stay and help fine - I am sure we could work out some fair financial arrangement as we need your skills for this gig... remember though that you are only obligated to the ancients for finding out something about Sam not for causing damage to our little venture.  So pick a place, in the car or here.“

I'm in with you guys on this club job.  Just don't know anything about it yet, or where I fit in.  I've got my guy digging around trying to find the real entity behind it.  It would be good to know if this is a front for the Yaks, or Vor or somebody.
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« Reply #738 on: <06-18-15/0948:12> »
Yelena clings to her friend like a lifesaver.  Arc.  Yelena need help.  Too much drugs.  In too deep and going deeper.  Yelena meet Bella at club on Friday.  Probably more drug to get in good.  Yelena will need help to get out of hell when done mission.  Too much remember drug time and how good it was.  Only small part remember how bad drug was.  Will be mean.  Say bad things.  Try hurt self and others.  Yelena really fragged up this time."

"Also, talk Yelena tomorrow about job.  Need kill someone but maybe not do it.  Have small plan, but need help making it big plan.  But Yelena so tired and cold now.  Drugs so close Yelena could feel them."

Yelena does smile when she gets the message from Bella.  She quickly sends one back.  <Bella.  Is Yelena.  Yelena be there.>

Yelena taps Arc on the back.  "Was Bella.  Meet at 8 on Friday."

Arc remained silent through the exchange, focusing on the road, but a glance past the human's hair would note how furrowed her brow was and the way her jaw was set.  She was concerned, and rightfully so.  It wasn't until they arrived at the garage and they were walking inside that Arc said anything, stopping abruptly and turning on her heels, a hand reaching up to grab the other's arm.

" You ain't alone in this fight Srui.  I've seen what chems do to peeps.  It's normal in gangs, omae.  That's how I know you need me to get clean.  Like I said, I will chain you to a chair and shock the drek outta you if I have to, but I'll be there.  You giving a lot for this op, it's the least I could do.  At least we got a few days till Friday...". Arc's features softened as she pulled Yelena in for a hug, muttering.  "Jaime is taking me to his family.  I admit I'm a bit nervous...I'm gonna go clean up.  Grab a bite and get some rest, holla if us need me?". Pulling. Away with a smile, the human reentered her abode, darting for the shower, running the water as she undressed.

Her mind was a whirlwind, processing everything going on at the moment.  Her personal life and the joys and anxiety going with it.  The worry of newfound family in small crisis.  their mission, proceeding as planned without the guidance of their missing employer.  The need to survive by income in any means.  She let her mind sort through these things as she showered, the cool water chilly on her skin as she sent a message to Jaime.

<<Jaime, it's Arc.  Good news, I managed to get all my drek done.  If I don't show, it's cause something bad happened to me.  Heh.  Joking, nothing gonna stop me now.  See you soon>>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #739 on: <06-18-15/1009:01> »
Yelena smiles at her friend.  "Yelena know Arc help.  Is Srui.  Stronger than blood.  Last forever.  Yelena sleep now.  Arc have good time family of rigger man.  Not be nervous.  Jaime family love you.  Talk other job when see Arc again.  Limited time to do.  Less than 56 hours now."

Yelena strips and climbs into bed.  She is asleep before she finishes getting the covers all the way up.  She sleeps like the dead and even the ghosts cannot disturb her rest this time as she is too exhausted to listen to even them.  Knowing this, the ghosts remain silent, biding their time.  She is completely oblivious to Arc getting ready to go out or leaving.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #740 on: <06-18-15/1031:12> »
“Thanks for the cards Phoenix - it will make it easier than dealing with that dick receptionist again.. We are Return the original and use fake to get data. I get it. We can talk further about the plan later. We are on the clock now.”

He texted the doc:
<<Hi Doc, that accident wasn’t the one I needed... wishful thinking I guess... did they publish more details on that big accident? Kisses!>>

Marco entered the car and they were ready to leave to Marco’s apartment. Marco needed his hospital robe and having many disguises for many fantasies he had just the right nurse outfit to wear... he just never thought he’ll be wearing it inside an hospital.


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« Reply #741 on: <06-18-15/1105:52> »
Jed climbed in the car opposite Marco.  Off to the hospital to look for leads on Sam.

Marco, do you think we can take this commlink to a dead drop?  My matrix guy needs the actual comm to try to trace Sam's comm, maybe even use some location data to see where it received messages at, perhaps we can narrow down where Sam was or is staying.  By the way, is there any further details you can give me about Sam that may help us find him?

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« Reply #742 on: <06-18-15/1349:29> »
“Sure no problem... it is yours. I am two comlinks ahead of that one. I am a bit paranoid right now.” said Marco. "Lets do so... " they drop the comlink at the agreed point and then to Marco’s apartment. “I’ll be right down... just need to get dressed.” Said Marco.

He quickly went to the apartment to get dressed . With the pictures and video that Phoniex sent him, he used makeup and his facial sculpt power to make his face look just right. Shortly, training for the appropriate body language and behavior he was ready to be someone else. In this case “Nurse Harry Miller”. "Lets hope it goes well" thought Marco has he took the elevator down from the apartment dressed as Harry Miller. "Lets go to the hospital ... " Said Marco.

Disguise + facial sculpt: 7d6t5 2
Improve disguise with impersonation: 15d6t5 5
7 hits total... he is quite good with disguises I am begging to love this quality abut Marco.

Smiles - if you can take from the entrance of the hospital Marco will enter with confidence, and try to spot some terminal he can query the system for accident wounded, trying to see if there is a Sam Webster or someone that look like him.
« Last Edit: <06-18-15/1357:14> by gilga »


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« Reply #743 on: <06-18-15/1510:49> »
This trip to the hospital was starting to make Jed nervous.  It was happening too fast, no time to plan.  He started looking on the Matrix for a visitor's brochure for the hospital or something.  Needed to know his way around a bit.  He usually has Escher do stuff like this, but this is last minute and he doesn't need that much info.  Maybe he'll get lucky... 

[spoiler]smilinirish:4D6E5 → 1( (5, 4, 1, 4→ 1 success against 5) )     1 hit on matrix search [/spoiler]

Jed is very impressed with Marco as he sees the extent of the changes that are possible.  He takes a moment to see if it changes his aura at all...

[spoiler]smilinirish:12D6E5 → 5( (5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 6, 5, 4, 6, 4, 6→ 5 successes against 5) )   5 hits, but I presume it doesn't change[/spoiler]

Wow Marco, if I didn't know your aura, I wouldn't have recognized you. 

As they start driving, Jed starts running some ideas by Marco...
Marco, listen, we need to be prepared for monkey wrenches.  How much do you know about hospital and patient care?  Can you talk the talk?  What are you going to do if there is an emergency and you are expected to help?  I think we need to have me acting as a patient's family member asking questions, while you are looking at records in the computer.  Maybe people will be less likely to interrupt you and ask you to do something.  Just some thoughts I'm having.  Can't be too prepared, you know?

Jed is quiet only for a minute before his brain starts firing with more questions, more worries...
What are you going to look for in the computer?  We need to get in and get out.  Maybe instead of looking for Sam, you need to look for hospital admissions from a car accident for that day and time.  Find who was admitted, then we can go check them out.  What if Sam was in a car accident with someone else?  Maybe he got snatched, and they got brought in.  We may need to question the person who was brought in, even though they aren't Sam. 
« Last Edit: <06-18-15/1543:17> by smilnirish »
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« Reply #744 on: <06-18-15/1537:24> »
"I actually haven't thought about that part yet... The aura - nothing to do about it at my skill level... I have the healing spell so nobody is gong to die on my watch... I hope but I don't know anything about medicine or first aid... might be worth trying to learn some lingo or atleadt download a basic schema to my comlink so I won't be completely lost in there..." Marco download a first aid schema with audio instructions to his comlink atleast he can try to follow them for basic CPR. While he really use the heal spell but it will look as if he's doing CPR...

"Yes... I'll do the heal spell to be responsible... but I'll pretend that I am doing CPR. I don't want a random guy dying just because I tried to use mundane healing techniques that I do not know."

When jed mention what to look at Marco answers..
" I like the family member idea gives me a reason to browse the terminals... but what to look ? I have no idea... was kind of hoping to see Sam's face are in there or to improvise something... admissions  look good all the wounded from that accident will be admited within a small time frame after the accident. I'll get the list. Then we can question them about Sam. Some of them will be at the hospital... the rest, already at home but we'll have their details. I wanted to have a plan... but  I got distracted thinking what to do with the drugs...  thanks for keeping me focused"
« Last Edit: <06-18-15/1542:44> by gilga »


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« Reply #745 on: <06-18-15/2006:18> »
Ambrose moved to sit down, shaking his head slightly. He'd give them the information they needed, but if him getting back his stuff was suicidal, This was even more so. At least when he planned to do it earlier, he was being influenced by dark feeling and rage.. But just what was this marco fellow being influenced by?  If not influenced, then at least form a plan of some kind. He at least handled something from the club earlier, and knew a bit about their logos.

Well, he'd need to go do a bit of shopping, and if he could score a few bucks that would help too. After resting for a bit, he went out to neariest hobby lobby to pick up a few model rockets, their engines, a wood burning kit, as well as a few wooden tubes and foil. 

He'd swing back around and pick up a 'Boating for Dummies' training app for his commlink as well, so that if drek hits the fan, he could safely escape.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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« Reply #746 on: <06-19-15/0039:50> »
Marco texts Phoenix from the way... <<Phoenix, what do you feel like sending your car to a road trip ? take it to the best parts of town where the security is tough and it is difficult to tail it. Then have it parked at some top hotel something expensive but a lot less expensive than the car.  A couple of hobo thugs simply cannot go to such places. I’ll pick your car from there if we actually put it... it only cost us an expensive hotel room reservation. Perhaps Yelena and her friend can use that room. >>


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« Reply #747 on: <06-19-15/0116:47> »
<<If thats what you think. The moment it moves, they'll know I'm alive and kickin and didn't surcumb to my wounds if they didn't already know.>>

Ambrose shrugged a little as he went back to the boat, downloading a current up to date map from google, to look down at the club. It wasn't going to be easy, but he needed to figure out a way to deliever payloads to the club when he wanted, and just needed to find a building close enough.

Soon after, he began looking through weather to see the current predictions. He wasn't a rocket scientist, but someday soon, he was going to try to be one.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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« Reply #748 on: <06-19-15/0120:39> »
<< Well I don't know what they think so far... it might be worth a while to chat that guy Joe to see what happened to him after that gig>>


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« Reply #749 on: <06-19-15/0121:46> »
<< Joe? >> Ambrose responds. He has no idea what he was on about.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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