Date Night ( IC )

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #480 on: <05-25-15/1414:35> »
Yelena rather enjoys the way Gregor's thumb and finger are stimulating her nipple and lets him know with a smile.  She sits back and lets his hands idly explore her.  *He must have something on his mind as he has already explored this body pretty fully.*  When he asks about the cigar, she laughs and shrugs.  "Is vice of Yelena to like smoke of home.  Yes, cost is much, but for Yelena is worth it.  Is strange that Gregor knows is Russian.  Not many people do.  Most just turn up nose at bad smell and laugh at Yelena for smoke them.  Some try but most hack and throw away.  But Gregor not do so.  Yelena impressed."

After a couple minutes of the casual intimacy, she looks at him and says, "Yelena enjoy this much.  Think Gregor is better lover than pretend to be.  Want take Yelena home for love and talk?  Not need drug to have Yelena."

Yelena listens to him, shakes her head as she smiles, then says.  "No.  Yelena not think what Gregor want her to think.  Yelena might believe that Gregor is lawyer trained, but he is not lawyer for trade.  Not real trade.  Yelena see too many people like Gregor in long life to believe that.  No, Gregor something else as well.  Yelena not sure yet what, but is something else hidden.  So Yelena tell something and maybe Gregor tell something; she is not lucky person in right place for lucky shot at Keeb mage.  Shot was not luck.  Yelena not need luck for shot.  You ask what Yelena really do and Yelena tells that she kills people because paid to.  I very good at my work."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #481 on: <05-25-15/1523:37> »
@ Yelena  Gregor's head snaps around at that, looking at her first in shock and then his eyes narrow slightly sizing her up. Abruptly he says, "Driver, Salish-Sidhe Oath's First Step." the car turns to his command. "Mind if I test that statement out?" he says. Yelena doesn't have to search her memory for the reference, it's an elven shooting range, very tough course, with a variety of targets under some very difficult conditions. It's supposedly made more for bow and arrow. But Yelena happens to know that the elves aren't nearly as glued to the ancient weapon as they would have others believe and it's got a course tough enough to graduate crack shots even while moving on difficult terrain. He pulls you to him then. "Funnily enough I'm finding the thought of you as an assassin is a turn on." he smiles and says as his lips begin a sensuous dance across your breasts, "And I think I need to redeem myself as a lover in your eyes if you really think I'm better than I pretend."
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« Reply #482 on: <05-25-15/1620:05> »
Marco descreetly texts Arc in the encrypted comlink... somehow he did not quite got rid of it yet. It does not look like a commlink so it seems suitable.

Dear Arc...
They did somthing to Mr. reporter dude... He is okay... he made it through the night... but he became insane...   I am not sure I can contain him without violence... He does not even seem to recodnize me or notice my pressense.  You stil have my RFID tag so you know where we are. Are you free with the car? We need to hide him until he regain his sainity...  if he keep shouting like a madman... our current location is not descreet enough.
if he returns to the club like he plans they will definately kill him...


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #483 on: <05-25-15/1733:03> »
Yelena nods when Gregor gives the driver the new destination.  "And like that Yelena prove right.  Gregor command club limousine and have access to special Keeb shooting range without long waiting time.  See?  Gregor much more than lawyer by trade.  But OK.  Yelena take challenge.  Yelena much good, so will do well even after night of drug and sex.  But Yelena do better when sober."

Yelena smiles to herself as Gregor begins kissing her and pulls his head to her breasts.  His hands pull her nearly ruined gown above her hips and she gasps as he penetrates her and she begins moving in response to his thrusts, matching his every move.  "Yes.  Gregor should redeem as lover.  No more pretend sex.  Yelena give Gregor real sex and expect same back."  She approaches the animalistic in her lovemaking, raking his back with her hands and biting at his neck.  She rolls him over so she can assume a position of control for a bit before yielding once again to him and allowing him to be in control if he wants.  She screams out in passion as she explodes and expects that he will do the same as he releases into her.  Anything less would be.........less........and disappointing.

A panting Yelena gathers her mess of a dress about her as the limousine pulls into the parking lot of the shooting range.  Exiting the car, she is all business.  After Gregor introduces her to the staff on duty she requests and gets a set of clothes appropriate for the range then goes to the armory.  She runs her hands along the weapons and is not even tempted by a super rare and costly Barrett Arms 122 and she disdains the Ranger Arms SM-5, before stopping on the Ares Desert Strike.  Taking it from the rack, Yelena takes it over to the table and turns to the pistol racks, quickly identifying and selecting the Ares Predator V.  She quickly strips both weapons, taking the time to get the feel for the various parts, even smelling them, before reassembling the guns.  Yelena personally looks at and touches every round that she slides into the stack of magazines she has selected for both weapons, then belts on the holster for the Predator and takes up the Desert Strike, adding the spare magazines to the various clips on the utility belt.  Her violet eyes are bright in anticipation and she looks up at Gregor,  "Yelena ready.  When start?"

The Keeb in charge of the range briefs Yelena on what is to happen and makes sure that she knows the safety considerations and the signals for cease fire.  When he is sure that she understands, The Range Master indicates that she is clear to begin the course.  Yelena goes to where Gregor is standing, gives him a kiss and says, "Now we see, yes?  Yelena do good then Gregor buy Yelena breakfast and talk."

Yelena steps onto the range and signals the Range Master that she is ready.  Holding what she considers to be the best sniper rifle ever made, she steps onto the course and begins hunting her targets.  The first part of the course is easiest, with fixed firing positions and relatively stationary targets that pop into view.  She settles her breathing and calls on the talents that have stood her in good stead since that day when they all broke out of Camp 14 and she killed her first man.  She had been ten and the rifle was longer than she was tall, but Nikko had let her keep it and she had used it several times that day and many more times in the years that followed.  She had learned to become one with the weapon and today is no different; the Keeb with this rifle in her hands is no longer Yelena Pretrovna, she IS the rifle.  In this place, in this form of her life, no ghosts from the past can threaten her, no drug can control her, no man or woman is her master.  She has moved to a different level of consciousness, sending little messengers of death at her targets.  With an instinct born of years of experience, the rifle knows as each round leaves the barrel if it will be a good shot or not and sends a second messenger if the first will not do the job.  The rifle moves from target to target through the course, engaging the moving targets with the same intensity as the still ones, becoming the pistol on occasion as range and conditions demand.  It, too, is an extension of the being others know as Yelena Petrovna. and is as effective at sending its messengers of death as its larger cousin. 

[spoiler]Shooting at targets:  Target Shooting: 17d6t5 9
  Perception test:  7d6  = Perception Test: 7d6t5 3
  Gymnastics test:  6d6+2d6 for drugs = 8d6  =  Gymnastics: 8d6t5 4
  Shooting Test:  17d6 - 2d6 for drugs = 15d6  =  Shooting at -2d6: 15d6t5 8
  Shooting Test:  17d6  =  Shooting Test: 17d6t5 6[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <05-25-15/2224:23> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #484 on: <05-25-15/2232:33> »
During the tirade, Arc's jaw was set hard, her gaze lowered slightly as her hands clenched into fists.  He was completely right...She should have told him from the beginning.  Regardless of how much it would have out him at risk, she had no right to keep that from him.  Her feeling of fear had returned, her instincts and history telling her to dodge what was being inflicted on her.  But, she held firm.  She knew he was right: she should not have waited, that was dumb.  But she couldn't change what had happened. And she'll be damned if she loses her first Vrukan this way, so when he barked out the last word her right hand came thumping down on the table.

"...You have the truth.  Fear ruled my actions and brought my shadowed words.  Not fear of what you think, but fear of risking you.  You have your life together, and not many Barrens hoops can day that..."
". She stood up and stepped over to him, cradling her left hand firmly around the back of the man's head and bringing her forehead to his, a sign of earnest.  "I have you now.  I am your Vruken, as you are mine.  From here on out, you have the full me.  If you cannot handle that, say it now"

She paused, her chest rising and falling from the flurry of released emotion, already feeling the weight in the pit of her stomach lifting...he seemed hurt that he wasn't trusted, but relieved she had confessed.  He knows he's bonded with a fresh shadowrunner...tch, can't say that everyday...". Standing there in her vulnerable state she looked up at him, letting her hand fall ever so slowly as she allowed her smirk.  "already thinking on kids huh?  Man, you fast for a breeder". She trailed off, clearly teasing in attempting to lighten the mood, momentarily distracted by Marco's text.

@Marco {Arc}>>
<<I'd be shouting too if I found out I got turned into a hamster and lost my stuff.  Heh.  Here, take my keys, and get yourself someplace safe.  If you can't think of something, take him to my garage and tie him to an engine block or something

work is never done...


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« Reply #485 on: <05-25-15/2249:45> »
"Of course I know who you are, John. Though you've changed your face a few times apparently. Or you're just a lacky. Do not take me for a fool. I'm not the fool who left my commlink behind there. Do you have any idea at all? No Doubtful. Absolutely doubtful. So the whole warehouse blew? All the more reason to burn them all.. That would be the failures of the yaks, Particularly Spitting cobra. I'd show you so you can hire some other lacky, but some idiot left my commlink behind! Fool of a Took!"
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #486 on: <05-25-15/2303:50> »
@ Arc  Jaime stands up and takes her into his arms and leans forward his forehead touching hers, "Ride or die girl. You're my Vrukhan." he kisses her then and says, "I never make the same mistake twice. I called off work today." he grins at her. "You up for a little morning sex?" It's sweeter this morning than it was last night. Last night was an explosion, this morning, well this morning is lovemaking and Arc realizes just how sharp that distinction is. Afterwards as she's laying there in his arms he says, "Oh! I called Henry to tell him we'll be by tonight. You ready to meet my brother and sister?"
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« Reply #487 on: <05-25-15/2316:49> »
@ Yelena  Gregor is impressed, and obviously in great shape, he kept up with you the entire run and isn't even winded. When your done he says "Wow." he frowns and looks you up and down thoughtfully. "I'm not prone to pillow confessions. I need to talk to someone. But, I may have a job for you. Give me your comm and I'll contact you if I do. And no, I'm not giving you mine. If I have a job, I'll contact you, that's the only deal I'm prepared to offer right now."
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #488 on: <05-26-15/0013:15> »
Yelena nods.  "Am impressed.  Gregor keep up.  Much too good for lawyer man, but Yelena call you that.  For now.  Yelena good, yes?"  She gives him her com code.  "Yelena can live with that.  Know how system work.  Am worker, not boss."  She lifts the rifle and points to the range armory.  "Yelena clean.  Might take while so Gregor can leave in fancy car.  Yelena get ride back on own and Gregor off hook for breakfast this time.  Maybe see again and can buy then."

She will close in and give Gregor a brief kiss then turn to go into the armory without looking back.  Inside, she spends a long time working on her weapons, which gives her time to think.  After turning in her weapons and changing back into her nearly ruined dress, she will go to see the Range Master.  "Thank for letting Yelena Petrovna use weapons and range.  Very nice here.  Can get member so come back to practice?  Or is closed?"

After finishing her business with the Range Master, Yelena goes to sit out front and think.  Her internal clock tells her that it is nearly 1100.  She considers her options at this point.  *The last message from Marco was that he was tossing his com.  Arc may have gone home with one of any contacts she made at the club.  I will wait until noon and give her a call to see if she can pick me up.  I can hope that she is not still angry with me for my message.*    She sits on the front stoop of the range building and meditates, setting her clock for noon in case she falls asleep.  When the chime goes off, she mentally thumbs her com on and sends Arc a message.  <Arc.  Is Yelena.  If not too mad, can come to Salish-Sidhe Oath's First Step to get Yelena?  Address on link.  If Arc too mad or too busy, Yelena get home different way.  Yelena hope Arc safe.  We need talk.>
« Last Edit: <05-26-15/0121:21> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #489 on: <05-26-15/0124:03> »
If there was any apprehension left, the events of the morning following the confession were sure to dash it away from Arc's mind.  As she lay there, a hand on the man's chest, she listed lazily next to him as he proposed the question of meeting his family.  "...You sure that's a good idea?  Last I checked, most breeders be not too keen on trig relation styles.  Still, I wouldn't mind.  Never had actual sibs m'self.."". She trailed off, letting out a happy sigh.  Actual good in her life, that was odd, but a good odd.

And then her shadows reached outward reminding her of reality as Yelena's message popped up in her vision.  As she read it, she shifted against the man, a little frown on her face as she tried to work out how to balance this...besides that, the we need to talk was important.

"Vruk... before we get into all this, I gotta deal with somethin.  You remember Yelena?  Well she was working the club too, from a different angle.  Got strung up on drek knows what and spent time with a lotta sketch peeps.  I just got word she is free and needs pickup.  That's not all though.  She confessed to me last night she desires me.". Her next words were followed quickly after.

"Before you get ideas, don't.  Funky as it is, I don't swing that way, and you and me are solid tight.  I'd just toss it aside, but she is my sruiken kal, my blood sister, and the first person I could really call family.  I need to deal with this.  Other than this though my job is pretty much done for now.  I'd love to meet your sibs... do you mind coming along to pick this keeb up?"

Yelena.  Sit tight, I'm trying to work something out.  Glad you're ok>>


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« Reply #490 on: <05-26-15/0142:20> »
Marco splashes the water bottle at Ambrose... "Shut up about the stupid comlink already... you were hurt... you were bonded... you were freaking tossed in a basement for future torture... There is no way they just left your comlink on you in case you needed anything... I saved your freaking life... I will certainly not let you do  a suicide mission for a fashon accessory and  a comlink... certianly not for the other terrible things you just carry on yourself...  and about your coat... I will definately not risk my life for a freaking fashon item.

You are alive... insane but alive and anything that you had there can be replaed... You obviously like stuff... that's good because I bet you should get paid for the Boom -  but alas there is a problem... our mutual employer is missing... Do you remember me?... you gave me the detonator... you disguised as a reporter and I gave you a steak a day before... my name is Marco, not Johan... You were captured shortly after you made that drop... we were exposed.  I do not recall  any cobra... a hamster maybe... do you remember anything about a little hamster?

He stands towards him and consider how to restrain him, Marco is amazed that the crazy person next to him is actually some sort of shadowrunner... but he figures that the ability to briliantly blow up stuff makes up for a lot of shortcoming...
« Last Edit: <05-26-15/0144:50> by gilga »


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« Reply #491 on: <05-26-15/0156:40> »
"Wait.. you're not my employer? Well it doesn't matter. Do you have an idea what is in that commlink, you blasted fool. I'll give you a hint. Your face for one! What we talked about.. Information!"

He shook his head, "They should burn.. All of them burn. Like they did here.. The club, the yaks, the more... I need bottles. Bottles and cloth.. something to burn."
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #492 on: <05-26-15/0200:05> »
Yelena nods as Arc's response comes in and sends out a quick note that she will be waiting at the range building.  *At least she does not sound like she wants to kill me......yet.*  She sits on the stoop, picking at the ruined dress.  She notes that the amount of cleavage exposed is a bit more than the dress designers had in mind and pulls some of the torn cloth together to try to be a bit more modest.  After the third arrival stares at her for longer than she likes, Yelena stands and walks to the concealment of a large tree near the parking lot.  The circumstances are rather humorous and she laughs a bit at herself.  She goes quiet and starts thinking of all that transpired at the club and afterwards.  She lifts her head and closes her eyes to bring things into focus, slowing everything down to a slow motion as she considers all the angles.  After a few minutes, she sends another message off to her best, and maybe only, friend. 

<Arc.  Is Yelena again.  Can Arc download data from drone or have already done?  Need check time at range.  Look at man Yelena with.  Yelena think this is dangerous man.  Very dangerous.  Tell why when Arc get here.  Maybe Arc start look for man in matrix.  Look for ID and location?  Might be important.>
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #493 on: <05-26-15/0216:51> »
"Okay... we're getting somewhere... your comlink can be everywhere by now... and we'll have to live with them knowing 'stuff''... I am not sure either of us should set foot inn that club... not without some serious ruse or massive force... not without some coheirant plan. You will get yourself killed if you try it at your state... and what do you plan to do? go to their lost and founds?

They know quite a lot aleady with our mutual employer being unresponsive... he reported an accident very close to the drop... on the way to meet you and then you are grabbed right after the drop... I am lucky I did not return to the club or I too would have ended up in that basement. They *KNOW* okay... I wouldn't set foot into that place... I thought about trying to find some nerd in the University of Seattle that can help us try and scan the news, police reports and social media hoping we learn anything about a nearby accident.  ...lets pick up some burmer links on the way.

Don't go to the club... they WILL kill you on sight... they are all looking for you by now trying to figure out how you disappeared from that basement without anyone noticing... right trhough the party.... "


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« Reply #494 on: <05-26-15/0226:55> »
"Wait a second! "Say Marco with excitment "I know someone!"

He calls Dr. Kawagishi... a mid level docWagon manager... he does not text but actually call... if the doctor will pick up Marco will try to convince him to see if there was a car accident yesterday that matches the time of Sam's message... working at DocWagon he might have access to that information... Marco will promess him some 'good time' in return.

« Last Edit: <05-26-15/0235:52> by gilga »