Date Night ( IC )

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #30 on: <03-21-15/1808:03> »
Yelena looks at Feathers as they all start to leave.  "You follow on new bike?  Yelena still need talk and know you better."    On the way out, she takes a small handkerchief from her pocket and wipes the doorknob, the only thing she had touched in the room.  Heading downstairs and out to the parking lot, she finishes her cigar, tapping the long ash out into a puddle of water on the pavement.  Field stripping the small cigar butt, she puts the remains into her pocket for later disposal.  Yelena will graciously let Marco ride shotgun and slips into the rear of the car for the ride to the bar.  She rides quietly, wondering what Sam had left out of the briefing.  *Bosses and Fixers always leave stuff out.  Is in their nature.  Why pay Yelena for have fun and learn of club?  Not sense.  Maybe Marco Black know.* 

Once at the bar, she waits for Feathers to pull up and offers him her arm.  She patiently goes through the bouncer's pat down, although it does seem that he takes a little extra liberty with his hands.  She looks around the room, categorizing the exits then nods to a semi-private booth at one end of the room that is out of any direct line to the doors and asks if it is available.  After sitting she nods to the cutish waitress that comes over and orders a round for the table, making hers whatever vodka they might serve here.

After the drinks arrive she turns to Marco, lowers her voice and says, "Now, tell what did not say in room.  Who is staff, what club like.  Drinks, drugs, sex, other?"
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« Reply #31 on: <03-22-15/0120:26> »
Arc drives jumped into the car, so the front seat is not such an attraction. It takes Marco too much time to type anything on his commlink to make a meaningful conversation. He therefore just sit back and enjoys the ride.

When they arrive he opens the door to Arc and extend his hand as if this joint was a super fancy club. Thanks for the ride he say, Shall we?

After they sits: 
After the drinks arrive she turns to Marco, lowers her voice and says, "Now, tell what did not say in room.  Who is staff, what club like.  Drinks, drugs, sex, other?"[/color][/color][/color]

Marco replies with a serious look: “I never thought I will use these words so early in the night but YES! YES! YES!”. He remains silent for just a second and then let a rolling laughter out.

"Seriously now - treat tomorrow night as an investment. You come to the club dance a little bit, drink, do drugs, do sex whatever you fancy. Everything will be openly offered to you as special guests. Do your thing basically... loosen up relax and have some fun. Sometimes, the best information is just given to you once people feel comfortable enough around you. Tomorrow will be my third time in that club, and I did not make anything out of the ordinary yet. Sam insists that it continue on this path - and she wrote the book of extracting information. So I suggest we trust her and do as she says for now.

I do know these things already and I emphasis, do not do anything with this knowledge quite yet it is just to keep you in the loop. The head hostess there is a gorgeous elf named Tammie, a ginger you’ll recognise her from a mile away.  Anyhow, I overheard her talking to to other stuff about some rooms for private parties.  These rooms are probably managed by Regina that is in charge of all accommodation requests. If you decide to spend the entire night in there or decided to do something that is too explicit for a private soundproof booth she is your girl. I haven’t personally talked to her quite yet.

Tammie also mentioned that they have a basement in one of her conversations. These could explain where the missing people go before they turn up missing. Again, don’t confront her just ask her for the regular stuff - more drugs more alcohol or more companionship - with the amount of money we’re leaving there expect royalty service.

There is Bill at the bar, that make an awesome series of shots called the Apollo program. Fancy drinks with wireless glasses that does some fancy pyrotechnics - these are really good, but very strong - a speciality of the barman. They challenge you to try and drink the entire Apollo space program - backwards. So if you are up to getting hammered AND studying some history this is a good drinking option.  I never quite made it to the first flight tough these shots were too strong for my capacity. I lost track of what happens around me at Apollo 13 - so drink at your own risk.  They do have all the regular alcohol, *anything* you fancy - if they don’t have it in the menu they can send someone to fetch it for you from anywhere in the city it will just cost Sam a little extra.  Tip well - everyone, you’d be amazed how far a good tip goes in establishing a relationship. 

Finally there are their drugs, any party drug is available freely they don’t mind if you use them. They do have a *different* kind of drugs that are not on the menu, *they* have to offer *you* these drugs. So for all practical meaning forget what I just said. Do not ask for these in anyway, but if you hear anything let me know.  They’ll offer these to you when they trust you enough. In  that case either go for the chemistry experiment on your brain or collect a sample. Just make sure you can live with your life choices as these are completely unknown drugs.

Speaking of life choices - I am way too sober.  "

He pours some of the Vodka to those interested and say - *Cheers*!
« Last Edit: <03-22-15/0142:39> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #32 on: <03-22-15/0156:37> »
While listening to Marco talk, Yelena pulls out her cigar case and offers it around.  She lights up her own and pulls on it, looking around the room as the Keeb talks.  She shoots her first vodka and orders another, which she will nurse.  She is on the job and can use that to keep the demons at bay.  She is amused, but will not smile, at Marco's invitation to get drunk tonight as well as tomorrow at the club.  She shivers internally at the talk of drugs.  She had gotten seriously addicted to some pretty heavy drugs while in prison and it had taken her twenty years to kick those habits.  She is not willing to go there again.

Looking at Marco as he finishes, she says, "Marco.  You work Sam long time?  To Arc and me is just boss, but seems you more."  She moves on to talk about the club.  "Any security?  Men with guns?"
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« Reply #33 on: <03-22-15/0250:08> »
"I know her for about a year... she was one of my regular clients but  turned to be...  he pauses and takes a deep breath. A different kind of client, I could say that she knows just what to say so that I make these special, often dangerous or illegal gigs for her. ‘shadow running’ I think is the street word for it.  She might be just a boss now - but you’ll never know her true nature until you try to refuse a job.  The confusing part is that i sort of admire her for holding me on this leash... she can do anything that I can do only better - it took me a long time to learn how short my leash really is. 

About the club, you will not see armed people - but they will not be far. In the better places in town it is more difficult to carry a gun. You can expect a successful club like that to pay the local police gang quite well. So if you pull that gun. that I am certain that you keep somewhere on that sweet body of yours,  you *will* be in grave danger, as well as the rest of us. That aside - you will be wearing a fancy probably unarmored dress, you seriously cannot conceal a gun. Just leave the gun in the car or at home, and think like a rich person you do not need a gun - the cops are there for people like you. You *own* them - they work for *you*.

That said,  I understand some of you may consider it unprofessional to do this kind of stuff while working - but you will be expected to indulge yourself and you *will* draw attention if you refuse all their temptations. Among all the things they offer. alcohol is probably the demon you already know. The sex or the drugs are way more addictive. So my professional advice is to get drunk today... go all in - but remember how much you had before you totally lost it.

*Never* under any circumstances go above that level - the drinks will keep coming and they will be free so you need to be careful on how quick you empty that glass of yours. This is just a friendly professional suggestion, most of my clients get completely hammered when they first experience good service. I usually keep my head relatively clear the entire night, while never refusing a refill.

Take in to account that  *No one* comes to these places just to listen to the music. Refuse their temptations and you will draw suspicion. Do not look for escape routes or wipe clean everything that you touch. Rich people do not do that - and fun is difficult to fake for a long time. Sensitive people will pick you from a mile ahead, and this Tammie girl will read you like an open book if you try. She will be *That* sensitive to your facial expressions and behavior especially since its your first time in there. "

Now hit me again, he smiles, and fill these glasses whenever they go empty.
« Last Edit: <03-22-15/0319:25> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #34 on: <03-22-15/0409:52> »
Yelena smokes and smiles as she listens to Marco.  "Yes.  No place in dress hide anything.  In fact, not much left to wonder about, but all is covered.  And, yes, will draw attention by not using drugs or getting drunk.  That is Yelena plan.  We supposed to be on happy time after killing Keeb mage girl.  Are new to fancy scene.  Pretend too nervous for drugged or drunk.  Yelena never get addicted to drugs again.  Prison drugs took twenty years to kick and never going back to that."  She shrugs.  "Maybe drink and can do sex if needed."  Smiling.  "Yelena like sex.  And do not clean up when supposed to be somewhere.  Clean up when not supposed to be somewhere."

She looks at Marco as she taps her cigar ash into the tray, "So Tammie is beautiful Keeb.  Know if is into sex with nervous female guests?
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« Reply #35 on: <03-22-15/0447:31> »
Marco keeps his poker face, so these too are into ‘geeking mages’... interesting.

Oh, by all means avoid them then... I am not into drugs myself, I have a less addicting method to be high so I do not even have to fake it.  Sex and prison blends well together actually, I imagine it is the best thing to do to pass the time. How many years did you sit?

Tammie? - she will be more nervous than you... he grins. She’s new in there and is afraid of messing up.  All I got from her was a single glass of wine and the place was half empty at a late hour. It took some serious convincing to make her even add my name to the guest list, and she still refered to me as Mr. Black.
... He pauses and looked a bit distant.
Honestly, if I could just sleep with her to end up in that guest list it would have been easy. She would tottaly stick to Mr.Black even in that case tough. He laughed.

Seriously tough...She showed no interest in this kind of tip... She is after money like the rest of them.  Perhaps if you get her  to loosen up a bit you’ll have a chance. But I think she would be more interested in *who* you are, rather than in what you look like - if she thinks you are powerful enough perhaps. She only called me Marco the night I spent big money in their joint.
 I do not know her well,  but I guess she would not mind if you tried though, as she get many offers like that. Maybe this is why she is so cold.
« Last Edit: <03-22-15/0837:58> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #36 on: <03-22-15/0933:24> »
Yelena's heart goes cold and her eyes hard at Marco's flippant remarks about sex and prisons.  She controls an urge to do bodily harm to her new acquaintance, even as her mind flashes back to her days, her years in prison.  She is able to control herself by the time he finishes speaking.  Smiling, she says, "Вы знаете, мало.  By talk, you never inside Russian state gulag prison.  Sex not for relax or waste away hours.  Sex was rape every day of first year just to keep living, to let any man have just so he not kill.  Then find that willing body is currency to buy things, like food, vodka, drugs, guns.  Sex was harsh and rough, many times with beatings.  Use sex to find powerful man to want bring into gang, and more sex to stay with powerful man, and more sex to find even more powerful man.  Yelena Petrovna survive ten years in gulag, much by sex and killing for powerful men.  Sex was tool, like knife or gun.  Tool for survive, not for relax."  She shrugs, still smiling.  "But you not know that so Yelena forgives.  Sex still tool, but different now.  Sex for fun and Yelena say yes or no."

In the few seconds of silence following her words, Yelena looks down to tip the ash from her cigar into the dented ashtray on the table.  Realizing that she might have said too much she looks up.  "Yelena sorry.  Go to ladies' now.  Excuse for minute."  She stands and goes to find the restroom, where she splashes cold water on her face and looks at her reflection in the single remaining mirror.  The spider web cracks in the glass stand as a mute witness to what this mirror has seen in this dingy room.  Yelena puts a real smile on her face, takes and lights another of her cigars, then returns to the table.

As she sits down she looks at Marco, "Thank for telling of club.  Now, we know too little of you.  Can tell more?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #37 on: <03-22-15/1145:02> »
Marco was pleased that Yelena was furious - now I get to see if I can really trust her. If she strikes me I’ll find a way to call this thing off. When she returned he said:
I respect you for staying alive so long! I am just 20 years old. I also respect you from not harming me.

Cheers to you Yelena Protokova!

For once, sex for me is also a currency to entertain powerful men and women. I am not into killing or raping tough - if you ask me what’s better to run or to be an escort - I’ll tell you that in both professions you serve powerful people. The latter is more fun, and you are less likely to end up dead.

I also get a little freaked up when people speak about geeking mages in front of me as I too bare this terrible curse of magic. It have shaped my entire life for the worse. My parents were from the first generation of elfs. They never said a word about their past but apparently they made a deal my freedom in exchange for something. Things were really shitty for our kind back then so I am not judging them, still it was *my* freedom they traded.

At the age of 5 they gave me up, to this awful religion. Every interaction I had was about shaping me in a certain image, controlling me making me tool to their desires. But things did not work up very well for them, they couldn’t control me. They gave up when I was 18, two years ago. For a brief period I was free as a bird - I started my own magical escort business and I seemed to be making a lot of progress in the field of exploiting magic for pleasure...  But then came your boss and things changed for the worse.

I simply cannot refuse her.  So she made me her runner toy, controlling me for my magic. Now, I try to find my place in this shadow world, where everybody seems to agree that I should be killed first. So far I have my initial luck, but unless I find my way out of this world this luck will run out someday.

Why are you guys running?
« Last Edit: <03-22-15/1147:37> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #38 on: <03-22-15/1234:26> »
Yelena smokes and looks carefully at Marco.  She wonders at the misuse of her name.  For a man who declared he could function well while drinking, he had made an error that would have hurt him greatly if she had been a client.  Deciding that is was a mistake she smiles at him and says, "Petrovna.  Second name is Petrovna.  And, Yelena sorry, Marco.  I not hurt you.  You did not know what said.  Prison was not happy time and your words seemed to say you thought was."  Between pulls on the cigar, she adds, "And mage girl was insane killer of many people.  Kill more if we not kill first.  Yelena not make habit of killing mages, if you worried.  But you very trusting to admit magic.  Most people hate mages.  Why tell?"

"I was like Marco's parents, first generation UGE.  Was hard.  Yelena sent to camp for freaks.  Doctors and scientists did experiments on us.  Your parents made deal to stay out of camp, maybe.  Hard on Marco, but was choice to live for your parents."  She shrugs.  "But enough of that.  How use magic for pleasure?"

"As for run?"  Is what Yelena does well.  Keeps demons in head at bay and stops drinking."
« Last Edit: <03-22-15/1331:02> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #39 on: <03-22-15/1330:35> »
The waitress, a pregnant, young orc girl, comes over to refill the drinks and hangs around a moment more, nervous. Finally she speaks up. Looking at Feathers she says, "You were the guy that got everyone together to kill the Smiley Face monster. And then instead of taking all the reward you helped people. Made sure everyone was taken care of. I walk home late every night. And every night I was terrified for me and the baby. And now, at least I walk a little safer. I'm naming the baby after you, because maybe neither of us would have lived to that day without you. I'm proud I got to serve you and your friends drinks, and to tell you the baby's gonna be named after you."

Feathers grows red hearing that, and says, "Well, the baby could just as easily be named after Arc or Yelena or anyone else that was there and fought hard that day. They all fought, Arc & Yelena just got out of the hospital. And Arc lost her arm to that thing. And far to many others died. Including a young orc mage girl about your age that knew exactly what she was going up against, and was terrified of it. And stood there anyway to fight with everything she had in her. I'm proud to have stood beside them." Standing up he awkwardly hugs the girl, still embarrassed.

The night continues on, the band arrives and begins playing metal synth. Not bad, and as more customers arrive they pick up the tempo and volume and begin driving the beat.
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« Reply #40 on: <03-22-15/1348:26> »

You’d find out about it sooner or later with a simple background check. Difficult to hide when you got this ‘day job’. Every single word that I spoke this evening was magic. I got this devil tongue that gets my will despite my modest social skills. Apparently no matter what I say, it sort of have an appealing sound to it. It is also difficult to control.

Magic can make you look like, sound and taste like anyone you could possibly want to be. Different people different tastes. Some want me to look like someone specific, others want me to be taller or shorter, darker more masculine more feminine seriously every person with their own crazy stuff that goes inside.

Thoughts can also be exchanged directly without langue imagine how intense it can be when you just feel exactly what the other side feels. .You touch and you directly feel what you did... you learn to do exactly what feels good, you know what your partner wants before they realize that. There is also the brute force solution - to simply use magic as a powerful drug to induce pleasure directly.

Then there are hundreds of usages that are not directly related to pleasure, ever wanted to fly? to literally be as free as a bird? to feel the wind in your feathers, to taste the thrill of the hunt as you dive from a kilometer in order to catch a small mouse? Magic can do all these things. I could never think about hurting people with magic tough, you should have the decency to hurt people with something they can understand. Automatic fire for example.

You people seem to be quite famous, part of the good guys. cheers to that.
He empties another shot.

Anyone wants to dance with Marco ? I never danced with a hero before! He laughs as he stands up and starts moving his body to the music.
« Last Edit: <03-22-15/1404:35> by gilga »


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« Reply #41 on: <03-22-15/1412:40> »
Thurs Dec 4 @ 15:18

@ Blackhat & Ambrose  Your comm buzzes, >>My office, 17:22. Kato<< When you arrive the secretary shows you in at exactly 17:21:43. The head of Yakuza security lives his life in increments of seconds, and woe to those working under him that do not toe that line. When he looks up he nods to both of you and says, "I want the both of you to go to The Stardust tomorrow night together. I've already made the arrangements. Blackhat, you're there because you've been before. You know the layout, keep you're eyes and ears open for security that isn't electronic and on the grid. Ambrose, you're there to get something for me. A drug, the "house special". Nakagawa told me about it before she began changing. I thought nothing of it then, party drugs were well known to her, and were never a problem. Now, I'm thinking that it must be what is responsible just for that reason." He looks at both of you frowning. "You are to back each other up. Be each others distractions if needed. Ambrose, I expect a full report of exactly where to place bombs and of what kind when you return. If they did take Nakagawa they need to learn that the anger of the Yakuza is not to be taken lightly." he looks at both of you with his trademark glower. "Any questions?"
« Last Edit: <04-07-15/1152:05> by ismilealot »
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #42 on: <03-22-15/1425:05> »
Yelena laughs at Feather's obvious discomfort.  She points to the Howler necklace he wears.  "Feathers, is honor, like necklace.  What did was good.  Someone has to be face of us, but Arc and Yelena were killing mage girl and then blown up.  No one see that.  You were leading kill of monster, and monster was what they saw, not mage girl.  All saw you and you are hero.  Take pride in what did.  Ork girl glad you were there.  Others are too.  Maybe many babies with name of Feathers, Merlin, Lance, Mermaid, Fallon, even Bonehead.  All others who there and lived or died.  Neighborhood will remember and that good, right? 

She listens to Marco and for just a moment her nostrils flare and her mind considers the temptation of that sort of power.  The reality hits.  "No, Marco.  Not want that power.  Yelena weak and would use to hurt and kill.  Already too many dead behind me.  Besides, not skilled.  But know guns.  Talent with guns.  Yelena have limitations."

She laughs when talks about being famous, pointing to the older human.  "Feathers is famous.  Arc and Yelena just got blown up."  Her response to his invitation to dance is another laugh.  "It your ruin.  Yelena not dance in long time.  No good for sure."  She steps away from the table and moves to the rugged dance floor.  As promised, she is not a good dancer, but she can be energetic.  And she has never been self conscious and resolves to have a good time.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #43 on: <03-22-15/1601:30> »
Arc was surprisingly quiet during the exchange, downing the vodka with careful precision. She took a moment to confirm that she had secured Feathers' bike in sending it back to her place, letting home ride along in the back next to Yelena.  After the first round or so, the human deviated from vodka, turning instead to her favored drink: dark rum with a splash of tequila: smooth with a sweet finish.  Taking a quart, she smacked her lips before turning to the young keen, about to speak when the waitress cut her off.

Arc eyed the orkette carefully, her left hand clenching a bit but eventually relaxing.  It was moving...hard to realize just how many different walks of life were affected by the blood spirit and its mage slitch.  She forced a small smile at the mention of her arm, nodding her head in respect, but piped up once she departed.

"they all be saying true.  Either we handled this Drek or the corps glass the place and fragging geek us all to kingdom come.  I made a home here after growing up with Drek, I wasn't about to lose it, ya heard?  Instead, we handled this stuff, I lose a piece of me, and our boss lady hooks me up with this.". She lifted up her right arm to demonstrate her point.  "So yous can say I'm in a bit of a debt to do this Drek.  But hey, it seems more involved than fixing cars, eh?"

It may have been the few drinks, but the human was starting to relax.  Her head bobbed Happrovingly to the synth metal, standing up with Yelena and Marco to dance, turning to Feathers.  "Come on, old timer.  I can't dance for Drek, so you ain't gon look bad..". Mentally, she was contemplating what she may have to do the next day at the club...not sure which she would be okay with...but for now, frag it, she's drinking and having fun!


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« Reply #44 on: <03-22-15/1640:20> »
Thurs 17:30
Yak Office

Ambrose was starting to get tired of this. He was too old for this shit, but he was too old for honest construction work too, and didn't have any legal work experience to get into management for civil engineering like he'd need. While the Yak boss lived his life in seconds, Ambrose lived his in miliseconds. Always plotting out what next. Already he's seen how the Yak office was set up and were key structural points for the building where, or could guesstimate their location.

But that would just bring even more trouble, He scratched his head, frowning slightly. He was out of most of his explosive stock, but perhaps, just perhaps he could swindle out a bit more explosives than what the deal needed. Not that he'd use them for the Yak office here. No, he had other plans if it was ever needed.. A few neurotoxins perhaps? If the Yak had any idea he'd do something, they'd be looking for explosives.

How he missed his old gang of pranksters. That Chinese firework shop was probably one of the worst ones they did, but heh, it was what brought them together. There was the time with the cherry bombs in the toilets, the west wing of Merriweather Technical University was flooded for days after that.

"Drugs, Bombs, Report. Got it." he replies simply, before standing up to look his partner over.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules

