Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #2550 on: <12-16-15/1611:26> »
Once finally on the shop Marco can let go, if only for a second, his love spell is probably fully resisted by now, they are indoors so he can transform the mage.There is so much he could do for Tuska and Yelena. Performance wise Marco felt competent, a spiritual toddler taking his first independent steps in the world of mana but without noticing it Marco have assembled a diverse array of spells. Something that could be combined with some help to do THIS. Shilla was right all along - he could also do other things instead of entertaining people.  He thinks “My only motivation was to understand people, to understand the world to experience it and in a short time I learned many spells. If the church understood how much I progress on my own - and perhaps they did understand. This is why they sent me the pictures. Violence - they are all misguided and violent people.”

The mind probe spell was the most difficult one Marco could perform. It was mentally taxing and intrusive spell, when Marco got to cast it well enough to work it allowed him to understand exactly what his clients wanted, even if they were afraid to admit it. There was one big difference tough, these clients of his - they wanted they allowed him to read their minds so that he could be more seductive toward them. If they resisted they did so despite themselves, here there was this mage whom they are going to deliver to some very bad people and Marco he is powerless to help her.

But perhaps if Marco could understand how this mage fits in the puzzle, perhaps then he can argue on her behalf.  So much death today - Marco just have to find a connection how this Mage relates to the stardust. What are they likely to do with her?

He thinks:  "The dragons knew that there was a risk, they came ready for battle. Perhaps the stardust expected them to kill Arc and her friends? Maybe this was the dreaded suicide run?" Marco did not know. They are all violent people with blood on their hands, so numb to the suffering of humanity, their capability to just kill people and move on is only an indication of this numbness. "How could I  possibly understand these people?" he thought.

Marco prepared some comfort place for the mage to lie down in, and placed her there. It only took a minute before she was a lady again. "A naked lady... Kind of sexy if I was into helpless people" he thoguht, but quickly covered her up to keep her decent. Marco stroked the mages soggy hair

This was all the touch he needed to keep her at peace as he enters her mind. He relaxed his mind and attempted to understand her, to know what she knows. “Invite me in”, he thought “Please there is not much time. I think that I saved your life once already but there is so little I understand. Help me save you again. These people that are about to receive you they are very bad people, the stardust.  I need to know what you learned about them - what are they planning to to do with you. Please do not resist me - I only have your safety in front of me. I am your only ally right now.  Help me understand what is it all about!”

Regardless of the mage’s mental reaction Marco’s mind was relentless he gave that reading his utmost attention and this indeed was his ability at its best. His desire to understand what did the mage learned about the stardust that led to this unfortunate chain of events guided him and he tried to understand from her mind anything that she knew about the club, the drugs the personal anything at all that will help Marco solve this mystery of what will the stardust do with this mage, or what are they doing in general.

Marco could feel the drain, the mana was painful it was much a lot more than his body could handle at this state, but Marco hoped that this burning sensation the feeling that energy burns him from the inside will finally grant him the miracle of reaching out to another person and truly understanding her.
Mind Probe: 12d6t5 6
Drain: 11d6t5 2
Marco takes 4 stun damage.  Defense is with logic + will power.


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« Reply #2551 on: <12-16-15/1623:44> »
@ Marco  They were finally safe. Or, at least as safe as they were going to be for the moment, inside the garage. Arc was sitting up and the small halfers were scrambing to chop the Americar as quickly as they could. They were clearly experts, their chopping of the Americar in the street and they're finishwork here in the garage couldn't have taken more than 12-13 minutes. But, even as Marco is watching the work he gets a comm. >>Marco, please tell me that all of this cloak and dagger is you playing a game. A way for you to stimulate me and add fun into our relationship. Because I think I'm being followed. And I'm sure I'm just being silly. You put this all into my head. Please tell me I'm just being silly and that you are sorry and that no one is in my room when I am gone. Please.<< There is only one person he gave this method of communication. The Lady. There was no need to give it to anyone else.

>> My Dearest Lady,  please believe me - this is no game.
You are in real danger and there is so much I can do.
There are things about my past that were hidden from you, things that may place you in danger.
Unfortunately, it is real - be safe and watch your back.


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« Reply #2552 on: <12-17-15/1059:42> »
The mages mind is open to Marco. So much has happened, and she's exhausted and at the end of her strength. And . . . . . . heartsick? . . . . . . . Yes, heartsick. As Marco opens her mind, he realizes that's she's been a pawn in an incredibly dangerous game. She's an alchemist who's always specialized in regenerative medicines. And two years ago she met a man, a powerful, charming, and earnest man who hired her to help him make a drug that would help people open up to the magic inside them. He told her that he believed that we all contained the gift of magic within us, and that it should be a source of strength, of joy, as we all became connected to the magic all living things surely had within them. Marco saw scene after scene of him teasing, cajoling, challenging her. And through his own understanding of people and seduction Marco understood that she was being flattered and seduced. And soon he saw the scenes of him as her lover, and then the true manipulation began. He got her to make a drug that opened the body to mana, and to make it addictive, but, opening it in this manner made it highly disruptive to the flow of tech and physical energies like electricity. At first he'd been angry, and she'd worked hard to fix the formula. Anything to please him, to regain his love. But, everything she'd done had back-fired. She'd accidentally made it extremely addictive, and the disruption of energy fields grew much, much stronger. And then, something changed, he'd suddenly began being more attentive to her again. It had been just like the old times and she'd been happy. Until he'd wanted the drug changed again. Marco saw the pattern of manipulation clearly. The highs and lows of emotion and sex used to manipulate her into doing whatever he wanted. And he'd wanted a lot. She'd been working on a way to allow mages to take the drug. He'd said it was so that those who had only minimal ability could realize their full potential. He'd only told her that it hadn't worked. Not the truth, they'd doctored the results. But, then she'd been sick. And she'd been trying so hard to hide it from him so that he wouldn't be upset with her that she was in a bathroom on the other side of the compound. A compound he'd had made just for her. Her dream lab, a hand picked staff, luxury everything just for her. And in the senior staff bathroom she'd overheard the truth. They were using the drug to disrupt operations at key facilities to steal tech. And every mage they'd used it on had either died or was driven bat-shit crazy and dangerously powerful. But, mostly they died. She would have rushed to confront him, but, couldn't. She didn't have the strength to resist him. And she decided to leave. And then learned the truth of her very gilded cage. She'd been trying ever since to hide her knowledge of the truth from him. It had helped that he'd had to leave on business and had been gone a lot. Before it had been her torment. Now, it was her salvation. And she'd been working to undo the effects of the drug. It had been hard. She'd needed to pretend to be making it better, while reversing it's ability to awaken the mind. She hadn't found the cure yet. And he, they, were beginning to suspect. Her hand-picked staff was incredibly bright, and completely loyal to him. And they were taking her to another facility where she could be questioned. They'd told her it was a well-earned vacation. But, their words and body language hadn't matched. She wouldn't have noticed before, focused as she was on him and her work, but now, now she knew. and she was deeply afraid. Brown eyes opened and met Marco's. Help me. Please help me.
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« Reply #2553 on: <12-17-15/1836:13> »
"Leave her alone, you bastard!"

The scream must come as quite a surprise to Arc and the gnomes as Firefly springs her young body from her cot to connect her right fist with Marco's temple at just the moment the mage's plea for help resonates in his mind.

[spoiler]Decking Marco: 1d6t5: 1 [1d6t5=5][/spoiler]


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« Reply #2554 on: <12-17-15/2106:20> »
Now that the clear and present danger of the mission had subsided, and no immediate threats were present, Arc could feel her coursing adrenaline in her veins start to subside.  Regretfully so, for the aching that followed it as she registered just how beat up the accident had left her slammed into her like a wave.  Groaning a bit, she held her head, this time thanking the chill on her skin as she fought through the sensations and pain.

Wait, is that...?

She barely registered Firefly spring into wakefulness, her eyes filled with distress and fear, fixated on Marco, who had his eyes closed and was concentrating on the mage, a hand on the lady's forehead in some mojo contact.  But she wasn't wrong...the young decker, looking much better for wear after that rather dramatic display of healing, was getting up, her little hand balled into a fist as she went for Marco.

As it dawned on Arc what was really happening, it was too late for her to say anything.  Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth, managing a "What the Drek?!" before fate ran its course..


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« Reply #2555 on: <12-18-15/0235:37> »
Help me. Please help me.

Marco looks at these pretty eyes and softly smiles trying to calm the mage to keep her mind open to him. He thinks at her, “the answer is buried deep, you have to know it  - help me find a reason: What are the Stardust going to do with you? why did they extract you ? what is their relation to the Dragons? We need to figure out what you are headed down the road - it is only then we know how to help you.
Why did the Stardust want to extract you from the dragons? Focus, perhaps we can find the answer together  - this is important for your future! I do not want you to be hurt. We can figure it together  just open your mind and lead me to the right place. ”

Marco helps her concentrate and attempts to dig his way deeper into her mind trying to give interpretation to events offers his intuitive perception - the answer is somewhere in there and perhaps together they can find it. Sure they can try not to deliver her - but without understanding what is going on who knows what kind of complications they create. Shortly after a voice echoes into Marco’s awareness state, his entire focus is within the brown eyed mage, but that voice it comes from meatspace.

"Leave her alone, you bastard!"

Marco is incapable of harming Firefly, or even dodging her torment. He deserve it, it would be wrong to deny her the right to retribution. His first instinct is to smile and a wave of happiness envelops him. "She is alive and well!"
Marco was beaten up before and he could rarely do anything to defend himself - it is difficult to strike people that you like. In fact, it is difficult to strike people at all - perhaps with a gun when there is some distance, but upfront when you can feel their pain? What is the point in that?! He can keep his concentration while his body is beaten up, he have done so before.

The big issue remains - he cannot deny a victim's right for retribution. This right is backed in righting all the way for the old testament - an eye for an eye. A christian should give up retribution, love even his enemies - but even Christianity does not deny the right for retribution. It is the foundation of every justice system.

“That’s okay “ Marco thinks at the mage... “I deserve it.” 

Embracing the blow and setting his mind to maintain the balance is all that Marco could do before more pain arrived. His only reaction to the assault were some very confused words:  “Please I will allow you to beat me senselessly later - I am not hurting her I am helping her understand - I have to figure out what the Stardust are planning to do to her. Please... she may be in danger”
The pain on the left side of his face stings him. He probably has a black eye, but it is nothing like the magical energies that burn him from inside - to be a mage is to endure physical torment. This thing Marco's knows well enough. His body still have not recovered from the passion spell. The drain just piles up on him, he is exhausted but he HAS to know - a lot could be at stake.

Marco smiles  - he is just glad that she is feeling better - but he his entire attention is with the spell - why was she extracted - this he has to know.   He whispers solely for  himself  “ Thank you J for giving strength back. I was worried."

Damage soak: 20d6t5 5
« Last Edit: <12-18-15/0623:39> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #2556 on: <12-18-15/0615:16> »
Yelena looks over at the nubile teenager standing through the limo sunroof and displaying herself for all to see and shakes her head.  Turning to Chesh, she says, "Girl nice tits.  Look like here while.  Maybe look in van.  See what gangers leave for us."

Suiting her words, Yelena leaves the plush commander's chair and moves back into the nicely apportioned interior.  Opening cabinets and drawers, she finds a good bit of normal stuff; the things you would expect to find in a van this luxurious.  Chesh hits the jackpot, almost squealing in delight after finding the catches that reveals several hidden compartments.  "Nothing can hide from Chesh.  NOTHING can hide from Chesh.  See what Chesh has sprung."

Yelena looks in the smuggling bins and Chesh has uncovered a treasure trove indeed. "Chesh much good job.  Could fight small gang now.  Put all back."  Smiling, she returns to her seat, a bit disappointed to see that the limo has moved several cars ahead while her lane is still jammed up.  Putting the naked girl out of her thoughts, Yelena sends a text.  >>Tuskaloosa.  Is Yelena.  Chesh look in van.  Find smuggling bins in floor.  In walls.  Find much things.  Weapons, bullets, other things.  Driver girl look other van.  Might find more.  Yelena van still stuck.  Waiting for traffic move.<<
« Last Edit: <12-18-15/1146:59> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #2557 on: <12-18-15/0902:44> »
"I won't stand by and watch you violate another woman like you did me!!" the frantic girl cries as she does her level best to place herself between Marco and the mage and break the spell between them.  Anyone who can see her eyes will marvel at the amount of passion and rage in the usually reserved and conservative teenager.


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« Reply #2558 on: <12-18-15/1208:17> »
"Well this probing has ended... impossible to concentrate like this and I sort of got it all any how - at least anything that I could" Thinks Marco.

"I see that you regained your health back, I apologize I deeply do - You seemed to be hurt really bad - you were not conscious even and I had no idea an healing spell could go so wrong." He said to Firefly.
In his mind Marco dropped the spell, and looked directly at her he made sure not to touch the brown eyed mage in an way, perhaps it will save him a second punch.

« Last Edit: <12-18-15/1211:11> by gilga »


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« Reply #2559 on: <12-18-15/1211:34> »
Jed had walked out to a simple container garden turned more lush and vibrant even in the chill of December. Snowden was on his left knee at the far end and he was inspecting a small lemon basil plant and murmuring. As Jed got closer he could hear him say, "Your root system is infested. I'm going to have to take you and a good deal of the earth around you out and heat sanitize and then compost you. Don't worry. You'll live again." He's got a trowel in his hand and he uses it and his fingers to carefully dig the herb out without disturbing the rest. When he's done he carefully pats the earth down around the remaining plants, humming while he works. Snowden has a good voice, melodic and soothing. After the stress of the last few days Jed finds it soothing. He spends the rest of the day talking about the plants. Snowden is extremely knowledgeable on that subject, and he's calm and relaxed while he's on that subject. Any mention or reference to the rest of his life Jed tries to make encounters that same lost and confused aggression. Be a friend. He needs that more than anything, Jed reminds himself. And decides to take him to the Botanical Garden. Over the next couple of days Jed finds himself astounded. Snowden starts every morning in his container garden and the growth and health is remarkable. But, once he gets into the Botanical Garden every day Jed finds himself very much the awkward, backward pupil to the wealth of Snowden's knowledge. And then, when they were looking at a specimen of Yeti's Hair that was being treated for illness Snowden's hand reaches towards it and he begins singing. The garden is empty save for the two of you, and Jed thinks, What the hell, not illegal to sing. Might as well let him. Slowly, the plant stops drooping. And it straightens. And Jed assenses Snowden while he's casting. He's been meaning to, but there's been so many other things to do that he hasn't done it while he's working with plants. And now what he see's confirms what he already knew. Snowden is a mage. But, the way he's using mana and interacting with this plant goes beyond simply casting a healing spell. Snowden is binding mana into it, and the plant is sharing it's Essence with him! Jed suddenly has a thousand questions to ask him! But, he's got to calm down and ask them carefully. Pushing him to hard, even about plants could trigger his confusion again. Once he's done he says calmly, casually, "Good job. Are there plants that that song works best on, or will it work on any plant?" Snowden answers, "It works best on plants with a magical bloodline. It's only minimally effective on other plants. And, since those don't have the healing properties I'm looking for it's best to just cull those and replant." Jed has never heard of plants with magical bloodlines, but, Snowden is leaving clues that he'll need to pore over later, or, may even reveal if he can just keep him talking. Record! Quickly Jed triggers his recorder from his surveillance equipment and silently blesses Mike. "Are there other spe. . . Songs, that work on plants with magical bloodlines?" Snowden looks happy, seeming not to notice Jeds' near slip as he inspected a Mountain's Lightening plant. "Yes, quite a few actually. You can sing to them to enhance any of their particular properties. I've been working to enhance various effects for years. And I've found that they can be enhanced and used effectively. Unfortunately there are to many problems for it to be commercially viable yet." Jed raises an eyebrow, "Oh? Like what?" Please let him keep talking, let him not realize that the CEO is starting to emerge. "The two biggest problems is that the enhancement is short-lived, and not very many people seem able to learn this method of growth. Once the plant is harvested you've only got about 72 hours of effective enhancement. And only a few people in the South America acquisition have been found to be effective with this growing method. The third problem won't be a hurdle until sufficient quantities can be produced to make this commercially viable. And that is that counter-spelling completely eliminates the enhancements. So, once we're able to make this marketable we'll need agreements with other pharmaceuticals to end the threat of corporate espionage making a batch completely ineffective. Hmmmm. Do you think they'd mind if I slept here? My mentor always said it was best to live and sleep with a new species for it's effective lunar cycle of growth to learn it. But, even a day would be helpful." At the mention of his mentor BabyJ began to be agitated, looking lost. No, looking lovesick. Jed almost missed it in his excitement. Counter-spelling! They can nullify the Stardust with counter-spelling! He needed to pass this on to Yelena! Wait, Snowden. Ugh, I have got to get him a new mentor. That was clearly a critical relationship in his life and he'll need another mentor to help him grow in other directions again.
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« Reply #2560 on: <12-18-15/1218:26> »
@ Arc. Marco & Subaru  The mage looks clearly confused at Subarus' tirade. She sits up, and then notices that she's effectively nude without the blanket and moves to cover herself with it. "He didn't hurt me. Wait, I don't think he hurt me. Why am I naked." She turns to Marco, "What did you do to me? Why am I naked?" she looks around the garage. "Where am I?" She frowns then, a dangerous look in her eyes and her left hand goes up between her and the rest of the world. Marco recognizes that look, that gesture, he's seen it before on young men about to cast.
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« Reply #2561 on: <12-18-15/1227:10> »
@Marco say with a his most reassuring voice  "We took you from the water, transformed you into a cat for stealth and delivered you here. You were extracted by the Stardust. Do you remember driving the van? it crushed.  You ended up in freezing water, might have died if we did not get you in time.

I was now trying to question you about what is going on in here and what do the Stardust want to do with you because I was suspecting that they might hurt you."


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« Reply #2562 on: <12-18-15/1302:49> »
@ Arc. Marco & Subaru  The concentration is broken as she processes what Marco is telling her. "A cat! You changed me into a cat! I'm allergic to cats!" She sneezes suddenly and starts checking her arms as they start to turn red.
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« Reply #2563 on: <12-18-15/1323:57> »
Subaru positions herself between Marco and the mage, looking like there might be TWO casting women if he makes any move toward them.  At the woman's first words, she slips off her jacket and hijab and holds them up for the woman to take.  "I know the jacket is a bit small, but it's all I can offer at the moment.  You can tie the hijab fabric around your waist like a sarong until we find something better."  She briefly glares at Marco before turning softer eyes toward the quickly dressing woman.  "I think you're okay now.  He's outnumbered at least three to one now."  The teen's eyes look vacant for a moment, she then adds, "There's a pharmacy about five blocks away.  Maybe he can make himself useful and go fetch you an antihistamine and some sweats..."


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« Reply #2564 on: <12-18-15/1402:57> »
"It can't be!" said Marco... "I made you into a Cheshire Cat, it could be that you are allergic to smiles but that magical cat is no cat at all... Just a floating smile."  Said Marco most seriously, he figured that if he could make a good joke in this hostile environment the mage might relax a little bit and perhaps Firefly won't fireball him as he turns his back to her.

