Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #1680 on: <09-12-15/1712:04> »
Marco is surprised how quickly Ginny gained confidence and learned the sexual game, he does not want to but his young body betrays him and he find her before he understands it exciting him. "So good... when did she learn to do these things?" He couldn't resist her. Not before he climaxed, but his mind was somewhere else and he felt as if his entire life are collapsing in front of his very eyes.  He wanted to be alone, he wanted to disappear.

Marco answers “I am sorry Ginny... I am just not in the mood,  these bastards they demolished my apartment. I am in a lot of trouble now and should start cleaning the yard from the stuff these animals threw out of the balcony. I pray that nobody called the police.”
Marco said as he left, cold precise and sharp. He got dressed and took the elevator down. He spent an hour trying to erase every trace to that tragedy,  he did not bother to answer Blake, what was the point, his mind was elsewhere he got a wake up call, this shadow-running backfired into his own home his own fortress, he felt alone, lost.

He texted the doc >> I am sorry doc, I'll have to cancel for tonight. Some "friends" demolished my apartment and I am really not in the mood for partying. There is massive damage, and I am trying to minimize side effects.  I should know better who my friends really are. So sorry for bailing out last minute.

His last thought was "But what can I do with Ginny? She somehow become sexual, if I don't end it soon I may not be able to later." He took a big breath, "I am not going back home... I am going to the beach, alone."

>>Yelena I am at the beach, near the light house.  For a few hours... GPS attached.

It was an odd day for the beach, cold and windy and somehow this atmosphere reflected how Marco was feeling. He could imagine his illusion of safety as a small life boat, that is carried by the massive waves. He sat by that lighthouse alone and wished he could just disappear, wished that Sam is never found again. "I am way too trusting to be a runner. I am barely even a person, nothing in my life is real. I cannot even respect my own red lines." He sat there his eyes were wet. He built a sand castle and just watched as the tide claimed it, returning the beach to what it was before. "Sand castles... everything in my life is a freaking sand castle."

« Last Edit: <09-12-15/1721:32> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1681 on: <09-12-15/1738:42> »
Yelena receives the message from Marco and sets the GPS coordinates into the bike's pilot.  Odd place for a meeting.  She wonders why the change of venue as the beach is likely to be a bit bleak at this time of year.  And she is right.  The beach is horribly bleak this time of year.  No hot dog vendors in sight, although there is a Stuffer Shack not too far down the way that seems to have a couple of cars in front.  Parking the bike, she walks down to the beach.  Locating Marco is not hard as he is the only other person on this stretch of the rocky Seattle waterfront.  Yelena idly wonders if the old light house is still working.  She frowns a bit when Marco does not react to the noise she makes while approaching and calls out, "Marco.  Is Yelena.  Marco talk Yelena."
« Last Edit: <09-12-15/1743:58> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

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« Reply #1682 on: <09-12-15/1849:36> »
Ginny puts a smile on her disappointment.  Her body is so amped right now that it almost feels like she is betraying her body to not bring her to a more satisfied state.  She has never before wanted to climax so badly.  But she also realizes that to push Marco further right now would be a mistake.  The thought runs through her mind, *Maybe he does not love me.  Maybe he is ashamed of me.  Of my lack of experience.  Oh frag.  Did I screw up the date last night?  Will he forgive me?  I could not bear it if he threw me out now that I have just started to come alive.*   

She is still trying to figure this out as she dresses.  She cannot keep her eyes off his body and would certainly go back to bed with him in a second if he hinted he wanted her.  But he does not.  And he might be like all the other men in her life.  *Stop that!  You know he is not like that.  He is very good for you.  Look at what he has done for you.*  Following him out of the bedroom, she stops in amazement.  "What the frag happened here?  Where is all your nice stuff.  Were you robbed?"

Ginny listens to Marco sort of explain what happened.  "Those men did that?  But I thought they were your friends?  Some drek.  I am so sorry, Marco."  She is distressed that he does not seem to hear her.  Does not seem to even acknowledge that she spoke to him.  His movements are more mechanical than real and she realizes that he is truly distressed.  Her heart goes out to him but he does not seem to realize that his hurt is also hers.  *Frag!  He just does not understand.  Not at all.*  She feels a real pain when he throws up his hands and rushes out of the apartment to go out to clean up.  She was in the process of offering to help but he just races past and out the door, obviously wanting to be alone.  Ginny stands in the room in tears.  So close to him and yet so far.  If there was only some way to help.  *Wait.  There may be something.  Yes, why did you not think of this earlier.?*  She rotates around, looking at the room.  Never happier for her photographic memory, she imposes the pictures in her mind of what the rooms had been like before.  Walking from living room to kitchen/dining room, to the extra bedroom, she sets in her mind the way things had been.  She grabs a jacket from the closet and runs from the apartment, making sure that the door is not locked behind her. 

Ginny grabs a taxi to the marina and saunters up the walkway to John's boat slip, passing the one with Sebastian's boat on the way.  The yellow tape was still on the transom, but the KE thug seems to have left.  She goes to the door of John's boat and finds it open.  Entering, she looks around.  The place is a bit messy.  No, a lot messy.  She calls out for Phoenix, but he does not respond.  Fearing that the old man had been hurt, she looks around, not finding him on board, but notices cupboards open and drawers pulled out.  Stuff is just tossed all over the place.  *Frag!  What happened here?  And where is Phoenix?  First, John disappears and now the old man.  Marco will not be pleased.* 

Shaking her head, Ginny leaves the boat and makes her way to Sebastian's.  She calls out to see if the KE guy is below deck but getting no answer, she decides to risk it.  Her heart in her mouth, she steps aboard the creaking vessel, again amazed at the difference between this floating wreck and John's nice boat.  The KE searchers had pretty much tossed the boat, leaving everything a mess.  Granted, Sebastian had never really been a neat guy in the first place, but this is way beyond even how he normally lived.  Sebastian had once been so drunk that he had inadvertently shown her where he hid his stash of funds and she went straight for the safe, hoping that the KE might have missed the secret behind the secret.  True to form, the KE jackboots had found the safe and rifled its contents.  She had no doubt that her cousin would never see that money again, even if he got out of jail.  She pressed the hidden access button to expose the real safe within the safe, hoping that because it was still closed that they had not found it.  She smiles as she sees the pile of credsticks and a small tablet inside.  Ginny feels a bit guilty for robbing her cousin, but then Marco needs it more.  And, after all, what had Sebastian ever done for her that Marco had not done more of?  Ginny takes the tablet and the credsticks before closing and securing the hidden section of the safe and leaving the boat.

She slots the credsticks one at a time and actually whistles.  *Cousin Sebastian was actually doing much better than I had thought.  Lots better.*  Smiling, she leaves the marina and gets in a cab, giving the directions to Marco's apartment.  Fortunately, the doorman remembers her from earlier as Marco's guest and allows her entry to the building.  She takes the elevator to the eleventh floor and reenters the apartment through the door she had left unlocked.  She whistles to herself and smiles.  *Now to work.  I hope he is gone long enough.* 

Ginny calls up multiple catalogs on the commlink, for the first time happy that so many things can be found online and that there are so many people willing to help her spend her newfound wealth.  She calls up the pieces of furniture and various decorative accents that she had memorized from just looking at them.  She organizes the list and works room by room, looking for what she wants and ordering it, paying a hefty bonus for quick delivery and setup.  She was not even finished when the first things started arriving.  Her scientifically regimented and segmented mind allows her to keep shopping while she directs the delivery people in setting things up.  She tips every delivery man and thanks everyone profusely. Three men are setting up the new bar when she hears the sound she has been dreading; the lock of the door.  Marco rushes in and stops, looking about in amazement, then rushes off to the bedroom, flinging words about that Gunny cannot quite make out.  She does see his smile, though, and her heart lifts.
« Last Edit: <09-17-15/0154:06> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #1683 on: <09-12-15/2104:29> »
Marco toss a rock to the water and say "Pizza... I ordered Pizza. I hoped you come because it is a lot of Pizza for one person. I had to prepay because they did not believe the drop off location I requested." He sighs and look at Yelena. "How does it feel? To just walk away from everything? I got a remainder today, just how fragile my life really are. The shadows, they will consume everything. Every time I promise myself that this was the last time, every time I lie. The shadows they are going to claim everything."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1684 on: <09-13-15/0201:18> »
Yelena sits down next to Marco.  "Pizza?  Yelena love pizza.  Hand piece, please."  She takes the slice he offers her and munches for a bit in silence, considering what he has said.  Shaking her head, she replies, "Hard to explain.  Yelena see shadows different from Marco.  Shadows exist.  Yelena lives in shadows.  No, Yelena thrives.  Shadows bring life.  Bring purpose.  Once Yelena like Marco.  Was three when shadows called.  Whisper in dark.  Keep Yelena alive.  Heal.  Give meaning to live.  Now, Yelena IS shadow.  Not look back.  Shadow good for Yelena.  Good for Marco if try.  Shadows call Marco, too, but Marco not hear small whisper.  Not hear shadow.  But shadow calling to Marco."  She takes a couple more bites.  "Yelena can show Marco shadow.  If want.  Marco not be same, though.  Live in shadow is hard.  And is easy walk away everything if never have anything.  Yelena not have more than carry for many years.  No house.  No furniture.  No closet of clothes.  But why ask.  What happen?  Yelena make Marco sad?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1685 on: <09-13-15/0246:01> »
“In a way” said Marco. He took a slice of Pizza and figured just how much he can share with Yelena, she is after all a professional and will finish the job if he tells her that Snowden is alive.  “Yesterday was the hardest night of my life, I am thankful for the ward so I did not have watch you shot that person.” He is careful not to say kill, Marco does not want to lie. He takes a deep breath “You damaged everyone who loved him. Family and friends. People are all linked to each other... Even you.” He adds “There is Arc and me and may be more people, as long as you stay here. Any assassination takes us closer to being like you. To packing everything in a single beg, to somehow discover that 'everything' is guns and shadow stuff and disappear. Only to resurface as somebody else at some other place where nobody knows us. Leaving behind everyone we love. You can say that I got a reminder yesterday. A remainder just  how close that moment really is.”

He closes his eyes and listen to the waves. "I am not sure that I can stop it by now. I am already a criminal, a dangerous one and may have attracted the attention of some dark forces. I am not sure that there is an easy way back."
« Last Edit: <09-13-15/0248:13> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1686 on: <09-13-15/0306:36> »
Yelena reaches out a hand to touch Marco's arm.  Leaving it there she softly says, "Yelena not know answer you want hear.  Marco is different from Yelena.  So is Arc and others.  Live edge of shadow but not cross line.  Yelena not ready leave.  More here to do.  Maybe home.  Yelena meet boy who want help others from shadows.  Yelena want help too.  Marco not understand.  Shadow is not good.  Is not evil.  Shadow is mix.  Place where good and evil meet and mix.  Yelena so far into shadow that close to darkness.  Yelena is evil much times.  Now try some good to mix.  Yelena not sure strong enough.  Is hard."

She is quiet for a moment then looks him in the eye and adds, "Yes.  Yelena in dark part of shadow.  Probably never come out.  Is Yelena home now.  Yelena do much bad in life and dark is where belong.  People Yelena know might get hurt or worse.  Does Marco really want Yelena leave?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1687 on: <09-13-15/0423:34> »
“It is complicated, but I care about you too much, too much to watch you kill people. I love you, this is why  I helped you. I can not bare the thought of anything bad happening to you and this is why I sent the demon to heal you. What was that all about?”
He sighs “That text you sent me. It had a tremendous effect on my emotional state. My eyes became wet and I could not continue my date. Things worked out eventually as you could probably guess, I am good at what I do.  Still that date was like no other and I took Sophie as a bird to scout a crime scene. I feared the worse. I do not know the context, when and what exactly was it that my demon did.  I do not normally interfere in gunfights on the other side of town.” He tosses another stone to the water “Can you accept that we are connected? That seeing you both so strong and so weak, touching and loving you have changed me?" He  looks into her eyes and ask "Do you feel it too?”
« Last Edit: <09-13-15/0430:56> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1688 on: <09-13-15/0533:53> »
Yelena has to run part of the conversation back.  "Wait.  Marco say love Yelena?  Why love Yelena?  Yelena kill for money.  Yelena is dark and will take you to dark.  Marco want that?  Marco give up light and chance for good for Yelena?  Why?  Connect yes.  But Love?"
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« Reply #1689 on: <09-13-15/0711:08> »
“Some things need no reason, they follow no logic they just are” He adds. “It has something to do with what I am, and something to do with what you are” He sighs “I feel connected to anyone in this world, anyone alive. I can share their pain, happiness and fears. This is my greatest power and my greatest weakness it is just who I am, a link in a chain. My magic is what link me to other people and it is just as part of me as my hands and legs.” When I touched you and loved you I looked into your soul, and a killer was not all I saw in there.  What I saw in there was worth loving and caring for.  “You live in the shadows, you do some dark stuff, you did even darker things in the past, but time itself - it is nothing but an illusion. We only have a moment and in a moment there is no past, no future, no pain and no suffering, just pleasure.” He looks into Yelena’s eyes and say. “Search your feelings, your actual feelings not years of defensive mechanisms, you were born in the shadows, you died in the shadows but you were only truly alive in the light. Your entire life story revolves around a memory of false love, outside of the shadows...” He holds her hands and whispers “And I can give you the real deal, love so pure so beautiful that it will forever change you.  I want to share this emotion with you, if you let me."
Marco will perhaps kiss Yelena, perhaps just touch her gently and say:
"I am not an easy person to love, I sleep around but it is more than that. I have a meaningful relationships with many people. You are not easy yourself, but I want it to happen and I want it to work. I want to live with you in the shadows and show you what I really am, and I want you to leave the shadows with me one day and show me the person that you can become. That sweet and passionate lady that plays the sax and loves like nobody else in this world”
« Last Edit: <09-13-15/0934:04> by gilga »


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« Reply #1690 on: <09-13-15/1127:12> »
"Welcome back," I offer my now bright-eyed young teammate.  After a 47 minutes nap, HoppyBunny was true to her name and bounced back up to assume her spot on the edge of the CafBar with me.  The rail-thin girl smiles shyly and places a finger to her mouth, miming a "Shhh" sound but not making a peep herself.  I take the mild rebuke in good grace rather than point out to her that my greeting had been in a whisper and we were two stories up.  She's probably right that I should make good habits reflexive.

Still, despite knowing half a dozen languages, I was am struggling to grasp all the hand signs these kids had developed or adapted.  I'm sure they could carry on full conversations without making a sound, but I'm not there yet.  Yet one more thing I have to learn about my new life.

Best to focus on what I'm good at.  And dayum, I am alongside the best there is on the 'trix. 

With another teammember now sharing watch in meatspace, I decide I can allow myself to slip into full VR for a while to continue my search on this Green Goblin group.  Not surprisingly most of what I find at first is rumor and hearsay.  Still, aliases or bits of names are mentioned here and there and I am able to cross reference the posts for trends and consistency.  It's not long before I find some aliases that brag about accomplishments that match some of the rumors.  A datum here and a datum there increases the match.  Eventually I have collected a list of aliases, many with names and even SINs associated.  Most I am sure are fake, but they're certainly something to work with.  The recent ones are likely still in use.  For these with SINs I have collected transaction records, comm call logs, and even video from security cameras where an AI managed to link facial recognition with a SIN.  Not bad for an hour's work.  And only a few times, mostly for the KE camera image data warehouse, did I even invoke GOD and require a reboot of my lovely little Erika.  It's amazing what information you can find that is insufficiently secure.

Knowing my time on watch is coming to an end soon, I jack out for good and close down my deck to converse the battery.  I don't know when I next will be able to charge it up.  I look around and see HoppyBunny looking at me with awe.  More than that, there's curiosity in those eyes which linger more on the deck than on me.  If I didn't know better, I'd call it hunger

Once I take a good look down at the warehouse to make sure the situation hasn't changed, I scoot myself next to her and, without a word, let her feel my jack port and examine the deck.  I let her hold it, although I keep my own hands around the device as well to make sure no unfortunate accidents happen.  Minimal as it is, the deck is my life.  Still, if this kid is half as bright as her sister, maybe there's a way to get her an AR access to the 'trix.  When, a few minutes later, Bootstrap and NoShow come to relieve us, I am sure HoppyBunny is interested. 

Brown eyes keep darting from me to the deck as she sneakily guides me by memory to a little cubby beneath a nearby building that is sheltered from the rain.  A worn mattress which would fit the both of us fills the space and within moments the child is asleep again.  The stench here is almost unbearable and the Prophet only knows what creepy crawlies also call the mattress home, but given the little time we have before morning and the fact Lexi is still asleep somewhere else, I have little choice.  I have to get some sleep.

As much as I love Lexi, I can't imagine I will always be part of her team.  I may have to pay off the Yak piece by piece.  Or if I pay them off, I still have revenge.  More likely than not, I'll go down with the bastards.  I'm fine with that.  And if by Allah's profoundest blessing I managed to take those who framed my mother down and live, I would return to Renraku to resume my rightful place in the corp.  It's entirely possible I might never see Seattle again.

No, if Lexi is to have a decker she can rely on for years to come, I'll need to groom someone.  She deserves that at least.

And who better to train the next generation than the best the previous generation ever saw?

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1691 on: <09-13-15/1157:19> »
Yelena realizes that Marco is offering himself up and does not know what to say, so she listens to Marco in silence, a slice of pizza halfway to her mouth.  When he is done, she lowers the slice back to the box and takes Marco's hands.  "Yelena believe love is the illusion.  Is nothing.  Does nothing.  Only bring pain, hurt, betrayal.  Marco want that chance?  Marco want follow Yelena into shadows?"  She shakes her head.  "Marco not understand shadows.  Most people never go shadows.  Live on edge and think shadows.  Shadows bring life but shadows take life.  Hard live shadow.  Harder leave shadow.  Once there, might not want leave.  Marco right that shadows take all.  They will someday take what is left of Yelena and add to the power there.  But if want, Yelena show you shadows and take you home there.  Marco willing that risk to love Yelena?" 

Still holding his hands, the Keeb assassin adds, "Yelena not promise love.  Yelena much like Marco.  Yelena not believe love exist so not promise love.  Yelena let Marco show love then might see.  Best offer for now.  Is good enough?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1692 on: <09-13-15/1231:54> »
May Allah curse the flea to the depths of Hell!

Four hours of "sleep" later I have very little to show for it but bug bites atop bug bites.  I itch in places I didn't even know COULD itch!  I'd once had a yeast infection and that's about the only time I can remember being this miserable.  I'd give my life for a shower and without one soon I'm not sure I'll have life left in me.


At 0733 Lexi peeks her head past the old sheet that serves as the 'door'  to our underground bedroom.  She crawls in to join us, followed quickly by Bootstrap, and heavenly smells come with them.  Cinnamon rolls?  Yes indeed the little urchin splurged this morning for her team.  Looking at the confection there's not a raisin in it, and the cinnamon is almost certainly synthetic, but at the moment I'm in no mood to be snobbish about anything.  They're steaming and smell delicious.  My greedy fingers are only a bit slower than HoppyBunny's at tearing into the gooey delicacy.

As usual, Lexi's barrens cant is barely decipherable and I'm not even going to try replicating it.  Still, she's caught on to how tough the night was for me as I hug her when she says our other mage will take me back to my place for part of the day.  We're sorting out the details when I get a text from RazorGirl. 

>>Firefly.  Is Razrgrl.  Have test for you.  Dagger with code.  Firefly want try crack code?  Say where when meet.<<

A test?  My face must have been a mirror to my confusion since Lexi and her sister were looking at me funny.  I assure them as I text back, >> Back at the garage in an hour? <<  I start getting myself together to move again when the elf texts back, >>Will need be later.  Something come up. <<  I suggest sundown again at the garage and the response is a simple, >>Will try<<
« Last Edit: <09-13-15/1607:43> by Shaman_Yuri »


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« Reply #1693 on: <09-13-15/1251:34> »
[Fri. Dec. 10, morning]

For a big change this morning, Arc was actually the first one to wake, the slight dust agitated by the morning rays tickling her nose into consciousness.  Squirming, she blinked a few times and booted up her eyes, taking the world into focus as she noticed the most obvious thing about her: she wasn't tired.  A full night's sleep was had with her Vruk, and not disturbed by surprisingly vivid and strange dreams to boot.

Her lips curling into a smile, the mechanic became aware of the arms her partner had wrapped around her, providing her a sense of warmth and security through the night.  Maybe that was it... She thought to herself a moment before deciding that she couldn't sleep anymore. Cautiously slipping out from Jaime's embrace, the human grabbed some undergarments and tiptoes out of the room, stopping by the bathroom to slip the clothes on and take care of business.  On the way out, she caught herself in the mirror, pausing for a moment to look at her reflection.  What stared back seemed to invoke contentment...peace...confidence.  I guess a lot can happen in one month.... She remarked to herself with a shrug before departing to the kitchen.

Once here, it was a few minutes for Arc to find anything she might want, but her mind was set: she was going to cook breakfast this morning.  Who cares if she's never handled decent quality food before today, how hard could it be?  Finding a pan and some eggs, the rigger set herself up on the stovetop, turning the heat on and setting a spatula aside.  Cracking the eggs, she plopped a few on the pan after a beat, met with the affirming sizzle of the eggs hitting heat.

Sighing a little and grabbing another pan, she set up down bacon cooking as well, poking at the (so called) meat gingerly as it sizzled, her mind going over the previous night.  With Blake in the picture, they might just stand a chance...he knows how to get supplies, how to handle objectives...on top of that, he knows more of the big picture than us, and we need that.

Jed is dead set in.  He shares my view in this: these hoops are not doing good things, and need stopped.  I know he was hired on, but I think he is in this for the long haul now.  Yelena too.  I didn't take her to be the type that would do this, but ever since I met her, she's showing signs of...well, lack of a better term, good.  She cares about things.  Wonder what part of here set that aspect if her life in motion...

Marco...Frag it, I don't know what to think about him.  He is good, I know that.  He cares about those he knows.  But his heart...I worry his heart isn't committed to this effort.  I hope Blake can reach him like he shad he could, because in think any more stress and he will bolt.  Same with Ambrose...I can't read that guy, but I honestly think he doesn't care for us.  Not enough to listen anyhow.

And now I'm about to blow up a lab for someone undercutting the club so I can get inside.  And I brought kids into it.  Hi hope I'm right to do this.  Rabbit is a smart girl.  Give a few years, she could be managing jobs better than me.  Her crew is solid too.  And with the cred I promised, I know they'll be committed.

Firefly is the oddity though.  She's older, by my bet, and likely has a roof over her head and a few more meals a week.  And a Decker to boot.  She's carrying over 50k in tech at least and on the streets.  Man.  Being a Decker is expensive too, I heard Jed mentioning that before the Snowden job...after this, I'm gonna have to consider bringing her in on this full.  She's curious and eager...might be easier than I thought.

But now to me.  I gotta think today on how to set up a place to blow like it was an accident...I'll contact Hrock, maybe he'll have an idea...ah!

Her musings were cut short as the distinct smell of burning overtook her senses, reminding her that food had been cooking this whole time.  Or in this case, burning.  Black smoke was coming up from both pans, sending the human into a mild panic as she shut the heat off, taking the pans up and surveying the blackened mess she left.  Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment at her failed attempt, forcing her to sigh and set the offending dishes aside, the girl rubbing her cheeks as she figured out what to do.

well, think I need to learn to cook.  Marco's good at it, maybe he will teach me.  Man, listen to me.  By night, I'm a semi criminal rigger and driver, doing spirits knows what.  and here I am by day being an inept vruken and part time mechanic.  What will happen next I wonder?
« Last Edit: <09-13-15/1300:57> by SgtBoomCloud »


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« Reply #1694 on: <09-13-15/1455:27> »
@ Marco & Yelena  It's a chily overcast morning on the beach. But, as the day wears on the sun comes out and plays on the water, the small waves rolling onto the beach sparkling and dancing like champagne freshly uncorked. And with the sun, a few more people slowly migrate onto the beach. Most are content to wander silently. But, one young couple run past, laughing and teasing each other, jokingly trying to push each other into the waves and squealing when they're splashed by the cold spray. They're full of life and enjoying flirting with each other, and in a moment, they're past Yelena and Marco. In sharp contrast a few minutes later an old couple follows. Both appear to be in their eighties. And their pace is slow, but they are enjoying each others company no less than the young couple before them. They are leaning on each other and the man is breathing hard. The woman says something to him and in a moment she's got two small stools set out on the beach about 20m away. 
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