Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #1575 on: <09-04-15/0102:47> »
Marta feels a bit exposed, pimped even when she sees her favorite doctor with his client. "This is not why I signed up for this gig" She thinks. Despite her image, Marta picks her own clients. She does not provide service to everyone that can pay. Instead on the first date she tries to sense a client and see if she can connect with him. She will refuse people that repulse her, or cannot do an interesting conversation.  After all, it is much easier to pull a long term commitment if they are physically and mentally stimulating. What is about to happen tonight is a bit unusual for her, and it makes her a bit uncomfortable. A client that degraded his body to this extreme point was no one she'd normally consider. He does not have to be pretty but atleast should be groomed to a point that show physical image awareness. Yet she tried to physically prepare her body, for what was about to come. She hoped that she can keep that sexual stimuli long enough so she does not suffer.

When the two men become 'real', Marta finds herself just a tad nervous. Having the doctor sees her as a woman is also a bit odd for her, she does not even know if he is attracted to women.  She extends her hand and say "Marta Balck, a pleasure to meet you both." She smiles her devious smile and say "Ginny and I were discussing her most incredible discoveries in the field of chemistry, she new in town and a brilliant researcher are you familiar with the field?" She is pretending that it is a test to see if the two are worthy of conversation. Admitting to be science geeks and very educated, would be a turnoff to most guys just looking for a pretty piece of ass.  However her briefing from the doc indicates that the client will happily accept the challenge. If any - science them into submission and and a sensual night - will make his sense of achievement quite real.  Marta is just a tad flirty with them, but still keeps her flirt with Ginny. She will let the two men, make an effort to seduce them - otherwise it wont feel real to the men.

« Last Edit: <09-04-15/0105:55> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1576 on: <09-04-15/0116:16> »
Ginny is so nervous that she can feel her legs quiver a bit.  She thinks it best to let Marta make the lead-in to the conversation and is glad that she did.  She actually blushes; it has been a long time since anyone had said something like that about her and she is naturally a bit shy about her own accomplishments.  She bows her head then looks up, her cheeks still a bit red.  "Not all that incredible, Marta.  And maybe not that interesting to others."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1577 on: <09-04-15/0125:52> »
Marta smiles softly and say to Ginny "You are so modest sweetie... this is one of things I admire about you " and then looks at the men "She really is a brilliant scientist, the brightest mind I ever met. " She strokes gently, Ginny's hand, both as a display of affection targeted at the two men and also to reassure Ginny that she is doing great and help her feel more relaxed.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1578 on: <09-04-15/0131:58> »
Ginny bites at her lip then realizes that this is probably not too sexy and raises the flute to sip at the drink.  *Not too much, Ginny girl.  Enough but not too much.*  She is desperately hoping that Marta's date takes the hint and starts some sort of conversation to get the other man involved.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1579 on: <09-04-15/0330:05> »
>>Hey FaithfulGrl, I've got job. Need one more. Not hard, just sneaky.<<

The text from my best friend in Seattle is just the tonic I need.  Knowing that time is of the essence for the data I'd just scored, though, I focus first on packaging my haul from the comm and sending it off with a "highest priority" tag to one of George's lieutenants.  I make damned sure to summarize my findings right up front in very clear, short language - both in our shared native Japanese as well as again in English - so there should be no missing the critical, time-sensitive nature of the news. 

Toshi hired me to spy on another mid-level boss in the Yak who George suspected of collusion with one of the Mafia Families.  He couldn’t use a Yak hacker for such a gig, hence why he reached out to me for plausible deniability if I fragged up.  Neither Toshi nor George had suggested the douche bag would stoop so low as to betray major Yak ops, but my data was air tight and verifiable proof that he truly was خائن or betrayer.  Allah willing, there should be a serious bonus in it for me to have collected such an airtight case.  I need it if I’m to stay on top of my debt payments to the Yak. 

I’m not dim.  I realize my relationship with the Yak is essentially indentured servitude.  As long as I work just for them, they'll carefully pay me barely enough to make my interest payments, eat, and keep my shared apartment.  As much as father's old friend George is my mentor, he’s a businessman first.  Keeping me working perpetually for his team is in his best interests.  It looks like Lexi has figured out the same thing- bless that little قنفذ الشارع.

In a much better frame of mind, I shoot a quick response to the street urchin.  >>I’m in.  Just tell me when and where and I’ll meet you there.  Who should come to the party, Renge or Firefly?<<  Lexi would know what that last meant – just another young set of meat eyes or the wiz decker Firefly.  To the mundane world, even to my roomie, I’m Renge Miyauchi.  That’s the SIN the Yak provided me when I got off the boat.  Only George and Lexi know my real identity, the one that died back home in Singapore.  It’s critical things stay that way.  How my 後輩 managed to weasel my old name out of me, I still can’t figure out.  That girl could make a stone sing.

Taking another long sip of the stuff that passes for green tea in Redmond, at least at my price point, I settle in again with my freshly rebooted Erika while I wait for Lexi's reply.  This time entering the matrix with firewall and data retrieval as my primary attributes, I wander the grid innocently like any generic vice-drenched member of the masses.  It’s nice to sometimes just wander the grid without fear of the gendarme.  The shining hosts above, surrounded by glittering icons, and me just some nondescript icon window shopping as it were.  It’s almost like a holiday compared to the events just half an hour ago.
« Last Edit: <09-04-15/1825:23> by Shaman_Yuri »


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« Reply #1580 on: <09-04-15/0334:44> »
As Jed is digging around trying to make Snowden lunch, he sees an ARO on Marco's fridge about grocery delivery.  Quickly conferring with Snowden, he orders up some groceries, including some hazelnut butter.  Drek.  That took most of the 100 nuyen he just borrowed from Marco.  Oh Drek, the group was supposed to meet at Arc's place to discuss Sam.  No time or money to get there.  He'd have to project.  Hopefully that wouldn't freak anyone out.  But first he need to submit his invoices to the Ancients. 

Please find attached the invoices for expenses incurred up to this point.  Also invoiced is two days worth of work.  Final report for now is that I could find no trace of this Sam or his whereabouts.  I have no evidence that he was scouting you, it seems a coincidence that he tried to recruit Yelena while she was working for you.  I uncovered info that he may work for the government, likely in the Fiends and Foul Magic division.  I'm at a dead end.  As a courtesy to you, I'll contact you if I find any further info about him, but I'm off the clock now for you guys.  This invoice will square us up. 

Jed lets Snowden know that he is going to lie down.  I'm going to lie down.  I'm a pretty heavy sleeper so you probably won't be able to wake me up.  Please don't leave the apartment. 

Marco, I'm going to project myself into the garage.  Give everyone a heads up won't you?   Jed cruises the Astral over to Arc's garage.  Popping in he says to the group  Sorry I'm late folks.  Last night took a toll on me.  What's the scoop today?
Speech  Thought   Matrix/Comms

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1581 on: <09-04-15/1005:54> »
Yelena looks around at the gathering team as she wanders with the soycaf pot.  When Jed appears, she nods to herself.  Everyone is here except for Marco, who is not coming.  She listens to her Srui's comment and waits for Blake to say his piece.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1582 on: <09-04-15/1845:53> »
Maybe Jenna's right, I said to myself as I dodged the tar baby mark the IC following me tried to tag me with.  Maybe I do get off cutting it close.

However you described my affliction, Allah knows I can never leave things well enough alone.  Give me too long on the Matrix with nothing better to do, and I will find some way to create trouble for myself if no one else sees fit to do it for me.

This "Jimmy" and his throw away comm was an enigma, and the Heavens know I do not like unsolved mysteries.  Why not take this time waiting for Lexi's response following up on that, I asked myself.  I thought I'd trace the comm grid provider, hack the data base, and snoop on how the thing had been paid for.

What could possibly go wrong?


Okay, that hurt.  Time to fight the dog and then make good my escape while it reforms.

I quickly reset my my deck to emphasize attack and submitted my best effort to crash the cursed thing.  Attack never has been my best attribute.  Ever since I was five I've been kinda sleazy.

How many girls do you meet who are happy to be called that?  Are they Muslim?  PLEASE, give me their comm address!

The Prophet once again smiled on me as the icon in my sights dissolved into bits.  I didn't waste any time in fleeing the host and making a bee line for home.

You know, I think a few quiet hours curled up on my futon with a good book sounds in order just about now...
« Last Edit: <09-04-15/2053:44> by Shaman_Yuri »


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« Reply #1583 on: <09-04-15/2310:54> »
@ Subaru. >>Renge. Meet Btstrp trips spot Faithfulgrl.  Watcher spot in Bkyrd.<< Lexi's cant could be hard to understand in text. Between coded words,  and abbreviations designed to carefully husband every bit of data and battery life you'd missed her meaning more than once. She must be getting paid in real cred for this job to post such a lengthy message.   Best you can make out she wanted you to meet with Bootstrap at the spot she'd tripped and fallen at the day you'd meet her. She knew you weren't familiar with the Barrens and GPS was notoriously inaccurate there.
« Last Edit: <09-05-15/1512:26> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1584 on: <09-05-15/0047:20> »
@ Marco.  The good doctor smiles at Ginny a look in his eyes that says 'fresh meat'. But he has enough self discipline to watch his charge to make sure he's not attracted to her also. For his part your date tonight seems very taken by you and says, "I've seen promising work of this kind before. You're right it's fascinating. But we would be boors if we sat at a table with two truly incredible women and spoke only of work. Perhaps of we discuss more pleasant topics we can convince you to stay for dessert afterwards.
« Last Edit: <09-05-15/1511:54> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1585 on: <09-05-15/0140:00> »
For Blake. As he looks at the group assembled in the garage his first thought is, 'Show time.'. But then he thinks, 'No, that's Stewart's thinking. But Stewart was a master manipulator. Bastard enjoyed having everyone dancing to his secret tune. But he wasn't Stewart. And they need the truth if they were going to have a prayer of coming up with a plan to discover the truth and come out of this alive. He took a deep breath, it was show and tell time, as he showed them everything that was in his hand. "Ok, well first off you should know that Stewart worked for a government agency. But, I do not.  he paused. I work for Stewart.he looked around the room at the group to see if anyone understood what he meant. And as much as he was a manipulative SOB I can honestly say his team's generally made it out alive, and collateral damage and casualties were always far, far smaller than you'd expect given the type of assignments he handled. Time to admit the truth. And while I don't know all the angles of this job, I do know that he was trying to find out who was the puppet master for a new drug that not only had people dancing to their tune, but changed them somehow into very powerful puppets." He paused then looking around at the group. "But, I still don't know anything about the drug and so far haven't found anything like a note saying what he thought it did". 
« Last Edit: <09-05-15/1508:55> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1586 on: <09-05-15/0154:57> »
With a semi accidental light touch on the heap, and the almost random gesture of taking a last sip from her champagne glass in a manner that attracts attention to her lips, Marta looks at her date. With a pleasant voice that that has just a tiny bit of promise but no more she tells the client. "You are quite an ambitious man, mr. Anderson.  Bold even... what would you have us talk about?" Her body language is challenging the client, her look indicates that she knows exactly what kind of desert he is talking about, yet she is somewhat intrigued. As to how, he is going to seduce two gorgeous woman. She challenge him!   In the meanwhile her attention is also split to Ginny and if Ginny seems uncomfortable to the point of breaking up Marta will skillfully change the subject. In a way the challenge is real, if the client is skillful enough in conversation arts, to keep Ginny comfortable with his more 'pleasent' topic Marta will let him establish some more intimacy with her. Otherwise, the conversation would somehow pop back to science.

I wasn't sure what his name... so I invented a name.
« Last Edit: <09-05-15/0158:24> by gilga »


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« Reply #1587 on: <09-05-15/0313:34> »
I'd rebooted my little Erika after my most recent unproductive run-in with the grid attack dogs.  This time when I re-entered the Matrix I went straight for the stacks at the University of Constantinople library host.  Nothing else could ensure that I stay out of trouble, potentially for hours.  I could lose myself for an entire day in this place, forgetting even to eat or drink.  Back during my real-life visit to that storied City two years ago, grandfather had asked a friend of his in the college's IT to work with me to set up a back door for use whenever I had time to study.  I'd made sure to be discreet using it both to protect that friend as well as to keep Renraku from knowing just how important my faith had become to me since that trip.  My insistence on performing Salāt, or daily prayer, had complicated my life enough already.  If they knew I spent so much time studying Islamic mystical texts that could have been spent improving the skills the corp wanted me to sharpen, well it would not have been pretty.

None of that mattered now, though.  To Renraku, I was a charred corpse.  An investment they'd written off the moment they'd thrown my parents under the bus.

>>Renge. Meet Btstrp trips spot Faithfulgrl.  Watcher spot in Bkyrd.<<

The text was a welcome interruption from the combination of rage and pity fest that came whenever I thought about the events of autumn when my life had been turned upside down by betrayal.  The past was past.  I had responsibilities now if I was ever to exact my revenge.

And I WOULD have my revenge.

The message from Lexi didn't indicate a time, so I had to assume she meant pretty much right now.  I logged off carefully from the host on the other side of the world and jacked out following all the legal protocols of the 'trix.  Nothing unusual to see here, GOD.  Just another wage-slave adding to a corp bottom line.  Don't mind me.

Yeah, right.

I stretched my meat body as I came again to myself.  This job of Lexi's was a good thing in more ways than one.  Not only did I owe the little urchin the favor, but I really needed to get out and moving.  One of the more useful things my teachers back home had drilled into my head is that strength of the mind follows strength of the body.  My mind could not fully flourish and achieve its maximum potential if I permitted my physical body to atrophy.  It was hard to get exercise given the Seattle winter rain, my unfamiliarity with the sprawl, and the fact that I was practically defenseless in meatspace, not to mention my need to make nuyen every way that I could.  That last required me to be on grid most of my waking hours.  Bless Lexi for giving me so many reasons to get out regularly.

I looked over at Jenna to let her know I was heading out.  I had to smirk at the adorable sight.  Her tent-like t-shirt had hiked itself up on her body, displaying for the world what God had given her from the belly button down.  I swear the girl has no modesty to speak of.  Her nearly naked body was curled up on her own futon, looking peacefully asleep, arms around an old stuffed bear she'd gotten from her dad when she was, like, three.  I could see the jack and knew better.  She was VR'd in at the moment.  I picked up my deck from my own sleeping space and shot her a quick ARO to let her know that she wouldn't see me when she jacked out and that it was okay.  I didn't share any details - she didn't either under the same circumstances.  Despite sharing the same room, we weren't all that close.  The apartment was a business arrangement and for the most part we stayed to ourselves.

Looking around I spotted where I'd folded my outside clothes.  I grabbed by trusty jumpsuit and my hijab and abaya and headed for the bathroom.  I didn't spend much time looking at myself in the mirror.  I knew I was a mess.  One of the advantages and drawbacks to always covering your hair in public is that you can get lazy about hair care.  Add to that being destitute and skimping on product and my dark locks were frizzing up a storm.  I would never have been able to live like this three months ago, and yet now it was just another day in the life. 

I ran my widest-tooth brush across my scalp enough passes to at least be able to go the length of my hair all the way around my head without hitting any tangles.  It would have to do.  Moments later I had donned my jumpsuit and abaya and was arraying my hijab around my face and over my shoulders.  With the flowing second-hand dark-charcoal fabric covering my high-tech armored jumpsuit and the "well -loved" grey hijab framing my face, I looked like one of the house girls I'd seen running chores for their families in the slums of Constantinople's old city.  It was a look Lexi was helping me master, and honestly I loved it.  I felt closer to God in the traditional clothes of my faith, and from a practical perspective the abaya covered up the pitch black jumpsuit which, while it might stop a bullet, screamed NUYEN to all who saw it.  I didn't need that kind of attention. 

Standing looking at myself in the mirror I saw a young girl who belonged in the Barrens.  It was quite a come down from the heights of luxury I'd been in three months ago, but that was literally another life.  Subaru was dead.  I'm Renge now.  Or Firefly.  Or Thurrayya.  As schizophrenic as it sounded, three identities wasn't bad.  I'd identified half a dozen of Lexi's and I doubted that scratched the surface of all the faces the girl showed the world.

Leaving the bathroom I looked back at my futon where my now powered down and locked deck sat on my pillow.  Should I still take it?  No, Lexi said she needed Renge not Firefly.  The jumpsuit is just common sense.  Taking my deck when I didn't need it was just begging to lose it if I was overpowered by someone.  If someone took my jumpsuit and left me alive, I'd mange.  If they did the same with the Erika they signed my death warrant even if they didn't flick the knife across my throat.  Without that deck, I was nothing but spare parts and ghoul chow at the end of the month.  Although we weren't close, Jenna was a budding decker herself.  We respected each other's equipment even if we were cool with each other.  And I was now her best teacher and meal-ticket for something better.  No, my deck was safer here than with me in the Barrens doing the Prophet knew what.

With only a twinge of regret, I grabbed my cheap little Metalink so that I could at least do basic texting and turned toward the door.  I quietly slipped out, locking the portal behind me.  Back home in Singapore I often mused about all the excitement I was missing living ensconced in Renraku security wherever I went.  I'd always wondered what life was like in the "real world".  Well, now I knew how foolishly romantic I had been back then, but it was too late.  This was my life now, Renge's life, and with Lexi's help I'd adapt.

It helps that I have a few tricks up my sleeve, I smiled as I dove down the street and to the meeting point.
« Last Edit: <09-05-15/1008:43> by Shaman_Yuri »


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« Reply #1588 on: <09-05-15/1228:50> »
Arc paused and listened, soycaf in hand being drunk slowly and absently as she took in the words the ork was relating.  Government agency....makes sense.... Shrugging to herself, the little human looked around to the others, seeing if any were going to respond...when no one did, she let out a little sigh and sat up straight.

"What ya sayin checks out, omae.  Our digging said the same drek about our boss.  So, I guess ya wanna know where we stand, eh?  On the drug, we been determining that the drug has some kinda mojo laced into it to produce the effect, which means mages and those that ping mojo space soil them easy...". She paused a bit, looking hard at her soycaf as she grit her teeth.  " of our own went missing after learning that."

"Beyond that drek, we know a couple things. One, it's like wicked addictive drek, and two, late users show signs like glassy skin and naturally producing Trix noise.  Think I saw one of those as a glitch in their AR view.  Any more info is beyond me, but I guess if we really wanted to know, we have a live tester don't we?" 
.The human took a long look at Yelena, queuing her up to speak before continuing.

"As far as what I'm doing on this fight, I'm digging myself into the club's trusted circle, like Yelena here, but on a different angle.  One of the owners grew up in the same streets as me, and combined with the rep that I blow through money like a drunken trig at a huurlg bar, I'm doing jobs for him.  I'm hopping that these jobs will give me an op to see what drek is going on, and score some cred to keep going, amirite?  Anyhow, I haven't gone into deets with everyone yet. but I gotta job needs run and done by Sunday.  A street competitor been stealing the drug formula the club pinned and been cooking and selling it for themselves.  They want me to make it blow up.  Lab accident, easy to go wrong. Aye?  I've got some local talent reconnin the place.  Real hopscotch stuff, but they gettin paid By my cred so it's null sweat.  I should hear back from her tonight, and move from there.  Wiz?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1589 on: <09-05-15/1450:54> »
Yelena nods.  "Yes.  Yelena have two ways in.  Made friend Bella.  She big into drugs and sex.  She bring Yelena along.  Have next date tomorrow night.  Also contact man Gregor.  Fancy suit lawyer.  With club and law firm for club.  Hire Yelena kill man.  Man dead so Grego will like.  Maybe more work and find out things."  With that, Yelena looks around at the others. 
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>