Street Level - Benny The Coward.

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« on: <03-15-15/0914:08> »
Benny is.. well, a coward. Most people know that. This human is extremely paranoid, frighted of most things, and highly superstitious. This is the guy who will not run under a ladder, always throws salt over his shoulder and wears all sorts of trinkets to keep bad luck away. Fairly gullible when it comes to getting trinkets for good luck as well. His fighting style is something that most shadowrunners don't seem to use. Cowardliness..

Yet, despite being a coward, he always for some reason continues to keep going shadowrunning. Perhaps its the money involved, or, perhaps maybe he's not as cowardly as he seems to be? Whatever the case, some runners have found it better to watch him then to watch for ambushes as he seems to have a natural knack for sniffing out ambushes. (Not that he alerts the others as often as he should however)

Benny The Coward
B 3, A 4, R 5/6, S 4, W 3, L 3, I 6, C 4, ESS 6, EDG 3, M 6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Armor: 10
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 5, Social 7
Physical Initiative: 11/12+2D6
Active Skills: Armorer 3, Athletics Group 3, Close Combat Group 2, Con 3, Palming (Pickpocket +2) 5, Perception 5, Performance 6, Pistols (Semi-Automatics +2) 6, Sneaking 5, Throwing Weapons 3
Knowledge Skills: Mythology 2, Street Drugs 3, Superstitions (Good Luck +2) 5
Languages: English N
Qualities: Adept, Bad Rep, Distinctive Style: Lots of little lucky charms, One Trick Pony, Out For Myself
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (1), Enthralling Performance: Performance (12dicepool), Feign Death (6h), Feign Illness (6h), Improved Reflexes (1), Light Touch (4), Nimble Fingers, Rapid Draw, Sustenance
. . Flashlight
. . Identity: Specify Name w/ (1 month) Benny, Fake SIN (2)
. . Renraku Sensei Commlink
. . Steampunk w/ Custom Fit, Lightly Worn
. . Survival Kit
. . Streetline Special [Hold-out, Acc 4, DV 2P, AP +4, SA, 6 (c)] w/ Capsule, Pepper Punch, (2x) Spare Clips
. . Survival Knife [Blade, Acc 5, DV 6P, AP -1]
Armand (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Bartender (Connection 1, Loyalty 4)
Fixer (Connection 1, Loyalty 2)
Starting ¥: 1,352 + (2D6 × 40)¥

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Known issues - too many ways to kill.
I know some people look down on having so many combat skills. But I elect to the school of thought that putting your eggs in one basket (Pistols) is a great way to have situations where you don't have any weapons at all. With the CCG I can pick up anything an use it as  a weapon, even if wouldn't hit normally all that well. I did however make sure to have at least one combat skill maxed out.

The entire point of benny is to be rather cowardly in his combat strategy., finding any dirty trick he can in order to really mess up his opponents. In the future he's to get murder armor along with the whole gel pack stuff, as going prone isn't really that bad of a thing for him.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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