Post Formatting Wonkiness

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« on: <03-11-15/0333:59> »
Every time I post something to this forum, the editing tools misbehave, and the end result doesn't match what I entered.

For instance, I just entered two line-breaks before typing this line. When I post it, the forum will expand that out to three. (Basically, it will take each line-break, and add an extra.)
On this one, however, it will NOT add an extra line-break, and this line will appear directly beneath the prior one.

It gets worse if I try to edit this later. For some reason, if I go to a blank line and press Delete, the line below it will shrink in size -- but if I post it in that state, the text gets surrounded by Size tags and nothing actually changes. To illustrate, I'm going to type something short here, three lines with two line-breaks between each. I'm then going to go to the first blank line, then hit Delete.



I can't figure out what is going on here, but it doesn't seem to be affecting anyone else. I've seen plenty of other people posting some things with pretty complex formatting, with no problem.
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« Reply #1 on: <03-11-15/0342:59> »
It's not just you, the wysiwyg editor sucks. Get used to using the raw formatting button on the far right of the tool bar and hand coding your posts.
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« Reply #2 on: <03-12-15/0747:24> »
I'll look into this.

In the interim can you provide me with more specific information?

What forum theme are you using?
Computer and OS?
Browser and version?

Thank you.




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« Reply #3 on: <03-12-15/1259:53> »
This seems to be universal for me. I've seen it with Chrome and Internet Exploder; Windows 7, Vista, and my Android tablet: multiple versions of all of those (I've been seeing this problem for a long time, just never said anything about it).

I haven't tried changing the forum theme. Heck, I wasn't aware there was more than one, most forums don't bother.
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« Reply #4 on: <03-12-15/1323:00> »
Ditto - long time sufferer, only mentioned it in passing. I've used it in Chrome and Firefox on both Windows 8.1 and OSX as well as Android on Chrome and Lastpass's built in browser.

Also, never played with themes. Gonna look into that.
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