[OOC] Honest to god milk runs, Part 1- (Party Crashers)

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« on: <02-25-15/1842:27> »
Ok, folks, the four runners selected for this simple mission are...

Lizzy the street mage
Patch, the ork combat medic
QT, the human gun adept
Shortstuff, the gnome technomancer

Welcome to Jacksonville, Old Jack City as the locals call it. It's hot 10 months out of the year, during which it rains at 3 o'clock every day for about 20 minutes to an hour, but sometimes for days.
For the other two months, its just as wet, but cold. Really cold. Like, right next to the Atlantic ocean cold. Never QUITE cold enough to freeze for longer than a day at a time, leaving the place choked in a layer of slush the entire time. It's one of the oldest cities on the continent, and as far as land space goes, THE largest. It's got a port and a naval base, but neither one are of much importance. There are far better places on the shore for both those activities than here, so there's not many jobs at the port and not many tips from the sailors.

Due to the geographical uniqueness of the place, being a city, more or less surrounded by rivers and swamps, it can be a little tricky for newcomers to get around. If you're not on autopilot, expect to make NAV rolls, and expect them to be harder if you lack the Area Knowledge: Jacksonville skill. Naturally divided into little sections by rivers and the bridges that run over them, it's an incredibly segregated place. You're NEARLY as likely to be accosted for "walking while squish" as you are for "driving while trog" It's also very religiously intolerant. You will NOT be hired for most conventional 9-5 jobs, no matter how minor if you are openly non-christian. Even among christians, Non-southern baptists are viewed with suspicion, although not outwardly scorned.

Most people here are lazy as shit. The mayor, the clergy, the workers, the drug dealers, the cops, the strippers, the soldiers, the gang bangers, the garbage men, you name it. Something about the heat just fucks with people's priorities. Whether you fall into the same category as the rest or not is ALL up to you, but I felt it bared mentioning that things are WAY more laid back in Old Jack City than in Chicago, Seattle, or Denver. A good place for a person, new to the shadows to get their feet wet. An even BETTER place for an experienced runner, trying to lay low, but still make a little cash to keep the belly full while on the lam. And it's a perfect place for new relationships to be born and for old ones to die. Something about the forceful salty wind that comes off the beach has a way of eroding everything in time.

Here's some basic info on the main large gangs in the area.

1- Red five: a go gang from the Atlantic beach area, They're mainly about extortion, smuggling, and mayhem for the sake of fun. Wear red X's and talk in star wars lingo. has no "official" leadership, but a guy who calls himself "Grand Moffuckin' Tarkin" seems to have a lot of pull with the rest of the squad. moreso than most, probably just cause he has the biggest balls.
2- Krubb Force: a primarily goblin gang from the emerson/phillips highway area. Drugs, gambling, prostitution. No identifying markers, but they only speak or'zet, and with a heavy local dialect, so non-members are fairly easy to root out. Locals ONLY.  Headed up by an aging ork called Twine. He's smarter than he is ruthless, which is considerable. He runs the group almost like a business and so has several lower ranking officers as well as division heads and project managers.
3- Dixie Sisters Gang: A largely human inbred family run gang in the westside. Specializes in drug manufacture, manufacture and modification of illegal gear, chop shops, etc. All keep Green bandanas somewhere on their person. headed up by Jolene and Tammy Dixie, two hardcore old human ladies, chromed to bejeezus and mean as hornets.
4- Hermanos: An all awakened and spanish speaking gang that runs riverside efficiently and with nearly no violence. They're all about protection rackets, gambling, and extortion. run by complete democracy with no leaders of any sort.

Unknown by anyone outside gang circles, but suspected by some who care in police and the media, there has been a somewhat official gang truce in effect for almost 10 years now, with profits soaring for everyone involved.

I would like each of you four, in whatever order you choose, to post up your character sheets as well as backstory and BRIEF physical appearance (once they're finished) before anyone posts anything else. We can keep chatting in the recruiting thread until then.

« Last Edit: <03-11-15/2228:25> by Poindexter »
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« Reply #1 on: <02-25-15/1859:18> »
Google docs link
Short Stuff

Name: Rudolph Hoch
Alias: Short Stuff
Race: Gnome
Sex: Male
Physical Description/Personality:
Short Stuff is very young looking.  He's young to start with, but looks even younger, pre-pubescent (neoteny).  He stands a mighty 95cm (3foot 1inch) and has short blonde hair with piercing blue eyes.  He's a gnome so his 31kg (85lbs) still looks slim on him.

Rudolph is the only child of white collar dwarf parents born in '54 in the suburbs of Chicago.  After the quarantine was lifted in '58, his parents were heavily involved in the revitilization efforts.  5 years later, the Year of the Commet, Rudy SURGEd to what would later be called a gnome.  His innate intelligence showing early.  Between how quickly he was advancing within the school system, the riots from the CCZ and then when he changed; his parents decided it was best to home school him.  He finished the next 10 years of curriculum in 3 years.  It's '64 and Crash 2.0 happens just as he enteres the University of Illinois at Springfield.  Those that read about flat 'trid shows from the '90s call him Doogie.  What they don't know is that he also Emerged after the crash.  He keeps this secret to himself, as he faces enough prejudice between being so young and a Gnome.  The last thing Rudy needs is to hunted for being a technomancer.  He finishes his Bachelors degree in nearly record time, and at the wizened age of 12, goes on to try and find work.  It's a hard thing to do, being a pre-teen genius mini-dwarf trying to get a job.  He ends up working for his fathers company as a decker to support the revitilization efforts in the CCZ.  Normal 9-5 stuff, but it hones his skills.  It also is starting to draw the attention of others.  After 2 years, EVO notices the nova hot stuff coming from this little business on the edge of the CCZ and goes about recruiting him.  Rudy spends the next few years as a corporate spider, helping protect EVO's interests in the Windy City.  With 5 years of real world experience under his now 17 year old belt, Rudy asks EVO if they'll let him help the community by becoming a cop.  It takes a lot of string pulling, but eventually they work out a deal where EVO holds his contract but contracts him out to Lone Star.  He goes to basic training, the first experience in his life he isn't able to just rush through, and then spends next 4 years as a Lone Star detective in the Cyber Crime squad.  Last year he worked a missing persons case that was starting to lead back to EVO actually doing an illegal "asset" recovery.  The Johnson working that case got him kicked out of unit and dropped down to doing patrol work in the worst part of town.  The runner's that had originally "freed" said "asset" helped Rudy get out from under EVO and into the Shadows.  He's been working for the "other side" ever since.
Center helped Rudy get settled in Jacksonville.  And while they stay in touch frequently, Center stayed in Chicago and put him in touch with One67 as an upstanding crook.  Someone to get him jobs as he needed and local intel.  Center was able to get him a fake SIN whileOne67 hooked him up with the nice doss he's got.  No discount on either one, but having them was better than not.  Louise is the regular bartender at the Rams Head where he drinks, and she hooked him up with a seller that was trying to move the old mo-ped he had.  While he still doesn't know his way around town, he's at least got wheels and can follow grid guide.  The bike drives itself for the most part.

Health Monitors
Resistance (Soak)

Initiation Grade0
Matrix Initiatve AR13+3d6
Matrix Initiatve VR13+4d6

Positive Qualities
Arcane Arrester (2)
Exceptional Attribute (Logic)
Negative Qualities
SINner (Corporate Limited): EVO
Social Stress (Introvert)
Resonance Spike
Static Veil
Transcendent Grid

Active Skills
Electronic Warfare513
Etiquette (Professional +2)58(10)
First Aid311
Pilot Ground Craft13
Knowledge Skills
Area Knowledge Chicago27Street
Combat Biking49Interest
Corporation EVO311Professional
Matrix Criminals715Professional
Matrix Design917Academic
Matrix Security715Academic
Matrix Security Design715Professional
Police Procedure311Professional
Language Skills

Gear (1700¥)
Lined Coat9
    Universal Mirror Material4
Defiance EX Shocker8[6]9S(e) v-5
Rudolph HochEVO Corporate Limited SINNone
Bob ShortFake SIN (4)Middle Lifestyle C&N=3 S=3 N=4 Grid Subscription(1) SPU(1) Garage(2) (1 month)
(1x) Psyche
Meta Link
Dodge Scoot

Center33Dwarven Fixer

Karma 850
gnome -50 (800)
Technomancer -15 (785)
Exceptional Attribute -14(771)
UCAS (General/Chicago) -15 (756)
White Collar -40 (716)
Home Tutored -50 (666)
State University (Computer Science) -65 (611)
Regular Job (Decker) -100 (511)
Corporate (Decker/Spider) -100 (411)
Law Enforcement (Cyber Crime) -100 (311)
Resonance 1-> 6 -100 (211)
Edge 1->3 -25 (186)
Strength 1->2 -10 (176)
Intuition 2->5 -60 (116)
Compilation 6 -42 (74)
Registration 6 -42 (32)
5 Complex Forms -20 (12)
Codeblock (Check Overwatch Score) +10 (22)
Buyoff Social Stress -8 (14)
Pilot Ground Craft 0->1 -2 (12)
22k¥ -12 (0)
« Last Edit: <03-22-15/1508:31> by Zweiblumen »
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« Reply #2 on: <02-25-15/1919:49> »
Name: Jacob Vester
Alias: Patch
Race: Orc   
Sex: Male
Physical Description/Personality:
The first thing that most people notice about Patch is his shear size and Muscular Build. He's built like a Combat Biker Heavy Combatant. It leads many to think of Patch as another big dumb orc.
His military upbringing stands out in the way he carries himself but he's lost the crew cut and clean shave. 


Patch was born into a UCAS military family. He was raised as a military brat. He grew up on various bases as his dad was transferred around. As a teen he was sent to a military school and graduated with honors. He was able to get himself into West Point through hard work and dedication. He had a drive to help others so he focused his studies into medicine. His story really starts during his tour. He became a decorated and respected young officer within his unit. He was well known for his determination to make sure every soldier made it home. But he quickly became disenfranchised when he was put under a commanding officer that had a tendency to go beyond the scope of his orders and the rules of engagement to ensure a mission was accomplished. Often that meant unnecessary casualties. To the CO the end justified the means. When Patch tried to get the man court martialed, his CO was instead given a medal and Patch was shuffled off to some administrative, pencil-pushing post until his tour was over. That effectively ended his career with the UCAS military.

Once he was out, civilian life did not set with him. He was used to a brotherhood among the men he served with. Something that was lost on many of his counterparts. Working in the hospital was a tedious as the administrative job he had been given to get him out. He quickly became agitated by the simple, often petty complaints of his patients. He was already fed up within weeks of getting the job. It didn't help matters that his father was furious at him for not staying in the military until retirement. He was tired of catching crap from both sides.

He was quickly drawn into the life of the shadowrunner when a wounded troll, Shotgun, came into the emergency room. Shotgun had been in one hell of a firefight. One that involved some heavy ordinance and some intense combat magic. Shotgun was on deaths door and Patch saved his life. While shotgun recovered, the two discussed their lives and past histories.

Since Shotgun was SINless and was using a false identity, and Patch was aware of that fact, Patch had to cut some corners on the paperwork that Shotgun had amassed during his stay. That lead to Patch being fired from the hospital. That was the best thing that could have happened in Patch's mind.   Patch immediately joined the trolls team once the recovery process was over and has been in the Shadows ever since.

After a job went south in Chicago, Patch decided that it was time to lay low for a while. An old buddy of his from his time in the military, Marley, called him and asked him to come to Jacksonville to help with an injured son. A victim of a local gang war. Patch has been down in Jacksonville for the last month helping the kid to get better. Now that the kid is recovered enough for Patch to leave him, Patch is out in the Shadows again looking for his next job. It helps he has a lead for new work. One67's a fixer that had been supplying Patch with the needed medical supplies to take care of the boy. It didn't hurt that Patch was able to play street doc for some of One67's stable of runners when drek hit the fan.   

Health Monitors
Resistance (Soak)
Physical9 + Armor

Body8 {9 for resistance}
Agility5 {7}
Reaction5 {6}
Strength6 {8}
Logic5 {7}
Matrix Initiatve VR coldsim**+3d6
Matrix Initiatve VR hotsim**+4d6

Positive Qualities
Quick Healer {3}
Solid Rep (Old Unit) {2}
Military Rank {20}

Negative Qualities

Code of Honor {Warrior's Code}
Consumate Professional
Phobia {Crowds, Mild/Common}

Active Skills
First Aid716
Heavy Weapons19
Pilot: Ground Craft17
Unarmed Combat512

Knowledge Skills
Area Knowledge:Kansas City26Street
Military Service916Professional
Safe Houses37Street
Area Knowledge: Chicago48Street
Area Knowledge: Jacksonville26Street
Shadow Community37Stree
Language Skills

Gear (540¥)
Muscle Replacement 2Standard50,000Y
Wired Reflexes 1Standard39,000Y
Cybereyes Basic System 2Standard18,000Y
   +Image Link
   +Low-Light Vision
   +Thermographic Vision
   +Vision Enhancement R2
   +Flare Compensation
Cerebral Booster 2Used47,2500Y
Bone Density Augmentation 1Used3,750Y

Globetrotter Jacket121,300Y
Form-fitting Body Armor81,300Y
Bike Racing Helmet+2200Y
Ballistic Mask +1150Y
    +Respirator R6.300Y

Defiance EX Shocker12[6]9S(e) v-5250Y
     +Taser Dart Rounds X20..100Y
Ruger SuperWarhawk12[5]9P v-2400Y
     +Gel Rounds X40.9S v+2100Y
     +Speed Loader X4..100Y
     +Concealed Quick-draw Holster..275Y
HK 22712[7]7P v-0730Y
     + Regular Rounds X1507P v-0300Y
     +Stick-n_Shock Rounds X120.5S v-5960Y
     +Spare Clip X4..20Y
Combat Knife13[6]10P v-3300Y

Suzuki Mirage Racing Bike78,500Y
     +Sensor Array Rating 2..
     +Morphing License Plate.1,000Y
     +Spoof Chip.500Y

Jacob VesterUCAS National SIN
Jack BauerFake SIN (2)5,000Y
     +Low LifestyleCramped, Extra Secure2,200Y

CommlinkDevice RatingCost
Transys Avalon65,000Y

Medkit Rating 6
     +Medkit Supplies X3
Biomonitor X2
Slap Patch, Trauma Patch X2

Certified Credstick, Standard X2
Certified Credstick, Silver X2


Nuyen Record

-450Y Ballistic Mask w/ R6 Respirator.
-10Y Entrance to Party
80Y Current
« Last Edit: <03-04-15/1940:00> by Ravensoracle »


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« Reply #3 on: <02-25-15/1923:53> »
Elizabeth “Lizzy” Wilson
Elf Magacian
Life Modules
Nationality Tir Tangere General
Early Life: Orphan
Magical Education
Ivy League School
Corporate Module
Street Mage

Meta: Elf
Body: 3/6
Agility: 3/7
Reaction: 3/6
Strength: 2/6
Willpower: 5/6
Charisma: 6/8
Logic: 3/6
Intuition: 5/6
Edge 3
Magic 6

Etiquette 3
Computer 4
Perception 4
Sneaking 3
Survival 2
Sorcery 6
Spellcasting 6 (Illusion +2)
Conjuring 6
Summoning 6 (Guardian Spirits +2)
Enchanting 1
Palming 1
Arcana 4
Con 4
Athletics 1
Pilot Ground Vehicle 1
Automatics 4
Assensining 5
Blades 1
Astral Combat 2
Interest and Knowledge Skills
Professional Knolwedge Magic Law 3
Street Knowledge [Charity Shelters] 5
Street Knowledge [sprawl] 4
Academical Knowledge: Magical Theory 5
Academic Knowledge [Spirits] 4
Academic Knowledge [Parazoology] 4
Academic Knowledge [Chemistry] 3
Language [Aztlan] 4
Academic Knowledge [Biology] 4
Academic Knowledge: Metaplanes 5
Professional Knowledge [corp] 3
Interest Skill: Current simsense movies 3
Interest skill: Pop music 3
Street Knolwedge [Sarentaneyo] 3
Professional Skill: Shadow Running Mages 4
Professional Knowledge: Foster System 3
Knolwedge: History: 1
Street Knowledge: Tir Tangere 1

Focused Concentration III
Quick Healer
Mentor Spirit (Chaos)
Limited Corporate SIN (Ares)
National SIN
+7 bad Rep (Got blacklisted by Ares, and now a lot of corps consider her unreliable)
+5 Minor Allergy, Seafood
+4 Minor Addiction, Alcholoisim
+5 Phobia, Mild (Ares returning to force her back into employment)
+4 Gremlin I

Ball Lightning
Mob Mind
Increase Reflexes
Detect Enemies Extended
Combat Sense
Trid Phantasm
Chaotic World
Improved Invisibility

Resources 38,000
One month Low Lifestyle 36,000
Armor Jacket 35,000
-Chemical protection 2 34,500
-Fire Resistance 2 34,000
Renraku Sesnei Commlink 33,000
Rating 4 fake SIN 23,000
-Rating 4 Gun License 22,200
-Rating 4 Magic License 21,400
Capacity 4 Glasses 21,200
-Image Link 21,175
-Vision Enhancement 2 20,175
Capacity 3 Earbuds 20,025
-Audio Enhancement 2 19,025
Backpack 19,005
Ten Plastic Restraints 19,000
Silver Credstick 18,980
Micro-transiever 18,880
Magical Lodge force 4 materials 16,800
250 drams of reagents 11,800
Ares Crusader II 3170
-Laser Sight 3045
-100 Regular Rounds 2825
-100 Gel rounds  2575
-Gas Vent-2 2075
-2 Spare Clips 2065
-Concealable Holster 2040
AK-97 1190
-300 Regular Rounds 590
-200 Gel Rounds 90
Yamaha Growler 1,800
Rating 4 Medkit 800
Gecko Tape Gloves 550
Remaining Nyuen: 640

Miles Crawford Connection: 3 Loyalty: 3 Ares Manager
Crawford was one of the people that Lizzy worked under with Ares, and one of the few connection she left when leaving the company. While not what she would call a trusted friend, he lets her know when Ares has work for her, and will help her out on her jobs if they benefit Ares. He’s a quiet reserved man, and one whose very cautious with what he does.
Jokan “Snake” Hask Connection: 2 Loyalty: 4 Talismonger
Th street mage who taught Lizzy about the Aztec background, Jokan is her connection the Aztec tradition community, and they both have gone on several runs together before he retired to open up his own magic shop. The two are close friends despite their short time in knowing each other.
Julia Listar Connection 4 Loyalty 2 Fixer
Julia Listar originally didn’t expect much out of Lizzy, thinking that the former corp employee wouldn’t be able to survive life in the shadows. Four years later, and Lizzy has managed to surprise the fixer. While Julia still thinks of Lizzy as a soft corp worker who couldn’t even survive in that world, she at least now has a grudging respect for the street mage.

Elizabeth “Lizzy” Wilson was let at an orphanage in Tir Tangere at Sarentaneyo. She never had this feeling of fitting in with the foster homes that she traveled to, although she managed a stable enough relationship with her last set of foster parents, the Wilsons. When she was proven to be an awakened through the magical aptitude test, she was quickly approached by the corps, and she eventually took a job with Ares for the education that she would get through it, eventually going to one of the Ivy Leagues, and studying science in addition to magical theory. However, she was unable to really find her tradition well. Her teachers were mostly hermetic mages, but their style of magic didn’t seem to suit her very well. As a result, her magic was mostly mediocre, but she still managed to get accepted into employment by Ares. She didn’t work with real distinction for three of the years she worked for them, serving as a security mage for them in such places as Seattle, Denver, and Chicago. When in Seattle, a group of Shadowrunners broke into an Ares complex, and while she wasn’t able to use her magic very effectively, she did a better job than the deckers, who were overwhelmed, and ended with the information the shadowrunners wanted being taken away with no fatalities. With most of the witnesses being gunned down by the runners, and not wanting to lose their jobs due to their incompetency, the deckers edited the security footage and otherwise to make it look like it was her fault. Ares executives were out for blood over the incident, and even though the footage was fishy, decided to get rid of Lizzy due to one of the deckers having connections to one of Ares’ exec’s in Seattle. After being fired Lizzy was forced to work the streets, and soon became the same sort of people that had ruined her job: Shadowrunners. It was during this time she met the Aztec mage Jokan, and from him she learned about the Aztec religion and it’s magic, and she had something of an epiphany as she found the tradition of magic that actually worked better for her, as she had never like the carefully calculated formula’s of Hermetic magic.

Appearence: Lizy is 5’8 with a fair build, brown eyes and ash blonde hair. She looks mature for her age, looking like she is in thirties when shes only in her mid twenties.

« Last Edit: <03-02-15/2018:42> by saithor »
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« Reply #4 on: <02-25-15/1943:36> »
"Why's a Seattle girl like me down here in the deep CAS you ask?  Well I was taking odd jobs as a PI in the UCAS side of Denver, and trust me when I say that it's not all easy cases and finding some old lady's cat.  Had what should have been an simple job helping a Corper figure out whether or not his wife as cheating on him.  Eventually I found out that she wasn't, but the numbskull was so worried about it that he kept coming to my office at odd hours… which made the girl think he was cheating on HER with ME.  SHE turns out to be pretty high up there, and put a hit out on me if you'd believe it.  Way more heat than I was gonna bother dealing with so I booked it out of town.  Probably can't head back to Denver for a bit and most of the UCAS is proooobbably not a good idea quite this minute so here I am."

Emily Kwan
Street Name: "Qiang Tu", QT
Aliases: Sara Lee, Toni Kim
Metatype: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall for an asian girl at 5'9", QT has a slender build and moves with a confident grace of someone who's spent a lot of time depending on her physical abilities.  Inspired by this artwork
Birth Year: 2048

Background-in-brief: Emily was born in the Emerald City, the daughter of two immigrant Chinese who had fled there on the run from… something.  They must not have run far or fast enough because her father was found dead before she turned ten, and few years later her mother simply didn't return home.  Rather then potentially suffer the same fate, QT decided to vanish as well, and took to the streets.  At first she survived simply through a combination of sharp eyes and sharp wits, barely keeping her head above water. 

Then when she was 13, the Year of the Comet happened, leaving in its wake a fair amount of chaos and a newly awakened Adept.  2 years later the young adept's talents were noticed by a Renraku sponsored Urban Brawl farm team manager and she was forcibly recruited shortly after running afoul of the 'Star.  The team picked her right out of Lone Star's hands and sent her to join the team's ranks as a scout.  She spent nearly 2 years on the team, spending some of the off time as Corporate Muscle, before the Crash of 2064 offered the opportunity to sever ties and disappear back into the shadows.

Since then QT has worked a bit as a 'runner and while not actively running with a team spends time as a private investigator, using the skills she acquired from a lifetime on the streets to turn a little profit. As a 'runner she's spent some time in Denver, and a brief stint in Jacksonville.  She's back now due to a deal going south forcing her to duck out of the UCAS and lay low in the CAS for awhile.

Physical: 5Mental: 5Social: 7
Active Skills
Negotiate(bargain)2 (+2)7 (+2)
Intimidate(Physical)2 (+2)7 (+2)
Pistols (Semi-auto)8 (+2)14 (+2)
Palming(Pickpocket)1 (+2)5 (+2)
Pilot: Ground Craft411
Heavy Weapons17
First Aid25

Knowledge Skills:
Academic: History14
Street: UCAS15
Street: Seattle37
Street: Safe houses37
Professional: Renraku37
Street: Law Enforcement37
Street: Jack City26
Street: Denver37
Street: Small Unit Tactics37
Interest: Sports (Urban Brawl)26
Professional: Urban Brawl14
Interest: Firearms Makers15
Mentor Spirit:Cat
Perfect Time
Wanted (UCAS bounty)
Adept Powers:
Improved Reflexes 2
Combat Sense 1
Nerve Strike
Nimble Fingers
Agility Boost
Rapid Draw
Improved Ability (Pistols) 1
Enhanced Perception (Low Light)
Enhanced Perception (Thermographic)
Light Body 2 (Mentor)

Colt Government 2066 + Integrated Smartlink
Colt Government 2066 + Integrated Smartlink
Silencers x1
10 clips (5 gel, 5 normal)

Colt Agent Special
5 Clips (normal)
2x Quick Draw Holsters
1x Hidden Arm Slide

Ares Victory Wild Hunt
Insulation 6
Micro Transciever

Executive Suite

Armored Vest

¥200 Clothes Fund

Ballistic Mask + Trodes +Smartlink + Flare Compensator +R6 Respirator

R3 Medkit

R4 SIN + R4 License


Transys Avalon Commlink
Meta Link Commink
Micro Transceiver
Tag Eraser
¥40 Bags

1 Micro Omnidirectional Microphone
1 Laser Mic
2 RFID sensor tags (1x Camera, 1x Microphone)

Glasses - Flare Compensation, Smartlink, Image Link, Vision Magnification

Suzuki Mirage motorcycle
Bike Helmet (Image Link,  Flare Compensation, Trode Net)

Remaining Nuyen: 15
Sam "One67" Tallman, Human(?) Male Fixer Connection 4, Loyalty 3
-QT worked with Sam the last time she was in Jack City.  They have a fairly good relationship as QT helped Sam with a couple problems he was having at the time.

Alyss "Fastball" O'Reilly, Elf Female Coyote, Connection 3, Loyalty 4
-Fastball and QT go way back as Fastball was the outrider on the UB team QT played on.  When the Crash of '64 hit they both split from the team and they've kept in contact with each other since then.  It's thanks to Fastball's connections that QT was able to bail out of Denver ahead of the people after the bounty on her.

Armando "Chulo" Esparanza, Human Male Ganger, Connection 2, Loyalty 1
-Another of QT's acquaintances from the last time she as in Jack City, Chulo lives up to his nickname as a cocky pretty-boy.

Douglas Rankine, Ork Male Bartender, Connection 1 Loyalty 2
-As the stereotype goes, Bartenders hear a lot.  Dougie's not the most integrated person in the shadows, but he's always good for an ear, and a drink. 
Karmic Balance:
-15 UCAS, Seattle
-40 Fugitive
-50 Street Kid
-100 Company Man (Corporate)
-100 Street Samurai (shadow work)
-100 Detective/PI
-10 STR 1-2
-90 AGI 2-6
-70 CHA 2-5
-25 REA 4-5
-15 EDG 2-3
-7 Buyoff Paranoia
-7 Buyoff Bad Rep
-7 Buyoff Bad rep
-15 Buyoff Corporate Limited SIN
-100 Magic 6
-7 Pistol Specialization
-3 Hawk Eye
-4 Sharpshooter
-5 Perfect Time
-5 Mentor: Cat
-4 Ambidextrous
-7 Intimidation specialization
-7 Palming Specialization
+4 Thrillseeker
-28 ¥

Remaining Actions to Take: Gearing, Contacts
« Last Edit: <03-03-15/0354:46> by ProfGast »


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« Reply #5 on: <02-25-15/2116:29> »
Cool, now that everyone's got a placeholder up, let's talk contacts. Everyone gets a free one. His name is One67.

Sam "One67" Tallman
Small time to mid level fixer who lives in riverside. Problems with addiction and impulse control. He is a solid and honorable man, nonetheless and loves his friends more than anything. Doesn't want to screw anyone over, but watches out for number one first and foremost. He's a near legendary graffitti artist and anytime you see a train go by, you have a good chance of seeing his name painted in stunning detail on the side. He's got a connections rating of 4, and you can take him at whatever loyalty you want, but you only get 1 for free. anything else you've gotta buy. You'll also need to justify it in game, as well as why you're in jacksonville. If your loyalty is below 3, you don't know his real name. You may even only know him as "One", "Six-seven", or "Scrub".

Do we have any questions so far?
« Last Edit: <02-25-15/2118:14> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #6 on: <02-25-15/2326:25> »
Got my build up and updated the backstory with a brief history on how he knows his contacts.

Oh, and want us to roll for starting ¥¥?
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« Reply #7 on: <02-27-15/2130:51> »
Got my build up and updated the backstory with a brief history on how he knows his contacts.

Oh, and want us to roll for starting ¥¥?

yeah, sure.

HEY! I just noticed two of yall are from chicago! I don't suppose you've met, have you?
« Last Edit: <02-27-15/2259:23> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #8 on: <02-28-15/0443:42> »
I'd say there was a small chance we met through work while he was working in the hospital and Rudy was a cop. But I don't think we'd know each other well or anything.  Our backgrounds are really different. Much more likely for us to bond over chitown once we get truly introduced. Big Orc, little gnome.  Seems a friendship just waiting to happen :)
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« Reply #9 on: <02-28-15/1343:20> »
Got my build up and updated the backstory with a brief history on how he knows his contacts.

Oh, and want us to roll for starting ¥¥?

yeah, sure.

HEY! I just noticed two of yall are from chicago! I don't suppose you've met, have you?

Starting ¥¥  Middle Life Style (4d6*100): 4d6 17
50 left over from Chargen
1700 starting
1700¥¥ Not to shabby
« Last Edit: <03-02-15/0032:18> by Zweiblumen »
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« Reply #10 on: <02-28-15/2141:14> »
Build up and finished.

3d6=9 X60= 540Y


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« Reply #11 on: <03-01-15/1639:20> »
Middle Lifestyle Starting Cash: 4d6=21*100 = ¥2100 + 115 = ¥2215

Contacts and Gearing complete pending final approvals
« Last Edit: <03-03-15/0232:02> by ProfGast »


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« Reply #12 on: <03-01-15/1729:51> »

After exchanging a few PMs with all of you, i feel like we're ready to get started here.

I THINK i know all the things I need to.

1- Where you live.
2- How you know One67
3- what your general "vibe" is

What I'm gonna do is post an IC thread, basically just describing the time of day, the weather, and the general feel of the city. Each of you will receive a message on your comm in this OOC thread. For your first IC post, put whatever kinda "day in the life" kinda stuff in there you want before getting the message and responding to it, and headed out to the meet. My next IC post will be the start of the meet. Cool beans?

Here's your messages


<<@Shortstuff [Stunna] Whaddup shawtay!? This the train bombin-est, the main obelisk, refrains from entertaining dames, way stompin kids. OJC represent, Kid! Need some jing? I gotcha for some short work tonight. Holla at a mug, wiz?>> A map ARO of a old building JUST on the northside of downtown is included.


<<@Patch [One67] Ayo! Big respek due to the mighty mighty! Got some "maybe" work that pays like "FA' SHO!" work. Come through the spot tonight. Same spot we met.>>


<<@Lizzy [Scrub] Your boy Snake told me you were down for reliable pay for reliable work. Meet tonight?>> A map ARO of a old building JUST on the northside of downtown is included.


<<@QT [Sam] Hey girl, I promise this aint no romantic shit, but I wish it could be. Naw, this all business. Tonight, come meet me on the rooftop we was at before.>>
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #13 on: <03-01-15/1842:01> »
Ok, I will wait for the IC thread to go up.
What's your favorite scary movie?


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« Reply #14 on: <03-01-15/1851:33> »
Looking forward to getting started. Can't wait.