OOC: The Jungle

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« on: <02-25-15/1736:45> »
Purpose: To give players a gritty, raw experience of street-life in the sixth world.  To make them feel like they truly live at the bottom of the cracks in the metro-plex.  The team will consist of a group of up to 4 teenagers, mostly meta-human.  They all will have grown up together in the same neighborhood of the Barrens.  Role-playing will be emphasized and combat will be deadly.  This is for players who want to explore the possibilities of story-telling from a different point of view for which Shadowrun was mostly designed, but I have a good feeling we'll find out that SR rules are great for reflecting the stories we want to bring to life.

Chargen house rules:
Shadowrun chargen is designed to build shadowrunners.  Thus it is ill-equipped to create true street commoners.  The upside is that most shadowrunners come from the streets so the main difference I'm really gonna make would be access to resources.  This means that most of chargen and in-game rules can remain pretty much the same using a little common sense.  You are playing a group of teenagers (15-17years old) who have grown up in the same housing block in extreme SINless poverty and who have yet to join a "real" gang but must do so very soon in order to have the protection needed to survive the streets.

--A full written background is required.  See below under the "Setting Background" section to get  feel for what setting to base your background off of. 

--We'll say all characters have to have resources as priority E and you get 100₯ only.  i.e. you basically have no gear except a cheap commlink if you want.  Work that poverty into your if you don't have a commlink, maybe there's only one commlink that your whole ork family shares.  If you got decking skills maybe you spent a lot of time messing around on an uncle's old beat-up deck but don't have your own.  This obviously favors awakened and technomancers.  However, this is balanced by the cultural impact which would arise once people find out.  I feel it is quite fitting as well that these types of awakened/resonant beings have more impact.  Imagine "geek the mage first" x 100.  You will also start procuring more and more worldly possessions as you advance.

--Combat Active, Technical and Magical skills are capped at 4 unless you take aptitude and it can be 5.  You can specialize as normal.  This reflects the fact that you are 1. a teenager, 2. lack training, 3. more breadth than focus of experience from surviving on the streets.  You should see your characters skills as being more like potentials which s/he has yet to put truly to the test.  So if you have a pistols of 4, but don't have a gun, the day you get your hands on a gun you'll notice you have a knack for shooting.

--Contacts at chargen have a maximum connection 3.  Loyalty has no cap and this reflects the importance of social relationships.   The nature of your contacts must reflect their connection rating, fit with your background and be approved by the GM.  For example a gang-leader would be connection 4, so that wouldn't work, but a gang-member would be ok. 
--You get two free Qualities: Homeground - On the Lam and Homeground-Street politics for the Plastic Jungle.  You can also buy other Homeground qualities as normal on top of these free ones. 
--You cannot take the SINer negative quality unless you got a good background story for it and get it approved by me.
--GM reserves right to work with you to change anything on your character to keep with setting and intention at chargen. 
--Keep in mind that I will be very stingy with Edge refresh.  It won't follow the standard 5e 8 hour rest/eating rule.  So once you blow your load spending edge, you'll be more or less in the same boat as chars with lower edge attributes.  This encourages less edge use which makes combat more deadly. 

--If you are an awakened/resonance character,  you're young enough to either not know of your abilities yet, or have hidden them from the world so far.  If people see what you can do, word will get around and things could get very dangerous. 

Setting Background:
Plastic Jungle, Northern Redmond Barrens, Seattle Metroplex UCAS.  Pudget Sound's own little piece of Rio de Janeiro nestled among kilometers and kilometers of shanty-town.  Easily spotted in the distance while cruising along Hwy 522, one can see several acres of sprawl to the east covered by dirty-grey tattered bio-plastic, as if someone had thrown a tarp over an old junker.  Only the occasional SINless housing arcology high-rises poke up from the otherwise bleak, densely inhabited slum-scape.

Originally the crazy dream of a turn of the century agriculturalist, the Crash of '29 ensured that the land went back to the true denizens of the Barrens, squatters.  The tropical climate under the sheets of bio-plastic makes for blocks and blocks of multilevel hovels connected by intricate scaffolding which are covered with vines and colorful flowers that belie the violence and contamination over which they blossom.

Control of the Jungle has changed hands more times than most old-timers can keep track of, but then again, making it to 25 years old is already considered being an old-timer.  Over the last 3 years the local chapter of the Cutters have gained control over the 6 main entrances into the Jungle, but there's always another way in and everyone from First Nations to the Ancients find their way in to push the product or cool off when KE is on their tail.

Regardless of whichever gang controls the Jungle, there is only one man who truly calls the shots and holds the hearts and minds of its inhabitants.  Kubiak.  Some say he is of Caribbean League-er decent, some say he's from the great Beyond, but regardless of where he is originally from, his spiritual guidance is the staple of day-to-day life for the Jungle.  Son's sick?  Need a little help making an auspicious choice for tomorrow's numbers racket? Need a dispute with a neighbor settled?  Go see Kubiak and his priests.  With the dawning of the awakening, spirituality just got real and for more than half-a-century every corner of the Barrens from Skykomish to the Brain Haven has it's own street shaman shepherding his or her flock.  Well the Jungle has Kubiak.  The people love him and he's off-limits for the gangs. 
« Last Edit: <02-27-15/1706:59> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #1 on: <02-25-15/1740:42> »
I am definitely interested, and can throw in a Gun adept or something along those lines. I'm assuming no karma for resources spending or the In-Debt quality?
What's your favorite scary movie?


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« Reply #2 on: <02-25-15/1753:04> »
Here's the aspected mage i worked up.

== Background ==
Xem never knew his parents. His first memories are of the orphanage. The other kids were vicious and the only way he survived was by becoming moreso. His early intelligence that quickly surpassed his peers made him a target for bullies right from the get go. It didn't help that he was a tiny child, nor that he was rather homely looking for an elf. Before he was six, he wanted no dealings with most other people. At age seven, something happened and the orphanage ended up completely burned out, killing most of the children as well as most of the workers. Xem was one of the few who escaped with his life and he may or may not have ensured several of his worst tormenters couldn't find their way out. He probably didn't start the fire either, but he won't talk about such things. In fact, he NEVER talks about his past or where he came from. Since then, he's been alone on the streets by himself, scrounging for food from trashbins, robbing people at knifepoint for stuffershack soyburgers, searching the pockets of junkies for whatever he can find before they come to. More than a few times in the last seven years has Xem found himself, beaten and bloody in an alleyway close to death and remembering never to try that particular scheme again, and it was looking like he'd end up dead or in jail like most street kids do. That is until last year, when he awakened. He's not much of a wizard yet, and he hasn't learned many spells, but he knows how to throw a lightning bolt with uncanny accuracy. SUDDENLY, he realized his station in life had just improved dramatically. As one of the few lucky ones in the world with the invisible power to kill from afar that is magic, he immediately began searching for shadow work, looking for the big bucks he's always heard of, but never thought would be within his reach. Unfortunately for him, there's no one in the jungle who's going to hire an awkward looking fourteen year old elf with one spell and no commlink, no matter HOW much he tries. He HAS made a solid contact in the shadow world, by the name of a rather, behind-the-times fixer named Mario Caldone. The fat old italian ork wont give Xem any work, considering him too inexperienced for any heavy lifting, but he HAS been schooling him on who's who on the street. Mario figures, correctly, that sooner or later, this kid is gonna end up getting a job from someone, and he'd rather he at least knew what the other fish look like before diving in the ocean. Even with all the new things he knows about shadow work, he still hasn't managed to get any, and a full year after learning to electrocute a man with his mind, he's still not made any serious money from it, but he feels alot more comfortable moving around alone at night, which is exactly how he prefers to do things.

== Personality ==
Xem is unpredictable, scheming, exploitative, cold, and ruthless, as well as egotistical to a degree unseen in most. On some level, he genuinely believes he will be a god one day, and that kind of fanaticism is always flickering behind his eyes on some level, especially when he's speaking. He sees people as tools and resources, nothing more. He works well with others, but has no reservations against betraying those around him to get ahead, a fact he is COMPLETELY upfront about. He avoids lying about anything whenever possible, considering deception to be the realm of cowards who lack the will to speak their true intentions. He's quiet most of the time, and rather easy to forget about, but when he starts talking, HOO BOY, it can get long winded and "super-villain-y" if you know what I mean. If not already driven mad by his stray dog like upbringing, he is quickly approaching such a state.

== Info ==
Street Name: Xem
Name: Xem (as far as he cares anymore)
Elf Male Age 14
Height 6ft3 Weight 175 lbs
Movement: 12/24
Karma: 8
Composure: 11
Judge Intentions: 9
Lift/Carry: 4 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 12
Nuyen: 10

== Priorities ==
Metatype: C - Elf
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: D - Aspected Magician
Skills: B - 36 Skills/5 Skill Groups
Resources: E - 100₯

== Attributes ==
BOD: 2
AGI: 6
REA: 5
STR: 2
CHA: 4
INT: 5
LOG: 5
WIL: 7
EDG: 1
MAG: 5

== Qualities ==
Addiction (Moderate) (Jazz)
Aspected Magician (Sorcerer)
Astral Beacon
Exceptional Attribute (WIL)
Low-Light Vision

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                10 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:         10 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      10 + 1d6
Physical Damage Track:     9
Stun Damage Track:         12

== Limits ==
Physical:                  4
Mental:                    8
Social:                    7
Astral:                    8

== Active Skills ==
Arcana                     : 1                      Pool: 6
Assensing                  : 3                      Pool: 8
Automatics                 : 3                      Pool: 9
Blades                     : 2                      Pool: 8
Clubs                      : 2                      Pool: 8
Computer                   : 3 [Matrix Perception] Pool: 8 (10)
Gymnastics                 : 3                      Pool: 9
Heavy Weapons              : 2                      Pool: 8
Intimidation               : 4 [Mental]             Pool: 8 (10)
Navigation                 : 3                      Pool: 8
Negotiation                : 2 [Bargaining]         Pool: 6 [8]
Palming                    : 1                      Pool: 7
Perception                 : 3                      Pool: 8
Running                    : 1                      Pool: 3
Sneaking                   : 4 [Urban]              Pool: 10 (12)
Spellcasting               : 4 [Combat]             Pool: 9 (11)
Survival                   : 3                      Pool: 10
Tracking                   : 3                      Pool: 8
Unarmed Combat             : 2                      Pool: 8

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: The Jungle : 4                      Pool: 9
Gangs                      : 2 [Cutters]            Pool: 7 (9)
Magical Threats            : 4                      Pool: 9
Politics                   : 2                      Pool: 7
Security Tactics           : 2                      Pool: 7
Shadow Community           : 2 [Personalities]      Pool: 7 (9)
Sperethiel                 : 2                      Pool: 7

== Contacts ==
Crunk, Taxi Driver (1, 2)
This middle aged troll has one of the few profitable independent taxi services in town, due entirely to his intimate knowledge of the area as well as his minor social adept powers. This guy speaks like, nine languages and knows people from ALL walks of life. He's REALLY into gangster rap and drives the most neon-pimped out GMC commodore Xem has ever seen. He's a braggart who believes he can take anyone in the city in a one on one fist fight. He carries a warhawk with him all the time. Xem thinks he's a fool.
Hamm,  Drug Dealer (2, 1)
A dwarven kid, slightly older than Xem. The two of them know next to nothing about one another, save on a business level. Hamm has been Xem's Jazz hookup since the first time he tried it. Hamm is an opportunistic little prick who would sell his mother down the river for a few bucks. Xem hates him.
Mario Caldone, Fixer (3, 5)
This 35-year-old ork used to have a name in the Denver Mafia, way back in the day. But he just hasn't been able to change with the times. He's very much invested in "the old school" and strives to conduct all his business with a sense of honor. He sees potential in Xem, and fears the monster he could become if improperly guided. Almost seeing Xem as the pointy eared son he never had, Mario has taken the little elf under his wing, hoping to not only impart some of his wisdom to what he sees as an up-and-coming runner, but also to try and impart his sense of honor into the next generation. Xem thinks he's a fool. What is honor, exactly?
Pharley, Firefighter (1, 3)
This human is a piece of crap. He's been stealing things from people's burned houses for years now. Where does the money go? Dope. That's how Pharley and Xem met in the first place. They have discussed the possibility of Xem torching targeted buildings, then Pharley stealing items from it, during the fire and the two of them splitting the profits, but have yet to go through on such a plan. Xem considers him a coward and a liar. He plans to kill him one day.
Sydney Albertson, Slumlord (2, 1)
This bitter and slow-witted elven woman lives by the tears of others. Deliberately exploiting an entire city block for her own financial gain, she is nonetheless not as rich as she should be. She's a heavy drinker and it interferes with nearly every aspect of her life, especially money. Surprisingly, she actually has a keen head for business when it's not flooded with liquor, and Xem has been learning what he can about the art of taking advantage of the desperate from her as he can. In exchange, he's been working as a janitor in her building and sleeping in a broom closet a few nights a week. Beats the sidewalk. Xem hates her and bides his time until he can take what is hers for himself.

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Chaos Magic, Resist Drain with WIL + INT (12))
Lightning Bolt             DV: F-3

== Lifestyles ==

== Weapons ==
   Pool: 8   Accuracy: 5   DV: 3P   AP: -1   RC: 1

== Gear ==
Certified Credstick, Standard (10 ₯)
Jazz (1)

« Last Edit: <05-31-15/1234:28> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #3 on: <02-25-15/1910:18> »
This sounds awesome, but I'm in 4 games now and don't think I can commit to another one :(  I'll be reading for sure though!
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« Reply #4 on: <02-25-15/1914:16> »
Have you considered applying the Street Level (CRB p64) and Street Scum (CRB p350) rules to this? I think it would level out the difference between awakened / virtuakinetic and mundanes.

Street runners are still a good deal more powerful than what he's proposing. Street runners are at least runners. We aint.
"speaking out loud"
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« Reply #5 on: <02-25-15/1916:45> »
Street Scum however gets you pretty close.  Just doesn't impose the limits he's suggesting.  That said, I like the idea of nothing above a 4 and for all intents and purposes 0₯.  Especially for playing a non-awakened/emerged character, you'll be starting off raw.
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« Reply #6 on: <02-25-15/1919:08> »
Street Scum however gets you pretty close.  Just doesn't impose the limits he's suggesting.  That said, I like the idea of nothing above a 4 and for all intents and purposes 0₯.  Especially for playing a non-awakened/emerged character, you'll be starting off raw.

I LOVE that about it.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #7 on: <02-25-15/1923:25> »
Even for awakened, my Gun Adept is going to be relying on unamred technqiues for her starting combat. At least until she picks up soemthing that fires more than a single-shot. Hey, with Skill cap of Four I can max more Combat techniques than usual! Yes! Strange how even more limited Chargen seems more fun :)
What's your favorite scary movie?


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« Reply #8 on: <02-25-15/1927:34> »
Nother question. If we have to put resources E, does that mean the least we can put in mag/res is D?
I was planning on playing a mundane.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #9 on: <02-25-15/1933:44> »
Poin, I think you mistook what I was suggesting.

Unless I missed it, Inca is planning around standard priority with a fixed E - Nuyen (100₯), and a few special rules. I think adding lowered starting karma and priority selection would only help in realising the characters' situation.

I never really got how the lowered priority really represented unskilled though, and let me present my argument on that. What Street Level and Street Scum try to do is create characters who have the natural raw talent, but not the resources or expierience of actual shadow runners. I'd argue that having Nyuen of 100 and Skill Cap of 4 (Which reminds me, what are Speicalizations going to be like?) actually does the same thing already. Attributes aren't really a measure of a Shadowrunner's experience, so I don't see how getting the same as normal points for them will make themm more street scummy. Same goes for Magic, it's not a thing gained through experience (Okay, Karma does raise it, but just fluff wise). I just think that Inca's method is very good without some of the penalties of Street Scum. I'd argue that the even further reduced resources below normal E levels would make up for having an A priority.

@Poindexter: Best bet would be a sum to ten style approach. Worth asking about.
What's your favorite scary movie?


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« Reply #10 on: <02-25-15/2115:12> »
I'd love to play, skill cap 4 and no equipment seems fun.
You do not need to be rich to punch people...although no leather jacket will terribly hurt tough. A  single gunshot will probably kill most characters. 

I'd assume the in debt quality and spending karma for resources is also out? Can you survive without even a fake sin ?  can you board a bus or buy something to eat?

What about the other priorities - I mean lets look at Magic A for example you get two magical skills at 5. (Do we have priority A ?)

I want to play an uneducated badass street rapper - where battles means two people with microphones trashing each other  ;)  To eventually become a professional face, with a lot of raw talent and charisma.
She'll be awakened but strongly biased against the awakened - terrified of them.  I am thinking mechanically mage but she will not use these skills - kind of like X-Men where powers just happen to you until you learn to control them.
Then at a combat she will lunch some offensive spell without trying just because she is scared without completely understanding it. Only to discover she is one of 'them' - the others the evils. This is the general story - I'll detail it up more. I want her to be someone that people really like but with a terrible curse or a terrible secret that she is not aware of it herself.


« Last Edit: <02-26-15/1018:23> by gilga »


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« Reply #11 on: <02-25-15/2238:32> »
I would love the setting very much. You can count me in if you're not full already!!
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #12 on: <02-25-15/2255:52> »
Updated character sheet:

Name: Mickey Featherstone
Alias: Rat
Race: Ork
Sex: Male
Nationality: UCAS
Lifestyle: Street
Karma Spent: 0


Overflow Boxes: 5
Inherent Limits

Physical Description: 6’1”, 110 kg, short, brown hair and black eyes. Has many scars on his back and on his chest and his left tusk is broken.
Personality/background Mickey grew up an orphan in the Barrens. Abandoned by his parents probably because they were too young to take care of a baby, he was taken in by a local orphanage. As is too common with these things, Mickey had a hard time fitting in and had no respect for authority. He soon found his way out of the orphanage and into the cold, harsh streets. He survived by making a few friends and stealing for a living.

Nothing was too low for Mickey, as he pickpocketed, begged, kidnapped and stole to get any cred he could get his hands on. One day, with two other buddies of his, he made the mistake of trying to lift a shipment. He never bothered to ask himself why Aztechnology was out in the Barrens, just jumping on the chance to make it big both with a large paycheck and the recognition of having knocked one of the Big Ten. Unfortunately, this mistake was a lesson Mickey would never forget: they got caught and everyone was tortured, but Mickey was chosen to be the one to deliver the message that one should never mess with Aztechnology. His buddies were eventually killed and Mickey returned, scarred, to his bottom-feeding life in the Barrens.



Positive Qualities
Hawk eye
High Pain Tolerance 1
Home Ground – On the Lam
Home Ground – Street Politics
Martial Art – Aikido (Counterstrike, Yielding Force – Counterstrike)
Negative Qualities
Hobo with a Shotgun
Incompetent (Pilot Ground Craft)
Prejudiced (Biased, Aztechnology)
Records on File - Aztechnology

Active Skills
Athletics (Group) 3
Close Combat (Group)4
Stealth (Group)3
Perception (Visual +2) 4 (6)
Locksmith 3
Longarms (Shotguns +2) 4 (6)
Throwing Weapons4
Automatics 4
Escape Artist4
Disguise 4
Tracking 4
Navigation 3
Free-Fall 3

Knowledge Skills
Hangouts (Criminal) (Street)3
Hangouts (Safehouses) (Street)2
Street Gangs (Seattle) (Street)3
Security Design (Professional)3
Politics (Underworld) (Street)3
Language Skills


Survival Knife100₯

Charley (Fixer)3/5
Doc (Street Doc)1/4
Zhang Yi (Street Walker)2/4
« Last Edit: <03-13-15/1954:44> by HydroRaven »
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« Reply #13 on: <02-26-15/0054:57> »
Here's my Entry for consideration:

A Attributes, B Ogre(4), C Skills 28/2, D Magic Adept E Resources 100

BOD 7   AGI 6   REA 3(4)   STR 7
WIL 5   LOG 2   INT 5   CHA 3
EDG 1   ESS 6   MR 6

Initiative 9+2d6   Matrix AR Initiative 9+1d6
MLimit 5   PLimit 9   SLimit 6
PhyCondMon 12   StunCondMon 11   Overflow 7
Composure 8   Judge Intentions 8   Memory 7
Walk/Run   12/24/+2

Homeground (On the Lam)
Homeground (Street Politics)
Human Looking
Low-Light Vision
Ogre Stomach
Sensei- Mr. Wong
Record on File (Saeder Krupp)

Active Skills
Athletics SG 2
Con 3
Etiquette 3
Negotiations 3
Palming 2
Perception 4
Sneaking 2
Survival 2
Throwing Weapons 4
Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts) 4(+2)
   Jeet Kune Do- Maneuvers (Counterstrike)

Knowledge Skills
Lang: English (N)
Lang: German 2
Know-Interests: Martial Arts 2
Know-Street: Gangs (Redmond Barrens Gang) 4(+2)
Know-Street- Grey Market 1
Know-Street: Seattle (Northern Redmond Barrens) 4 (+2)

Mr. Wong Sensei Connection 3 Loyalty 5
Paco Sprawl Ganger Connection 1 Loyalty 6

Adept Powers
Combat Sense 3
Critical Strike (Unarmed Combat)
Enhanced Accuracy (Throwing Weapon)
Improved Sense (Vision Magnification)
Improved Reflexes 1
Missile Mastery
Rapid Draw
Rapid Healing 1

4 Shuriken

Werner Gerwald is of Austrian descent. His family was once citizens of Saeder-Krupp but unfortunately his father was blamed for the inside job that resulted in a secret project being stolen by an unknown party. As with all such mishaps, Werner's father was terminated (both figuratively and literally) leaving him, and his mother destitute and unable to come up with the funds to return to Austria. Saeder-Krupp still has his biometrics on file even though his SIN was erased. The family was forced to move into the barrens.

Mr. Wong, their next door neighbor, has for some unknown reason taken an interest in young Werner and has been teaching him Jeet Kune Do. It's almost as Mr. Wong knows something about Werner but isn't letting on.

Some people are a little faster than other people; maybe heal quicker; throw a little straighter;  or see a little better. Whole lots of little things. It seems to Werner he's been blessed with not just one of these things but a whole bunch of them. He's not going to complain. His family has been shafted left and right- a little cosmic karma is his due he figures.

Werner's older brother and his friend Paco were attacked by the Grelot Street Destroyers last year. He intervened in time to save Paco's life but his brother had already been fatally shanked. Paco has since joined the local gang, the Red Skulls, but remembers who he owes his life to. Werner has an undying hatred for Destroyers and wants to see every member dead- even as he realizes its just a pipe-dream.
« Last Edit: <03-04-15/1250:13> by gradivus »
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« Reply #14 on: <02-26-15/0112:45> »
If I didn't count wrong, it seems you could still have place for me. I can play whatever is left in the group and will do so as soon as I got confirmation I'm in. I'd prefer a mundane char, though.

Without insisting on anything I'd like to point out that changing the rules for refreshing Edge might create a big imbalance between mundane and Awakened characters. If your resources are bound to E it is already technically impossible to play a fully mundane char because you have to assign D to magic (unless you allow something like AABEE or ABBEE). This virutally forces mundane characters to invest a lot in Race/Edge. If you than make Edge less powerful, mundane characters would get still less powerful (since the restriction not to use any augmentation is already a drawback for mundanes).

Just wanted to point that out. Since I don't really care how powerful my char is, I don't have a problem. I just found it fairer to keep the restrictions balanced instead.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"

