[5e IC] Tabula Rasa, Chapter III

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« Reply #195 on: <04-15-15/1342:04> »
Ace nods to Ohanzee as he talks.  Makes sense.  Good thinking.

As the shoppers file in and out of the Ape, Ace figures it's as good a time as any to grab some cheap brews.

I'm going to go get us a couple cases.  Let me know if I need to come running."  With that, Ace makes sure his SIN is set to Anderson, and that the rest of his wireless is off before opening the door to the falling temperatures outside. 

Even though he only plans on grabbing 2 cases of beer, he grabs a small cart -- no sense in having to drop something and call more attention to himself, should the need arise -- and finds the beer aisle.  Once there, Ace realizes he doesn't know squat about the cheap stuff, and continually finds his eyes wandering to a couple of Aspen made Porters.  Nope, nope, nope.  In and out.  Let's do this.  With a sigh, Ace grabs 2 cases from the bottom shelf, and heads to the checkout.


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« Reply #196 on: <04-17-15/0229:33> »
Ace wanders into the store, absorbing the normality of it all for a minute. No fire spirits, no bullet-riddled vehicles, just everyday people going about their everyday lives. It's Saturday night, and they're grabbing their NERPS and entertainment for the evening. Of course, this being the Sixth World, the whole scene could go off the rails at any moment. An explosion could tear open the side of the building and a motley hit squad could come in looking to geek the mistress of some mid-level corper with more testosterone than brains.

It could happen, but it doesn't. Ace finds his beer, which is little more than flavored water, and drops it into his cart. He wheels around the store and finds a pair of rocker wannabes making out in the pet food aisle. The guy is dressed head to toe in white synthleather. Ace gets the distinct impression that the dude is packing heat, although Ace can't consciously pinpoint the exact reason why. The girl is wearing a skin-tight black synthleather jumpsuit featuring about forty-two working zippers and with nearly eight meters of mesh chain wrapped around her body. They entwine, yin and yang, and slobber all over each other's faces. It's a touching scene.

Ace pushes the cart to the front counter. The RFID tags in the beer tally themselves automatically; the attendant barely looks up as Ace taps his credstick to pay. Ace then wheels the cart outside, into the cold waiting night.

In the van, Doc drops off into cyberspace after the allotted 20 minutes have passed. The data streams slip cleanly around him. It's satisfying, being jacked into the Matrix here. Pueblo takes it seriously and it shows. Doc turns and is at the hospital in a blink. Despite the distance, there's no lag, no decay in response times. It's like the Valley View Hospital host is actually on his cyberdeck.

Donning his doctor's uniform, Doc takes his scalpel and tiptoes up to the side of the host. A flick of the wrist and a twist of the code leaves him with a tidy mark. The sliding doors of the host swing open in welcome as he struts inside confidently.

Inside, the personae for doctors and nurses flit back and forth. Doc quickly spots the Patrol IC, which is dressed as a security officer. The officer zips around, observing the Matrix activity and looking for anything untoward. Doc moseys over to the file system, flipping through it to find what he's looking for. He finds that the patient and billing files are both protected, and breaking the protection is a noisy prospect. There's little chance he'll get away with it, given the patrol IC and the prior alert, so he decides to hijack another doctor's persona to do it for him. He slips up behind one such doctor and - while the security guard is looking the other way - scratches his caduceus on the woman's persona. He then whispers in her ear that it would be great if she could enter so-and-so as a patient needing such-and-such units of AB blood.

The woman's head swings around and glares at Doc. His eyes go wide, wondering how the hell she noticed what he was doing, only to have the security guard points and shout "HEY!" at the top of his lungs. Everyone stops and turns to look as the system system goes into full alert. Doc groans. Kat might have to miss a meal or two.


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« Reply #197 on: <04-22-15/0038:53> »
The bad news brings Ohanzee's spirits down even further. Try number two failed, and it looked like the system was now on high alert. It was time to move on. Kat and Doc provided a few additional hospital an clinics with blood on site. Ohanzee looks down the list. Aspen is out - they couldn't safely head back that way. Defiance was already a bust. Frisco and Vail are on the way to Denver which is convenient, but is likely also what their enemies are expecting. Grand Junction is too big a city for comfort at this point. Rifle looks nearly perfect on paper - it's a zig when the enemy expects a zag and it is a very low population. But the information they have on it shows that it is a very exclusive, very high end, clinic. For patients, those are good things. For potential thieves, it indicates a risk of higher than average security.

The team gets to work gathering astral and matrix intel and surprisingly Rifle is not very heavily defended. Of all the options, it gets his vote. It's not without it's problems, of course. Rifle is rural and self sufficient - everyone is armed. If it comes to violence, there would be no civilians. That means that the security isn't just the uniformed guard, but every person within earshot. But if they did it right, no shots would be fired - no one would even know there was a robbery until the team was long gone.

Long gone. That got him thinking - how long were they holing up? How long would it likely take to get things set up. Ohanzee figured less than a week, meaning that Katsina could subsist off of the team's provided "rations" for long enough to get everything worked out and in motion. Of course, Ohanzee was more than a little squeamish about being a meal, so having blood to go in convenient, portable sippy pouches still seemed a worthwhile precaution - better than the alternative of convenient, walking flesh bags.

"I vote we start with Rifle. I imagine our enemies will expect us to head toward Denver, so this puts us out of their search pattern, but it's still not too far out of the way. It's low population and rural, making it a good candidate for laying low. The high ratio of weapons to citizens works both ways - it means more potential sources of incoming fire if things go south, but also that our arms and armor are less likely to stand out. Hell, they're probably rugged folk, so we're even less likely to stand out, which means less chance of things going off the rails. And the clinic seems like a softer target than the one here in Defiance so long as it doesn't come to violence."

"And if that ends up a bust, we start heading East and try our luck with Frisco and Vail. With any luck, our pursuers will see the action in Rifle and think we're headed West after all."
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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« Reply #198 on: <04-22-15/0304:53> »
Ivana says, "I agree that Rifle could be a double-edged sword." She stops and reflects on the irony of the statement, then shakes it off.

"It's possible that SecForce has less of a presence there if you have a self-policing community. Or maybe SecForce has to work double-time to prevent minor situations flaring up into major escalations.

"I'm not sure we could pass as ranchers. Maybe I could, with a couple tweaks." Her form smoothly melds from the Russo-Japanese elf into a hay-chomping Hopi tomboy as she adjusts her spell, although it's hard to see her over the mounds of camping equipment packing the van. "The more rural we go, the more suspicious they're going to be of outsiders. I think this camping thing could raise some eyebrows, maybe drawing undue attention. Who goes camping in February? We might have a better time posing as researchers, not that academics are going to be any more welcome than corpers roughing it.

"But that's if we even go into town. We could just head off into the woods and bypass civilization altogether. It's not going to kill me to miss a meal anymore than it would bother you. Besides, if we get the quicksilver photographs tonight then we'll pass back through town tomorrow on the way to deliver them. I can vape in and out of the hospital and get a quick fix. Once these photos are out I think we'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I would imagine that we'd be in touch with the DIMR within a day, and maybe completely free of the obelisk within 48 hours. With that in mind, let's not get ourselves captured getting supplies that extend beyond our immediate needs."


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« Reply #199 on: <04-22-15/1434:02> »
Doc realizes he's been snake-bit twice today.  Dodging the watchful eye of the Patrol IC, he quickly retreats from the host, jacks out and reboots his 'deck.

"Fucking shit fuckers.  Damn lucky ass fucking IC bitches." Doc fumes.  Taking several deep breaths, he reports yet another failure.

"I'm sorry Kat, I got caught a second time.  I valued our secrecy over brute force and they got a lucky tag on me.  The bad news is that we've worn out our welcome at this hospital.  I don't think it'd be wise to try for several days.  The good news is that there are 7 other sources within a reasonable distance.  Also, between the 5 of us, we can safely supply you with 5-6 liters of blood and we've the equipment to extract it cleanly."  Doc forwards the list of possible blood sources to the team.
"I don't think we are at the point where we need to risk doing a full assult on a hospital to keep everyone safe.  And I think it would risk exposure we don't need today.  If we are still in this situation in 2 or 3 days, then that'll be more of an necessity.

On other news, did anyone manage to grab a satellite uplink while we were in town?  I could use one while were are camping."
  Doc starts rummaging through the gear looking for the remote uplink.
Speech, Thoughts, Comm/Text, Subvocal


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« Reply #200 on: <04-23-15/1831:59> »
As Ace gets out of the van, headed for the store, Sam decides at the last second to go with him, mumbling "Too much stuff in my lap to have a full bladder." as he undoes his seatbelt and steps outside into the deathly cold. "Wait up!" he shouts to Ace, a few steps ahead of him as he jogs.

After returning from the bathroom, the massive troll finds his companion, eying some expensive bottles of spirits before finally grabbing a case of beer. As the two of them walk toward the register, he finally asks a question that'd been on his mind for days. What's it like to be in love? Do you still feel like you're in love with her? But at the last second, he chickens out and asks another one out loud. "What's up with everyone and beer? Is there something I'm not following?"


Later, back in the van...

"I vote we start with Rifle. I imagine our enemies will expect us to head toward Denver, so this puts us out of their search pattern, but it's still not too far out of the way. It's low population and rural, making it a good candidate for laying low. The high ratio of weapons to citizens works both ways - it means more potential sources of incoming fire if things go south, but also that our arms and armor are less likely to stand out. Hell, they're probably rugged folk, so we're even less likely to stand out, which means less chance of things going off the rails. And the clinic seems like a softer target than the one here in Defiance so long as it doesn't come to violence."

"And if that ends up a bust, we start heading East and try our luck with Frisco and Vail. With any luck, our pursuers will see the action in Rifle and think we're headed West after all."

"Rifle scares me. I can't lie. I don't like it at all. Too many random factors that we'd never see coming. Not to mention, if things go wrong, a lot of citizens get caught up in it. I don't want to kill anyone I don't have to and the possibility of that happening is a lot higher in a place where everyone is armed. You do present a compelling argument, however; Especially if the Matrix theft route goes more smoothly this time."

"I'm not sure we could pass as ranchers. Maybe I could, with a couple tweaks." Her form smoothly melds from the Russo-Japanese elf into a hay-chomping Hopi tomboy as she adjusts her spell, although it's hard to see her over the mounds of camping equipment packing the van. "The more rural we go, the more suspicious they're going to be of outsiders.

"But that's if we even go into town. We could just head off into the woods and bypass civilization altogether. It's not going to kill me to miss a meal anymore than it would bother you. Besides, if we get the quicksilver photographs tonight then we'll pass back through town tomorrow on the way to deliver them. I can vape in and out of the hospital and get a quick fix. Once these photos are out I think we'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I would imagine that we'd be in touch with the DIMR within a day, and maybe completely free of the obelisk within 48 hours. With that in mind, let's not get ourselves captured getting supplies that extend beyond our immediate needs."

Both selfless and tactically sound. This woman truly is the hero of the story. Sam nods his head deeply as she talks. "I like that idea as well." is all he says out loud.

"On other news, did anyone manage to grab a satellite uplink while we were in town?  I could use one while were are camping." 

"Ace did the shopping. I know I don't have one in my lap right now, but beyond that, I couldn't say."
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #201 on: <04-24-15/0327:06> »
"Damn!" Chino punches the steering wheel when Doc delivers the news. "Damn damn! Let's get out of town before the cops start looking for vans full of guns and the SINless."

He pulls out of the Apex parking lot, then heads north.

"We got corpers to our right and rough-and-tumble locals to the left. I'm not sure we blend with either, but I think the people after us will expect us to go right."

With that, he merges onto Highway 70, heading west.

"Let's stop in Rifle to get a satellite what's-it for Hack, then blow town. We'll just drive down some road until the pavement ends or the snow stops up. We'll park under some trees to avoid aerial surveillance. We got beers now, it'll be fuckin' great!" He slams the steering wheel again, hard, and easily warps it.

"Whoops, hahaha. Sorry about your security deposit, little O," he laughs proudly. "Here, big man, pass me a road beer wouldja?" He opens his hand expectantly, then slaps his fingers against his palm in a one-handed clap to indicate his impatience.

There's another Apex in Rifle. Chino stops, then gets out and takes a semi-public leak directly in the parking lot. (Sam is almost positive that is against the local etiquette.) Luckily it's late and the erratic behavior seems to escape most people's notice.

"I need some crisps, mates. I'll be right back," he says with a slight accent. He begins to stride confidently toward the store until Ace and Sam corral him and convince him that it would, in fact, be tactically unsound for someone without a SIN to go into the store. Chino pouts but submits on the condition that someone buy him a big bag of Salt Licks, the saltiest chip on the market. (They are largely inedible to non-orks and non-trolls.) "Anchovy & Olive flavor!" he shouts after Ace.

Satellite links are somewhat of a specialty item, and Doc warns Ace and Sam that a store like the Apex might not carry them. An electronics store certainly would, but there aren't any open this late on a Saturday night. Doc's fears are unfounded though, as this is the PCC, where the corner supermarkets are laced with cutting-edge tech that wouldn't be out of place in high-end stores in Seattle. Cheaper, too. Instead of the expected ¥500, a top-of-the-line model is available for ¥420.

The Apex also has a full line of chips marketed toward orks and trolls. In addition to Anchovy & Olive, they also have Bourbon Street Margarita, Caper & Okra, Soy Sauce & Sake, Firecracker Stuffed Jalapeño, and Singapore Street Noodles w/ Shrimp & Snake.


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« Reply #202 on: <04-24-15/1228:52> »
"What's up with everyone and beer? Is there something I'm not following?"

For a moment, Ace thought the troll was going to ask something a bit more pointed, but he shrugs and says in a low voice, "Something to do with the nanites, I think.  Beer still just tastes like beer to me, but Doc especially  seems to have developed quite a taste for it.  I haven't seen you chugging it down, though.  Are you uninfected?"  Ace ponders his poor choice of words, but isn't sure how else to put it.


Once they pull into the Apex in Rifle and corral Chino back in the van, Ace asks Sam if he'll join him once more in the supermarket.  Once the pair is inside, he asks, "He seems to have gotten more erratic in just the last hour or so.  I'm worried that once we get to a campsite, he's going to go nuts without something to do."

He grabs the biggest bag he can find of the offending sounding chips, and hands them off to Sam, so they can go grab a satellite uplink. 


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« Reply #203 on: <04-25-15/1327:55> »
"What's up with everyone and beer? Is there something I'm not following?"

"Something to do with the nanites, I think.  Beer still just tastes like beer to me, but Doc especially  seems to have developed quite a taste for it.  I haven't seen you chugging it down, though.  Are you uninfected?" 

Sam lets an amused smirk cross his face as he answers. "Oh no. I'm quite infected, but I'm flattered that you assume I'm a good enough person to care about other people's problems this much."

"Chino seems to have gotten more erratic in just the last hour or so.  I'm worried that once we get to a campsite, he's going to go nuts without something to do."

"I'll keep him busy. Don't worry. He'll have more than enough to keep himself occupied with." When the two of them get to the checkout line, Sam excuses himself, leaving Ace to pay while he uses the facilities before getting back on the road. This might just be the last time he has access to plumbing and he intends to enjoy it while he can. The big russian is no stranger to roughing it, but he still has a deep appreciation for modern amenities and they will be missed during the group's impending self-imposed exile.

"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #204 on: <04-27-15/0320:32> »
Ace and Sam pay for the umami chips and the satellite uplink - the combination of which registers no surprise among the clerks mindlessly tending the automated checkout process - and return to the cold air of the winter night. They walk across the parking lot and Ace almost slips in Chino's puddle of urine that's already formed a miniature lake of ice. Chino rolls down the driver's side window expectantly, flooding the van with cold air.

"Hey, hey, you found them!" he shouts out the window joyfully. "And you bought a giant chip bowl too!" he says, pointing at the satellite uplink. "Did you get any dip to go with it? Horumon? Nankotsu? Tororo, natto, basashi? Anata wa totemo shinsetsu desu!"

You have no idea whether Chino speaks Japanese now or if he's simply quoting one of the catchphases from Godzilla vs. Ghostwalker.

Ace and Sam get in. Chino gets in and starts driving without directions. He whistles. Katsina, in her new look, exchanges a glance with Ace.

Chino drives north toward the forested mountains. "The ranchers will have their livestock in barns over the winter," he shouts to no one in particular, oblivious to the fact that it is quite (quite) unnecessary to shout in the van. "I doubt they even have their drones up in storms like this." He indicates the swirling snow and the biting winds you enjoyed while the van doors were open.

He drives past the ranches and onto the logging roads. The road turns from concrete to gravel, which crunches icily under your tires. The extreme weight of the van - loaded with six metahumans, and obelisk, and a comical amount of camping gear - provides excellent traction that keeps you glued to the road. It also pushes the suspension down deeply, leading the bumper of the van to send a spray of snow everywhere like a snowplow.

Chino pushes forward until the Eurovan can't make any more progress against the accumulating snow. Chino cranks the wheel to position the van under a tree, shifts into park, then turns and announces, "We're home!" He grabs a bag of chips and hops out into the frosty night with a lofty whistle.

You look around. It's not the worst spot you could have driven to. Granted there's a huge set of tracks pointing directly at your location, but the falling snow will make short work of those. There's also some tree cover, plus mountains reaching up in every direction, all of which help to obscure you to anyone who isn't directly overhead.

Katsina doesn't know jack about survival but she does have thermographic vision. She speaks up: "Our heat signature will be our biggest giveaway, but I'm not sure we can get around that without killing ourselves, which strikes me as counterproductive. Maybe we can pile snow around the van or tents or something?" She looks at the men, one of whom presumably (hopefully) knows what to do.


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« Reply #205 on: <04-28-15/0251:14> »
Katsina gets out the van, the piled camping equipment spilling out into the snow after her. She pulls her lined coat - now stylized as a long rancher's coat - tight around her. The cold is bracing, and she's reminded of waking up upside down in the van. Blessedly, the Eurovan is still upright.

She looks around. There is little to see other than falling snow and black trees. Thermographically, things are just as stark. It's only on the astral where there's some actual texture to the world. In fact, it's almost exactly the opposite on the astral: the trees are bright with life, even in the depths of winter, to the point of being blinding.

She keeps an eye on Chino. Physically he looks the same, but on the astral his aura has changed. He's not simply excited; he's borderline manic. Evidently he's taken it upon himself to procure firewood because he's chopping down trees with his bare hands. But even Katsina knows that green wood is worthless for fires, and surely Chino must know the same. So is he really punching trees for firewood, or because he's bored?

Katsina unloads the van per Doc's instructions. She relishes the incredible strength locked into her by her quickened spell. Did I enjoy this before too? she asks herself as she shoulders a particularly heavy load. Or is it simply the novelty of having forgotten what it's like? Once the camping supplies are out, only the obelisk remains.

She looks to Ohanzee. "What do you think? Would it be better to take a photo of it in the van? The surrounding aura will just be dead machine. Or should we lift it out and take a photo in the trees? That might be even more ambiguous."

If he thinks they should take it out, she hopes that he's willing to levitate it. The team could lift it out manually, but corralling Chino to partake in the effort might be a challenge.

"I'd like to do an Imbolc ritual tonight," she says to the group. "It involves fire, preferably a bonfire. I know that is tactically unsound but it's one of the most important rituals of the year. Do you think we're remote enough? Or, Ohanzee, could you mask the ritual from outside observers?"


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« Reply #206 on: <04-28-15/1339:02> »
Doc keeps an eye on Chino as well.
[spoiler]Medicine Roll for CFD (Med 5 + Log 9 = 14): 14d6t5 7[/spoiler]

Its unfortunate that we don't have anything to solidly compare our previous personalities.  I think need to get that medical equipment sooner than later.

He trys to get Chino's attention and direct him to more usefull tasks, such as piling the snow as high around them into a pseudo snow fort/giant igloo configuration since he seems to have almost boundless endergy right now.  Must be those revolting chips he ate.  Eitherway, he plans on having the van's exhaust vent into a long tunnel of snow will help mask its heat and allow it to dissapate into the surrounding area more unnoticably.

"Do either of you two have a good way to shape the snow for us into blocks?  It would make this a lot easier."  He says with a smirk.  He wonders if his more laidback attitude is a result of the nanites also.  He seems to be almost placid about the whole situation now.  Though that could simply be from the ammount of stress they've endured over the last several days that this situation is simply another event now.  Food for thought.

Once they have the ring built, he sets the uplink up so that he can get to it easilly.  He'll leave it powered off for the most part to prevent it from showing up on the matrix as well as to conserve its power supply.
Speech, Thoughts, Comm/Text, Subvocal


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« Reply #207 on: <04-29-15/1210:18> »
Chino fixes Doc with a cold stare, and ceases his assault on a particularly stout fir.  "Noooo Prooooblem," he exhales heavily, his breath a mix of steam and anchovies.  He bounds away, and starts wrapping up snow in his arms on his knees oblivious to the cold.  He works fast, and in a matter of minutes, he's stacked up quite a wall.  Ace also tries to assist in the barricade making, though he's working at a slower pace, trying to conserve energy.  At a certain point, Ace sees that his efforts would be better spent packing and refining Chino's work, as he can't quite get the same amount of snow in each "sweep," like Chino can.  At one point, Ace has his back to the group as he tops off the wall when he's struck in the back of the head so hard that he face-plants into the snow.  Instinctively, his cyber spur comes out, and he wheels around convinced that the group is under attack to see Chino standing and smiling with another snowball in his hand.  Ace lifts his jacket at the shoulders to let any errant snow fall back to the ground and rolls his eyes.

"Alright, big guy.  Whaddya say we finish up here, and then worry about playing grab ass?"



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« Reply #208 on: <04-30-15/1953:31> »
Ohanzee stared out the window as Chino drove them towards the desolate location that had been chosen for their impromptu camping trip. Snow filled his vision - his world - as it had from the moment he first awoke. He decidedly did not like snow. The evergreens stuck up like jagged teeth among the skeletons of less hardy deciduous threes, and his mind wandered toward thoughts of monsters and horrific spirits devouring the world. Then to tinier monsters, the molecular machines racing along the pathways of his veins and arteries and, perhaps more disconcertingly, his nervous system.

He was curious about the former Ohanzee, the one that had presumably vanished into the artifact the carried with them. Or swallowed up into the gaping maws of the tiny machines. He wasn't sure anymore, but he was curious. Not just about which mystery was responsible for his current condition and who he was before, but about the larger impacts that both mysteries entailed. Who else was infected by these strange nanites? What was the purpose or function of the obelisk, beyond just its religious significance?

He sighed and looked away from the whitewashed, desolate landscape rushing by the window. Inside the van the group was restless, apprehensive. The prospect of living in the winter "wonderland" that had been ever-present outside whatever heated box they had found themselves in for as long as thy could remember was not a prospect they readily embraced. Ohanzee sure wished there were another way, but they had to have some time to work without interruption in order to put their plan in motion and previous attempts to do so through breaking and entering, kidnapping, or grand theft had ended poorly, so the only legal option available with their funds and general lack of legal ID (not to mention large collection of contraband) was to leave civilization behind.

But they would have to act quick. In addition to the risk of death from exposure, starvation, or any one of myriad dangers they might be exposed to during their wilderness adventure, they were at risk from each other. Ohanzee knew quite a bit about metahuman nature, and staying cooped up with any given group for long periods of time was a recipe for conflict. And he could already see the edges fraying. Chino was behaving quite oddly - perhaps giving in to the stress and finally "snapping". Sam was withdrawn, and so hard to read, but Ohanzee had the feeling that he was up to something - he snapped out of his isolation at a moment's notice to join excursions into public shops, showing uncharacteristic interest. He hoped it was just the big guy needing to stretch his legs, leaving the cramped quarters of the van. Ohanzee supposed he could have a minor form of claustrophobia. Katsina had already taken to snapping at the others, as well as Ohanzee, on occasion. Her temper had started out much longer, and seems to have been growing shorter as their time together lengthened. And Ace...

Well, Ace was implacable. He supposed he was more machine than man and that the only psychological ailment he had to fear was cybephychosis. He was, as ever, a calm and steady voice of reason, friendly and patient almost to a fault. It wasn't that he seemed friendly or genuine, just perpetually unperturbed and willing to lend a hand. Like some automaton or intelligent tool. It's not that he didn't have a personality - he was interesting, bright, and had opinions. He just seemed to have one emotion - not too happy, not too mad. Aside from Katsina's admission to being Infected - with a capital "I" - and his announcement about being some corporate drone in his past life, he hadn't really seen him react emotionally to anything.

Of course, the same could be said for Ohanzee. He knew he was a tempest of emotions, most kept hidden, and he had felt the pain of APBs passing rather acutely, but he tried to keep such things hidden. Was that what Ace was doing? He imagined both of them would do quite well at playing poker.

Finally, the van struggled along the snow covered path until it could no longer. Chino forced it over to the side of the road under cover of a nice pine before the van stopped with a jolt and settled into the snow. There was a long pause as everyone delayed before leaving the warmth of their ride,  but Chino was the first to move, swiftly bolting out the door like a swimmer taking the plunge into the deep end of a cold pool. The warm air of the van rushed out, replaced with the icy cold of the outside, and everyone awoke from their lethargic delay as one, and filed out.

Doc took quick control of the situation, redirecting Chino's boundless energy into useful work crafting shelter and hiding the heat signature of the van. Ohanzee listened to his instructions, checking them against his survival knowledge and could find no flaw. Indeed, the human again demonsrtated his brilliance by coming up with solutions to problems that Ohanzee hadn't even considered. After a short while, he left Doc and Chino and Ace, who had joined in, to their task and helped Katsina unload the van. As they came to the obelisk, she asks if they should move it outside the vehicle or not before taking the astral photo.

"I'm partial to leaving it in the van. It has no aura that might be recognized. You can't recognize a face in the crowd if there are no faces." Of course, once the photo is taken the question is where to put it. But that is a question for later.

Ohanzee goes to check on the others as Katsina sets up the camera. Doc asks about whether anyone has any good ideas for shaping the snow, and Ohanzee almost kicks himself as he realizes that a spirit would likely be able to shape the mud and ice much faster than the metahumans struggling at it before him. He summons them as needed to dig into the earth or pile and secure the snow come ice. It isn't long before they have a spacious and secure shelter. While directing the spirits, in turn following Doc's directions, Katsina asks about performing her ritual.

"I'm not sure. I suppose I could throw up invisibility or an illusion of some sort, but that might stick out like a search light on the astral. Perhaps a spirit's assistance in concealing us might help." He ponders these options as he continues guiding the spirits.
Speech Thought Matrix/Text Astral


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  • Posts: 3836
  • If you lack empathy, you are worthless.
« Reply #209 on: <04-30-15/2022:20> »
The battle-worn troll has had something on his mind for the whole ride. He just stares out the window with furrowed brow, lost in mystery and frustrated by it. He simply can't seem to follow through all the way on one thought process before another one jumps up and demands his full attention, beginning the circle anew. There are tiny robots in his body that may or may not have erased his personality. That may or may not be a good thing because of the likely options of the type of man he used to be, there are no good ones. His best  option, the one he prefers, is that he was a shadowrunner who specialized in explosives and was hired on for this particular job as a fill in. Although, it's equally likely that he was in charge of a gang of villainous murderers and thieves or possibly even a mole working for the black lodge. Also, IF his memory has been eroded away, the robots might not be the culprits anyway. It might be the millennia old artifact that had wiped away some other poor schmucks' memories while it was being experimented with. Schmucks? How do I know a word like schmuck?

When Chino finally stops the van and it slowly starts to empty out, Sam waits until everyone else is finished, so as not to bump into them. Even as nice as it is, this van really isn't meant for trolls to be moving around inside it. Once he's emerged like a mean, horned butterfly from a cold, metal cocoon he stretches his arms wide and groans loudly. He can hear the team starting to make plans and decide on who's doing what and helping who. Doc and Chino are already moving on to creating snow bricks, which gives Sam a sense of relief. He had been worried he'd have to babysit the crazy bastard himself the whole time. Before the planning stage can get into full swing, he turns to Mask, Ace, and Ohanze. He almost seems a bit happier, now that he's out in the open, and he even has a little hint of optimism in his voice as he says, "I need to survey the area. Figure out where the defensive positions are. It will take several hours, I imagine. Does anyone want to join me? I'll only need one of you and any of you will do."
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>