[5e IC] Tabula Rasa, Chapter III

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« Reply #60 on: <02-27-15/0146:37> »
"Okay, we make them come to us here. It's a crap shoot either way - here we might have a terrain advantage like you say, and it also means we control the terrain and get there first, limiting their options for laying a trap. But we might also have those that are pursuing us catch up at an inopportune moment. I'm still unclear on what advantage dropping the burners gets us - the fewer parties present the better it seems to me, but maybe there is a tactical consideration I am overlooking. Help me understand."
« Last Edit: <02-27-15/0204:58> by Malevolence »
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« Reply #61 on: <02-27-15/1144:27> »
Ace pawns one of the poacher's commlinks in his hand.  He's made up his mind, but when it comes to actually making the call, he's hesitant.  If it goes straight to voicemail, and he hears his own voice, fine, things could be worse.  But what if a woman answers?  Ace looks to Katsina, and quickly turns away when "Ivana" looks back.  If there is a woman who answers, should he even speak?  It could provide some information as to who he is, though probably not what he was doing, but what would that information cost her?  Perhaps it would be better if the her, whoever this rhetorical her is from Ace's past life, never heard from him again.  He's certainly not the same man.  And if it's a stranger's voice, that's the most terrifying prospect of all.  And also, it's the only one that provides any real incentive for making the call.  What a mess.  Ace takes a deep breath, dials quickly, and waits for what's to follow.


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« Reply #62 on: <02-27-15/1316:14> »
Ace places the call and wait for it to connect...




There is no answer. Ace has the opportunity to leave a recorded message, or to send one via text.

Having received no response, Ace wonders if he would have answered it, had he received a call from an unknown commcode. Perhaps, yes, given his desire for answers at the moment, but under normal non-amnesiac situations? Perhaps not. He can't recall if there are SOPs for this, but he guesses that if an asset needs to make contact from a third-party commlink, then said asset might need to send a message in advance to explain who it is, perhaps one using a code phrase or a certain syntax, like Sam uses with "Mom". Not that Ace has any memory of what might be required, if anything, but calling from an anonymous commlink doesn't seem to be working.


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« Reply #63 on: <02-27-15/1318:44> »
After Ace's call produces no results Doc looks up and says, "Maybe when we open up that data lock of yours we can find some more answers.  Shouldn't be too much further to the safe house then we can get started on that."
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« Reply #64 on: <02-27-15/1335:23> »
Ace disconnects the call before the voicemail comes up.  No pre-recorded message, eh?  Shocker.  He'd rather not leave his voice on the machine, so he sends a text instead.

@Rhodes [?]<<I Naturally Say ThInGs AT OppoRtune times.  Other times, I need someone to check in, and tell me what's up.  Help, please?>>

Ace shuts down the comm as soon as he's finished typing.

After Ace's call produces no results Doc looks up and says, "Maybe when we open up that data lock of yours we can find some more answers.  Shouldn't be too much further to the safe house then we can get started on that."

"Yeah, that might be a good idea.  I sent a text.  I'll reboot, and check for messages in a few minutes, but it's just as likely if they decide to check in, that they do so on my commlink, and I don't know how to proceed there.  Of course, they probably know my commlink anyway, so maybe nothing's lost if I answer.  Anyway, I'm not going to want to have anything to do with them once we get closer to the safehouse."


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« Reply #65 on: <02-27-15/1431:13> »
"Good point.  I'll use this time to keep working on repairing this," he says as he points to the cyberdeck in his metallic arm.  "I don't think I'll be much help in getting the oblisk into this van, and we don't need too many cooks in the kitchen.  Having a fully functional 'deck is probably a better use of my time."

Seeing no objections, Doc pulls out his hardware kit again and starts pulling apart his arm.  First he removes the device from his cyberarm so he can work on it with both hands.  Wtih a headlamp from his tool kit he hunkers down and opens the case and shines the light into the guts of the machine.  His left arm is extremely dexterous while his right arm is fairy clumsy, and he uses it mostly to just hold thigns in place.  The cyber arm twiches and manipulates tools with finite precision.  Having the luxury of a little more time and the comfort of a non-shot-to-hell working environment helps emensly.  While not the best working conditions, they are good enough to get the thing mostly fixed.  One more session should get it back to new.
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« Reply #66 on: <02-27-15/1540:05> »
"I'm still unclear on what advantage dropping the burners gets us - the fewer parties present the better it seems to me, but maybe there is a tactical consideration I am overlooking. Help me understand."

"It has nothing to do with tactics. It's all about the truth coming out. The more light we shine on this mystery, the more we'll learn about it. So let's tell everyone to bring their torches and show up to the same party at the same time. Who knows what might come out?"


Chino looks away from Sam. "Forget about it. I think that last fight has made me start feeling my own mortality. It's just a precaution, just in case."

The expression of confusion still hasn't left his face. "What, exactly, is "just a precaution, just in case?" What are you talking about?"

"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #67 on: <03-01-15/2315:06> »
It's only a five minute drive from the stores to the agreed rendezvous between the two vans. Before you have a chance to finish your respective conversations, the vans are rolling to a stop on a rough, barely maintained road. There aren't any tracks in the snow; you are the first ones to pass this way since it last snowed. That's good news, as far as this being a discrete place to exchange the contents of the two vans and to dispose of the Bulldog, but it also means that there is a visual record of you passing this way. The weather right now is cold and clear. The sun is dipping behind the mountains to the west and the temperature is dropping rapidly. It's colder here than in Aspen. Current temperatures in Aspen are still hovering around freezing but where you are it's about -7 Celsius. Cold.

Chino pulls the rear of the Bulldog up to the rear of the Eurovan so that the obelisk can be moved the shortest distance. Ivana grudgingly leaves the warmth of Eurovan, prepared to help clean the things from the Bulldog so that no unpleasant stains migrate from one vehicle to the other. She's thinking that the dwarf will simply levitate the obelisk, allowing her to clean it mid-flight, but Ohanzee expresses reservations about his current physical state. Ivana appraises him closely; he is indeed wavering, on his last legs. He looks like he wants nothing more than to take a nap right now, the adrenaline from the fight having left his system.

After a minute of discussion, it is decided that Sam, Chino, Ace, and Ivana will move the obelisk while Doc and Ohanzee clean it. Ace brings out the cleaning supplies he purchased. The four movers grunt and groan as they hold the obelisk while the dwarf darts underneath to make sure that the bottom is clean. Ohanzee watches with reservation as he sees Ivana, seemingly an 18-year-old Japanese-Russian elf, bearing the load of the obelisk that hovers over his head, but on the astral he can see the spell that circulates around her muscles and makes her quite as strong as a human Olympic weightlifter. Ohanzee finishes his task and then darts out from underneath the obelisk through Sam's legs.

The move complete, the group takes a few minutes to scrub the portable property coming from the Bulldog, wiping everything down with the family-size carton of Brichert Clean-M-Up! handiwipes that Ace bought. Discarded wipes go into the Bulldog; clean gear goes into the Eurovan. Once that's done, it's time to do the same for yourselves. Ohanzee, having sat where the hapless magician met his grisly end, is particularly affected. Ivana sniffs at him, her heightened smelling picking up more than just the blood in the Bulldog and the lunch that the decker vomited when Doc dumped her. Ohanzee's armored clothing, which hasn't been changed in at least a day (and which has seen a lot of action since then), will need a good wash, she decides.

Ivana zips about, both to keep warm but also to be thorough. She takes special care to get everyone's shoes cleaned, especially the soles. She pauses for a moment to wonder if she has a spell to sanitize things, but alas she does not. She makes a mental note to ask Hecate about that the next time. For now, the work must be done by hand.

Once that's done it is time to bleach the Bulldog. Ivana takes the bleach, then pauses for a moment to cast. She glows - less this time, but still visible if you're looking directly at her - then unscrews the caps and chucks the bottles into the van. She mentally flips them over, then "catches" the bleach as it drains out. She holds the bleach in floating, globular balls, then splashes it on every interior surface of the Bulldog. It circulates and churns, forming itself into a wave that races up and down the length of the van, then swirls. It's rather like watching a washing machine or a dishwasher. Once she's satisfied that the job is complete, she looks to Chino and Ace to see if they want to push it into the river. Then it's time to go! It's cold!


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« Reply #68 on: <03-02-15/1111:02> »
"It's a good wash," Ace says, apprising the Bulldog.  "Should we give her a soak cycle?"  Ace waits until the minivan can be re-positioned so that its nose is pointing toward the river.  With some more time, it would be possible to make it look as though the vehicle had lost traction and skidded to its resting place in the icy waters of the river, but they don't have the time, the energy to cast, or the means of doctoring the tracks on the fresh snow.  Problematic, but far from the worst thing they've faced today. 

With the van positioned, and put in neutral, Ace, Sam, and Katsina -- now Ivana -- post up at the rear bumper and push.  There's a slight lip at the edge of the road, and it takes the whole team a little digging in to clear it, but once the Bulldog hits the incline, gravity does the rest of the work for them.  Ace watches as the van crunches along the snowy bank and onto the ice of the frozen river.  Fingers crossed, chummer.  Fingers crossed.


When the whole team has made its way inside the Eurovan, and they're on their way to the safehouse, Ace looks around, with the hint of a small smile crossing his lips.  "You know, this is the first time we've all been in a car together that wasn't stolen, bullet riddled, covered in gore, or filled with hostages.  I think I'll drink to that.  Anybody else?" he asks rifling through the groceries for the beer.


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« Reply #69 on: <03-02-15/2310:48> »
After piling into the clean van, Ohanzee takes the beer offered by Ace, politely participates in a toast to commemorate their clean and comfortable new ride, then downs the rest of the beer. A warm feeling comes over him, but it is not the buzz he had hoped for, but the "reward" provided by the mysterious nanites in his system. He gamely remains awake for a few minutes, following the conversation as best he can, but soon enough he passes out - not from intoxication, but from exhaustion. Even if the discussion over what to do next comes up, Sam and Chino are on the same page and can make the arguments just as well as he could.
« Last Edit: <03-03-15/1607:40> by Malevolence »
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« Reply #70 on: <03-03-15/0042:36> »
As Doc toils away on his deck, Ace pulls out a beer.  The distictive crack of the can opening gets his attention.  Suddenly he's an overpowering urge to have a beer.  "I'll take two or three of those mate!"  As Ace tosses him one, he pops it open and shotguns the whole can in one chug.  Looking at the can in something of disbelief he looks to Ace for another.  "Man, we need some time to figure out what on earth is up with these nanites.  Though it feels like I could win a couple of drinking compititions at this rate.  New line of work?" Doc laughs at the idea.  He knows that he needs to finish repairing the deck before he can concentrate on anything else.
"Oi, Ohanzee, how much did your chummer tell you about this place we're going to?"
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« Reply #71 on: <03-03-15/1428:43> »
Once the Bulldog is given its last rites, the team turns and piles into the Eurovan. Chino gets behind the wheel, Sam sits shotgun, and everyone else gets in the back. The upgrade is immediately obvious, and not just due to the condition of the van. It is both much quieter and much warmer, thanks to having windows, and the seats are made out of a soft synthleather. It's easy to get comfortable, and Ace cracks open a few road beers to commemorate the occasion. Sometimes survival is marked one day at a time; other times, it's marked hour by hour.

Ivana waves off the beer, giving Ace a raised eyebrow that probably means I don't think you want to drink with me. It's hard to tell if she's being serious or bemused, but a crack of a smile - one of the first that anyone has seen from her - indicates a certain amusement.

Doc and Ohanzee take beers. Doc guzzles his down like a spring breaker and quickly looks for more. You wouldn't think that drinking while working on the hardware of a cyberdeck is a productive combination but Doc seems to be making it work.

The drive begins quietly. Chino turns onto Highway 82 going north. It's dusk now and getting darker. Ivana contemplates working on more preparations, but decides there will be plenty of time to do so at the safehouse. Doc looks up and asks Ohanzee a question, but is the dwarf even awake?


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« Reply #72 on: <03-03-15/1759:14> »
Ace keeps watch out the back but doesn't notice any suspicious activity, or anyone trying to follow the van.

Ivana's head bends toward the window, then cranes to look upward.

"We've got a drone in the skies ahead. One of those glider-type ones. Seems to be following the route of traffic, headed north. I wonder if they were trying to catch up with us but we gave them the shake with our stop in Carbondale?"

She looks again, wishing her mask had vision magnification. It doesn't, but its Zeiss Uhu optics are top-of-the-line. She's able to spy some telling details painted on the side.

"It has a SecForce emblem. They don't have any reason to be looking for this vehicle. It might just be a traffic drone, checking speeds and SINs. Chino, switch to autopilot for a few minutes until we pass. PCC has a law where you don't need a driver's license if your vehicle is on pilot. Ace is broadcasting his SIN so we should be covered."

She continues to watch the drone, privately annoyed by how technology can bypass her best efforts. Her Detect Enemies spell, strong and locked in with a bit of her memory that she'll never get back, is useless against drones. The "elf" looks at Doc and his disassembled deck and hopes that it won't be needed before he has it put back together.

Edit: Spelling.
« Last Edit: <03-04-15/0139:33> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #73 on: <03-04-15/0107:35> »
"You know, this is the first time we've all been in a car together that wasn't stolen, bullet riddled, covered in gore, or filled with hostages.  I think I'll drink to that.  Anybody else?"

Chino nods and accepts the proffered drink. He hadn't realized just how thirsty he was. Shrugging, he downs half of it like it was water. Chino's eyebrow raises as he sees Doc down a beer and work on another. All without seeming to be affected by it. Humans don't usually have such a great tolerance for alcohol, so it's rather impressive. He looks at his own drink and then turns his eyes to the road without drinking. He didn't want to crash the car again.

Chino avoids Sam's gaze. Things were rather quiet, especially since he hadn't answered all of Sam's questions. Sam had the simchip, but he hadn't slotted it yet. Chino focuses his attention on the road again, they had to get moving.

A while later, Katsina pipes up.

"It has a SecForce emplem. They don't have any reason to be looking for this vehicle. It might just be a traffic drone, checking speeds and SINs. Chino, switch to autopilot for a few minutes until we pass. PCC has a law where you don't need a driver's license if your vehicle is on pilot. Ace is broadcasting his SIN so we should be covered."

Chino shifts it into autopilot and finishes off the rest of his beer. "Got any more of this back there?" he asks as he shows the empty can.


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« Reply #74 on: <03-04-15/1519:20> »
Looking up to see what "Ivana" is referring to, Doc gets a sinking feeling in his stomach.  It's possible it's just a traffic drone doing routine sweeps, but it's also possible it's specifically looking for them.  The van is clean, and Ace is an upstanding corporate citizen, so they should be okay.  But that does little to ease his nerves.  He goes back to getting his deck back to a functional state as quickly as he can.
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