New expansion coming really soon?

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« Reply #45 on: <07-31-15/1106:07> »
Any news from Gen Con on the expansions?


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« Reply #46 on: <07-31-15/1257:19> »
Looks like the Shadowrun: Crossfire Street Legends Character expansion 2 pack is bring sold there


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« Reply #47 on: <08-01-15/0809:39> »
Looks like the Shadowrun: Crossfire Street Legends Character expansion 2 pack is bring sold there

This is correct, we had some packs show up as part of the Tuesday product load-in. They were sold out on Thursday, a few hours into the show on Friday we received another few boxes of them. As of this morning we still have them, however I do not have a count so I cannot estimate how long they'll last.

If you want them from the show, I suggest you get them early in the con hours.

High Caliber Ops did not make the show, and it looks like it will not make the show.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

"Peter Smith has the deadest of deadpans and a very sly smile, making talking to him a fun game of keeping up and slinging the next subtle zinger." - Jason M. Hardy, 3 August 2015


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« Reply #48 on: <08-01-15/2259:39> »
Any street dates for those two expansions?


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« Reply #49 on: <08-03-15/1312:45> »
I heard High Caliber is ~5 weeks out, but it was secondhand, so take it with a grain of salt.

The Tekwych

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« Reply #50 on: <08-03-15/1735:29> »
Yes, Peter said Legends 2 is shipping but High Caliber is ~5 weeks away because of the printer.


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« Reply #51 on: <08-03-15/2140:56> »
The GenCon copies of Street Legends were POD batches, not off of the main run.
Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

"Peter Smith has the deadest of deadpans and a very sly smile, making talking to him a fun game of keeping up and slinging the next subtle zinger." - Jason M. Hardy, 3 August 2015


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« Reply #52 on: <08-11-15/1742:31> »

Shadowrun: Crossfire High-Caliber Ops final production copy arrived. Wish we’d had it at Gen Con, but it still looks great-photos coming rnb


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« Reply #53 on: <10-27-15/1522:48> »
Any further word on this?


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« Reply #54 on: <12-30-15/1441:36> »
Yes, it has arrived. A lot of the new stuff is pretty nice.


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« Reply #55 on: <12-30-15/1728:09> »
I love it.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think including the new cards and options makes winning Crossfire a little easier?

Also, don't the new Y8 cards seem to be actually more powerful than the Y9 cards?

Not complaining - just wondering if anyone else had had that impression.


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« Reply #56 on: <01-05-16/0914:08> »
I haven't gotten an opportunity to play yet, so take my thoughts with a bit larger pinch of salt than usual.

It looks like the new upgrades will add a bit more flavor and make it possible to avoid bad card flips (replacing an obstacle or a black market card with the right upgrade). A lot more obstacles that get black market cards replaced as well. My group was considering a house rule to deal with the black market being full of duplicate cards, so I'm glad to see an official solution.

The new obstacles were lower-nuyen value than I expected for their power when I compared them to similar cards. One I remember takes 3 or 4 players' turns to defeat (can only take out 2 levels per turn), which is pretty brutal. The wrecks will also serve to increase the crossfire level without adding much nuyen.

It looks like they are trying to increase the average difficulty of the game, but allow the players to cap the maximum difficulty? We usually win (mostly board/card game players, not shadowrun players), so that isn't a complaint.

Most of the runs are low-karma runs, despite the description of the expansion being about experienced characters and high power. One (maybe 2) good starting run is all that you should need. At least these scale, unlike Harley's portal run (not exactly starting, but close), Ambulators, and the Vegas promo run.


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« Reply #57 on: <01-06-16/1008:51> »
I wouldnt say this game is any easier, actually perhaps harder

I ran into obstacle that has X attack based on the scene. Well since I was playing that Extract Mission, his attack was a 6. So I was like nope, you're out of play.

I'm not saying the new blackmarket cards are weak, but cards like cover fire or docwagon are essential. And now that the BM deck doubled in size, chances of obtaining those (or other favorites) are slim

I have yet to play the new missions. But seems they are like Crossfire, just with a twist. I was hoping for more, since Extract is my favorite mission by faarrrr.


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« Reply #58 on: <01-06-16/1105:19> »
I wouldnt say this game is any easier, actually perhaps harder

I ran into obstacle that has X attack based on the scene. Well since I was playing that Extract Mission, his attack was a 6. So I was like nope, you're out of play.

I'm not saying the new blackmarket cards are weak, but cards like cover fire or docwagon are essential. And now that the BM deck doubled in size, chances of obtaining those (or other favorites) are slim

I have yet to play the new missions. But seems they are like Crossfire, just with a twist. I was hoping for more, since Extract is my favorite mission by faarrrr.

In Extraction mission, there are 3 scenes as in the other missions. You are referring to the rounds i think. It is indicated on the mission card when it is the end of a scene : the X ennemy would probably havd had an attack of 3, still really tough but not impossible. Hope this helps. :)

I am so sick since a couple of months. Hopefully i will play this weekend to the expansion, I've already sleeved the cards. It seems really good from what I saw.

