GMs should make a note of qualities before the game starts, imo.
Inserting a little bit of flavor to a given scenario--pretty much every Mission involves interacting with someone from a corporation, so have Sara Silverleaf slip into conversation that so-and-so over at Horizon recommended the character (using the character's real name, of course).
Ideally, players are role-playing their qualities so GMs don't have to keep folks honest all the time. When we ended up in San Francisco at Fisherman's Wharf, our troll muscle piped up, "I guess now would be a good time to mention I'm really allergic to seafood..." which added a cool wrinkle to the entire scene. My gremlin-plagued adept is constantly setting his commlink's default language to bizarre languages he doesn't speak. "In players we trust" means the onus in on the player in these cases.