[5e IC] Sunt Venatores Venationem

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« on: <01-05-15/1215:03> »
2 DEC, 2074 2206

<<@Team [3L1] GridGuide has us at 17 min. out.  We'll be there in 10.  Lock and load, chummers.>>

The GMC Bulldog tears along east on the 520 with an empty driver's seat.  Stake sits shotgun, with a perfect view of the rain and taillights of the other motorists as the big van passes on the left, then the right, then the right again.  Elijah, it seems, is not one to take traffic laws even as suggestions.  Still, he comes highly recommended, and while his meat body is absent, the rigger has plenty of nuyen staked on this gig.  Near the back door, sitting between Achak and Sister Rebecca, Elijah has a Nissan Roto-drone and a Lockheed Optic-X2, both armed to the chips by the look of things.  A Shin-Hyung ahead of them brakes, hard, and the Bulldog skids to the left, a controlled use of hydro-planing, if there is such a thing, and the Bulldog roars past the smaller sedan.  The Shin-Hyung guns it again, and Stake can barely make out the faces of the driver and rear passenger through the rain-slicked windows.  Elves, and gangers by the look of them, but a brief glance back up at Stake makes them think twice, and the driver peels off to find easier prey.  The car behind them backs off as well, as do two motorcycles to the front.  No doubt about it, these guys are organized, but why risk getting the drek shot out of you when there are plenty of easier targets also making their way to the Barrens on a beautiful Sunday night?

A minute or two passes with only the sound of the van's powerful engine and rain to complement the runners' thoughts.  The lit up AROs on the side of the highway gives way to black as the van passes over from Bellevue to Redmond, and Stake goes through the plan one last time.  If the Yaks who fed them the info were on the up-and-up they can count on at least two vampires, possibly three.  The brood has taken over a six-story apartment complex, with a club on the lower levels.  Upstairs will be the tricky part, but with multiple entrances, and the intel saying that the vampires inhabit a number of the rooms, it should be possible to focus fire and take them down one at a time.  By all accounts, they should be freshly turned.  Living above a club, feasting on low-level corpers and SINless alike, as they make they way through Touristville, sticking together near the top floors of a residence, none of these things point to vampires who have had time to hone their survival skills. 

The other side of the coin, and there's always another side, is that they haven't most likely been able to regulate their hunger yet.  Drunk on their power, these are vampires likely to feed to near bursting, becoming faster or stronger than anything in their path, bending mana to their will, even if they were not awakened before.  Yes, like baby rattlesnakes, they can be agile and vicious, and like baby rattlesnakes, they're best dealt with when young.

Achak gently handles his gunstock club, careful to keep it clear of the drones.  He eyes Sister Rebecca across from him, trying to keep any stench of paternalism out of his expression, but he can't help but wonder if her first run out with this team will be her last, and if so, if it will be his fault that she will end up lying bloodied and lifeless.  No, he won't let that happen again.  This time it will be all business and no pride.  Mentally, Achak goes through the layout again, knowing that he'll probably be taking point, making the way silently so that the rest of the team can follow.

Sister Rebecca is feeling refreshed, though on edge.  A little less than two hours before the first day of Advent is over, and she's spent a good deal of last night and early this morning at the church, preparing for the Midnight Mass, partaking in it, and then spending some of the wee hours of the morning in prayerful reflection.  She's glad for it, and glad for being able to get some sleep, however fitfully, before tonight's business that lies ahead.  Here is the chance to prove herself to Stake.  She wasn't sure if he was a believer or not, but few have been in the business as long as he, and she thinks back to Matthew 7:16 "By their fruits you will recognize them."
« Last Edit: <01-05-15/1427:46> by rednblack »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-05-15/1421:16> »
Achak privately wonders if hunting vampires on a Sunday is a violation of the Sabbath or a way to honor it and keep it holy. But pastors, preachers, and priests work on Sundays, do they not? As do doctors, detectives, and other defenders of the peace and public health. Best not to be too literal about it.

He's feeling confident. A hit in the Barrens means that he can wear his full body armor without drawing the ire of Knight-Errant or corp sec or anyone else in a position to object. He likes the suit for its full chemical seal, not that he's worried about this brood hitting him with Retro, or Rock, or any of the other drugs that more experienced vampires use to immobilize their prey.

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me.

He spins the gunstock club like a top, his finger resting lightly on top to keep it upright. Best to keep things quiet, if possible. Hopefully the club won't be crowded on a Sunday night, not that residents of the Barrens have traditional workweeks. Maybe the corporate drones will be at home, at least. Still, no need to go in noisy and cause a stampede. An establishment like this may or may not have adequate emergency exits.

He supposes he'll be climbing the exterior. Hopefully there will be fire escapes to make the ascent easier. He has gecko tape gloves but they're worthless in rain like this.

He feels the DNI connection through his helmet, sees Elijah's updates. He closes his eyes, mentally feeling the presence of Sister Rebecca's magic: herself, her Blade of Gabriel. It is both a comfort and a constraint to have her here. Her gifts were a reassurance, but he would feel responsible for her the entire time. Or perhaps the Lord had allowed the last man, Yohan, to be killed? To humble Achak and to make straight the way for Sister Rebecca. Mysterious ways.

Achak finds himself unconsciously palming a popper of Jazz. A poor habit, one born out of the death of Yohan. Now is not the time. Too early for one, bad for stealth for the other. Good to have it on hand in case the younglings, full of innocent blood and souls, were more formidable than expected, but not necessary just yet. Yet.


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« Reply #2 on: <01-06-15/0019:26> »
Achak looks over at Sister Rebecca and considers her situation. He tries to remember his first hunt. It was easy for him - he is well-suited for the work - but better to convey a sense of measured caution rather than unwarranted confidence.

"They look like you and me," he says, breaking the silence. "Sharp incisors but nothing more. You must ready yourself to kill what looks like a man but is not a man. Or perhaps they are men, the descendants of Cain. Fugitives and vagabonds, eternally spilling their brother's blood."

He lets the thought hang. He's guessing that she doesn't need much convincing to kill a vampire, but the distinction is not always so obvious. She should ready herself for the task of stabbing someone that looks, sounds, and feels like a man. Or woman, or child.

"Your vision - the Lord's insight into the hearts of men - will help you. I do not have it, but I have been told that they look like two men combined into one. The soul of the one trapped in the other. They will be dual-natured, and will know when they have been spotted. They can sell their souls - their own and those stolen - for power: to become incredibly fast or strong in a single second. You must always be on your guard. Keep that in front of you" - he indicates the Blade of Gabriel - "and all will be well."


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« Reply #3 on: <01-10-15/0102:02> »
<<@Team [3L1] GridGuide has us at 17 min. out.  We'll be there in 10.  Lock and load, chummers.>>

Stake manages to be mildly amused as he watches Elijah duck in and out of traffic. He was better than any taxi driver he knew. That was such a long time ago, in a completely different world. He imperceptibly shakes his head to get rid of the thought. He has a plan he needs to make up. He had gone over the general stuff with Achak, and had a short conversation with Elijah and Sister Rebecca, just to find out what they could do, but they still needed a plan. All the magic and technology in the world wouldn't save them without a plan.

He shot a brief glance back at Achak, as he turned to talk to their "magical support". He was worried about her; he knew Elijah was professional, but you never knew with the religious types. It took him a while to get used to Achak, hopefully it would be easier this time. Achak was covered in his body armor, and spinning his club like a dreidle. Definitely not the subtlest attire he could have come with.

Still, there were ways to work around that. Stake silently created a plan in his head, having his commlink inscribe his thoughts. He revised it over and over as the other's talked.

It didn't take long, he had done this many times before. About 5 minutes later, he composes all his thoughts into something understandable and sends out:

<<@Team [Stake] All right, here's the plan folks. It's pretty straightforward, and should be easy to accomplish. The full thing will be attached, but here's what we're doing.

First, we're going to make sure we know where the exits are on the building, and we are going to secure them with 3L1's drones. We don't want the vampires to be able to leave. We'll then clear the basement and first two floors with the help of Sister's spirits. After we have those floors cleared, we'll have the spirits find where in the building the vampires are, so that we don't have to comb each room individually. They may notice the spirits, but by that point they won't have any exits to take advantage of. We can flush them right to us, or if we're lucky, we can just find them and take them down.

Attachment: Plan.ARO>>

He traces the outline of his mask, and then lightly touches the silver ring he wore on his right hand. It was a small habit of his, to hold onto the little that truly remained his own. They brought back memories, so many memories, but he fought them down. He had a job to do.

He called out to the two in the back, "If there's one thing to remember, don't flinch when they attack. Achak is right, they may look like normal people, but they aren't. We'll be sticking together for the most part, but just keep that in mind; it might save your life."


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« Reply #4 on: <01-11-15/1251:53> »
For the first time she can remember, the short, stocky human known as Sister Rebecca feels nervous before a mission. It's not the fact that she's facing an enemy she's not suited for or prepared against. The lord has given me strength to stand against the wicked in all its forms. It's not that this is the first time she's ever had to keep anyone else safe while on a mission either. She'd been trained for this sort of thing, but as of yet, had not been assigned to perform such a task. She wasn't sure whether that fact had been due to her exceptional skill as a demon hunter or to the jealousy and disdain Marcus felt for her. She always suspected that he only gave her the most dangerous missions in hopes that she would be killed or maimed in some way, but so far, she'd always come back with all her limbs intact; a fact that had always seemed to irk him. No, she had actually felt pretty good about this assignment until just a few hours ago.

"Be certain that no harm befalls the lost brothers on their hunt," he'd said to her during their VR meet early this morning. After that conversation, she'd taken a taxicab straight to the airport and gotten on a plane for Seattle. When a nice towncar came to pick her up from the airport, she'd wondered what sort of "lost brothers" she was dealing with anyway. Marcus had always been stingy with actual explanations for things, so she wasn't terribly surprised to find that they were just a pair of bounty hunters. The leader, an elf named Stake was the single most augmented living thing she'd ever seen. She remembers estimating that he was probably faster than some demons she'd faced. Like most elves she'd met, he had no strong opinion either way on religion, standing in stark contrast to the other member of the team, a human and recent convert named Achak. He was a big guy, with rather attractive and chiseled native american features. So, technically yes, they are lost brothers, just not in the shaved-headed-monestary sort of way Marcus had hinted at. The good lord has seen fit to test me with lesser adversities so that I might overcome the great ones.

After being briefed on the mission specifics back at the groups staging area and informed just how many spirit services would be required, Sister Rebecca balked. She'd need more holy water than she typically carried with her. Luckily, it would be easy to get. After a call, Marcus had put her in touch with a church nearby that could part with some, but for an increased price. The driver Stake had hired for the run tonight gave her a ride to the church where she'd slotted all but her last 10¥ on their credstick with a smile and a "God bless you." in exchange for two mid-sized vials of holy water. These, plus what I brought with me, ought to be enough. Once back at the staging area, she had excused herself to a private area to summon and bind an Angel of Fire to her for the evening. This is where things started to go bad for her.

The summoning went without a hitch. In short order, a magnificent humanoid wreathed in blue flame and with eyes of thunder hovered in the air before her. "Great Gadreel, singer in the heavenly choir and supporter of all good works!" She spoke to him with her astral voice. "I offer you this holy water in exchange for extensive services this evening, for the minions of Lucifer have dug a deep nest for themselves and the faithful shall need the vigilant light of the Lord if they are to cleanse it in his glorious name." Gadreel gives her a benevolent smile for just a moment before a wave of force erupts from the bottles of holy water, shattering them and sending shards of glass flying in all directions. Rebecca had reacted quickly, covering her face with her hands so as to avoid any serious dmg, but her jacket was a little scruffy looking and her hands were simply covered in blood and small shallow cuts. As she realized what had happened, she started to become upset. Fake holy water? How could Marcus DO that to me? Before her depression can grow any further, Gadreel extends one of his flame wreathed hands down to her, helping her up as she takes it in hers. "Fear not, faithful one," he says to her in a regretful tone. "You were not deceived. The water was not counterfeit; it had merely been improperly stored. That poor impoverished church simply lacks the resources to do so correctly. Perhaps your contribution tonight may help them remedy that. Nevertheless, I shall be with you until the morning, but there shall be no extensive services. Now, go and rest, for tonight shall tax us both."

She'd only had time for one hour of sleep before Stake said they needed to move, so she reclined on an easy chair near a trid projected pool table and was granted one of the most restful single hours of sleep she'd ever had in her life. Not only did she awake fresh and ready to go, feeling at 100% capacity, but she found that the cuts on her hands had been healed as well. She suspected Gadreel but didn't ask.

Five minutes later, she's fully strapped up and buckled into the backseat of 3L1's bulldog next to a pile of heavily armed drones. She's conscious to keep her limbs away from them, just in case they need to launch quickly or something like that. Without a lot of experience with drones, Sister Rebecca isn't quite sure what to expect from them. Better safe than sorry. She keeps both hands on her sheathed sword in front of her, point on the floor or the van and listens as Stake runs down the plan one last time for them. After that, there's a little bit of chatter amongst the team as they tear through the sprawl toward their destination, but she keeps quiet, trying to absorb as much as she can before the time of reckoning is at hand.

"If there's one thing to remember, don't flinch when they attack. Achak is right, they may look like normal people, but they aren't. We'll be sticking together for the most part, but just keep that in mind; it might save your life."

She puts her helmet on over her short blonde hair, fires up the trodes in her armorjacket, and turns on all of her wireless gear. She makes eye contact with each member of the team, an expression of calm set on her prominent jawed face.

« Last Edit: <01-12-15/0101:05> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #5 on: <01-11-15/1855:19> »
Achak was covered in his body armor, and spinning his club like a dreidle. Definitely not the subtlest attire he could have come with.

Achak looks at Stake while the team leader covers the plan. He looks at Stake's Ares Alpha, large and unsuppressed, with its underbarrel grenade launcher. Definitely not the subtlest weapon he could have come with.

Achak nods as he listens and reviews the details. He's glad Stake is the tactician. Achak has good instincts but is not a strategist. He has an uncanny ability to detect when things aren't right, and right now he's getting that itch at the back of his head where the spine meets the skull. He's not sure if it's his sixth, seventh, or eighth sense - he hasn't assigned them all a number or a sequence - but there's something about the situation that seems off. It's not the newborns; they're damnably fast and strong but not beacons of subtlety or deception. No, it's something about the tip that pointed them to this building.

"I have a concern," he begins. "I asked 3L1 to eavesdrop on some comm chatter for the building's security. They spoke in Japanese and Cityspeak.

"If the Yakuza tipped us off to this score, and there are Yakuza in this building, then that begs the question of why we were not formally invited or hired (instead of just tipped off) or given the cooperation of the security staff.

"My money is betting that this is a Kanaga-gumi holding and that the Kenran-kai are making a play for it."

He lets the thought hang, secretly proud of his powers of deduction, before silently rebuking himself. Pride is what got Yohan killed. Hubris leads to nemesis. He should explain the situation more fully, without desire for recognition or glory, if only because Sister Rebecca is new to the city and its inner turmoil.

"In the early 2060s, the Redmond Barrens were controlled by the Nishidon-gumi. I was just a young smuggler at the time; acting as look-out for border runs back and forth between the Barrens and Salish-Shidhe. We did some business with Nishidon. In the confusion following Crash 2.0 - 10 years ago last month, can you believe it - Nishidon attempted a coup. It failed miserably and he committed suicide in the aftermath to avoid whatever punishment awaited him. The remnants of his organization were cast off into Puyallup as the Kenran-kai, but ever since then they have been looking to take back their old territory in the Redmond Barrens from the Kanaga-gumi, who inherited it. I think this is Kanaga-gumi club and that the Kenran-kai either want it back or want to make Kanaga look bad.

"There's another prospect, perhaps even less pleasant. The newborn vampires could be the Yakuza themselves. I mean, why else would be getting this tip from a third party? How else could you explain the building security being so oblivious? Or, if they're not oblivious, then why in the world are they still coming to work? Who goes to work in a building with two or three vampires present?"

He stops, thinking that he's done, then remembers.

"...besides us."


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« Reply #6 on: <01-12-15/1138:57> »
A little less than 1km into the Barrens, and Elijah pulls the van off the highway.  On the off ramp, a text comes through to the team.

<<@Team [3L1] If it's not nailed down, grab it.  Hope you chummers are wearing your safety belts.>> 

A second later, the back doors of the Bulldog open, and there's a muffled popping sound, one that Achak immediately thinks is the sound of suppressed gunfire, before he sees a parachute deploying from the Lockheed drone.  The chute opens, and the drone rolls out the back, deploying its wings as it hovers for a brief moment, and then the engine comes live, the parachute is dropped, and the drone is off to begin its scouting duties.  The doors close before the van hits the first stop sign, which Elijah barely slows at.

<<@Team [3L1] Traffic looks good, we're 2 min. out.  I'll let you off at the west side of the building, where access to the basement is located.  I'm going to stay posted up there, so let me know if you'll be using a secondary exit on the way out.>>

touristville is never really slow, but Sundays are obviously not the bread and butter of the district.  None of the clubs seem to be operating at "capacity" tonight, as evidenced by the lack of lines, though the team sees a small group of orks in red and gold jackets being politely told to slot by another ork wearing an expensive looking suit.  There is enough traffic on the streets between cars and pedestrians that the Bulldog practically idles its way down the block before taking a left.  Another 2 blocks down, and Stake is able to pick out the target building through the rain.  A very tall, somewhat cybered up elf stands at the door, patting down a patron.  Around the corner, the alley is lined with cars, mostly junkers, but there's a newish Americar and a delivery van.  In garish letters, the van advertises "Noodle Soy!™ Soy Noodles.  The best soy for your noodles, and noodles for your soy.  When you want soy noodles, ask for Noodle Soy!™"

The Bulldog pulls in close to the building, next to the basement access grate, shielding the team from any curious passerby's.

<<@Team [3L1] End of the line, chummers.>>


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« Reply #7 on: <01-12-15/1417:27> »
Achak sees the Crimson Crush getting told to frag off. The ork in the expensive suit must be worth the money if he can tell gangers to go slot in their own neighborhood. He mentally composes dialogue in Or'zet for the conversation while the Bulldog creeps along down the block.

Crush: Skraa! ‘oliiko ecena’xom? ([Greeting shout!] How much does this cost?)
Bouncer: Mo’tu ya upuuti xom van caarb me kulun? (Do you come in a color other than dirty?)
Crush: Ya xutee ekunij’kuurma? (May I see a menu?)
Bouncer: Ya qlavate hze devilrat. (I spit on devil rats.)
Crush: We’ax tu’ epistl’ya? (Have you seen my pistol?)
Bouncer: Ak tu’ ji’noo, me drundeah tu’ san enorgoz’ya. (If you move, I will kill you with my weapon.)
Crush: Ya bledjeax. Ak tu’ me drundeah ya, tu’ polu’e eyertz’ya. (I’m sorry. If you do not kill me, you can have my money.)
Bouncer: Buunda, ma’noo kom DokWagun! ([Explicative interjection] Call DocWagon!)

The Bulldog takes a left, breaking Achak's sightline to the orks, bringing the story to an end. He mentally wonders if he could have reversed the dialogue and have the story make almost as much sense.

Two blocks later and they are at their destination. Achak frowns at the tall, cybered elf at the door. The Kanaga-gumi are very conservative and not big on metahumans. Strike one for his theory.

He lines up near the Bulldog's rear door, waiting for the Go from Stake.


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« Reply #8 on: <01-18-15/1501:09> »
"I have a concern. I asked 3L1 to eavesdrop on some comm chatter for the building's security. They spoke in Japanese and Cityspeak. If the Yakuza tipped us off to this score, and there are Yakuza in this building, then that begs the question of why we were not formally invited or hired (instead of just tipped off) or given the cooperation of the security staff. My money is betting that this is a Kanaga-gumi holding and that the Kenran-kai are making a play for it.

In the early 2060s, the Redmond Barrens were controlled by the Nishidon-gumi. I was just a young smuggler at the time; acting as look-out for border runs back and forth between the Barrens and Salish-Shidhe. We did some business with Nishidon. In the confusion following Crash 2.0 - 10 years ago last month, can you believe it - Nishidon attempted a coup. It failed miserably and he committed suicide in the aftermath to avoid whatever punishment awaited him. The remnants of his organization were cast off into Puyallup as the Kenran-kai, but ever since then they have been looking to take back their old territory in the Redmond Barrens from the Kanaga-gumi, who inherited it. I think this is Kanaga-gumi club and that the Kenran-kai either want it back or want to make Kanaga look bad.

There's another prospect, perhaps even less pleasant. The newborn vampires could be the Yakuza themselves. I mean, why else would be getting this tip from a third party? How else could you explain the building security being so oblivious? Or, if they're not oblivious, then why in the world are they still coming to work? Who goes to work in a building with two or three vampires present?
...besides us."

The short stocky helmeted woman listens intently. This isn't the first time she's gotten caught up in a turf war between two factions of varying type, and she hates it every time. It's been her experience that many people are comfortable feeding the demon in the basement, so to speak, until it gets too hungy. Only then do they call for help. After hearing Achaks concerns, she finally speaks, adding one of her own. In a cold, even, and level tone she says, "Are we certain this building does indeed harbor the vampires we seek? This will be a dark day if we have been misled into doing the petty work of some..." the words ooze like pus from an infected wound, "...gangland hitsquad." She grips the hilt of her sword tightly, awaiting a response from the team.


The Bulldog pulls in close to the building, next to the basement access grate, shielding the team from any curious passerby's.

<<@Team [3L1] End of the line, chummers.>>

After pulling the collar of her armor jacket up high over her neckline with one hand, she crosses herself quickly, saying a quiet prayer in latin. A moment later, she snaps her eyes open, unbuckles herself from her seat and stands up. In one slow, reverent, and fluid motion, she draws the blade of Gabriel from its humble wooden scabbard and holds the flat of its gleaming silver blade against her body, its point near the crown of her head as she crouches near the rear door next to Achak, waiting for the signal.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #9 on: <01-20-15/0139:39> »
The driving goes smoothly for another minute before Achak speaks up.

"I have a concern. I asked 3L1 to eavesdrop on some comm chatter for the building's security. They spoke in Japanese and Cityspeak. If the Yakuza tipped us off to this score, and there are Yakuza in this building, then that begs the question of why we were not formally invited or hired (instead of just tipped off) or given the cooperation of the security staff. My money is betting that this is a Kanaga-gumi holding and that the Kenran-kai are making a play for it.

In the early 2060s, the Redmond Barrens were controlled by the Nishidon-gumi. I was just a young smuggler at the time; acting as look-out for border runs back and forth between the Barrens and Salish-Shidhe. We did some business with Nishidon. In the confusion following Crash 2.0 - 10 years ago last month, can you believe it - Nishidon attempted a coup. It failed miserably and he committed suicide in the aftermath to avoid whatever punishment awaited him. The remnants of his organization were cast off into Puyallup as the Kenran-kai, but ever since then they have been looking to take back their old territory in the Redmond Barrens from the Kanaga-gumi, who inherited it. I think this is Kanaga-gumi club and that the Kenran-kai either want it back or want to make Kanaga look bad.

There's another prospect, perhaps even less pleasant. The newborn vampires could be the Yakuza themselves. I mean, why else would be getting this tip from a third party? How else could you explain the building security being so oblivious? Or, if they're not oblivious, then why in the world are they still coming to work? Who goes to work in a building with two or three vampires present?
...besides us."

Stake is deeply troubled by this line of thought. He always hated getting tips from syndicates. Still, money had been tight recently, and none of his other sources could come up with anything. As he thinks, the young woman voices her own thoughts.

"Are we certain this building does indeed harbor the vampires we seek? This will be a dark day if we have been misled into doing the petty work of some..." the words ooze like pus from an infected wound, "...gangland hitsquad."

"Perhaps the Yakuza did not want to publicly hire us for fear of embarrassment. If the vampires truly are Yakuza, I cannot imagine how disgraceful it would be. If they aren't, then how could they explain that vampires have been thriving right under their security's eyes?" Or perhaps these vampires are more intelligent than we gave them credit for. He thinks darkly. He carefully keeps it out of his face and keeps his voice steady and calm. "It does not matter why the Yakuza told us about these vampires, or whether there are vampires in that building. We will act as if there are, and proceed with the plan. Once we have the lower floors secured, the Sister's spirits should be able to tell us if there truly are vampires, as well as where they might be located."

Satisfied that he had done all he could to quell their worries, Stake falls silent. They arrive, and everyone quickly readies up, waiting for his order. Stake smiles. He had a good feeling about this night, and he had a competent team.

He swiftly double checks his equipment and then presses his mask to his face.

"All right, you know the plan. Move out!"


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« Reply #10 on: <01-20-15/0214:24> »
Achak touches his gunstock war club strapped to his back, then his Ares Crusader snug on its sling. He looks back and sees his Alpha in Stake's hands covering his rear. He glances at Sister Rebecca's MGL-12, mildly alarmed at its size but reassured that it was only loaded with sawdust.

At Stake's command, he bursts through the back of the Bulldog, using the vehicle to conceal his movements from any potential onlookers. He scampers to the basement access grate, testing to see if it is locked. If it is, he has lockpicks. And if he can't unlock it, he has a miniwelder. And if that doesn't do it, Sister Rebecca appears to have a monofilament chainsaw underneath her grenade launcher...

He pauses for a second before he proceeds, listening to the low-pitched bass thumping of the club, then reaching out to feel any nearby magic other than his and Sister Rebecca's own. Then he turns his attention back to the grate.


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« Reply #11 on: <01-20-15/1054:08> »
Upon exiting, Achak finds the grate embedded in the concrete alleyway.  He quickly produces his mini-welder, and makes quick work through, while Becca and Stake shield whatever light they can.  When he's finished, Achak lifts the grate up easily, and peers inside.  There's a small ledge about a meter down, then a dust-covered and broken window leading into the basement.  It's pitch black down there, but Achak thinks he can hear a dripping in the basement, the steady blip, blip, blip of water hitting water.


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« Reply #12 on: <01-20-15/2209:40> »
Achak frowns the grate and the lack of a lock he can pick. Miniwelder fuel cannisters cost money; lockpicks are free. A cost of doing business, certainly, he thinks to himself, no different than armor or a weapon. He still remembers growing up poor, and the sensitivity to money remains. His volunteer work at his church's soup kitchen continually reminds him of the value a nuyen. ¥80 can be stretched to feed a lot of hungry SINless. Achak would just have to make sure that the payment from this job would allow him to tithe an equal or greater amount.

The final bar breaks off in his hand. He sets it aside quietly, then lowers himself to the small ledge about a meter down. He peers in the window but it is pitch black. He doesn't have any thermographic vision equipment so he'll have to use his Crusader. He pulls the machine pistol around on its sling, then activates the low-light flashlight on the side-mount via a command through the smartlink system. After making sure his contacts are picking up the low-light beam, he reaches forward to test the window.


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« Reply #13 on: <01-22-15/0207:25> »
Achak waves his flashlight around the basement, considering the scene. It makes him pause.

<<@Team [Achack] We have a complication. The basement is flooded. There are generators perched on top of old washing machines to keep them up off the ground, plus some precarious wiring hanging from the ceiling. Going through the basement involves a chance of electrocution.>>

He looks at the ceiling support beams, wondering if they can be used to cross the room safely. He's nimble but not a skilled climber. Normally carries gecko gloves but he left them behind because he figured that the weather was too wet for them to be useful. He curses his lack of imagination.

<<Conversely, this could be an opportunity. If we knock out the generators we might be able to shut down the club. That would alert security but might also clear the site of innocents. Less potential for collateral damage that way.>>


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« Reply #14 on: <01-22-15/2036:25> »
The barest amount of light from Elijah's drone reveals that the basement is flooded. Well, I doubt there are any vampires down here. Still, better to be cautious. He quietly makes his way into the basment, switching his cybereyes to perceive heat and he scans the area. Everything is dark, except for the generators which glow like Christmas trees with the heat they are producing. Looking more closely, he notices a faint heat signature along the wall, barely touching the water, what looks like some type of mold. Nothing important down here that I can see.

A couple of messages pop up from Achak:

<<@Team [Achack] We have a complication. The basement is flooded. There are generators perched on top of old washing machines to keep them up off the ground, plus some precarious wiring hanging from the ceiling. Going through the basement involves a chance of electrocution.>>

<<Conversely, this could be an opportunity. If we knock out the generators we might be able to shut down the club. That would alert security but might also clear the site of innocents. Less potential for collateral damage that way.>>

Stake takes a moment to think about the proposition before sending back:

<<@Team [Stake] It's flooded here too; no heat signatures, except for the generators. My guess is that's it's been flooded for a while. Sister, anything showing up on the Astral?>>

