[5e OOC] Sunt Venatores Venationem

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« Reply #810 on: <08-28-15/1755:49> »
I'm enjoying the new weapons and cyberware. Jury is still out on the new Matrix. I'm not sure I like the all the sneaking around the white IC, as a mini-game wholly dependent on timing seems directly at odds with a turn-based strategy game.

I like the new matrix for the most part.  Not a big fan of the sneaking around white IC either, but I like how the nodes are done. 

I'm trying a cybered melee specialist, since it now seems at least feasible given the new cyberweapons. (It was a bad option in Dragonfall and downright suicidal in the original.) I'm not convinced that it's a better, or even equivalent, option compared to sitting behind cover and shooting or spell-slinging.

I'm going to have to do a similar build on my next play through.  Monowhip!!!



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« Reply #811 on: <08-28-15/1814:19> »
The monowhip is so-so. It's not Strength dependent, which is correctly canonical, but it sucks that I've been pumping Strength to be good with the lower-tier cyberweapons (hand razors and cyberspurs) only to find that Strength is useless for monowhips. Wish I had known that in advance.


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« Reply #812 on: <08-29-15/2352:55> »
Perception [INT 5 + Perception 6 + Augments 3 + Looking 3]: 17d6t5 4 [4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 5, 5, 3, 2, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5]

It's abysmal and loses a hit if my augmentations don't count. I have R3 Image Enhance, R3 Audio Enhance, and R6 Olfactory, so almost every sense is covered. Also, I haven't mentioned it in IC, but the drones are on scout/patrol duty in case more folks show up for the party. They should give us a heads up if vehicles are approaching.

I'll let Achak deal with the locals since he knows them. If we have to wait until he's in a better place, then we will.
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« Reply #813 on: <08-31-15/1151:05> »
Mercer is able to find a commlink, which Achak will recognize as Stake's, an Ares Lightfire 70 with silencer, including one magazine loaded with APDS, a few spare changes of clothes -- running from barrens wear to Vashon Island, another commlink that is not Stakes and is turned off -- a Renraku Sensei --  and a credstick with ¥5,000 on it in a small hidden compartment in the trunk. 

Are you guys going to be waiting around until Achak feels good enough to speak with the gangers, and then assuming they will let you have the car, until a ganger can get there to do the ownership transfer? 

@Tec, so is the monowhip just based on Close Combat and Cyber Affinity then?


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« Reply #814 on: <08-31-15/1610:59> »
He's got what, 20 minutes before Achak's back to useful? That's probably pushing it, but maybe worth it. We could try for Iki's car or if it doesn't look like the gangers are going for it, see if they'd part with the Americar. Alternatively, didn't Stake have a car that we might be able to recover from the ambush site? We could maybe throw some of the jing we just found in and straight up pay for an ownership transfer. It all depends on how heavily Achak feels he can lean on his contact.
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« Reply #815 on: <09-01-15/0216:21> »
@Tec, so is the monowhip just based on Close Combat and Cyber Affinity then?

NO, that's the other kicker! It uses ranged weapons for the to-hit probability and Cyber Affinity for the critical chance. They break from canon and give the monowhip a range of 7.

Frankly, I'm frustrated. I jacked Strength, Body, and Close Combat, thinking that all cyberweapons would use them, only to find that Quickness and Ranged Weapons were needed for the monowhip. It's a decent weapon - it has a high DV  (14) that few players are going to match with with a pure Strength build - plus good AP, but it's not a sequential weapon. As in, it's not a natural progression from the spur to the monowhip; the monowhip just kind of comes in out of left field. I was annoyed by the karma inefficiency of it.

Cyberweapons aren't even that great compared to melee weapons. Most of the swords are superior to a cyberspur; the only advantage of a cyberspur is it doesn't take up a slot in your weapon inventory. On the other hand, the sword doesn't cost you essence. Plus, equivalent guns do more damage and have better range. Other than flavor, I'm having a hard time recommending the cyberweapons (or, if we extend it, any melee combat).


Stake had a motorcycle, a Suzuki Mirage. Presumably that's... somewhere, perhaps the ambush site as Mal suggests. Not sure if it's worth tracking down. It's winter and not exactly motorcycle weather. Achak is a passable driver (8 dice) but is probably better riding shotgun.

I might need help jogging my memory. Were there four cars for the runners?
1. Saeder-Krupp-Bentley Concordat, nice but not subtle
2. Ares Roadmaster, which Mercer disabled with a shot to the engine block
3. Hyundai Shin-Hyung, SEOUL DRIFT
4. Ford Americar, reliable, economical, anonymous

I believe the Roadmaster and the Americar were driven up to the church for the assault, meaning they're front-of-mind for the gangers. The Concordat and the Shin-Hyung were parked a little bit away. Is the Concordat Iki's car, the one that Mercer broke a window in order to go through the contents?

I'm having a hard time thinking of leverage Achak could use to get the gangers to change ownership on either car without paying for the service. They don't owe us a favor and, if anything, could be reasonably upset that Achak dragged a firefight onto their turf. (Maybe they're not too broken up about it since none of them took any heat, and they get some gear for their trouble.) We could pay them but unless it's a relatively token sum - say ¥1,000 or less - I'm not sure that the additional vehicle would outweigh its opportunity cost. Achak is expecting that they'll have to leave Seattle shortly anyway, limiting the utility of any additional ground craft.


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« Reply #816 on: <09-01-15/1106:35> »
My records show the Condordant as Iki's car.  The gangers will indeed probably want some cash for the trouble of changing ownership, especially since they'll probably just be stripping the cars for parts.  Achak is also probably not too worried about eking every last nuyen in this scenario with the windfall coming from Duncan Abbey.

As for the monowhip, it sounds like it might be usable for my rifle-slinging face.  Maybe I should boost up body and cyber affinity to give it a go.  It certainly doesn't sound worth it for a melee build.


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« Reply #817 on: <09-01-15/1258:55> »
ICly, Achak is worried about Duncan's safety and is now less-than-positive about the certainty of the windfall. Despite Duncan's assurances, Achak is thinking that if a professional like Stage got bagged and tagged then nobody is safe, including Duncan. (Achak also thinks Duncan is overestimating his security, especially since there are vampires involved.) As such, Achak is inclined to play it conservatively, but - lacking confidence in his own leadership/judgement - would likely do what Mercer tells him.

The monowhip is a reasonable choice for someone who's already invested in firearms and going the cyber route. That said, I think rifles are the most powerful weapon in the game. You have sniper rifles for your long-distance shooting, then your assault rifles for short-and-medium engagements. You're probably better off lighting someone up with burst fire (or full-auto) when they're up close and personal rather than resorting to a monowhip. The only place where the whip really shines is in stripping armor, so it can be a good set-up for someone else to come along and finish off the target.

Again, if it's for fun/flavor, then definitely do it. If it's for effectiveness, the whip is somewhat redundant with other options.


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« Reply #818 on: <09-01-15/1537:15> »
Okay, we'll skip the attempt to acquire an additional vehicle. Where to next? We can go to Achak's hidey hole, though it's a little too close to the scene of the action for Mercer's taste. Returning to relative civilization might make a good plan - maybe a trip back to Duncan's? Mercer doesn't know that this team was working with him and doesn't have anything to fence, so is unlikely to suggest him, but it sounds like Achak might.
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« Reply #819 on: <09-01-15/1641:10> »
Achak would agree that his safehouse is too close to be ideal, but he appreciates the built-in layer of security provided by the gang. Maybe they're not going to stop any heavy-hitters, but they'll at least provide some warning of what's coming.

Stake's place is available but compromised, at least to the degree that Achak smelled noodle-boy in there. Presumably the men who went through it earlier are now dead (not sure if Achak has made the olfactory connection), but they could have reported its location to their vampire overlords.

Back to Duncan's is a possibility. I doubt he wants us sleeping on the sofa though.

If none of those, then it's parking the Roadmaster somewhere and camping out in it. Or we could pay for a motel or safehouse, depending on our level of paranoia.


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« Reply #820 on: <09-01-15/2036:16> »
Sorry I been away so long.
Luckily, it looks like Becca is still lights out, so I think I'm good.

I'm Back now.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #821 on: <09-04-15/1423:15> »
Welcome back again, Poindexter.

It's time to make a call.  Where y'all going?


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« Reply #822 on: <09-05-15/0014:47> »
Achak will lobby for his safehouse, since he presumes Mercer is new to town and lacks connections, but Mercer is driving so he gets final say.

Charisma 4 + Leadership 5 - Loss of Confidence 2 - Disorientation 2: 5d6t5 1 hit


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« Reply #823 on: <09-05-15/0146:40> »
Mercer is fine with it - home is pretty much anywhere he can hang his hat.

I'll try to get an IC up this weekend. I've been just pummeled by real life. Nothing bad, just it's busy like the Holidays without actually, you know, being them. Every time I turn around there's another all day outing on the weekend or company demanding my attention or...

I've had to parcel my posting into five minutes here and two minutes there, none of which are conducive to a proper IC. So, I can't promise much, but I'll try my darnedest to provide something passable.
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« Reply #824 on: <09-07-15/2349:01> »
Salient points from the IC:
1. Mercer is trying to remember how he heard about the job that resulted in the "big score" that had gotten his team found and killed.
2. He's calling Duncan.
3. He's asked Achak to reach out to Elijah, mostly to see if he's okay and possibly warn him, but also to try to enlist him in cracking Iki's phone (assuming there is more info to be had) and/or see what might have attracted Iki to Manhattan. Has he been there before? In other words, was he heading to his next job or heading to meet his masters?
4. If the answer to #1 doesn't renew his suspicion of Grotto1, he'll log in and post a warning to the other hunters regarding the modus operandi of the group hunting the Hunters.
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