[5e OOC] Tabula Rasa, Chapters II and III

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« Reply #870 on: <01-14-15/0257:36> »
@Poindexter, thanks for letting us know. I'll PM you when we get closer to your action just to give you a head's up.

I rolled initiative for Sam and Chino so we can kick things off. They both rolled 17s.

We have 20+ actors so things are going to get chaotic. First pass is going to look something like this:

not you26
Doc's Agent25
not you24
not you22
not you22
not you20
not you18
not you18
not you17
not you17
not you12
not you12
not you9

The first guy (or gal) has already gone. Doc and his Agent are going to see a new persona appear. Doc, being brilliant, is going to deduce that it is an Agent program loading.

@Zweiblumen, Doc and his Agent are next. They can't target anyone by initiative order but they can pick on people by device description or by the numbering system we were using earlier for the Matrix Perception tests.

Edit: see below
« Last Edit: <01-14-15/0313:08> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #871 on: <01-14-15/0314:59> »
@Mal, your initiative score is affected by your Wound Modifiers. 9 gets dropped to 6, which is halved to 3. Not much difference from 5, but still moving in the wrong direction.

I'll say that the medkit can be used as a R1 stim patch that Ohanzee can apply to knock off a box of stun, which will save him one of his wound penalties if he can stay stun-free. Each stim patch will cost one use of medkit supplies. (This is to avoid medkit supplies - at ¥100 - become an inexpensive replacement for proper slap patches.) We can say that this happened on the drive out of town. Ohanzee will probably want to make sure he doesn't get KO'd so that Wolf doesn't abandon you.


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« Reply #872 on: <01-14-15/1327:28> »
@Mal, I wouldn't worry about the Levitate spell.  With Ace standing on top of the oven range, it should be really easy for him to pull himself up.  Hell, if I can climb a rope with my skinny arms, Ace should be able to do that no problem.


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« Reply #873 on: <01-14-15/1347:30> »
Getting Ace to the roof is easy. Between his hydraulic jacks and his cyberstrength, it should be trivial. Ace's base pool is Agility 9 + Athletics skill group 2 + Hydraulic Jacks 6 = 17. He only really needs two hits to get his hands on the ledge and do a pull-up (or zero if he's standing on an oven), but it's entirely possible for him to get six hits and just land on the roof on his feet.

You're only supposed to be able to vertically leap 1.5x your height but I would rule that with hydraulic jacks only your Physical limit holds you back. And with a +6 limit from the jacks, that means Ace's limit would be 13, or 6.5m, or 21 feet. Hops!


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« Reply #874 on: <01-14-15/1428:12> »
Just to be sure there are a total of 7 silently running devices as follows and one Persona (soon to be a second)?
#1 Hermes Ikon
#2 Hermes Ikon
#3 Renraku Sensei
#4 Renraku Sensei
#5 ??
#6 ??
#7 Renraku Sensei

The truck, van and rotodrone are not running silently right?
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« Reply #875 on: <01-14-15/1433:32> »
Correct. In addition to the seven devices you listed, the following devices are NOT running silently:

8. Tata Hotspur
9. GMC Bulldog
10. Rotodrone - this icon looks like a jumped-in rigger
11. a persona not running silently in the Bulldog
12. a new persona that just appeared that's probably an Agent


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« Reply #876 on: <01-14-15/1449:45> »
Getting Ace to the roof is easy. Between his hydraulic jacks and his cyberstrength, it should be trivial. Ace's base pool is Agility 9 + Athletics skill group 2 + Hydraulic Jacks 6 = 17. He only really needs two hits to get his hands on the ledge and do a pull-up (or zero if he's standing on an oven), but it's entirely possible for him to get six hits and just land on the roof on his feet.

You're only supposed to be able to vertically leap 1.5x your height but I would rule that with hydraulic jacks only your Physical limit holds you back. And with a +6 limit from the jacks, that means Ace's limit would be 13, or 6.5m, or 21 feet. Hops!

I'm guessing it would be relatively easy for Ace to jump onto the trailer once he was on the roof, so he could take cover behind a snowmobile or ATV? 



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« Reply #877 on: <01-14-15/1516:33> »
Correct. In addition to the seven devices you listed, the following devices are NOT running silently:

8. Tata Hotspur
9. GMC Bulldog
10. Rotodrone - this icon looks like a jumped-in rigger
11. a persona not running silently in the Bulldog
12. a new persona that just appeared that's probably an Agent

Damn, I think I got confused :(  wasted a bunch of time.
I'll smack down the perona while the agent keeps ID'ing things

CT1 IP1:
Agent: Agent's Matrix Perception on hiden icon Rating(6)*2+2 for all rolls  + VR 2 = 16: 16d6t5 6 (limit 6) on #5
Doc: Brute Force Mark 1 mark (Log 9 + CC 6 + VR 2 - Wounds 1 = 17): 17d6t5 4 (limit 8) this is gonna hurt :(
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« Reply #878 on: <01-14-15/1537:50> »
Ohanzee wishes he had some bound spirits and that he had enough initiative to go Full Defense.

@Tec - How are we going to handle Wolf's actions? Should I control him or will you? If I do, any constraints or is he a tactical genius and I can have him do what seems most advantageous?
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« Reply #879 on: <01-14-15/1547:35> »
I'm guessing it would be relatively easy for Ace to jump onto the trailer once he was on the roof, so he could take cover behind a snowmobile or ATV?

Yes, as long as Chino isn't taking evasive maneuvers this would be relatively straight-forward. Ace's hydraulic jacks mean that he can fall quite a distance without incurring any damage. Complications would include being riddled with bullets while getting into position.

I'm debating whether this sequence (jump, run across the roof, drop down) would be one or two IPs of movement.

@Mal, I'll have you control Wolf. If he hadn't been given any tasks/requests yet I might force him to hold action until Ohanzee assigned him something, but as he's been summoned for a specific purpose - and the circumstances of that purpose have come to pass - then he's in-play. As for his tactical acumen, he's both high Force (and thus high Logic) and shares a spirit-summoner link with Ohanzee, so he probably has a pretty good sense of what's going on and what his priorities should be. Go ahead and play him however you like.

Have a meeting in 10 minutes. I'll resolve Doc's stuff later this afternoon.


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« Reply #880 on: <01-14-15/1620:24> »
I'm guessing it would be relatively easy for Ace to jump onto the trailer once he was on the roof, so he could take cover behind a snowmobile or ATV?

Yes, as long as Chino isn't taking evasive maneuvers this would be relatively straight-forward. Ace's hydraulic jacks mean that he can fall quite a distance without incurring any damage. Complications would include being riddled with bullets while getting into position.

I'm debating whether this sequence (jump, run across the roof, drop down) would be one or two IPs of movement.

I would imagine 2 even if just bc Ace wouldn't be able to get much forward momentum from his jump. I wonder if it's even worth it. Being prone on the top of the RV should provide a good cover bonus from all but the roto-drone's potential fire. Shooting from the trailer would put him another 7-10 meters closer to the opposition though. Hmmm.


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« Reply #881 on: <01-14-15/1814:16> »
My instinct was for two passes as well, but I have to stop thinking of Ace as a normal person. He's basically a trans-human cyborg and his hydraulic jacks give him crazy acceleration.

You're correct that dropping prone would effectively shield him from everything except the drone.

Shooting out one of the side windows in the rear room (the bedroom) is also an option, although the angle will be somewhat awkward and constrained.

Resist Agent Perception: 0 hits
Device #5 is a Renraku Sensei, rating 3, Firewall 3

Resist Doc's Brute Force: 3 hits, Doc has a mark!

Next actions
24 - Sam is going to see a big brute of an ork lean out of the Bulldog's passenger side window. Said ork is holding his fire. This is OOC knowledge for the rest of you unless Sam spends a Free Action to inform the team.
22 - The drone is going to fly up, out of the rear view mirror field of vision of Chino and Sam. That probably means it is above the RV. Again, OOC knowledge unless Sam, Chino, or Doc alert(s) the group. (Doc could see the rigger persona/icon moving.)
22 - A fire spirit is going to materialize in the RV. This is IC for everyone but Doc, who will be blissfully unaware of his impending immolation.

I'll write an IC post to summarize things. Zweiblumen, feel free to write an IC post too.

@Mal, action is to Wolf!


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« Reply #882 on: <01-14-15/1922:19> »
Wolf is going to move to the Bulldog and materialize. This serves a number of tactical purposes:
1. Out of sight (and hopefully mind) of the projecting mage who can be a problem if he chooses to try to banish Wolf
2. If not out of mind, at least draws fire away from the team if they choose to pursue (assuming they know where he went - to them he'll just vanish)
3. There is a limp mage body in there that doesn't get a defense roll. Could be a quick way to get rid of one or two combatants (if there is a summoned spirit)
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« Reply #883 on: <01-14-15/1951:43> »

The next five steps are on me. I have my weekly game tonight so I won't get to them until late tonight or tomorrow.


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« Reply #884 on: <01-14-15/2004:13> »
4. Wolf hungers for blood. Physical blood, not metaphorical Astral blood.
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