[5e OOC] Tabula Rasa, Chapters II and III

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« Reply #180 on: <11-29-14/2156:49> »
Actually, after rereading the power, it seems I was confusing some of its mechanics with the Mindnet spell where if someone goes outside the covered area they lose the benefit. But concealment can cover all of us no matter where we go, so I'm amending my concerns in IC to reflect that. I don't have to send the spirit with them (IC it is off enjoying itself in some unknown quarter of the world) or sacrifice coverage for the rest of the party. It simply lasts until you are spotted or the spirit stops sustaining. Presumably, one preson getting spotted only cancels the effect on themselves.

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« Reply #181 on: <11-29-14/2340:24> »
Hearing no objections, let's get some IC posts from Poindexter and/or 8-bit to cover:
1) driving to the site
2) flicking a match into the Rover like a boss
3) pushing/kicking it over the edge

Between the two of you, you're actually strong enough to lift the snowmobile into the Rover. There's enough space in the back since it had been cleared out for the horned bear. That would limit your exposure on the way out. Speaking of exposure, you might want to raid the closet for some hats which will be too small for you and some gloves that don't fit. Maybe scarves instead, or eye protection.

Please mention what, if anything, you are including in the Rover before torching it. If you want to dispose of equipment or the hunters' weapons, for example.

8-bit, let's get a couple Pilot Ground Craft rolls from you if you're doing the driving there and back.

Poindexter, go ahead and do your Demolitions rolls to set some traps, assuming you make it back alive.

Zweiblumen, feel free to turn your attention to whatever you want the house to do. Also, roll Matrix Perception for you and the agent to cover the arsonists. Noise is back in effect. You're at +3 for distance and +4 for the target area being wilderness (and a snowstorm). You may wish to use Signal Scrub and the wireless bonus from your datajack to get that down.

rednblack, you don't have to roll to set your Home Alone traps as long as they are not exceedingly complicated. If you want weird triggers then it might become a build/repair test.

Mal, I guess you can go to sleep. You can roll to heal your Stun damage. Healing the Physical damage will be dependent on having a relatively restful day.

Did I miss anything? If there are other rolls you want to get in, you're welcome to make them now.


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« Reply #182 on: <11-29-14/2350:43> »
All right, I'll get some stuff in. Sorry for the lack of posts today, driving back from visiting family during Thanksgiving and the normal 7 hour drive turned into a 10 hour drive due to traffic.

Driving to the Rover (no other modifiers): 11d6t5 2 [5, 3, 5, 4, 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]

Well that was bollocks. I have no idea about whether I failed or not, but I might as well use Edge to reroll.

Edge to Reroll: 9d6t5 5 [2, 2, 5, 6, 6, 5, 3, 3, 6]

... You know what? I'll take it. I could do Michael Bay stunts while driving to the Rover ... but that might not be ideal.

Driving from the Rover? (no other modifiers): 11d6t5 5 [1, 5, 6, 5, 5, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3]

Damn. Chino suddenly became amazing at driving.

IC to come.

Edit: OOC Question; can the Snowmobile carry Chino, Uncle Sam, and the explosives?
« Last Edit: <11-30-14/0000:31> by 8-bit »


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« Reply #183 on: <11-30-14/0007:04> »
No worries about the lack of a post. It's the weekend and still a holiday, more or less. Traffic sucks! Sorry about the 3 hours you lost.

7 hits is more than enough to avoid any embarrassing crashes. Luckily you have a Physical Limit of 10 so you can enjoy them all. You dodge a bull elk with effortless grace! Feel free to pose your awesomeness.

Lay another roll down for the snowmobile too when you get a chance.


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« Reply #184 on: <11-30-14/0008:53> »
Resting rolls:
Heal stun damage (resting, hour 1) [Bod 3 + Will 6]: 9d6t5 3
Heal stun damage (resting, hour 2) [Bod 3 + Will 6]: 9d6t5 1

So I'm good after two hours. I'll do the physical damage roll when it becomes relevant. I'll probably want to have Doc spend a half hour to tend to me so I can get a dice pool bonus. My 6 dice will take me two days on average, so potentially getting that down to one with a few hits from Doc's test would be nice. With 19 dice (using the rating 5 medkit, 20 if we restock the rating 6) in his Medicine pool, the average 6+ hits should be enough.

I'll post IC later. It might be a while because there's a dream.
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« Reply #185 on: <11-30-14/0020:46> »
Keeping an eye on things:
Switch out Babymonitor with Signal scrub.  I don't plan on being hacking long enough to really need it.
With all the modifiers I wash out at my att+skill :P
Remote Matrix Perception Computer(5) + Intuition(4) + Qualia(1) + VR(2) + Codeslinger(2) + Datajack(1) + Signal Scrub(2) - Noise(Disatance(3)+Wilderness/Snow(4)=7)=10: 10d6t5 4 (limit 5)
Crap, forgot my wound... -1 die, but both the first and last die were misses.  Sorry about that :(

Back at the house I'll need get a mark on the Host again, then I'll do a spoof command to re-enable the motions to turn on the lights and send the team an alert once Sam and Chino get back. Spoof command *should* work as the device should be slaved to the Host which I have a mark on, so I should be able to Spoof that command.  If Spoof isn't right I'll do control device (and roll both to save time).
Mark the Host Hacking(6) + Logic(9) + VR(2) - Wounds(1) = 16: 16d6t5 6 (limit 7)
Assuming that succeeds (if it doesn't I think we have a new record on rolling :P)
Spoof Command Hacking(6) + Intuition(4) + Qualia(1) + VR(2) - Wounds(1)=12: 12d6t5 7 (limit 7)
Control Device EW(6) + Intuition(4) + Qualia(1) + VR(2) - Wounds(1) = 12: 12d6t5 5 (limit 7)

I'll post this up IC once the boys take off.
« Last Edit: <11-30-14/0022:37> by Zweiblumen »
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« Reply #186 on: <11-30-14/0040:42> »
Driving the Snowmobile (no other modifiers): 11d6t5 3 [2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 5, 5, 6, 1]

And not so impressive. You know what, we don't want this to get messed up and get caught. It's worth it.

Edge to Reroll: 8d6t5 1 [1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 4, 4, 1]

Well, that was a very unimpressive reroll. 4 should be good enough. It will have to be.

Marking both uses of Edge off my sheet.

I assume I should just go ahead without Uncle Sam? Or should I post and wait for him?

IC is up. If we want to go on without waiting for Pointdexter, I can edit it to make it more inclusive of the trip.

Also, since it came up, just as a note for Fatigue tests (aka Harsh weather tests); it is Body + Willpower (+ Insulation for Cold).

Quote from: Core Book of SR5; page 172
Fatigue damage is resisted with Body + Willpower

Technically, that quote also says that Armor doesn't apply, but it makes sense that Insulation would help against the Cold.
« Last Edit: <11-30-14/0047:08> by 8-bit »


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« Reply #187 on: <11-30-14/0048:56> »
8-bit, feel free to post the first half. Save the return trip for next. No need to make this three days of back-and-forth, unless you and Poindexter are going to swap notes along the way.

Solid rolling from Zweiblumen. 22 hits on 50 dice is 44% rolling.

Zweiblumen, I'm going to PM you.


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« Reply #188 on: <11-30-14/0111:25> »
All right, I posted everything up to the eventful burning and sending off of the Rover. I figured Pointdexter would like to do the honors of having Uncle Sam blow it up.

Seeing as it's 1 in the morning here, I think I'll be on for another half hour maybe. Otherwise, I'll post more tomorrow.

By the way, not sure if I said it, but I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know it's a few days late, but better late than never, right?


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« Reply #189 on: <11-30-14/0135:55> »
8-bit, you ditched the Rover about 200 meters from the house.

You don't need to drive separately to the cliff. In fact, it's better if you don't because Sam can't drive for drek and you can't drive both vehicles at once, even with 7 hits. That's why I suggested putting the snowmobile in the back of the Rover.

Just to be clear, we're talking about driving/burning/kicking the hunters' slaughterwagon here, not the van you woke up in. That fell off the edge of a cliff hours ago.


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« Reply #190 on: <11-30-14/0142:31> »
And this is why I shouldn't write stuff at 1 in the morning. Let me give it one more go tonight, and hopefully I don't screw it up again. Sorry about that.

Edit: We aren't driving the snowmobile towards the Rover? God ... I'm all sorts of confused. You know what? I'll leave it as a placeholder and write it when I'm more awake. Sorry for making you deal with that inconvenience :(
« Last Edit: <11-30-14/0147:27> by 8-bit »


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« Reply #191 on: <11-30-14/0146:43> »
Well you can drive (or push) the snowmobile 200m to the Rover. You're strong enough to lift it but not to carry it, so carrying is out. Driving is valid but it is noisy. The spirit will provide some concealment but it might not be the best time to tear out of the garage and do donuts in the driveway.


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« Reply #192 on: <11-30-14/1101:07> »
Okay, now that I've had some sleep, let me make sure I have this straight.

Rover is 200 meters away from the house. We are not driving to it, simply bringing the snowmobile along for driving back? Once we get to the Rover, we are loading the snowmobile into it, driving the Rover right to it's final destination (getting the snowmobile out and setting the Rover on fire beforehand), pushing it over the edge, and then driving back. Does that sound right?

Again, I'm really sorry for making you deal with this inconvenience.

How long and noisy would pushing the snowmobile be?


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« Reply #193 on: <11-30-14/1103:42> »
Sam can't carry a snowmobile?
"speaking out loud"
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« Reply #194 on: <11-30-14/1104:45> »
Sam can't carry a snowmobile?

Actually, that's a good question. Maybe have Sam carry the snowmobile and Chino carry whatever supplies we need to blow it up?

