Crossfire Mission Contest Submissions

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« on: <11-04-14/1355:54> »
This is the thread where submissions to the Crossfire Mission Contest should go! Want more information about the contest? Look here!

We look forward to seeing your submissions. Have fun!

Jason H.
Jason M. Hardy
Shadowrun Line Developer

"The thing is, I’m serious about what I do, and the people with whom I associate are serious about what they do. We’re all serious people. Look, I can even make a serious face. See?" --Quinn Bailey


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« Reply #1 on: <11-15-14/1242:00> »
Is that a glitch on my comm?

The Job
Mr Johnson and his sponsor (an A corporation) have asked your team to infiltrate the corp's own headquarters. All systems and drones went crazy 3 hours ago and all outside communications were cut. Also, there are hints of hired mercs patrolling the halls and shooting any employees unfortunate enough to be still there.
The corp thinks that the new head of tech department is behind the situation and that he might be in fact a spy from a rival company. The corp’s regular staff cannot help and it's up to your team to solve the situation. Mr Jonhson have provided more info and some equipment to help your prep work.

While walking in the shadows of the streets, you review the plan : go inside the building using the maintenance tunnels, navigate towards the servers room and shut down the mainframe. As soon as you enter the underground tunnels, your team's commlinks and hardwares begins acting strangely. Augmented limbs are moving erratically, cybereyes and AR glasses are seeing things that are not really there. Your decker will block those hacking attacks, but teamwork will be needed.

[Texts to be read when beginning a Scene]
  • Scene 1 – Maintenance tunnels : You are travelling through the maintenance tunnels leading to the corp’s HQ. The wireless network is all around you and the decker is having a hard time with the hacking attacks. Earlier, Mr Jonhson said those tunnels would be unguarded but, obviously, unplanned things are meant to happen.
  • Scene 2 – Tech department : Finally exiting the poorly lit tunnels, you go straight to the tech department, trying to find the door of the servers room. You walk low and silently through the deserted cubicles farm, avoiding unnecessary attention. Suddendly, dozens of AR windows are spamming the view of a runner, who hits loudly a chair in the confusion. Bullets are now flying over your heads. Oh well, you hate the decoration anyway…
  • Scene 3 – Servers room : Pushing aside broken furnitures, your team walks toward the server room. Entering it, your decker curses and types frenetically on his AR keyboard. Motion can be seen at the edge of your AR and physical vision, as virtual and meat spaces converge to attack your team. The corporate spy is nowhere to be seen, but for now you must focus on what he have left behind...

Difficulty : Average (1 upgrade per runner recommended)
Players : 2-4
Note : One of the main role should be a decker.

Mission set up
Each runner may put one extra basic card in his deck (use the extra cards included in the box set).
Prepare the Crossfire deck by shuffling together the following Crossfire event cards : 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37,38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50.
Prepare the Normal Obstacle deck by shuffling together all the hacking (green) normal obstacles AND the following obstacle cards : 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 09, 11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40.
Prepare the Hard Obstacle deck by shuffling together all the hacking (green) hard obstacles AND the following obstacle cards : 41, 48, 49, 54, 55, 66, 67, 68, 70, 76, 79. Take out GODwire (card 78) and set it aside for later use in the mission.
Mission goal
Your runners must reach and shut down the main server in three Scenes, while fighting against obstacles and against glitches infecting their equipments. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners and when you have removed the Glitch bugging a runner. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!
Glitch revealing : At the beginning of each Scene, reveal and discard the top card ot the Black Market deck. Place the required number of generic markers (see « Scenes and Crossfire ») on the runner whose role matches the revealed card : he is the runner bugged by a Glitch for the actual Scene.
Glitch effects : At the beginning of the starting player turn (after drawing a Crossfire card), reveal and discard the top card ot the Black Market deck. If the revealed card is a weapon (black), spell (blue) or skill (red) card, move all obstacles one runner clockwise. If the revealed card is a hacking (green) card, do not move obstacles.
Also, if the revealed card role matches the glitched runner main role, the Glitch gains one generic marker (a Glitch can have more markers than its starting number).

Those effects cannot be prevented by any abilities or cards : only removing a Glitch will terminate its effects. A Glitch does not affect runners actions or HP in any other way.
Glitch removal: Hacking (green) damage must be dealed to a Glitch to remove it. Remove one generic marker for one hacking (green) damage dealed to the Glitch. Any other types of damage are useless. Level-removal attacks (like Lightning Bolt) are useless on a Glitch. The glitched runner is not affected by attacks made on the Glitch. If all generic markers are gone at the end of a runner turn, the Glitch is removed.

The Glitch is only affected by hacking (green) damage applied during the « Apply damage » sequence of a runner turn. It cannot be affected by Crossfire events or by any card abilities (but those events and abilities still normally affect runners and obstacles). Karma upgrades (such as « Button masher ») can be used to deal hacking damage.
If a glitched player is staggered, the Glitch is still active. If a glitched player goes critical, the Glitch is immediately removed.
A Scene cannot end if a Glitch is still active.

Scenes and Crossfire
At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the list below. When flipping obstacles from the decks, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to (Crossfire level – 1). Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder.
Unless indicated otherwise, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round of the game begins with the starting runner.
  • Scene 1 – Maintenance tunnels
    Flip obstacles equal to number of runners
    Glitch generic markers : Equal to number of runners
  • Scene 2 – Tech department
    Flip obstacles equal to number of runners +1
    Glitch generic markers : Equal to number of runners
  • Scene 3 – The server room
    Place GODwire obstacle facing the decker. Then, flip obstacles equal to number of runners +1 and distribute them clockwise.
    Glitch generic markers : Equal to number of runners -1
Ending a scene
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles and no Glitch in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

Winning the mission
After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

Playing with Fewer than Four Runners
If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.

Karma Awards
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
  • Indestructible surveillance camera : Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma for each runner.
  • Overclocking and memory boost : Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma for each runner (In the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)
  • Darn carpets. So. Much. Static! : Instead of the above rules, a Glitch begins every Scene with a number of generic markers equal to number of runners + 1 : +1 Karma for each runner.
Karma Scaling
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
  • 0-20 Karma = full Karma award
  • 21-30 Karma = - 1 Karma penalty
  • 31-50 Karma = - 2 Karma penalty
  • 51-75 Karma = - 3 Karma penalty
  • Each additional +25 = additional -1 karma penalty
« Last Edit: <11-15-14/1243:39> by Jamelfr »

Alex Ender

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« Reply #2 on: <11-16-14/0542:46> »

Mr. Johnson's employer has a small dispute with an up and coming corp.  Their chief of security has defected to this new corp, for a bigger position with better pay, and is sharing all of their latest security secrets.  Mr. Johnson's employer would like you to have a "meeting" with this corp's new executive of security that ends with him never being able to work for anyone again.
Difficulty : Advanced (at least 40 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players : 2-4

Create the Normal Obstacle deck by shuffling together the following obstacle card numbers : 01, 02, 06, 07, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, and 40.
Create the Hard Obstacle deck by shuffling together the following obstacle card numbers : 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 60, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, and 80.  Remove and set aside Drake Assassin.
Your team has been hired to enter the corp's small security headquarters and reach the office of the executive on the fourth floor in order to "meet" him.  Your team must clear each floor before moving to the next to allow for a safe exit once the objective is completed.   Each floor has its own Scene.  When and if you reach the fourth floor, geek the executive.   Once the fourth Scene ends, the team wins the mission!

Use the normal Crossfire rules.  Flip obstacles as indicated in the chart below.  When flipping obstacles at the beginning of a scene flip them from the Normal Obstacle deck only.  Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color.  Distribute the rest clockwise.  If all obstacles are not cleared from the board at the beginning of the third round played, in Scenes 1, 2, and 3, then the corp security is able to trigger the silent alarm and call for reinforcements. (In a four player game when two or more runners take a turn before the starting player at the beginning of a Scene it counts as a full round toward the three round count for the purpose of this rule.  This does not affect the actual round count or when Crossfire cards are drawn.)  Flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level.  Place the first flipped obstacle in front of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color.  Distribute the rest of the obstacle's clockwise.  At the start of the fourth scene only flip the Drake Assassin (you didn't plan on the executive being a young dragon!) and place it at the center of the table.  This obstacle is considered to be facing each runner on their turn.  At the end of any runners turn in which they could not damage the executive he is able to call for reinforcements. Flip one obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck and place it in front of that runner.  At the end of each round in the fourth Scene, if the executive has not been waxed, a strike team bursts in to his aid.  (In a four player game when two or more runners take a turn before the starting player at the beginning of this Scene it counts as a full round for the purpose of this rule.  This does not affect the actual round count or when Crossfire cards are drawn.) Flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacles deck equal to the number of damage levels remaining on the Drake Assassin.  Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color.  Distribute the rest clockwise.  If at any time you run out of cards in one obstacle deck instead flip them from the other obstacle deck.  If there are no obstacles remaining in either deck you have cleared the entire building of reinforcements.

SCENE                                                FLIP OBSTACLES EQUAL TO
FLOOR 1                                                Number of Runners +1
FLOOR 2                                                Number of Runners +2
FLOOR 3                                                Number of Runners +3
FLOOR 4                                   Drake Assassin is the only obstacle flipped

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard).

LOCK AND LOAD:  At the end of the first Scene each runner heals 1 HP and draws 1 card.  Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market.  This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes.  Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

AT LEAST THE ELEVATOR STILL WORKS:  At the end of the second Scene each runner heals 1 HP and draws 2 cards.  This scene ends and play continues in the next Scene with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle.

I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE!:  At the end of the third Scene each runner heals 2 HP.  Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market.  This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes.  Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

After the fourth Scene, the team wins the mission!

If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.  If playing with fewer than four runners, when flipping obstacles at the end of a round in the fourth Scene, still flip a number of obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the number of damage levels left on Drake Assassin but do not exceed flipping more obstacles than the number of runners + 2.

If the team wins, each runner gets 4 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

TRAINED, EFFICIENT, AND DEADLY In Scenes 1, 2, and 3 reinforcements are sounded at the beginning of the second round played in each scene:  +1 Karma

NOTHING EVER GOES RIGHT Start with one Crossfire card in the Crossfire discard:  +1 Karma

THEY'VE BEEN TIPPED OFF! Flip one additional obstacle from the Hard Obstacle deck at the start of Scenes 1, 2, and 3:  +2 Karma

BODYGUARDS, HE HAS BODYGUARDS Set aside randomly drawn obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the number of runners along with Drake Assassin.  At the start of the fourth Scene,  place the first flipped obstacle in front of the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color.  Distribute the rest of the obstacle's clockwise:  +3 Karma (If this option is chosen, you can't also choose any other bonus challenge.) 

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.

      KARMA EARNED                                                             AWARD/PENALTY
          0-40                                                                         Full Karma award
         41-60                                                                        -1 Karma penalty
         61-70                                                                        -2 Karma penalty
         71-80                                                                        -3 Karma penalty
         Each additional +25                                            Additional -1 Karma penalty
« Last Edit: <11-27-14/0444:52> by Alex Ender »

Alex Ender

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« Reply #3 on: <11-16-14/1002:39> »

Renraku Corp has just created a super-weapon that will ultimately seat them as the biggest military, political, and economical corporation in the world.  Mr. Johnson's employer(s) would like to see that they do not possess this kind of power and here is your chance to claim Shadowrunning fame!  Renraku is moving both pieces of this weapon from it's R&D facility, in separate cases tonight, and has hired everything it can to see that these cases make it to their destination.  The team is going to have to go through everything one of the biggest mega-corps can throw at them to acquire these packages.   
Difficulty : Legendary (at least 120 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players : 4, a complete team is needed to attempt this mission.

Remove the Courier card from the Normal Obstacle deck and replace it with the Courier card that has the case symbol on the far left of the card art.  Shuffle the Normal Obstacle deck and set the deck aside for normal play.

Remove the Chromed Samurai card from the Hard Obstacle deck and replace it with the Chromed Samurai card that has the case symbol on the far left of the card art.  Shuffle the Hard Obstacle deck and set the deck aside for normal play.


Find and defeat the Courier and Chromed Samurai, take possession, and escape with as many of the team alive as you can! Once a character goes critical they are permanently dead and their body becomes the property of Renraku Corp.(Attach a permanent Renraku Corp sticker to the character.  This character is no longer legal for Organized Event play). If the runners have both cases in their possession at the end of a Scene then the team wins!  There is no option to abort this mission.  Any runner(s) going critical do not end this mission unless it is the last runner alive.

Use the normal Crossfire rules.  Flip obstacles as indicated in the chart below.  First flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level.  Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder.  When you flip obstacles, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color.  If there are no runners remaining that match the obstacle's color then place the first one in front of the starting player and distribute the rest clockwise.  Once the Courier or the Chromed Samurai objectives are defeated do not discard them.  Instead, place them in the hand of the runner who defeated that obstacle.  This shows the runner is carrying that case.  Those runners holding a case may not discard the case even if a card would have them discard a random card or their entire hand.  The cases do count toward hand size.  If a runner holding a case should get staggered then the runner "drops" the case and Renraku corp takes possession of the case and the runners must get it back.  Take the objective card they are holding and shuffle it back into it's corresponding objective deck.

SCENE                                       FLIP OBSTACLES EQUAL TO
      1                                                Number of Runners +2
      2                                                Number of Runners +3
      3                                                Number of Runners +4
      4                                                Number of Runners +5
      5+                                              Number of Runners +increase the number of obstacles by 1 more in each subsequent round.

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard).  Each runner heals 1 HP.  Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market.  This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes.  Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

If the team possess both cases at the end of a Scene, the team wins the mission!

If the team wins, each runner that completes the mission alive gets 15 Karma.  Each runner who successfully completes the mission alive will also receive the 75 cost Karma upgrade:  I EARNED MY B.A. (Receive +1 to each of your starting stats.)  The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

I AM LEGENDARY Start the game with two Crossfire event cards in the discard pile:  +5 Karma

THEY JUST KEEP COMING! Draw one additional objective each turn: +7 Karma

Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.

       KARMA EARNED                                                         AWARD/PENALTY
          0-120                                                                         Full Karma award
         121-140                                                                      -3 Karma penalty
         141-160                                                                      -5 Karma penalty
         161-180                                                                      -8 Karma penalty
         Each additional +20                                            Additional -5 Karma penalty
« Last Edit: <11-27-14/0501:59> by Alex Ender »


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« Reply #4 on: <11-16-14/2050:09> »
Thanks so much for this contest! It lead to some very interesting discussion during our last session! Here's what we had in mind.

Double Crossing

You've been doing this for long enough to know that there's something fishy going on. The pay was good, the legwork provided lots of useful intelligence and security was weaker than expected. This is becoming obvious: this is a frame job. Someone's going to pay, or else, no one will come out of this alive.

Difficulty: Normal (No upgrades needed)
Players: 3-4


Follow the normal Crossfire rules for set-up.


The team will face off against against obstacles in three Scenes. At the end of the first Scene, a runner will be revealed as the traitor and the rest of the team will have to go through the other two Scenes to win the mission while the traitor will try to have it fail.


At the start of the first Scene, flip one Normal Obstacle to each runner and draw a Crossfire card. At the start of the second scene, the traitor flips one obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck for each other Runner and decides who will get it. At the start of the third Scene, the traitor does the same with Hard Obstacles.


During the first Scene, at the end of a turn, if there are no Obstacles in play, draw the first obstacle from the Normal Obstacle deck and discard it. The Runner matching the color of the obstacle is now the traitor. The traitor immediately gets 20 Nuyen and starting with him and going clockwise, every runner can purchase one card from the Black Market.

The traitor is still considered a Runner and can be affected by cards. During his turn, the traitor can can deal 6 colorless damage to another runner to make him lose 1 HP. Cards that affect obstacles in front of the attacked runner are ignored.

The Runner to the left of the traitor becomes the first player and draws a new Crossfire card.


If the team survives the third scene, every non-traitor runner wins.

If a non-traitor runner goes critical, the mission ends in a loss. If the traitor survived, he wins.


If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma.
If the traitor wins, he gets 3 Karma


Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.

0–75         Full Karma Award
Each additional + 25   -1 Karma


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« Reply #5 on: <11-16-14/2135:59> »
Matrix Run
Your team almost made it out, but now you'll need to protect the Decker in the meatspace while he does his thing.
Difficulty: Medium (20 karma in upgrades recommended)   
Players: 3-4
Separate Tech and other obstacles from each deck. Shuffle one non-Tech obstacle in each deck for each two Tech obstacles. The Decker is the starting runner.
The Decker needs to hack a terminal. During his turn, he can discard a Tech card to get a hacking token. Each sends ends when the Decker has enough hacking tokens and no obstacles are in play.
At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles following normal Crossfire rules.  If at the start of a round there are no obstacles in play but the Decker hasn't obtained enough Hacking tokens, flip one Obstacle from the Hard obstacle deck and place it in front of the Decker.
During his turn, the Decker can discard one Tech card from his hand to take one token. During Scene 1, the terminal requires 3 tokens to be hacked. Each following scene requires one additional token. All tokens are discarded at the end of each scene. If the Decker becomes staggered, discard all hacking tokens.
If the team survives the third scene, every runner wins.
If a runner goes critical, the mission ends in a loss.
If the team wins, each runner gets 5 Karma.
If the team aborts, each runner gets 1 Karma.
HEAVY ENCRYPTION Each scene requires one additional Hacking token: +1 Karma (In the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)
HOSTILE INFRASTRUCTURE Tech obstacles deal one more damage against the Decker +3 Karma
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
0–30         Full Karma Award
30-50         -1 Karma Penalty
Each additional + 25   -1 Karma


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« Reply #6 on: <11-18-14/0115:30> »
Mr. Johnson’s friends
The Job
Your team has barely survived an aborted run yesterday. Everything went wrong: the intel given by Mr. Johnson was completely misleading, a small army of mercs almost destroyed you and Lone Star patrols chased you for hours. You would usually disappear from the grid for a few weeks, but you have the feeling that the whole affair was an attempt to assassinate your team. You decide to confront Mr. Johnson right now, at his favorite meeting place.

[Texts to read when beginning a Scene]
  • Scene 1 –Nightclub Fun : The nightclub is buzzing with loud music and an even louder crowd tonight. Mr. Johnson is drinking a cocktail in his usual booth. You are approaching him, but your commlinks and cyber-implants suddenly begin to act strangely and you pause some seconds to correct the situation. Mr. Johnson leaves promptly his booth as some of his "friends" are walking towards you.
  • Scene 2 – Unfinished Business : Trying to catch up with Mr. Johnson, you are running through the small and dirty streets and alleys of the neighborhood. You see him entering an abandoned store and you rush forward. However, more of his goons exit the store to confront you. You recognize some of them as the same people who attacked you during your aborted run.
  • Scene 3 – Just a Job : Mr. Johnson and his associates shoot at you as soon as you enter the store. You duck for cover as you catch a glimpse of a Lone Star Uniform. A corrupt cop. No wonder why the patrols were so active yesterday : « You were the field test for our new security team, Mr. Johnson says. You were not supposed to come back! Anyway, I will finish the job myself.»

Difficulty : Advanced (at least 30 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players : 2-4

Mission set up
At the beginning of the game (before drawing any cards), each runner may buy 1 card from the Black Market deck with a discount of 1 Nuyen and add it to their deck.
Each scene will use specific decks that will contain Johnson’s goons. All cards not included in those special decks will constitute the usual Normal and Hard obstacles decks.
Prepare those Mr. Johnson decks by shuffling together the following obstacle cards.

Scene 1 Johnson decks :
  • Normal obstacles : Sudden Fade (card #06), Trip Beams (#10), Light Combat Drone (#15), Aerial Combat Drone (#17), Combat Decker (#30)
  • Hard obstacles : Drone Rigger (#47), IC (#51), Indentured Otaku (#56), Military Spec IC (#59), Guy in the Van (#64)
Scene 2 Johnson decks A
  • Normal obstacles : Wage Mage (#12), Spirit of Air (#24), Bonelaced Adept (#28), Spell Sniper (#29), Astral Scout (#35).
  • Hard obstacles : Lightning Mage (#41), Spirit of fire (#44), Corporate Shaman (#68), Combat Shaman (#75), Mercenary Technomancer (#76).
Scene 2 Johnson decks B
  • Normal obstacles : Corporate Adept (#02), Freelance Assassin (#23), Jaguar Shifter (#26), Troll Enforcer (#32), Security Goons (#34).
  • Hard obstacles : Security Chief (#48), Drake Enforcer (#49), Border War Vet (#54), Unusual Suspects (#66), Weapons Specialist (#67).
Scene 3 – Johnson decks
  • Normal obstacles: Ork Fixer (#03), Buzzback (#18).
  • Hard obstacles: Lone Star Lieutenant (#57), Saeder-Krupp Observer (#70).

Mission goal
Your team must confront and defeat Mr. Johnson, who betrayed you during the last run. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!
Scenes and Crossfire
At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the list below.
Please note: When flipping obstacles from the Johnson decks, first flip obstacles from the Johnson Hard Obstacle deck equal to Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Johnson Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder.
Unless indicated otherwise, place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round of the game begins with the starting runner.
  • Scene 1 – Nightclub Fun
    Flip obstacles equal to number of runners from the Johnson decks. Then, flip 1 obstacle from the usual Normal Obstacle deck
  • Scene 2 – Unfinished Business
    Reveal and discard the top card of the Black Market deck. If the revealed card is a hacking (green) or spell (blue) card, use Johnson decks A. If the revealed card is a weapon (black) or skill (red) card, use Johnson decks B.
    Flip obstacles equal to number of runners from the appropriate Johnson decks. Then, flip 2 obstacles from the usual Normal Obstacle deck.
  • Scene 3 – Just a Job
    Place Ork Fixer and Buzzback in front of the Face runner. Distribute Lone Star Lieutenant and Saeder-Krupp Observer clockwise. Then, flip obstacles from the usual Hard obstacle deck equal to number of runners -1.
Cards effects and obstacles decks
When a card effect requires to reveal cards from obstacles decks, the usual Normal and Hard Obstacles decks are used to resolve those effects.

Ending a scene
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

Winning the mission
After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

Playing with Fewer than Four Runners
If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.

Karma Awards
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
  • Mr. Johnson infinite funds : At Scenes 1 and 2, flip up one additional obstacle from the usual Normal Obstacle deck. At Scene 3, flip up one additional obstacle from the usual Hard Obstacle deck : +1 Karma for each runner.
  • Lone Star is watching you : Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard. At the Scene 3, Lone Star Lieutenant’s first level of damage is 7 [Colorless] (instead of 3 [Colorless]) and he cannot be prevented from attacking : +2 Karma for each runner (In the same game, the team can add one card in the Crossfire discard up to once for each runner; each additional card gives +2 Karma for each runner).
Karma Scaling
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
  • 0-40 Karma = full Karma award
  • 40-75 Karma = - 1 Karma penalty
  • Each additional +25 = additional -1 karma penalty
« Last Edit: <11-18-14/1947:20> by Jamelfr »


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« Reply #7 on: <11-21-14/0005:30> »
Gangs Attack
The Job
SINless squatters (mostly poor workers and families) have hired your team to protect their homes against street gangs wanting to evict them. They live in an old, barely functional building, but home is home and they won't give it up. The squatters can defend themselves most of the time, but they feel they’ll need some help pretty soon. They can't pay you much but contracts are rare lately, so you've accepted the job.
After some legwork, you learn that a local gang plans to attack the building tonight. And there is no doubt that rival gangs (or worse) will try to wreak havoc and take advantage of the chaos. With some chances, they will be busy attacking each other and you might survive.

Difficulty : Advanced (at least 20 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players : 2-4

Mission set up
Create the Normal Obstacle deck by removing the following obstacle card numbers: 02, 07, 10, 12, 13, 22, 25, 33, 34, 37. Then, remove and set aside (for later use in the mission) the cards Ancients Ganger (08), Ancients Sentry (20), Gang Leader (31). Shuffle the remainder of the deck.
Create the Hard Obstacle deck by removing the following obstacle card numbers: 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 68, 70, 78, 79. Shuffle the remainder of the deck.,

Mission goal
Your team must defend the squatters’ building currently under attack from gangers and worse foes. Lone Star will never come and the Corps have no use for the SINless, so you’re the only hope of your clients. Defeat quickly your opponents and you will be able to salvage more resources, but the gang leader will be enraged. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!
Obstacles and Crossfire
At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise.
At Scenes 1 and 2, you will get a reward if you complete bonus objectives. At Scene 3, a sniper will continuously shoot at you. Also, the gang leader will do a surprise attack if you got too many rewards in the previous scenes.
  • Scene 1 – Take down their first line!
    • Obstacles: Flip obstacles equal to number of runners -1. Then, flip Ancients Ganger and place it facing the runner following the last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation. Then, flip Ancients Sentry and place it facing the runner following Ancients Ganger clockwise.
    • Bonus objective: If all obstacles are defeated in [number of runners +2] turns or less, you inspire courage among the squatters and even more foes are taken down: each runner gains immediately 1 Nuyen when the last obstacle is defeated.
  • Scene 2 – Protect the building!
    • Obstacles: Flip obstacles equal to number of runners +2.
    • Bonus objective: If all obstacles are defeated in [number of runners +3] turns or less, the building is still standing and you can safely gather your remaining resources: each runner gains immediately 2 Nuyens when the last obstacle is defeated.
  • Scene 3 – It ends now!
    • Obstacles: Flip obstacles equal to number of runners +2. Then, flip Gang Leader and place it facing the runner following the last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation.
    • Gang Leader Flipped effects: Resolve the usual “Flipped” effect of its card. Then, if your team completed both bonus objectives from Scenes 1 and 2, the gang leader goes berserk and showers your team with bullets: reveal and discard a numbers of cards from the top of the Black Market deck equal to the number of runners. For each card revealed, the runner whose role color matches the card’s color loses 1HP. 1 of those damages can be prevented if, between them, the team discards cards equal to a total value of at least 4 Nuyens (at least 3 Nuyens if it’s a two-runners team). This can be done as many times as wished (thus, a four-runners team discarding cards for a total of 13 Nuyens would prevent 3 damages).
    • Sniper: A hidden sniper attacks your team continuously and you cannot stop it until you clear the field. At the beginning of every round during Scene 3 (after the Crossfire card is flipped), reveal and discard 1 card from the top of the Black Market: the runner whose role color matches the card’s color loses 1HP. This damage can be prevented if, between them, the team discards cards equal to a total value of 4 Nuyens or more (3 Nuyens or more if it’s a two-runners team). The sniper attacks cannot be prevented in any way; they only stop when Scene 3 ends. You can put a generic marker on the top of the Crossfire deck to remind you to resolve the Sniper attack.

Ending a scene
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

Winning the mission
After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

Playing with Fewer than Four Runners
If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.

Karma Awards
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
  • Where do they come from?: Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma (Ancients Ganger, Ancients Sentry and Gang Leader are still the final obstacles placed in their respective Scene.)
  • Spies among the squatters: Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma for each runner (In the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)
Karma Scaling
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
  • 0-40 Karma = full Karma award
  • 40-75 Karma = - 1 Karma penalty
  • Each additional +25 = additional -1 karma penalty


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« Reply #8 on: <11-23-14/1405:08> »
Note: Montgomery references are a really small tribute to one of my favorite character (created by Nigel Findley) in the Shadowrun universe. Learn more here:
Bugs Hive
The Job
Bug spirits. Insects. Some people want to destroy them. Some people want to capture them and harvest their powers. Everyone hates bugs.

Your client is a friend of a retired private investigator (a man named Montgomery or something like that). She wants you to infiltrate a hive under the city and defeat all the bug spirits there: this is a personal cause for her and her friend. She warns you that insects’ followers will defend the place and that Corps have hired teams to capture the spirits: the hive will be a war zone.

Your client shows you some guns you can buy, at a discount. “Insect spirits are hard to defeat, she says while shuddering. You’ll need special ammos that will shatter their link to our world. Those guns have them. Complete your contract and I might have more runs for you…”

Difficulty: Advanced (at least 30 points per runner in upgrades recommended)
Players: 2-4

Mission set up
At the beginning of the game (before drawing any cards), each runner may buy a Remington Roomsweeper card for a cost of [1 Nuyen + 1 Basic card] and add it to his/her deck. A runner may buy as many Remington Roomsweeper cards as wished.

Create the Normal Obstacle deck by removing the following obstacle card numbers: 03, 04, 07, 08, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 31, 36, 40. Then, shuffle the remainder of the deck.

Create the Hard Obstacle deck by removing the following obstacle card numbers: 43, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 64, 72, 73, 78, 80. Then, remove and set aside (for later use in the mission) the card Bug Spirit (63). Shuffle the remainder of the deck.

Mission goal
Your team must infiltrate the insect spirits hive and eradicate those abominations. Each Scene ends when you have defeated all obstacles facing runners. Once the third Scene ends, the team wins the mission!
Obstacles and Crossfire
At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle’s color. Distribute the rest clockwise.

Bug Spirit Endurance: Due to their particular nature, the Bug Spirits are hard to defeat with normal means. For this mission, your team will have to use the special ammos and guns sold by your client. When a runner clears the last level on a Bug Spirit, it is not defeated unless damage from a Remington Roomsweeper card was applied this turn on the Bug Spirit; if damage from a Remington Roomsweeper card was not applied this particular turn on the Bug Spirit, it heals all its levels.
  • Scene 1 – The Followers Quarters
    • Obstacles: Flip obstacles equal to number of runners -1. Then, flip Bug Spirit and place it facing the runner following the last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation (please don't forget to trigger its "Flipped" ability).
  • Scene 2 – The Altar
    • Obstacles: Flip obstacles equal to number of runners. Then, flip Bug Spirit and place it facing the runner following the last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation (please don't forget to trigger its "Flipped" ability).
  • Scene 3 – Betrayal
    • Context: The Hive is smaller than you thought and you complete your mission. Exhausted, your team comes back to the client. She smiles at you warmly, but the air around her makes you sick. “Thank you so much, she says. That hive was so weak and embarrassing: it had to be destroyed to appease the Queen. Don’t worry, the Queen is not here, but I will bring your bodies to her. I was not able to get Montgomery, but the Queen will be pleased with you…”. An insect spirit approaches while your client is unveiling her lies. You also hear some noises behind you, as if enemies from the Hive have followed you here... If you survive this, you’ll need to do some research about that Montgomery guy.
    • Obstacles: Search the Normal Obstacle deck and its discard pile to find and set aside Elf Shaman (14). Shuffle the Normal Obstacle deck (without the discard pile). Flip obstacles equal to number of runners -1. Then, flip Elf Shaman and place it facing the runner following the last obstacle in the normal clockwise rotation. Then, flip Bug Spirit and place it facing the runner following Elf Shaman clockwise (please don't forget to trigger Bug Spirit's "Flipped" ability).

Ending a scene
At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.

Winning the mission
After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

Playing with Fewer than Four Runners
If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.

Karma Awards
If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose the following bonus challenge options:
  • More Mercs Than Expected: Flip up one additional obstacle at the start of each Scene: +1 Karma (Bug Spirit and Elf Shaman are still the final obstacles placed in their respective Scene.)
  • Security System Still Active: Start the game with one card in the Crossfire discard: +2 Karma for each runner  (In the same game, the team can choose this option up to once for each runner.)
Karma Scaling
Each runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.
  • 0-50 Karma = full Karma award
  • 50-75 Karma = - 1 Karma penalty
  • Each additional +25 = additional -1 karma penalty
« Last Edit: <11-23-14/1841:06> by Jamelfr »


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« Reply #9 on: <11-27-14/0531:45> »
The Heist

The complete mission is given below but can also be downloaded at:


Hard (20+ in karma upgrades needed)
2-4 Runners, The decker must be a main role

This campaign will take the runners through 3 grueling missions in order to complete a cash in transit heist. Mission 1 and 2 are preliminary missions that will help with the preparations in order to successfully rob the armored truck. In mission 3 the runners will go all out in order to steal the nuyen the truck is transferring to the bank.

Please note that this campaign consists of 3 separate missions, these missions may be played all in one marathon sitting or spread out over 3 game sessions. This campaign is meant to be finished before playing any other missions.
Playing with less than 4 runners
•   When playing with only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of each mission. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of each mission.
Campaign rules
•   After each mission runners enter the regroup phase.
•   For rules during the regroup phase see the regroup phase section.
•   At the start of mission 1 runners receive nuyen and starting cards as normal.
•   At the start of mission 2 and 3 each runners deck is shuffled and a new starting hand is drawn. The size of this starting hand is equal to number of cards held by the runner at the end of the previous mission.
•   If a mission is being retried your deck is shuffled and a new standard starting hand is drawn. This is the penalty for failing a mission.
•   Runners do not receive additional nuyen at the start of mission 2 and 3 but all unspent nuyen gained up to this point is kept by the runner.
•   Mission 1 may be retried until a win outcome is achieved.
•   Mission 2 may be retried until either a win or abort outcome is achieved.
•   Mission 3 may be retried until either a win or abort outcome is achieved.
Regroup phase
•   Runners heal back up to full health.
•   Reset the crossfire level to 0. Place aside all cards currently in the crossfire discard pile. If the crossfire deck is empty any cards placed aside are shuffled together to form the new crossfire deck
•   Runners may keep up to (5 - runner health lost at the end of the previous mission) cards bought from the black market (non basic cards).
•   Any cards not kept are discarded to the black market discard pile.
•   Runners may buy cards from the black market, starting with the runner to the left of the last runner to deal damage in the previous mission. Do not refill the black market when cards are bought.
•   Any cards not bought during the regroup phase from part of the black market for the next mission.
•   Do not shuffle back the black market discard pile into the black market deck. The black market discard pile is reshuffled back only when the deck is empty
•   Each runner may exchange up to 2 cards with any of the other runners.
•   Runners may change the role distribution once during the campaign. The role redistribution has no effect on the starting cards (no base cards get exchanged).
Karma awarded

•   If runners complete mission 3 (either win or abort) see the below table for the karma awarded, karma is awarded based on performance across all 3 missions.

Mission       Abort   Win
Mission 1   0     2
Mission 2   1   3
Mission 3   1   4

•   Runners complete the campaign after winning mission 1, aborting mission 2 and winning mission 3, the runners would receive 7 karma for this campaign (2 karma from mission 1, 1 karma from mission 2 and 4 karma from mission 3)
•   Runners complete the campaign after winning mission 1, winning mission 2 and aborting mission 3, the runners would receive 6 karma for this campaign (2 karma from mission 1, 3 karma from mission 2 and 1 karma from mission 3)

Karma scaling

High value target
Whenever flipping over obstacles flip over one additional obstacle.
+3 Karma

The time is now
Add 2 additional cards to the initial crossfire discard pile at the start of each mission.
+3 Karma
Karma penalty

Karma in upgrades   Karma penalty
20 - 50                           0
50 - 70                           -1 per mission
70 - 80                           -2 per mission
80+                                   -1 additional karma per mission for each additional 10 karma in upgrades

Mission 1 - All you need is the plan, the road map, and the guts to press on

"The loan repayment by a AAA corporation will be delivered to Z-OG Bank in three day's time, before we can hope to steal that nuyen we need to know what route the armored truck will take." - Mr. Johnson

Deck Setup

Remove all cards except 1, 2, 8, 9, 13, 16, 19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 34 from the normal obstacle deck.

Remove all cards except 41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 53, 55, 57, 60, 62, 66, 68, 73, 74, 75, 79 and 80 from the hard obstacle deck.

Remove all cost 9 cards from the black market deck.
Mission Layout
At the start of each scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first obstacle so that it matches the role color of the selected runner then continue clockwise.

Scene                     Number of obstacles
1 - Breach            Number of runners + 1
2 - Hack                    Number of runners + Mainframe obstacle (All obstacles start facing the decker)
3 - Extract            Number of runners + 2
Ending a scene

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play restarts with the runner to the left of the Decker. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

Special Rules
•   The street samurai may buy a whip before this mission starts. This is considered to be a basic card for regroup phase purposes.
•   During any scene, before taking a turn, a runner may move one obstacle of the current runners color currently facing the decker to face the current runner instead.
•   If any runner goes critical during scene 1 or 2 the game is immediately lost.
•   During scene 2, select the appropriate damage track on the mainframe according to the number of runners in the game.
•   During scene 2, while the mainframe obstacle is still active, the decker may only do damage to the mainframe, the other runners may assist the decker if possible.
•   During scene 2, if a non-decker runner is staggered all obstacles facing that runner moves to face the decker.
Winning the mission
•   If all obstacles have been cleared AND the decker is still alive the team wins.
•   Do not heal 1 HP at the end of scene 3.
•   Runners may not buy any cards from the black market once the last obstacle has been killed. Go directly to the regroup phase.
•   No abort is possible in this mission.
•   Karma for this mission will only be awarded on successful completion of the campaign.
•   Winning this mission is a prerequisite for "Shadowrun becomes more fun when I get a bigger gun"

Mission 2 - Shadowrun becomes more fun when I get a bigger gun
"If we have any hope of getting into that armored truck we are going to need some serious fire power. I know just the place." - Mr. Johnson

Winning "All you need is the plan, the road map, and the guts to press on" is a prerequisite for this mission.
Deck Setup

All cards not used during mission 1 are used to form the normal and hard obstacle decks.

Remove cost 9 cards  from the black market deck and place them face up next to the black market. This will be the loot pile.
Mission Layout
At the start of each scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first obstacle so that it matches the role color of the selected runner then continue clockwise.

Scene            Number of obstacles
1 - Smash   Number of runners + 1
2 - Grab           Number of runners + 2
3 - Go           Number of runners + 3
Ending a scene

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

Special Rules
•   If any runner goes critical during scene 1 or 2 the game is immediately lost. No abort is possible during scene 1 or 2.
•   At the end of scene 2 take the card matching your main role from the loot pile and add it to your hand.
•   Any loot cards not placed in runner decks are placed aside, they will not be used for the remainder of the campaign.
•   If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow the abort rules in the "Winning the mission" section.
Winning the mission

•   If all obstacles have been cleared the team wins.
•   If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow standard abort rules. Remove the loot card from the critical runners deck.
•   Do not heal 1 HP at the end of scene 3.
•   Runners may not buy any cards from the black market once the last obstacle has been killed. Go directly to the regroup phase.
•   Karma for this mission will only be awarded on successful completion of the campaign.
•   Completing this mission is a prerequisite for "The best things in life are free"

Mission 3 - The best things in life are free
"The time is on us, lets go and finish this." - Mr. Johnson

Completing "Shadowrun becomes more fun when I get a bigger gun" is a prerequisite for this mission.
Deck Setup

Use the complete normal and hard decks.
Mission Layout
At the start of each scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first obstacle so that it matches the role color of the selected runner then continue clockwise. Place the armored truck in the center of the table. For ruling purposes all runners are considered to be facing the truck and their own obstacles and the truck is considered to be of neutral color.

Scene    Number of obstacles
1 - Rush   Number of runners + 1+ armored truck
2 - Reinforce   Number of runners + 2 + armored truck
3 - Run   Number of runners + 3
Ending a scene

At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card. After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!

Special Rules
•   Start the mission with 1 cards in the crossfire discard pile.
•   Select the appropriate armored truck damage track according to the number of runners in the game.
•   If any runner goes critical during scene 1 or 2 the game is immediately lost. No abort is possible during scene 1 or 2.
•   During scene one and two, after the last obstacle is killed the armored truck engages a self destruct sequence and must be destroyed within 3 turns (not rounds). If the truck is not destroyed within 3 turns the mission fails.
•   If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow the abort rules in the "Winning the mission" section.
Winning the mission

•   If all obstacles have been cleared the team wins.
•   If a runner goes critical during scene 3 follow standard abort rules.
•   For karma awards see the overview page.


See attached image

Armoured truck
See attached image

Mr. Bean
« Last Edit: <11-27-14/0554:55> by CHINCB »


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« Reply #10 on: <11-27-14/0550:21> »
Are you not entertained?

Noise… Flash… Bang… “What’s going on here?” Crash… Boom… “Where are we?”
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 27th annual runner roundup! Before you stands the scum of  the earth, the criminal element that plagues our city so. Many parasites will enter the arena today, only a handful will make it out alive!”

Medium (10+ in karma upgrades)
2-4 Runners

Mission goal
Remove cards 12, 21, 30, 23, 28, 39, 34 and 36 from the normal obstacle deck.
Remove cards 49, 53 and 65 from the hard obstacle deck.
Each runner may add one additional basic card of their choice per role.

Deck setup
At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the chart below. When flipping obstacles, first  flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire level. Then if you still need more  obstacles, flip obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck for the remainder. Place the first obstacle so that it does not match the role color of the selected runner.

Scene      Number of obstacles
     1         Number of runners + 1
     2         Number of runners + 1
     3         Number of runners + 2
     4         Number of runners + 2

Special rules
At the end of scene 1 and 3 each runner heals 1 HP. At the end of scene 2 each runner heals 2HP.

In this mission nuyen is not rewarded for defeating an obstacle and the black market is not available. At the end of each scene randomly reveal black market cards equal to the number of obstacles defeated in that scene. Cards revealed from the black market are distributed between the runners.

For 2 runners skip 3 turns before turning over the first crossfire card, for 3 runners skip 2 turns and for 4 runners skip 1 turn

Winning the Mission
If the team defeats each group of obstacles and clears both blocks, THE TEAM WINS! If any runner’s HP goes to critical, the fight ends
Karma reward
Win: 3
Loss: 0

Karma modifiers

Karma in upgrades      Karma
10 - 20                                3
21 - 40                                2
41 - 50                                1
50+                                        0


Slow start
Each runner takes 1 less extra basic card at the start of the game. (+1)

At my signal, unleash hell
When revealing the first crossfire card place it directly into the discard
pile and reveal the next card.
This may be done once per runner. (+1 per card discarded)
« Last Edit: <11-27-14/0555:41> by CHINCB »


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« Reply #11 on: <11-27-14/2209:18> »


The runners know too much for their own good. They've been betrayed and set up by their own corporate contact. They must survive the ambush!

Difficulty: Advanced  (20 or more Karma per runner recommended)
Players: 1-4


Each runner may purchase a single card from the black market (clockwise beginning with the starting runner). The cards are not replaced until after each player has had a chance to buy a card.


The runners are exhausted trying to escape the  ambush. They must Survive three scenes while being slowly affected by attrition.


At the start of each scene, flip normal obstacles (set them aside as their text has no effect) equal to the current scene number. These cards are now considered to be Attrition cards.  They remain in play from scene to scene (unless discarded as described below).

At the beginning of the Starting Player's turn, players discard a number of cards equal to the number of Attrition cards in play. Any combination of players can elect to discard cards from hand as long as the total discarded among all players matches the number of Attrition cards in play.

During the Draw & Buy phase, an active runner may discard a card to discard an Attrition card of the same color (this may be done any number of times  in this phase).


This mission consists of three scenes. At the start of each Scene, flip up obstacles as indicated in the list below. When flipping  obstacles, first flip obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the Crossfire Level. Then if you still need more obstacles, continue flipping obstacles from the Normal Obstacle deck.

Scene   Obstacles to Flip
1           Equal to # of runners
2           Equal to # of runners +1
3           Equal to # of runners +2


At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.


If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two
runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.


After the 3rd scene ends the runners win!


If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma.

The team can also choose the following options:

1) Elite Enemies: Draw a Crossfire Event at the start of the game and place it in the discard pile.  +1 Karma
2) Endless Enemies: Draw an extra Obstacle at the start of each scene. This may be elected up to once per runner. +2 Karma
3) Extreme Fatigue: Draw +1 Attrition card at the start of each scene.  +1 Karma


0-30                                  full Karma award
31-40                         -1 Karma penalty
41-60                         -2 Karma penalty
61-85                         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 = additional -1 Karma penalty
« Last Edit: <11-28-14/1931:33> by karoath »


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« Reply #12 on: <11-28-14/1601:24> »
So, here're my missions. The first one is a 3-4 player normal mission. I was a bit confused due to the mission template, as it seemed to be missing a few things you had in your own missions, Catalyst?

<<<Rogue Runners>>>


A group of “runners” hired by your fixer flatlined their Mr. Johnson during the meet. Your fixer's reputation is on the line so he hired you to take care of these murderers. Don't let him down or you might be out of a job, too...

Difficulty: Advanced (Atleast 5 Karma in upgrades)   

Players: 3-4


Opposing Runners: The runners need to dispatch of a group of Rogue Shadowrunners. These are chosen by choosing five randomly from the following: Drone Rigger, Guy in the Van, Fomorian Mage, Weapons specialist, Chromed Samurai, Lightning mage, Combat Shaman, Elf Blademaster, Warded decker, Gunslinger Adept and Trickster initiate. Shuffle the five chosen cards together to form the Opposing Runner deck. Shuffle the rest back into the Hard obstacle deck. If there are three players, then only four cards will be chosen for the Opposing Runner deck.

Runner's Edge: Either due to good planning, someone's help or just dumb luck, the Runners gain a slight edge for this mission. The players can choose one of the following Crossfire cards and set it aside: Grenade, Top Shelf, Scavenging, Reversal of Fortune or Drekstorm. Shuffle the rest back into the Crossfire deck. At any moment when a Crossfire card would be played, the First Runner can elect to instead draw the Crossfire card that was set aside instead of drawing a card from the Crossfire deck.


Your team will hunt down the team of rogue Runners in three scenes. Each scene changes when you have defeated all the obstacles facing the runners. After the third scene, your team wins the mission!

Scene 1

Flip up Obstacles equal to the amount of players from the Normal Obstacle deck. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.

Scene 2

Flip up Obstacles equal to the amount of players plus one. Start by flipping obstacles from the Hard Obstacle deck equal to the current Crossfire level.  If you still need any obstacles, draw the remainder from the normal obstacle deck. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.

Scene 3

Flip all the obstacles from the Opposing Runner deck. Place the first flipped obstacle facing the runner whose role color matches the obstacle's color. Distribute the rest clockwise. The first round begins with the starting runner.


At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the starting runner removes the Crossfi re event
from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then each runner heals
1 HP. Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each
runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys
a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the fi rst choice to buy a


 After the third Scene, the team wins the mission!


If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round,
each runner gets 1 Karma regardless of any bonuses or penalties. The team can also choose the
following bonus challenge options:

Shamanic support: Set aside Astral Scout. At the start of the first scene, place Astral scout against the player who has the mage role card. Shuffle together the Spirit of Fire and the Spirit of Earth. Shuffle one into the Hard obstacle deck and the other into the Opposing Runner deck. +2 Karma per runner

My little friends: Set aside Light combat drone and Aerial combat drone. At the start of the second scene, play them as additional obstacles after the normal obstacles have been played. +2 Karma per runner

Wiz decker: Place the IC card into the Opposing Runner deck. +1 Karma per runner

Ambushed: At the start of the game, each player takes one point of damage. +2 Karma per runner

They're hiding somewhere: Set aside Unusual Suspects. At the start of the second scene, play it as an additional obstacle after the normal obstacles have been played. +2 Karma per runner


each Runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have.


0–10         Full Karma award
11-30         -1 Karma penalty
31-50         -2 Karma penalty
51-75         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25      Additional -1 Karma penalty

That was the first one. The following four missions are all one-player missions which can be either played separately and alone or at the same time, either still as separate games and only sharing the crossfire deck and the Black Market or by allowing players to play cards against each others obstacles, just meaning that the obstacles each players face are independent from each other, as are their victory conditions.

The missions are rather similar. I playtested it for the Street Samurai and found it hard but possible to complete. I would think the same of the others.

<<<Thug Trouble>>>


Lately I've noticed an explosion in the amount of gang activity around my neighbourhood in the barrens, and a few actual explosions too. I should do something about it before they start an all-out war.

Difficulty: Advanced (Atleast 5 Karma in upgrades)   

Players: 1 (Use the Street Samurai deck and give the player +1 Nuyen)


In this mission, the player will “convince” different gang members into submission. Afterwards, he will need to escape as a large police force decides to intervene on the situation.

Gang Deck: Take the Gutter Punks, Troll Enforcer, Lone Star Trooper, Ancients Ganger, Ancients Sentry , Deckhead, Fire adept and Yak Muscle cards from the normal obstacle deck. Shuffle them together to form the Gang deck.

Police Deck: Set aside Armored Trooper. Shuffle together the Lone star sergeant, Lone star lieutenant and the Knight Errant Field agent. Place the Lone Star trooper on the bottom of these three cards. This will be the Police Deck.

Scavenge: At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing cards from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).


Scene 1:

Draw two obstacles from the gang deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one, also facing you.

Scene 2:

Flip obstacles from the gang deck equal to the crossfire level, facing you. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the Normal Obstacle deck.

Scene 3:

Draw cards from the Police Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up. If there are not enough cards to draw, draw from the normal Hard Obstacle deck. Flip the first one, facing you. At the start of each turn, flip one card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been flipped, the player wins at the start of the next turn if he isn't Staggered.


At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the runner removes the Crossfi re event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then he heals 1 HP after Scene 1 and 2 HP after Scene 2. he can then buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Then the next scene begins.


At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the beginning of Scene 3, the player wins!


if the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

Caught with your pants down: Set “Out of Ammo” aside. At the start of Scene 3, flip it after drawing the normal obstacles. +1 Karma

Even more thugs: At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw an additional ganger. +2 Karma

Bring it on!: Place an additional card to the Crossfire discard at the start of the game. +1 Karma


The runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have

0–20         Regular Karma Award
21-40         -1 Karma Penalty
41-60         -2 Karma Penalty
61-85         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Karma   -1 Additional penalty

<<<Astral Abominations>>>


You've been feeling a disturbance in the astral lately, and whilst assensing have spotted an abnormal amount of awakened creatures and spirits in the vicinity. Better check this out.

Difficulty: Advanced (5-20 points in upgrades)   

Players: 1 (Use the Mage deck and give the player +1 Nuyen)


Magic deck: Take the Spell Sniper, Astral Shiver, Elf Shaman, Bonelaced Adept, Spirit of Air, Wage Mage and Astral scout cards. Shuffle these together to form the magic deck.

Spirit deck: Set aside the Bug Spirit card. Take the Spirit of Fire, Lightning mage and Spirit of earth and shuffle these to form the spirit deck. Place the Bug spirit card at the bottom of the Spirit deck.

Astral affinity: At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing cards from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).


In this mission, the player needs to stop a group of mages from summoning an insect spirit by disrupting them in scene 3. If the player can survive through scene 3, he wins.

Scene 1:

Draw two obstacles from the Magic deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one, also facing you.

Scene 2:

Flip obstacles from the Magic deck equal to the crossfire level, facing you. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the Normal Obstacle deck.

Scene 3:

Draw cards from the Spirit Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up.  Flip the first one, facing you. At the start of each turn, flip one card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been flipped, the player wins at the start of the next turn if he isn't Staggered.


At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then he heals 1 HP after Scene 1 and 2 HP after Scene 2. he can then buy one card from the Black Market. Then the next scene begins.


At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the beginning of Scene 3, the player wins!


If the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

More Mages: At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw one additional obstacle. +2 Karma

Ambushed: Set Mage Hunter aside. At the start of Scene 2, flip Mage hunter facing the player. +2 Karma

Bring it on!: Place a card in the crossfire discard at the start of the game. +1 Karma


The runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have

0–20         Regular Karma Award
21-40         -1 Karma Penalty
41-60         -2 Karma Penalty
61-85         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Karma   -1 Additional penalty

<<<Matrix Mayhem>>>


Alright, the rest of the team is doing their thing, and now it's my turn. Jack into the Matrix, defeat their security, get the paydata and get o- Wait, what's that?

Difficulty: Advanced (5-20)   

Players: 1 (use the Decker deck and give the player +1 Nuyen)


Decker deck: Set aside the Buzzback, Aztlan Decker, Chipped Decker, Mercenary Elf Decker, Combat Decker, Light Combat Drone and the Sudden fade cards.

GOD deck: Set aside GODwire. Take the Drone rigger, IC and Military Spec IC cards and shuffle them into a deck. Place GODwire at the bottom of this deck.

Rerouting power: At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing cards from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).


In this mission, the player needs to defeat opposing Matrix security and get out before GOD catches him in the third scene. If he survives through the third scene, he wins!

Scene 1:

Draw two obstacles from the Decker deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one, also facing you.

Scene 2:

Flip obstacles from the Decker deck equal to the crossfire level. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the Normal Obstacle deck.

Scene 3:

Draw cards from the GOD Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up.  Flip the first one, facing you. At the start of each turn, flip one card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been flipped, the player wins at the start of the next turn if he isn't Staggered.


At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the beginning of Scene 3, the player wins!


If the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

Hacker Hijinx: At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw one additional obstacle. +2 Karma

Infected system: Set Banshee Virus aside. At the start of Scene 2, flip Banshee Virus facing the player. +2 Karma

Bring it on!: Place a card in the crossfire discard at the start of the game. +1 Karma


The runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have


0–20         Regular Karma Award
21-40         -1 Karma Penalty
41-60         -2 Karma Penalty
61-85         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Karma   -1 Additional penalty

<<<Social Sneaking>>>


It's your time to shine. The true professional. You won't even need a gun. All you need is your silver tongue and sharp wits about you to steal the data without getting caught.

Difficulty: Advanced (5-20 points in upgrades)   

Players: 1 (Use the Face deck and give the player +1 nuyen)


Security deck: Take the Jaguar shifter, Eye alarm, Trip beams, Courier, Ork Fixer, Cover Ops Specialist, Scrybot Tracer and Customs Officer cards. Shuffle these together to form the Security deck.

Spotted deck: Set aside the Renraku Red Samurai card. Take the Ares Field Rep, Security Chief and Warded Decker and shuffle these to form the Spotted deck. Place the Renraku Red samurai card at the bottom of the Spotted deck.

Fast hands: At the end of each turn where you defeated an obstacle, draw an additional card when drawing cards from your deck (so 3 if you would draw 2 or 1 if you would draw 0).


In this mission, you navigate through security systems by using your wits and street smarts alone through three scenes. . After the third scene, your team wins the mission!

Scene 1:

Draw two obstacles from the Security deck. Flip one of them, facing you. At the start of the next turn, flip the other one, also facing you.

Scene 2:

Flip obstacles from the Security deck equal to the crossfire level. If the deck runs out, draw the rest from the Normal Obstacle deck.

Scene 3:

Draw cards from the Spotted Deck equal to half of the current crossfire level, rounded up.  Flip the first one, facing you. At the start of each turn, flip one card from the amount you drew until you run out. After the cards have been flipped, the player wins at the start of the next turn if he isn't Staggered.


At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, the runner removes the Crossfi re event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfi re deck instead of the discard). Then he heals 1 HP after Scene 1 and 2 HP after Scene 2. he can then buy one card from the Black Market. Then the next scene begins.


At the start of a round where there are no obstacles to draw from the cards drawn at the beginning of Scene 3, the player wins!


If the runner wins, he gets 3 Karma. There is no abort round. The runner can also choose the following bonus challenge options:

Stepped up security: At the start of scenes 1 and 2, draw one additional obstacle. +2 Karma

Surprise!: Set Trickster initiate aside. At the start of Scene 2, flip Trickster initiate facing the player. +2 Karma

Bring it on!: Place a card in the crossfire discard at the start of the game. +1 Karma


The runner gains the following Karma award or penalty based on how much Karma they have


0–20         Regular Karma Award
21-40         -1 Karma Penalty
41-60         -2 Karma Penalty
61-85         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 Karma   -1 Additional penalty

I would appreciate any feedback anyone might have about these missions for future reference, thanks!


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« Reply #13 on: <11-28-14/1919:34> »


Lured by the illusions of an Incubus, the runners must defeat the monster!

Difficulty: Advanced  (20 or more Karma per runner recommended)
Players: 1-4


Set this card aside to represent the Incubus (a boss monster) that attacks in scene three. At start of the Starting Players turn, assign the Incubus to the runner that has the most (or tied for most) illusion tokens. In the Deal Damage phase, the Incubus deals 2 damage (1 damage if the runner has no illusion tokens). The Incubus damage bar is as follows:

     5 Colorless / Blue / Blue / 4 Colorless / Black / 5 Colorless / Black


An Incubus has created a series of illusions that have lured the runners into a trap. Survive the attack and defeat the Incubus by the end of 3 scenes.


The incubus cannot be attacked until the 3rd scene. A player with 1 or more illusion tokens can not attack the incubus. In scene 3, each time the Starting Player begins a turn, assign the Incubus to the runner with the most illusion tokens. If tied, assign to the Starting Player.


At the start of each scene, draw obstacles equal to the number of illusion counters in play divided by 3 (round up). If the result is less than the number of runners then draw obstacles equal to the total number of runners plus the scene number -1. First flip from the Hard Obstacles equal to Crossfire level. Then flip from the Normal Obstacles. First, assign to the runner whose color matches and proceed clockwise.

Scene 1: At start of a runners turn, the runner gains 1 illusion token. He also gains 1 illusion token for each point of damage suffered during his turn.

Scene 2: At start of a runners turn, the runner gains 1 illusion token if he has the most (or tied for most) illusion tokens. When playing cards, he may discard 1 blue card to discard 1 of his illusion tokens.

Scene 3: When playing cards, an active runner may discard 1 blue card to discard 1 of his illusion tokens. When an active runner plays 2 or more blue cards on his turn, he may discard any 1 illusion token in play.


At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles or bosses in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first choice to buy a card.


If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.


After the 3rd scene ends the runners win!


If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma.

The team can also choose the following options:

1) Enhanced Illusions: At start of a scene, draw obstacles equal to the number of illusion counters divided by 2 instead of 3 (round up). +2 Karma
2) Greater Incubus: The Incubus deals +1 damage during scene 3. +1 Karma
3) Mesmerizing Illusions: If an active runner has the most (or tied for most) illusion tokens at start of his turn then he must discard a card from hand. +1 Karma
4) Powerful Beak: A runner damaged by the Incubus goes critical if he would become staggered. The runner may discard a black card to cancel the effect. +1 Karma


0-30                                  full Karma award
31-40                         -1 Karma penalty
41-60                         -2 Karma penalty
61-85                         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 = additional -1 Karma penalty


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« Reply #14 on: <11-28-14/1930:11> »


Flush out and eliminate the corporate traitor.

Difficulty: Advanced  (10 or more Karma per runner recommended)
Players: 1-4


Shuffle the Normal Obstacle deck and draw cards until you find a Human card. Reveal the card and set it aside... it will be the Traitor for the duration of this mission and starts the game Hidden. Reshuffle the Normal Obstacle deck as usual.


A corporate employee has been discovered selling secret information. He has gone into hiding in territory owned by his sponsor. Find and eliminate the traitor. If the runners haven't won by the end of the 6th scene then the mission is a total loss.


When Hidden, the Traitor doesn’t face a runner, deal damage, utilize abilities, and doesn't reward Nuyen for being defeated. The Traitor must be defeated like other obstacles, at which time a clue is awarded. The Traitor remains in play and damage done to the Traitor is retained after a scene ends.


Earning Clues: Each time the Traitor is defeated, the runners earn a clue (max of 1 per scene). Place a token on the Traitor as a reminder, each runner heals 1 HP, and the Traitor heals all damage.

Discovered: The traitor is Discovered after clues are found equal to the number of runners. Immediately move the Traitor to face the runner whose role matches the Traitor's color, it is now treated exactly like other obstacles (deals damage, uses abilities, and rewards Nuyen).


At start of a Scene, flip obstacles as shown below. First flip from the Hard Obstacles equal to Crossfire level -1. Then flip from the Normal Obstacles. First, assign to the runner whose color matches and proceed clockwise.

Scene      Flip Obstacle Equal To
1 - 2         Number of Runners
3 - 4         Number of Runners +1
5 - 6              Number of Runners +2         


At the end of a turn, if there are no obstacles in play, each runner heals 1 HP and the starting runner removes the Crossfire event from play (it goes to the bottom of the Crossfire deck instead of the discard). Then, starting with the runner to the left of the runner who defeated the last obstacle, each runner, in order, can buy one card from the Black Market. This Scene ends after the last runner buys a card or passes. Play continues in the next Scene with the runner who had the first chance to buy a card.


If there are only three runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first round of the game. If there are only two runners, do not flip a Crossfire card at the start of the first and second rounds of the game.


Win at end of scene, if the Traitor has been discovered and no obstacles remain (including the Traitor).


If the team wins, each runner gets 3 Karma. If the team aborts, and has a successful abort run round, each runner gets 1 Karma. The team can also choose from the following options:

1) Corporate Resources: When a clue has been found, advance the damage 1 level on any 1 obstacle. -1 Karma
2) High Profile Traitor: Draw the Traitor from the Hard Obstacle deck. +1 Karma
3) Stubborn Informants: A runner that earns a clue skips the next Draw & Buy phase. +1 Karma
4) Protected Traitor: Draw 1 additional obstacle at the start of each scene. +1 Karma (may be selected once per runner)


0-20                                  full Karma award
21-30                         -1 Karma penalty
31-50                         -2 Karma penalty
51-75                         -3 Karma penalty
Each additional +25 = additional -1 Karma penalty