October 2014 Missions FAQ Request Answers

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« on: <10-06-14/2201:25> »
Some questions deserve answers, but they're things that either don't really warrant cluttering the already huge Missions FAQ with, or they're things that aren't really 100% finalized yet, as official answers really depend on Jason and the Powers That Be, but i don't feel they impact Missions enough to put temporary answers into the FAQ.

This is a collection of them.  My replies are inline with each post, in red bolded text.
« Last Edit: <03-11-15/0047:15> by Bull »


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« Reply #1 on: <10-08-14/0200:26> »
Elemental Aura (SG p. 115)

The spell only specifies the increase in damage and refers to an armor penetration "appropriate for each attack".
Since there is no general definition of the AP of elemental attacks and the table from CRB p. 171 seems to only aim at the test for catching fire, the spell needs a clearer definition.

It would seem to be appropriate to set the AP-value at F/2 to be in line with the adept power Elemental Body (SG p. 170) and while looking at it, I think a clarification that the spell doesn't affect the equipment of the recipient would help a lot

Thanks in advance for considering it.

This is something that probably needs clarification for Street Grimoire itself.  I would assume it would work similar to Elemental Body.

« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0104:11> by Bull »

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #2 on: <10-08-14/0756:58> »
Q: The [Element] Grenade spell from Shadow Spells is in itself not an Area spell but a Touch spell, and uses a separate roll with threshold 3 to put it in the right place. Does this mean that, unlike Indirect Area spells, the first 3 hits on the spell itself still add to damage?

(If so, it does more damage but the downside is you either need to reckless spellcast it or it won't explode in the same Action Phase, allowing people to run away from it.)


Q: Regarding [Element] Aura, does the AP granted by the spell add to the AP of your Melee Attacks, or does the highest of the two count?

Umm...  Higher of the two?  Temporary Missions answer until it gets an official clarification via a Street grimoire errata/FAQ.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0107:59> by Bull »
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« Reply #3 on: <10-10-14/1131:09> »
How does one decide what tasks are appropriate for a spirit within a given tradition (Street Grimoire 41)? For example, what can a Buddhist Earth spirit do that's Health related?

Ummm..  Health stuff?  Spells in the healing category (if they can cast any), and, umm,...  Giving backrubs?  Applying sunscreen?  Checking your prostate?

Err...  yeah.  Dunno.  Ask your doctor? :)
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0111:15> by Bull »

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #4 on: <10-10-14/1145:41> »
Q: Can a player make a Spirit Possess a Drone/Car? What buffs exactly would this require (e.g. Body buffs, Armor, etc), and what kind of actions would the Spirit be able to do as solely mechanical functions (e.g. movement, attacking, cannot use sensors)?

I'm going to need more clarification here as to what you're talking about.  But I'm thinking very, very little.  Spirits and machines do not mix well.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0113:32> by Bull »
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The Masked Ferret

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« Reply #5 on: <10-10-14/1614:38> »
For the Adept Ways, is the cost to gain one after creation 20 karma or 40 karma?

I'm adding in a Retcon rule.  It's 20 if done as a Retcon, it's 40 if done later on.  Retcons can be done before your first game session after a new book becomes "Missions Legal" (or, in the case of Street Grimoire, before your next game session after v1.3 of the FAQ drops).
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0136:04> by Bull »


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« Reply #6 on: <10-11-14/0058:22> »
Can you downgrade a Simple Action to a Free Action?

I'm not entirely certain I understand the question.

If you're asking if you can sacrifice a Simple Action to take an extra Free Action?  Sure, why not.

If you're asking if you can turn an Action that Requires a Simple Action into a Free action?  Usually not, running Hot Sim or Wirelessly does change a few specific actions this way.  But generally, no.

« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0143:37> by Bull »


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« Reply #7 on: <10-12-14/2158:19> »
Does the typical +1 Street Cred awarded at the end of a Mission replace the karma/10 rule on page 372, or do they stack?

Yes, why wouldn't it?  It's possible to gain Street Cred in this manner under the normal rules anyway.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0145:59> by Bull »
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« Reply #8 on: <10-13-14/1700:21> »
There seems to be some dispute over which of the following weapon types are allowed in a Standard Weapon Mount; is it possible to get a clarification on this?
Assault Rifles
Sniper Rifles
Light Machine Guns
Medium Machine Guns
Heavy Machine Guns

The contention is this part of the text:
"Standard weapon mounts may hold any assault rifle or smaller-sized weapon and 250 rounds of ammo."

I'm baffled by this one. What, are people trying to argue bullet size, or ammo capacity, or physical size of the weapon or something? That's just pedantic, if so.  SR's weapons categories are pretty straightforward, IMO.  And it's by category, not by weapon.

So Machine Guns, Cannons, and Missile launchers are all heavy Weapons.

Furthermore, what happens when you put a non-belt fed weapon into a weapon mount? Does it's reloading mechanism change to belt feed if it isn't already? If not, how does the weapon mount reload?

It's hand waved.  Don;t overthink these things.  It does what it does.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0149:29> by Bull »

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #9 on: <10-14-14/1445:43> »
Q: Core notes a knocked-out spirit is disrupted and all services it owes are lost. (p302, second paragraph.) Street Grimoire notes they cannot return for a while and they still count against their conjurer's limit unless released (p192, third paragraph of the Disruption section).

Does this mean only non-bound spirits have all their services lost, thus allowing you to immediately re-summon, and with a bound spirit you keep all services but can simply forget about calling on them for 3~4 weeks? Or does the SG section completely override the Core note about services, requiring you to first release a disrupted unbound Spirit before you can summon a new one?

SR5's applies to Unbound spirits.  SG's applies to Bound Spirits.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0151:03> by Bull »
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Michael Chandra

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« Reply #10 on: <10-16-14/1636:16> »
Q: Since Shapechange and Critter Form (SG p118) allow you to increase the Base Attributes Ratings, at a rate of 1 increase to 1 stat of your choice per net hit, this would not count as Augmented due to the modifying of the Base Rating, correct?

Maybe?  I think I need more context here.

Q: Does Possession (SG p197) add to the base attributes or does it count as augmenting? Does the greater-than check take Augmentations in mind? If so, what happens if these Augmentations come after, does the increase from Possession shut down? (Irrelevant for Missions, but the first question would also apply to Inhabitation.)

Possession adds to base attributes and completely ignores Augmentations (They are not used).  Maybe kinda sorta?  Def one for the official errata.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0201:22> by Bull »
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« Reply #11 on: <10-17-14/0142:44> »
Q Is it intended for normal Armor having different rules than Barriers and Hardened Armor?
p. 168 has Physical Damage of an attack converted to Stun Damage, if the modified DV is less than the Armor Rating - so equal means Physical
Barriers (p. 197) and Hardened Armor (unambigious in the German Book) need the modified DV to surpass the Armor to be able to cause damage.

Yes, this is intentional.  They are two totally different types of protection.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/0203:15> by Bull »


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« Reply #12 on: <10-22-14/0343:55> »
Q The Forearm Guards from R&G p. 73 have a capacity of 3 and the flavor text mentions storage capacity e.g. "popping out blades". Can you implement Cyberspurs (which have capacity 3) or other cyberweapons for use into them?

I'm going to say yes.  Because that pretty much turns them into the old forearm snap-blades from the old...  Street Sammy's Catalog, IIRC, which were pretty much just cyberspurs sans cyber.  Which I just noticed have vanished from the game.  Considering Bull rocked a set of those in his early days, I may have to rectify this oversight at some point.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/2319:38> by Bull »


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« Reply #13 on: <11-10-14/1428:07> »
I have a question related to the Shapeshifting and Critter [Form] spells from SG p. 118:

Do either or both of these spells give the target access to the critter's listed skills and/or powers?  The spell explicitly covers physical and mental stats but does not address skills or powers directly.  The spell description does state "Shapechange transforms a voluntary subject into a normal (non-paranormal) critter, though the subject retains human consciousness."   

So as an example the description of a dog on page 402 of the core book list if as having the skills Intimidation, Perception (Smell), Running, Tracking and Unarmed Combat and the powers Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell) and Natural Weapon (claw/bite.)  If I cast Shapeshift on myself to turn myself into a dog would I gain the above listed skills and/or powers? 

Additional comments on the topic can be found in this thread.

No. You're just a human shaped like that.  Your skills and abilities don't change, though you may not be able to use some of those skills due to a lack of opposeable thumb (or fingers in general).
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/2325:05> by Bull »


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« Reply #14 on: <11-15-14/0021:08> »
Q: Does a weapon on a mount have any changes made to the weapon's default firing mode(s), ammunition capacity, or reload mechanisms?

The book is frustratingly vague on this, and it has lead to a LOT of discussion on the forums about how to handle a mounted weapon, specifically in regards to reloading and ammunition capacity.  All the book states is that a Normal Weapon Mount has a 250-round capacity, and a Heavy Weapon Mount has a 500-round capacity.

My read is that the gun is permanently modified to just be fed ammo directly from teh ammo bin in the drone/vehicle.  thus it no longer has it's normal ammo capacity.  No other changes are made to the gun though (unless you make them yourself).  So a Panther Assault Cannon mounted on a vehicle may have a 500 round ammo capacity now, it is still only a Single Shot weapon, so only fires once per action.
« Last Edit: <03-10-15/2330:03> by Bull »
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