FAQs on Crossfire page

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« Reply #15 on: <04-18-15/1821:42> »
I have just noticed : the first expansion (the character sheets and sticker "refill") is not announced on the Crossfire page mentionned in OP. For better visibility (and sales obviously), I suggest mentionning the expansions (present and future) in this page in a visibile way.


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« Reply #16 on: <10-26-15/0738:37> »
Quick noob question...
When playing campaing do you keep your deck from run to run. Or do the shadowrunners just drop all wep/forget all spells and skills (ie discard deck that they spent  good hard earned Nuyen on).

The Tekwych

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« Reply #17 on: <10-26-15/1050:12> »
You start new. Your character 're-equips' with each new game. Karma earned, and the upgrades karma can buy, stay with you.

Da Profezzur

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« Reply #18 on: <03-06-16/1448:13> »
Hey there!
Just one small question concerning the expansion High Caliber Ops.
A whole lot of Black Market basic cards such as "Quick Shot", "Mark', "Street Smarts" ans so on, are provided in the box.
Are they simply to add to the Black Market pile, or are they intended to replace part of the previos ones (in terms of picture) to add more variety?
My thought is addind such a lot of basic cards ruins a lot of chances to get hands on more interesting and powerful stuff!
So, as nothing seems to be explained about that in the expansion rulebook, does someone has an idea? :)


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« Reply #19 on: <03-06-16/1635:35> »
You never add Basic cards to the Black Market, including any extras included in the Base Crossfire game.
The ones that came with High Caliber Ops are extra art for the cards you'll see every game, just to keep it fresh.  8)

Da Profezzur

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« Reply #20 on: <03-07-16/0346:35> »
Ok I get the point !
Thanks  :D
Anyway, I feel a bit disappointed, bacause it represents a substancial amount of cards that could have been replaced with really useful ones (drones, spells, weapons and so on).
I just feel they tried to "fill" some blanks.
Not enough material again, even if the game feels great to me, I don't understand what Catalyst wants to do with it. Time is really long since the base game release.


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« Reply #21 on: <03-07-16/1347:32> »
I've heard others express similar feelings about the extra Basic Cards, but let's break this expansion down by the numbers.

It adds: 
    30 Black Market Cards to the original 60, a 50% increase
    32 Normal Obstacles to the original 40, an 80% increase
    16 Hard Obstacles to the original 40, a 40% increase
    25 New Upgrades to the original 48, a 52% increase
    0 Crossfire Cards to the original 50, a 0% increase
    More than doubles the "available" Missions, from 3 to 8

Not including the extra Basic Cards, High Caliber Ops still adds more than half of the original game and costs less than half the price.  I don't see how they could have added more content in this expansion without risking designing themselves into a corner.  This way they can see how High Caliber Ops integrates into the base game and give themselves room for future development.

As for the extra Basic Cards, I think you are right that they were filling blanks, but in a good way.  56 is a pretty standard printing batch size for cards (Poker deck is 52 + 2 Jokers + 2 Rule Cards), and printing companies normally charge significantly less to print in increments of 56.  There are 112 (or 56 x2) cards in this expansion.  80 of those cards could be considered the "meat" of this expansion.  So Catalyst had a choice:  Either cut 24 "meat" cards (and probably drop the MSRP from $25 to $20), or add 32 New Basic Cards.  I think they made the right choice.


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« Reply #22 on: <03-13-16/1359:41> »
And to add to what graven2002 said, having more basic card allow us to have multiple ready-to-play decks. One deck for a Street Samurai, one deck for a Rigger, one deck for a Mage, etc.
So no more "ok, i'm playing the Face, gimme 4 Street Smarts, 1 Quick Shot, 1 Mana and 1 Mark." You just take the Face deck. :)


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« Reply #23 on: <09-20-17/1630:21> »
How does one actually get the Crossfire game? It shows Sold-Out

and on Amazon it's like over $100


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« Reply #24 on: <09-20-17/1648:05> »
Some local gaming stores might still have copies. Mine, for example, still has one left in stock.

There is also a reprint in the works, called the Prime Runner edition (if I'm remembering correctly). The new edition will additionally include some of the changes that came about when they were developing Dragonfire. However, I don't think it will be out until mid-2018...

sorry I can't be more helpful...


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« Reply #25 on: <09-23-17/0939:04> »
I believe that a new edition (incorporating updated rules based on what they did for Dragonfire) is in the pipeline.


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« Reply #26 on: <09-28-17/0822:15> »
From what Jason said at Gen Con, the new printing will be called "Prime Runner Edition" and will have some rules tweaks and stuff based on feedback since it was initially published as well as based on the development of Dragonfire.  However, they hope to be able to make the rules and updates available online for those who have the original Crossfire.

