Karma update question : button masher

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« on: <09-06-14/2221:01> »
Many 5-karma updates read like this example: "Button Masher - Once during your turn, you can subtiture 2 (Colorless) for a (Green) when applying damage". How do you play that?

My thought: when a obstacle has a health level of 2 Gray, I can replace it for a Green damage and can use one of my basic Green card (but I cannot do that with 1-3-4-5-6 etc Gray levels). Is it wrong?


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« Reply #1 on: <09-06-14/2236:24> »
Basically, yes, but other way around.  Turn one green Matrix damage symbol into 2 Colorless.  So a Mark card, for example, would deal 2 Colorless instead of the 1 Green if you wished.  Something like the big 9 Nuyen green card taht does 2 G and 2 Colorless would instead do 1 G and 4 Colorless.  Etc.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-06-14/2313:29> »
That is good news: it makes 5 and 6 Colorless obstacles more manageable now. Thank you, your explanation is more understandable than the text on the sticker. :)


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« Reply #3 on: <09-07-14/1700:31> »
Sorry for the double-post... Coincidentally, there also seems to be some confusion about the interpretation on Board Game Geek :

Let's see what will be the final answer, but if SevenSpirits' interpretation is the right one, I'll get rid of the ability as it is almost useless/not efficient...  :(


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« Reply #4 on: <09-07-14/1724:43> »
Well, Sean (Seven Spirits) is one of the co-designers of the game, so I'd guess his interpretation is the better one.  And that makes that ability much less useful now :(


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« Reply #5 on: <09-07-14/2053:16> »
Sean have updated the thread on Board Games and he is saying that his first interpretation is indeed the correct one... Well, this is too bad, it's just made a lot of upgrades almost useless :(


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« Reply #6 on: <09-08-14/0105:38> »
How is this useless?  I've run into a LOT of situations in which I've run out of cards in my hand that match the one color that is needed right now to save the day.  I would kill for this ability.
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« Reply #7 on: <09-08-14/0133:25> »
How is this useless?  I've run into a LOT of situations in which I've run out of cards in my hand that match the one color that is needed right now to save the day.  I would kill for this ability.

I see what you mean. I should give it a try then and see how it goes. I realize that "useless" was a too harsh word : I was just disapointed that Bull's interpretation was not the right one (it gave a lot of power to that ability hehe).  ;)

I will try some games with this ability and some other games the "+1 card in your starting hand" ability and I'll decide which one I like the best. Thank you for your thoughts on that matter.

One of the problem that I see for now with the " 2 colorless to defeat X color" ability is the luck aspect of it : if I need a Green to save the day but I chose the "Black" color as my ability, I can't do nothing. But I realize that this is normal for a 5-Karma upgrade to not be overpowered.


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« Reply #8 on: <09-08-14/0332:10> »
I run with an Oni, which starts with the extra +1 card in his hand.  This gives me a whopping 6 card hand at the beginning, which is great for clearing obstacles in the early game.  But the benefits taper off after the first two rounds, as I am stuck drawing hands out of a 1-card deck.  :(
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« Reply #9 on: <09-08-14/2102:30> »
What is the effects of the Oni runner exactly? You said it gives you 1 more card to your starting hand, but you are hinting at a penalty too... I'm just curious, since I'll probably never have that Oni Card. :)


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« Reply #10 on: <09-08-14/2201:15> »
What is the effects of the Oni runner exactly? You said it gives you 1 more card to your starting hand, but you are hinting at a penalty too... I'm just curious, since I'll probably never have that Oni Card. :)

The power up gives you +1 to your starting hand. Thus after your first round, it is no longer a benefit as you go to normal draw rules. Then since you start with a 7 card deck, drawing 6 of them only leaves one in the deck before shuffling them together.

Hoped that helped clear it up a little!
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« Reply #11 on: <09-09-14/0028:16> »
Thank you for the information. Then, there is no penalty for playing an Oni, interesting. Let's hope this runner will find its way in an expansion. :)


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« Reply #12 on: <09-09-14/0111:59> »
Well the Oni bonus isn't any different from any Ork picking up the "In Training" perk.  In fact, it's identical.  The problem being that unless you use your hand on your own obstacle you're going to be out of cards REALLY fast.
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« Reply #13 on: <09-09-14/0205:06> »
Well the Oni bonus isn't any different from any Ork picking up the "In Training" perk.  In fact, it's identical.  The problem being that unless you use your hand on your own obstacle you're going to be out of cards REALLY fast.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, and so I just want to check that you are playing right.

If you don't play down to below 3 cards in hand, you won't draw at all. If you do play down to 3 cards or lower, you'll have a discard pile, and when you draw from your deck, after you draw the 1 remaining card, you'll shuffle up your discard pile to make a new deck. It's really hard to run out of cards to draw.

Also, it seems to me that you would get the same result in terms of drawing cards if you attack an obstacle in front of another player, as if you attack one in front of yourself.


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« Reply #14 on: <09-09-14/0237:06> »
Am I incorrect then in my interpretation that when I use my hand to resolve obstacles for another runner, that runner gets to keep the cards I used to resolve that obstacle?
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