[5eOoC] 2075/6: Stormy Waters [Persistent World; recruitment always open]

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« Reply #3420 on: <01-16-16/0318:46> »
My character is finally going up! There's a picture, statline, and skills so far and I'm inputting the rest as we speak. She's colossally overbuilt, fair warning, but she doesn't have Goodnight's problem with taking drek and if its not social or spellslinging, she'll leave it to the pros. She knows her limits (and her edge is terrible). Also, if she ever gets detoxed, I'm pretty sure she takes enough stun that she'll just kind of explode. Downside to being CONSTANTLY ON ALL OF THE DRUGS.



Edit: She's up! Still need 20q, background, and description.
Ouch! She's hideous!!!! How can she be sane with that cocktail in her system? A House of Flowers wet dream ::). Permanently on Kamikaze (errr are all these drugs 'natural compounds?')?  She's going to be soooo angry!  This is going to take some role playing!  Looking forward to the challenge
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #3421 on: <01-16-16/0332:45> »
Technically speaking, they're all natural in that they're all derived from something. That being said, chem glands are explicitly designed to pump crap into your system on a constant basis (its their first-listed function) and Nothing is listed as a natural compound. There's a whole thread about this on Dumpshock and another one around here somewhere. I'll see if I can't dig it up. Long story short, they're supposed to be able to produce anything you can normally buy, but Errata isn't a thing anymore.

And yeah, she's pretty juiced all the time. The only reason she can function is because she's got other drugs to sharpen her mind against the red rage of doom there, and because she's had a decade to get used to it. All the same, she's a bit high-strung and her dreams are bananas. She seems perfectly normal unless she's under stress or she throws a glitch in any of her chem glands and her system gets out of whack. Then she goes...a...little...crazy.

If you really hate the chem glands thing or want to declare it out of bounds on the basis of compounds, I'll just dump them all and take a bunch of quickened spells. Same effect, but then I glow like a supernova magical instead of chemically. *Shrug* No skin off my nose. I just thought I'd try something a little different, and being constantly on party drugs, combat drugs, at least one aphrodisiac, and brain-benders seemed like a good way to do that. Besides, she's a moneyed, narcissistic elf that starts with 5 notoriety. People sort of expect her to be out of her gourd.

Edit: Well spotted on the House of Flowers. She's actually based off of my sister's notes for how to build the guards that the house employs. Methinks she might be the prototype for which they are the line models. Or vice-versa, considering she's a designer baby.

Edit Again: Not hideous! Except from a moral and or physiological standpoint. At CHA 13 I'm pretty sure she's the exact opposite of hideous. Also, forgot I need to buy literature with a spec in Children's Novels of the 20th Century.
« Last Edit: <01-16-16/0338:19> by BrickyardBabe »


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« Reply #3422 on: <01-16-16/0536:18> »
If you are interested in the thread, it's here

Hopefully you've got your nephritic screen maximized  ;D
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #3423 on: <01-16-16/0617:44> »
Not the thread I was referring to. I meant the one with rules as written versus rules as intended. I'll wait for comment from our Lord GM. If Aria doesn't like it then I'll dump all of them, lose one init grade and transhuman prototype and and turn the karma into all of the booster spells. Its actually way less dangerous in the long run to do it that way in it costs me all of four counterspelling dice.
« Last Edit: <01-16-16/0623:08> by BrickyardBabe »


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« Reply #3424 on: <01-16-16/0913:58> »
Hideous on a mechanics rather than IC level  ::) Sorry, I'd just woken up so my post may have been a bit negative:P

In principle I guess the drugs are ok, just hope you never get another introduced or you'll burst! ;D Any of those drugs make you berserk? Haven't had a chance to look them all up yet!

Think I'll ask you to roll for the mana blade spell however as the drain could easily kill you! And that spell alone will make you 'Christmas lights' on the astral!  You'll have to avoid all wards too which might get interesting!

General adage: remember, however dangerous you are, there's someone out there who is worse, and that holds doubly true in Below!
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #3425 on: <01-16-16/1012:41> »
Easily? Hardly. 13P, Drain pool of 23 plus a spirit for 31. So I'll take 3P statistically. Which should heal during downtime. I will roll as soon as I get home.

This is why we have masking and Emasking! And I dont carry it around with me all the time. Thats an accessory for very special party dresses.

Yeah, I need to pick up medicine and some tailored Zero for the unpleasant possibility of further drug interaction. This set actually clubbed me for 10P, but that was years ago. None of them make me berserk. I could go down to a much more manageable three drugs if I was willing to permagland K-10 and Dopadrine but I wasnt sure I could play that from an IC standpoint.

Edit: Rolled! Had to spend edge to reroll failures in order to avoid a glitch (since I don't know what a glitch would even do on drain)
Initial Roll: 7 Successes
Reroll: 7 Successes

14 Successes against 13P. No damage taken.
« Last Edit: <01-16-16/1027:58> by BrickyardBabe »


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« Reply #3426 on: <01-16-16/1049:40> »

I personally would appreciate if we all played under the same rules, not some fantasy ones that apply only to a select few.

So let's begin:
MAG 9, is just impossible at character creation. Sure Iris may have Karma to spare with but that would mean three initiations and Karma spend on MAG attribute for a total of 150 Karma (not by adding special attribute points...) You could reduce this by taking the Exceptional attribute to start at MAG 7 but would still require 101 Karma.

More so: With all those chemical Gland inside, essence dropped to 5, thus dropping the Magic Maximum to.

Speaking of those abused glands:
Vector: Ingestion
Speed: 1D6 minutes
Duration: (12 – Body) hours, minimum of 1 hour
Addiction Type: Both
Effect: +2 Intuition, +3 Logic, +2 Mental Limit, gain
the benefit of the Analytical Mind quality (p. 72, SR5)
A nootropic prescription that boosts neurotransmitter
speed and connectivity, allowing for greater recall
and cooperative leaps of logic and intuition with exceptional
clarity. When the high ends, the overclocking of
the brain results in exceptional migraines and a sluggish
intellect. After the drug wears off, you take –2 to all limits,
–2 to Logic, and 5S damage (unresisted).
After use, the gamemaster should secretly roll the
user’s Intuition + Edge. If the player uses Cereprax again
before (8 – hits) hours, they take 1D6 points of permanent
Intuition damage from brain damage
(the points of
Intuition can later be re-purchased using Karma).

So here is a character who will roll every few hours, not to resist, but to see how much brain damage she's taking... Life expectancy 1 or 2 day max.

Vector: Inhalation
Speed: Immediate
Duration: 10 x 1D6 minutes.
Addiction Type: Both
Effect: +1 Reaction, +1 Physical limit, +2D6 Initiative
Jazz is a stimulant designed to better the odds for
run-of-the-mill law-enforcement officers who run up
against augmented street samurai. It’s usually taken
from a single-dose inhaler (or “popper”).
When jazz wears off, the user crashes and is flooded
with despondent and miserable emotions, suffering the
effects of Disorientation (p. 409) for a duration equal to
the duration of the initial effect.
While cram makes people hyper and twitchy, jazz
makes people jumpy and hyper as caffeinated two-year olds.
Role-playing a jazz user means turning it up a notch,
portraying someone with too much energy to burn.

Vector: Inhalation
Speed: Immediate
Duration: 10 x 1D6 minutes
Addiction Type: Physiological
Effect: +1 Body, +1 Agility, +2 Strength, +1 Willpower,
+2 Physical limit, +2D6 Initiative Dice, High Pain Tolerance
3 (p. 74)
Kamikaze is a tailored combat stimulant. When kamikaze
wears off, the user crashes and suffers –1 Reaction,
–1 Willpower, and –2 to all Limits for a duration equal to
that of the initial effect. He also suffers 6 Stun damage
The repeated use of kamikaze has a destructive effect
on the user’s metabolism
. Large doses can cause
excitement, tremors, momentary euphoria, and dilated
pupils. Excess doses (bordering on overdose level)
cause anxiety, hallucinations, and uncontrolled muscular
movements. Even higher dosages lead to death
. Kamikaze
users are near-crazed, filled with a feeling of imperviousness
and invincibility, exhibiting almost no regard
for their own well-being
. They can be entertaining to
watch, as long as you’re not in front of them.

A constant feeding of the drug would certainly fall under the "higher dosage". Life expectancy: 1 day max.

Vector: Inhalation
Speed: 1 Combat Turn
Duration: 10 x 1D6 minutes
Addiction Type: Both
Effect: +2 Strength, +2 Willpower, +2 Perception, +2
Physical limit, High Pain Tolerance 6 (p. 74)
A dangerous combination of potent drugs favored
by troll gangers, nitro is a powerful stimulant that can
easily kill a user. After the drug’s effects wear off, the
subject suffers –2 to all limits and takes 9 Stun damage
(unresisted) for an equal duration.
Nitro users feel infused with energy, suffer a diminished
attention span, and talk incessantly (even to themselves

Vector: Ingestion
Speed: 10 minutes
Duration: (12—Body) hours, minimum of 1 hour
Addiction Type: Psychological
Effect: +1 Intuition, +1 Logic, +1 Mental limit
This designer stimulant is especially prized by magicians
and technomancers alike. In addition to the effects
noted above, Awakened users also only suffer a –1
dice pool modifier for each sustained spell (rather than
the standard –2). Psyche users are simultaneously hyper-
aware and detached, easily absorbed by detail and
obsessive about certain facts or problems

The only reason she can function is because she's got other drugs to sharpen her mind against the red rage of doom there, and because she's had a decade to get used to it
She seems perfectly normal unless she's under stress
Quote from: Chemical Gland
Note that the implantation of a
chemical gland in no way provides immunity, or even
improved resistance, from the substance for the user.
Chem. glands are great for adding toxin and venoms, not drugs. And even if accepted, removing the after effect of drugs is breaking the purpose of them. And in the case the GM would still accept such use, please refrain from pretending the behavioral effects of the drugs don't exist either.

The way I see it, Burnout Addiction on 5 different drugs: -15 social limit...

no one will want to work with this kind of unstable individuals. Happy Days.

Where are we now...
Manablade F15... yeah I want to see that roll...

Qualities: Distinctive Style doesn't count towards Negative when taking Changeling, 36 points of Qualities for a max of 35.

I'm going to have breakfast... just had to give my 2 cents
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #3427 on: <01-16-16/1058:21> »
Karma to init at chargen. Cleared by Aria. Race at C to use special attributes to raise magic to 9.

Bought one quality after chargen using karma accrued through posting.

Can swap distinctive style. Thought you only got that through obvious physical mutation such as glamour. Will check.

Look up one post. Roll is right there.

That's why I was waiting for Aria's call on drugs.

As for addiction, Narco gives +2 to roll against after mild. Willpower 6, technically speaking standing body of 6. Standard 8 dice. Swap 4-1 for noncritical nonthreatening rolls to buy 2 successes. Addiction does not grow.

But I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say people arent going to be happy with this character since shes been up for about 8 hours and I'm already getting shot at. I have to go buy textbooks today, but I'll take her down when I get home and rebuild her for a bunch of quickened spells instead.

Unless people would prefer I didn't play a mage?


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« Reply #3428 on: <01-16-16/1059:25> »
Followup: Nevermind. Saw obi's first line after the fact. Just going to axe Iris. Sorry she didn't work out.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3429 on: <01-16-16/1610:30> »
I think I need some explanation about how to spend the karma and money from posting.  From what I can tell on page one of this thread, I need GM approval.  What is legal to spend these rewards on and can I do so in advance of the CoF game starting, since my character is in that game, or should I wait for after the actual game starts?  In any case, I want to thank you for allowing me to get into this game.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3430 on: <01-16-16/1627:00> »
Regarding Initiation at Chargen, yes Aria has allowed it, but unless ruled otherwise by Aria, it would happen during Karma distribution, therefore, the Magic Attribute can only be raise via Karma, not the already allocated Special Att. Points. If I am wrong, please Aria let me know since it concerns my character and could save me a lot of Karma!

Elf Cha max would be 12, not sure how to reach 13 without the Exceptional Attribute Quality.

Lastly to put an end to the drug orgy, I'll quote p.415
Quote from: Core Rulebook p.415
Too much of anything can hurt you, or even kill you.
Whenever you take a substance while you’re already
on that substance or one that has a shared effect (like
the way cram and novacoke both affect Reaction), you
take Stun damage with a DV equal to the sum of the
Addiction Ratings of the overlapping drugs, resisted
with Body + Willpower.
i.e Jazz + Kamikaze + Nitro all share similar boni. for 27DV Stun damage.
Life Expectancy: 0

You could do some marvel with One drug and the Detox spell I believe, but outside of that...
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #3431 on: <01-16-16/1653:18> »
Oh, I could still manage it. But after having my character attacked on her personality and stability without even seeing her or asking for an explanation and getting told off for fantasy rules, its a moot point. I said Im axing her so you can stop now.

You can get to 13 by getting lucky with SURGE and getting metagenetic improvement. I can read a min/max table.

Cereprax, k10 and the Narco genemod would keave me with +4 to seven of the eight stats without ever crossing attributes. I went with the expensive set for RP purposes. But like I said, moot point.

And I had no idea if you had asked about init into special attributes. I bounced this idea off of Aria when I was building. I didn't know you hadn't.  You could have asked how I did it or if I'd cleared it with Aria instead of just telling me I'm wrong.
« Last Edit: <01-16-16/1656:32> by BrickyardBabe »


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« Reply #3432 on: <01-16-16/1854:36> »
No attack was made on your fictional character's personality and stability. We're all adults here I don't need to sugar coat my opinions for the fear of hurting someone's feeling (as long I remain honest and respectful to other). I found your creation completely perversive of the rules, express the points of my opinion and gladly welcome any rhetoric to confirm or discredit my words.
I respect Aria's ruling will be the one we will all abide by. If he vouches for your character the way it is, that's fine by me, let's all have a ball with it. But it would be wrong to not express my opinion.
You're such an amazing writer with a wonderful prose and vocabulary and I am looking forward to your contribution to the game;

Yet, I apologize if the way I presented things about those drugs and initiation special points offended you, I am not here to create any sort of fight, only discuss about the rules. I don't object Iris's being on the game at all, so long Aria has agreed to it.
« Last Edit: <01-16-16/1907:21> by obidancer »
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
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« Reply #3433 on: <01-17-16/2318:20> »
I'm not even going to touch that except to say that while I get where you're coming from, your phrasing could have been a little less inflammatory. As I believe I stated coming in, I'm terribly new at building in SR5. If something offends the hell out of you about a build, PM me. Then we can go back and forth until all parties are satisfied without reprising earlier interparty events. Its not what you said, its how you said it.

That London 2076 map is the tits, by the way. When did that go up, and can people edit it?

Despite clearance, I'll drop my magic down to 7 (Exceptionall Attribute) for the next attempt here. Like I said, I didn't know that you hadn't asked about it, and I don't want to blow past Deckard's magic on a technicality, or ask you to rebuild to account for it. Now, this is saving me some points elsewhere, so she'll pick up something to compensate for what she lost. Likewise, I'll dump the chemglands for quickened spells and just eat it in Body and Strength (Physical power? What's that? Can I eat it?). Yeah, wards are gonna be a problem, but they're my problem and I'll work them out.

Can someone better versed in magical theory than I tell me something, for progression with Calista in Mercy's arc: Most HMHVV victims can't eat, and they've got that lovely aversion to sunlight. I can't find any reference to something like the spell Alleviate Allergy or the drug Zero (If you could figure out how to get it into a vampire's system) not simply turning that right off. Did I miss a memo? Likewise, while not actually an allergy, is it possible to find a way to make it so a vampire doesn't upchuck everything they eat or drink? I know that it happened in "The Terminus Experiment" novel a couple editions ago, but I wouldn't even begin to know how to go about it.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3434 on: <01-17-16/2327:36> »
So how do I get to that map of London?  I have looked and found nothing, so must be in the wrong place.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>