[5eOoC] 2075/6: Stormy Waters [Persistent World; recruitment always open]

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« Reply #2580 on: <08-17-15/1907:07> »
And for pity's sake if you ask someone else to do something, wait for them to actually do it.

Yup - you got me dead to rights on that one. Apologies.
« Last Edit: <08-17-15/1914:14> by adamu »


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« Reply #2581 on: <08-17-15/1915:28> »
Aaaaand...unrelated to all this other stuff...

@Aria - was a bit unclear on how much time we actually spent at the hotel...

was it long enough for any Edge refresh...?


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« Reply #2582 on: <08-18-15/0804:50> »
Aaaaand...unrelated to all this other stuff...

@Aria - was a bit unclear on how much time we actually spent at the hotel...

was it long enough for any Edge refresh...?
It's around 10am, I think you got to the hotel between 6 and no, no edge refresh...gonna make you bastards sweat for it  8) ...your lucky streaks might just run out before the run is over!  Save one for 'not dying' ...or don't, your choice  ;D

Hopefully we've cleared the air a bit...let's get this show on the road again!  If there are any other issues please PM me and I will try and sort them out.  That includes constructive criticism of the way I'm running the game too, I'm always happy to try and up my game!
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #2583 on: <08-18-15/0829:40> »
@TB Players (hopefully you are all reading this thread??!): We're still in 'intro mode' ...I intend to start giving you 'run esque' tasks in the near future but there's time for that, let's establish your characters, chat to one another etc...will also give me time to work on the Google Map of the area and other background stuff that still needs doing...
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #2584 on: <08-18-15/0832:54> »
[]...let's get this show on the road again!

I am up for that!

When last we met, the family and the remaining team members were moving toward the place Goodnight recommended where we were to have a virtual meet with Dragon Lady in ten minutes.

Are there any objections to posting forward to our arrival there?

I myself will be in a position to do that post in about nine hours from now...but very happy for anyone else to do so.


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« Reply #2585 on: <08-18-15/0855:33> »
@SK, KB  - I do not feel that way. I feel that GN took a lot of interest and  received many interactions a lot more than any other character. But she opened up in a very negative manner - and the character deserve the mistrust and difficulties to work with the group.  You call it 'hostility' and I call it good RP.
and just to make expectations clear even if someone has 100 dice for con, it does not make everyone else mindless drones.  It means that everything that person say seems truthful.  But no your character personality is not erased.  Social skills are not Jedi mind tricks or control actions spells. It does not means that everyone should play nice and respectful and cannot ever disagree with you.

KB left because she was offended by comments on her playing style OOC I had good intentions but they did not go well and I apologized already.  As far as I am concern this topic is behind me and I will be a lot more careful as to what I say OOC. 

There is also a question of focus time for players, and part of the reason I am backing off for a while is to allow the 'ignored' players to catch up and establish themselves for a while with some RP, posts dibs on actions and so on. I am not even sure who is still playing with us, I haven't heard from Tobias and Frenchman for a while.  I think we are just five now:   Pistol, SK, me, Jack and Adamu.  Personally like Jack said, when you interact with someone that is a lot slower than yourself for example some people did 30 posts and other 100-200 posts - if stop posting because you are waiting it is not pleasant for you.  Frenchman made an 'alpha'male move before and then never continued that move - should I still be waiting? how long?  My approach is 'screw' order of events and space time continuum we are just having conversations I can start another one and go back to the older one later. If reading becomes difficult there is quote. This way a lot more interactions happen and the story get richer and you do not have to wait for a post that may never come. 

That say I am still taking the back sit for a while. If there is something that only Solo can do or a combat I'll post but I'll let whomever else want to take focus and enjoy being the center of attention.


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« Reply #2586 on: <08-18-15/1008:28> »
You're absokutely right. Con makes you believable. But Leadership allows you to lead, Intimidate allows you to terrify, Con allows you to seduce, and Etiquette allows you to reason. If I wanted to oush my own agenda on the PCs, I'd haveused one of those. Frankly, it would have been extremely easy to simply get the doctor to go along with any plan I posited because he's an NPC and thus more susceptible to social interaction.

The character was supposed to be difficult to work with, but she didnt deserve the mistruzt. See Con making you believable. My objection is that she was *marginalized.* That has fuck all to do with Social Interaction and everything with, as SK pointed out, almost never being asked anything except "where is X" and the few times she was asked, not being listened to.

And yes, I am deeply offended that you said I was playing my character wrong. I dont mind critiques but I do mind the hell out of being told my interpretation of a characters flaws and traumas is somehow less valid than yours. Especially when its my character and I have a VERY personal knowledge of those selfsame flaws and traumas.

@all: Aria and SK have asked me to stay, so stay I will. Tehcnically you can vote me out, if you wish, and then I'll leave if you pick up a majority or if Aria asks me to. Goodnight and Victoria will likely reappear as part of Nitro's story and as members of Below, but they are not PC material any longer. Frankly, Goodnight isnt fun to play in this group and without her Victoria is unplayable with these PCs because she is antithetical to several characters beliefs (Which is a good thing! This is an observation, not a complaint. I dig Isaint's crusader vibe). I'll have a new character to field later today.

@SK: Hey, if you want something to happen to Nitro to actuate your other idea, I can probably come up with something.


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« Reply #2587 on: <08-18-15/1113:08> »
Lets just agree to disagree on the meaning of being highly charismatic or socially skilled. Leadership allows you to lead thous that are willing to follow you and even then they 'must' roll dice to resist.
You cannot go to a group of people and say I have 100 dice for leadership form now on I am your leader yo do exactly as I say. The way I see it you have to establish yourself as leader with RP and only then you get to roll leadership. Intimidation is the same - if you RP scary you get to roll intimidation.

Same with intimidation you can make people terrified form facing you, but when people are afraid they behave in many different manners. Some run, some freeze, some become even more aggressive. Some will do feats of desperation -  to remove the threat.  No amount of social skill say that people HAVE to agree with you, PC or not.

Yes, if the doctor is willing to discuss something for example he does not want to go to NDM because he prefers some other mega you can use your negotiation to change his mind. But if he say NDM is out of the question.  Then nothing natural can change is mind. Same way as you cannot just convince him to shoot his wife kill his children - saying I got leadership you HAVE to do what I say.

My personal view is that it is the way you RPed GN - that is completely legitimate it is your character and you do it how you like. But it is that way that noone could be indifferent of it. GN first release her spirit so it does not get wet - even tough Al might die in there. (So she prefer the spirit over Al's life - okay). Her spirit also helped burning his workshop. (I know mistake still - I do not think that there was a Sorry there )  So the way I see it, GN alienated Al in the first scene already.  To make it worse - she gave Al the blame for using 'water' instead apologizing for burning his shop.  Al really wasn't very far from dying - a few lucky rolls and he'd kick it.  that spirit strikes for 16P- 8 - and cannot be attacked with Melee because this kind of damage is also inflicted on successful melee attack. It can kill Al (and Solo) one shot.

At the end of that scene GN alienated ISaint  - getting into this endless feud - for really no reason at all.  Using APDS on an hostile spirit? GN herself used manabolt on the same spirit.
(does manabolt hurt less than APDS? why?!)
So Al and ISaint were alienated in the first scene.  (the two most active players, that are sort of the people that run our team.)
Then for Solo  he tried to reach for her, but when he saw  GN almost using that mono whip out of a whim - he became terrified of her.
(he responds especially hard to the whip - that weapon is the nightmare of every runner. )

Then she jumps Nitro - that's it he still like her but she should keep her distance because she cannot be around people. She endanger anyone around her.  Now I think we gone over all the active player characters.

Nitro on the other hand, helped fix Al's van without being asked to, without being part of the combat where the van was hurt - he thought we might need it. He showed that he was mission oriented, come for business then he suggested to hook up Solo with some street racers. (friendly)  He reached a new group and tried to get along. Meeting GN was not like that at all.

« Last Edit: <08-18-15/1119:19> by gilga »


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« Reply #2588 on: <08-18-15/1158:59> »
Well, I just HAVE to jump in to say that I am REALLY happy you're going to keep playing with us, Kinkerbell!!!

Also happy that gilga, Jack, Pistol and SK appear still to be around.

And really hoping that Trisk and Obi are out there somewhere - and haven't thown up their hands in dismay at this OOC thread!

I've posted my share of rants here, and can see that I've made my share of missteps vis a vis PbP and interactions with others. i am going to address those points, and if I miss something somewhere, someone please point it out to me in a PM.

Now I'm ready to play!


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« Reply #2589 on: <08-18-15/1201:23> »
I have faith that Obi and Trisk are still around. I like both of their characters and hope they can post more in the future. If there's anything I can do to support that, Obi and Trisk, let me know.


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« Reply #2590 on: <08-18-15/1221:23> »
Okay, this is getting us nowhere. You're either deliberately misconstruing my words or completely missing the myriad points. I didn't say it was mind control, as I have repeatedly said- very clearly, at length- but you seem to think that I'm just some goddamn munchkin with no idea how to roleplay.

And if you want to start a rules debate, I'm more than game. We could start with Spirit Whisperer, if you like, and free spirit, and summoning and binding.

But I'm not going to open up on you about misunderstanding rules or variant interpretations, because I don't want to impact how you play your character. My opinion on your use of the character and his traits has no bearing on how you play Solo, nor should it.

I am not going to make another social character for the express purpose of proving a point. My blood is boiling, but as much as this has me chewing pieces out of the furniture I'm not going to turn into the powergamer you seem to think I am just to prove something.

With Isaint, yeah, she flipped her shit. She hit him. She didn't roll damage, or damage dice, and had no intention of doing any actual harm. Afterwards, she explained, they talked, things were resolved. Tense, but functional. Also, the why is usually "Good roleplay." You see, you have this guide you're supposed to follow. I was going to use the duration of the job to build goodnight into a functional character. Introduce her as prickly and standoffish, show the reasons why, meet the team halfway, and by the end of her tenure as a guide, she'd be a functional member of the team.

With Al, he thinks she's a hippy, she thinks he's an insensitive curmudgeon. But they still work together alright and don't have a whole lot of obvious hostility. Also, the shop was already on fire. And why would she be concerned about his life? The team in the shop seemed to have things in hand, she had no way of knowing how hurt he was, the shop was already on fire, and she cares about her spirits. It didn't appear to cost the team anything to get rid of her spirit, and from a PC perspective, she wasn't helping with a bunch of optimized killing machines already on the job. I thought maybe roleplay would be more useful.

With Nitro, the backstory there was actually a collaborative idea, first posited by him, expanded on by me, and fleshed out by SK again. Again, she didn't actually hurt him, they talked once she woke up, and things had been resolved (Seeing the trend here?) by the time she got back to Nacht.

@Adamu: Thanks! Jury's still out whether Al is going to hate my next girl even more than GN or Vicki.

@Obi and Trisk: I second Pistolgrip's comment above. Not sure how much I can do, but as shown IC, if you give me a hook I'll run with it, so let me know if there's some way I can help make those two more central, or if you need a hand or suggestions on the crunch side of things.

@All: Sorry I'm ranting. This has more or less devolved into an argument between Gilga and I, and I don't want the rest of this group to think I'm screaming at you all. Other than the speed of posting and Goodnight kinda getting the shaft in the role she was built for, I don't really have any complaints, and I think the speed is fine for inter-PC conversations and flashbacks. Its just with dice rolling and full-team actions and conversations that we need to slow things the hell down. Player squabbles aside, I think the team is full of fine characters, and I suspect that- with Isaint at least- its as hard for him to get along and go along as it is for Goodnight.

In the future, we might consider spinning up a side IC thread where people can go to have their characters talk (if its totally just RP) or do individual actions without blitzing the main thread.

@Aria: Dolly is waiting in the wings for the appropriate arrival moment at this point. I'm just finishing up her actual fill-in sheet now.


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« Reply #2591 on: <08-18-15/1322:14> »
@KB - it seems like everything I say just make it worse. So I'll just wish you luck with Dolly and say that I'll honestly miss GN an Vicki.


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« Reply #2592 on: <08-18-15/1406:51> »
Yes, im coming back in with possibly a slightly moded tobbis.
Sort of thing
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #2593 on: <08-18-15/1408:15> »
@Triskavanski: Woohoo! Is Tobbis strictly a software ninja, or can he do hardware as well?



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« Reply #2594 on: <08-18-15/1416:03> »

@Adamu: Thanks! Jury's still out whether Al is going to hate my next girl even more than GN or Vicki.

Won't know until he meets her, but I have no doubt that I will like her!