[5eOoC] 2075/6: Stormy Waters [Persistent World; recruitment always open]

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« Reply #2070 on: <07-24-15/1743:11> »
Elemental aura is an effect, not an attack. It would just be a base unarmed attack thats enhanced. So if it has two successes as it appears, youve got a pretty easy time of dodging it.


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« Reply #2071 on: <07-24-15/1743:54> »
Also remember that Energy Aura isn't an attack. It's an automatic damage boost to melee attacks as well as automatic damage to melee attackers.

Basically it doesn't roll to see if the aura hits Al, Al needs to roll soak.

As for Nitro's second action, lacking a mounted weapon I'm going to scan for physical threats. Can anyone more familiar with Rigging tell me what bonuses,  if any, from my qualities and gear would apply to a sensors check?
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« Reply #2072 on: <07-24-15/1746:00> »
Oh yeah, I rolled 5 successes on my first defense for this battle (about five pages back now). Not worried about its attack.

Sorry, I meant when does the Succubus attack, and I looked back more carefully, and see it is on second pass at 15?

Then the other question, and this actually is REALLY important...if the spirit attacks before Al (won't argue with gilga's ruling that Al has to wait for second pass - interrupt rules a bit ambiguous to me), why are we not using the first (4-hit) defense rolled for the naughty boy spirit to defend against the nice succubus spirit?

Seems to me we should match sequence of rolls against sequence of attacks...


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« Reply #2073 on: <07-24-15/1746:58> »
@adamu I do not know why -  so I had her attack you in first and second ip. (sort of kept doing what it was already doing).

you are correct this is so confusing ;)  - I'll resolve in a few hours.
fire spirit attacks before you - and well depending on how you want to play it I am also starting to learn the game. If you want to attack on first IP I have no problem with that.
« Last Edit: <07-24-15/1750:16> by gilga »


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« Reply #2074 on: <07-24-15/1750:50> »
Yes, it is insane, but as Al saw it, it was going for Solo, so it doesn't matter if I get burned to a crisp, gotta help the chummer.
Plus Al hates demons.

Plus, he thinks he can't die.

Anyway, I am being totally unclear.

I don't mind if bad fire spirit attacks me.
Done - I got five successes and dodged that.

Then we get to second pass - nice succubus attacks first on 15, then Al attacks on 8.
So since you first rolled a 4 for bad spirit's defense, and then later you rolled 6 hits, seems obvious you should use the 4 hits to defend against the succubus, then the 6 hits to defend against Al.


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« Reply #2075 on: <07-24-15/1753:26> »
@adamu I do not know why -  so I had her attack you in first and second ip. (sort of kept doing what it was already doing).

you are correct this is so confusing ;)  - I'll resolve in a few hours.
fire spirit attacks before you - and well depending on how you want to play it I am also starting to learn the game. If you want to attack on first IP I have no problem with that.

Thanks for being flexible - but I am fine with your interpretation of when Al attacks!
1. Spirit attacks Al on first pass - Al dodges easily.
2. Second pass - when does bad spirit attack again? I don't know - I'll use my pre-rolled dodge against that as well.
3. Second pass on 15 - succubus attacks - that should be resolved against bad spirit's 4-hit roll.
4. Second pass on 8 - Al's attack should be resolved against bad spirit's 6-hit roll.


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« Reply #2076 on: <07-24-15/1754:16> »
Okay the second dodge of the fire spirit is 6, (the 4 dodge went on Isaint shot)  so it misses.


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« Reply #2077 on: <07-24-15/1759:53> »
Order of operations, the salvation of confusing combats! So the spirit needs a roll against Al's attack, since its 4 went against Isaint and its 6 went against Succubus.

@scytheknight: Let me take a look at your sheet and get back to you.


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« Reply #2078 on: <07-24-15/1803:09> »
Actually considering distances and that I'm in a 4 seater car, going to move to the family, keeping the car bergen them and the spirits, open family side does and tell them to pile in... I can carry a 5th passenger at only minimal stat penalties and I can get then to the entrance a *lot* faster while protecting them from other threats.
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« Reply #2079 on: <07-24-15/1805:25> »
Right - okay - I think I am tired and confused too!

And also sort of panicking because I forgot about stupid energy aura (yeah, I am going to kill myself - we never did get that partial Edge refresh Aria was talking about!).

But yeah, forgot about Isaint's attack.

So for bad spirit's defense, we have
1. 4 hits - dodges Isaint
2. 6 hits - yeah, that dodges succubus on second pass (15)
3. Al attacks on 8, and we don't have its defense roll for that yet.
But if no one has a problem, I'd like to switch my second pass declaration.
Al was all about rushing to Solo's rescue - then he has to dodge the fire elemental a bit - so he's distracted it from Solo - then a giant demon appears and attacks bad spirit - job done, Solo saved (though he doesn't seem to need help!),sooo...Al would like to direct his attack on 8 back to the earth elemental now threatening Solo.

I have 5 hits for that attack when we get to it. (damage is 6P with killing hands and spirit claw)

I also note that before I get to attack, i have a second attack to dodge myself from the fire spirit. We don't seem to have a roll for that one yet, but my defense is 4 hits on that one - will use Edge if I need more...

Okay, I think that sorts it for everything you need for resolution for Al in IP1 and IP2.

Very very sorry for all the confusion - every time I typed something other people kept adding posts and making me modify what I'd said -

- and that equals a great game!
« Last Edit: <07-24-15/1808:15> by adamu »


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« Reply #2080 on: <07-24-15/1818:16> »
I hate to do this to you, Adamu, but didn't the earth spirit materialize to take a swing at Isaint outside? The Air spirit is still attacking Solo, but its doing it astrally.

@ScytheKnight: RAW says that any vehicle tests you make while hotsimming get matrix bonuses. So you've got the +1 there, and your normal perception appears to be 9. Limit is sensor rating (7). Unfortunately because perception isn't a vehicle test, even when done inside a vehicle, your rig doesn't give you any bonuses there. So unless you have matrix bennies I didn't see glancing through, I think your perception test is 10d6, Limit 7.


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« Reply #2081 on: <07-24-15/1820:30> »
Air spirit is gone, one shot by Solo.
There is a water in the astral going for Solo and apperantly one angry fire elemental that will also go for Solo if Al make a dash for the earth spirit.


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« Reply #2082 on: <07-24-15/1824:48> »
Ah, yes, water. Sorry, the air was in the init order I was looking at at the time.


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« Reply #2083 on: <07-24-15/1825:16> »
Update, changes in bold.

Solo 25: Attack water spirit astral. 
(8 damage done spirit is still kicking)
Isaint: 20:  ?
Nitro: 20: picking up the family in his car.
Goodnight: 19  -  Lighting bolt at Earth spirit (will do at least 9 damage)
Fire Spirit (F8) 15: Attack Solo  - I changed it because Solo seems to be the dangerous guy int he room. makes more sense it will go for him after wacking two spirits.
Unbound F8 Spirit (Goodnight's): 15  Attack Fire Spirit , and miss.
Smiley: 13: ?
Earth Spirit (F6) 12 : Attack Isaint
The Frenchman: 9 ?
Aaron: 8 ?
Al: 8 Attacking Earth spirit
Water Spirit(F5) 6 - attacking Solo in Astral
Tobias - on full defense no more initiative.
« Last Edit: <07-24-15/1829:42> by gilga »


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« Reply #2084 on: <07-24-15/1827:55> »
Ok, just to be clear: Isaint will try to take out the Earth spirit behind him before that one can act since that's a complex action (a grapple would be really bad).
Everyone else attacking the Earth spirit might want to change their action depending on my successes.

@Pistol Grip

Bulls Eye Burst is the trick to triple the base AP of your weapon

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex