[5eOoC] 2075/6: Stormy Waters [Persistent World; recruitment always open]

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« Reply #885 on: <01-07-15/0919:01> »
Here is the character, back story and technical file.

I read some about the plot I am in the middle,  the concept I think is a good introductory post, just say when is the appropriate time to pop in. ;)

== Info ==
Street Name:
Name: Tal Shachar
Movement: 2/4
Karma: 5
Street Cred: 1
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Male Age 45
Height 170 Weight 83
Composure: 5
Judge Intentions: 7
Lift/Carry: 2 (15 kg/10 kg)
Memory: 11
Nuyen: 175

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human or Elf
Attributes: E - 12 Attributes
Special: C - Adept, Magician, or Technomancer
Skills: B - 36 Skills/5 Skill Groups
Resources: A - 450,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 1
AGI: 1
REA: 1 (4)
STR: 1
CHA: 2
INT: 5
LOG: 6 (8)
WIL: 3
EDG: 2
MAG: 6 (4)

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   4.0
Initiative:                9 + 4d6
Rigger Initiative:         9 + 4d6
Astral Initiative:         10 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      9 + 4d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    5 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     5 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     9
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Limits ==
Physical:                  3
Mental:                    8
Social:                    4
Astral:                    8

== Active Skills ==
Aeronautics Mechanic       : 1                      Pool: 9
Animal Handling            : 0                      Pool: 1
Armorer                    : 0                      Pool: 7
Binding                    : 1 [Spirits of Man]     Pool: 8 (10)
Computer                   : 5                      Pool: 13
Con                        : 0                      Pool: 1
Cybercombat                : 4 [Devices]            Pool: 12 (14)
Demolitions                : 0                      Pool: 7
Disguise                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Electronic Warfare         : 1 [Jamming]            Pool: 9 (11)
Etiquette                  : 0                      Pool: 1
First Aid                  : 0                      Pool: 7
Forgery                    : 0                      Pool: 7
Gunnery                    : 6 [Ballistic]          Pool: 7 (9)
Hacking                    : 6 [Devices]            Pool: 17 (19)
Hardware                   : 5                      Pool: 13
Impersonation              : 0                      Pool: 1
Instruction                : 0                      Pool: 1
Intimidation               : 0                      Pool: 1
Leadership                 : 0                      Pool: 1
Navigation                 : 0                      Pool: 4
Negotiation                : 0                      Pool: 1
Perception                 : 1                      Pool: 8
Performance                : 0                      Pool: 1
Pilot Aircraft             : 1 [Rotary Wing]        Pool: 5 (7)
Pilot Ground Craft         : 0                      Pool: 3
Pilot Watercraft           : 0                      Pool: 3
Software                   : 5                      Pool: 13
Spellcasting               : 6 [Combat]             Pool: 13 (15)
Summoning                  : 1 [Spirits of Man]     Pool: 8 (10)
Survival                   : 0                      Pool: 2
Tracking                   : 0                      Pool: 4

== Knowledge Skills ==
Combat Tactics             : 2                      Pool: 10
Engineering                : 2 [Mechanical]         Pool: 10 (12)
Literature                 : 1                      Pool: 9
Magic Traditions           : 2                      Pool: 10
Magical Theory             : 2                      Pool: 10
Magical Threats            : 2                      Pool: 10
Military                   : 1 [Military Magic]     Pool: 9 (11)
Politics                   : 2 [Social]             Pool: 10 (12)
Religion                   : 2 [Judaism]            Pool: 10 (12)
Security Companies         : 2                      Pool: 10

== Contacts ==
Fixit (3, 3)

== Qualities ==
Allergy (Common, Mild) (Pollutants)
Mentor Spirit (Eagle)
Mystic Adept
SINner (Corporate) (Ares)

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Hermetic, Resist Drain with WIL + LOG (11))
Ball Lightning             DV: F-1
Improved Invisibility      DV: F-1
Levitate                   DV: F-2
Mass Confusion             DV: F-1
Stunbolt                   DV: F-3

== Powers ==
Combat Sense Rating: 1
Improved Ability (skill) (Hacking) Rating: 2
Improved Reflexes 3

== Lifestyles ==
Life Sux  1 months

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Cerebral Booster Rating 2
Control Rig Rating 2

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket                        12
Helmet                              2

== Weapons ==
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 0   Accuracy: 3   DV: 1S   AP: -   RC: 1

== Commlink ==
Maersk Spider (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 4, FWL: 5)
   +Autosoft (Manuvering(rotordrone)) Rating 6
   +Signal Scrub
   +Autosoft (Targeting(AK-97)) Rating 6
   +Autosoft (Clearsight) Rating 6
   +Autosoft(Electronic Warfare) Rating 6

Microtrónica Azteca 200 (ATT: 5, SLZ: 4, DP: 3, FWL: 2)
   +Baby Monitor
   +Biofeedback Filter
   +Signal Scrub
   +Virtual Machine

== Gear ==
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Assault Rifles) x250
Fake SIN (Dogmeat) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Magic) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Weapon) Rating 3
Glasses Rating 4
   +Thermographic Vision
   +Flare Compensation
   +Low Light
Power Focus (Bonded Foci) Rating 3
Qi Focus (Bonded Foci) (Improved Ability (skill)) Rating 2

== Vehicles ==
Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit (Subcompact)
   +Rigger Interface
   +Sensor Array Rating 2
Horizon Flying Eye w/Flash-Pak and Grenade (Minidrone)
   +Grenade: Flash-Pak
   +Grenade: Smoke
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium) ("Rigger Choice")
   +Weapon Mount +AK-97
   +Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x150
   +Sensor Array Rating 6
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium)
   +Weapon Mount + AK-97
   +Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x150
   +Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium)
   +Weapon Mount+ AK-97
   +Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x150
   +Sensor Array Rating 3

== Background ==
Dogmeat started his life with the name: John Winter as a delivery company drone operator. He used rotor drones to deliver freshly manufactured weapons to dangerous corners of the world. Heck, few times he even delivered guns and ammunition in the middle of a fire fight, as clearly evident by the many gunshot scars that decorate his old drones.
One day the shit really started piling up for the Dog... His small company was out of business. We do not need you anymore go away. Ares does not do micro shipments anymore as we lose far too many Drones to make it profitable. Employment was difficult for the Dog, all his social connections where for people in Ares, and once fired from his job he had no access for any of his social connections.

His second job was that of a hacker, he used to hack low end cameras and other Medias in order to find dirt... Any sort of dirt that his new employers the Yakuza, could then use in order to extend their influence.

He never knew he worked for the Yakuza until it was too late. He decided to trace the location and identity of his handler. He managed to do so. Doing so, he also discovered the true purpose of his services… The answer was shocking, he is being used… they do not really need his job… While I hack meaningless devices, they hack into my equipment and use my still valid identity in order to access Ares. Heck they do not even hack... I actually gave them the mark... I am so stupid!!!

That discovery made him go underground.  For Dog Ares represents anything that is good and just in this world. Why shouldn't people have the global right to bear Ares arms - how can local governments restrict access to arms... Can't they see that firing an Ares gun is a basic human right?

Then the fear arrived… what will happen when they figure me out? I can never bring myself to operate against them. He decided to disappear, he packed his equipment, some of his his old rotor drones bought a cheap car and drove to the horizon. He took all his wireless devices off and vowed never to go online again until he has a new identity.

In time, he managed to acquire the fake identity of dogmeat. A figure from a very old game.
The money started to finish, and he was in a problem. He was not as skillful hacker as he hoped, he was also not that good at piloting stuff. What a failure!... He started low, taking small barely legal jobs and slowly improved his skills.  Things begun to improve, hacking became easier, his skill became almost exceptional. His reactions became faster, despite never working out a day in his life. He did not understand it at first, but he begun channeling mana into his body, augmenting his personality with magic.

Having parts of his soul burned for augmentations, it was difficult to contact this world. The pain was terrible, he almost killed himself learning to channel mana. He eventually found a spirit that was willing to show him the ropes.
An eagle spirit manifested as a naked Indian. He gradually begun to improve his skills, forgetting parts of his old life behind him, he disconnected from the outside world and channeled mana in a large junk yard he now called home.

When the money started to run out, he started his own Shadowrunning team. The Crazy Dogs… The team prides itself in having hacking/rigging/magic capabilities. Off course, after spending a couple of years talking to a mentor spirit that never answers back, he failed to mention that the crazy dogs are a one man show. Well, 4 drones, 3 spirits and a man … but still a one man show.

He had a few good runs netting himself some nice initial gains, but then came a terrible run. Before he knew what was going on he was struck down by a sniper. That was the end of the mad dogs. He barely survived that incident, recovery took months and consumed every last bit of newyen he had, his health never fully recovered as well.  But he survived, he lost his home reputation everything, but a single contact  that owed him a favor a big favor.

He thought about a person, an old childhood body… his commlink quickly called that buddy. Charlie? He said… you have to help me out man, the bills are piling up I do not know what to do… I have no place to live once I leave the hospital, the land lord is evicting me - he is serious this time.  I know I messed out, but please this is my only hope to stay out of the streets with my degrading health I’ll die out there in a few months. I’ll do anything I will not disappoint you this time!

I do not know, John... I mean Dog he said.
You cannot turn me down Charlie, I saved your life... now you have to save mine -  no one else will work with me after that epic fail there is only you.
Charlie said, well for old times sake – I have a friend in need of some extra firepower – you still have your “team” of drones and spirits with you?
Dog sighed, I'll see if I can bring the drones into working order, give me a day...

I know some guys nearby that may benefit from your services.  Do not let me down Dog, I am vowing for you on this one. My reputation is dead if you mess it up.
The pay is not as much as you are used to but you can never go solo anymore. 
That option is dead for you - there is no way to convince anyone to let you do that. Do not put more on your plate than you can chew, I am doing you a favor man, we are even now. 

He hanged out:

Dog downloaded the instructions and map to the meeting point, he oiled some of the drones and fixing them as much as he could with spare parts from his junk yard home. He managed to rebuild some of them into working shape.  He had one with top notch sensors... not an old delivery drone he remembered I stole that one from a professional rigger, a real life one...

(He tried to remember the name of original owner, but that was in a different life… my good old hacking days.). 

I’ll use that one to jump in as it is top notch with customized sensors and everything, not a standard unmodified armed delivery drone. He thought to himself – he placed two drones in the front sits of the car, and put the third one in the trunk. He summoned a couple of spirits bounded them and rested.

After 20 hours or so he was strong enough to continue... The mad dogs are ready for action.
He comfortably positioned himself in the back sit and connected his rig to the car's rigger interface. His body went numb, as his mind became one with the car... The need for speed, the addictive roar of my engine, the feel of my wheels petting the road, the wind in my sensors, how I missed it !
The car speed up into the horizon, gracefully maneuvering obstacles. With the driver sleeping in the back sit, and two spirits that followed the car in the astral world scouting the road for troubles. …
The mad dogs are running again… he the car beeped with joy.

== Concept ==
When you look at dogmeat, he is the last person you'll expect to run the shadows. He is weak, slow, and his skin is pale. This person obviously struggles just to walk, he also struggles to standing up for more than a few minutes. It is impossible to even imagine that this middle aged man that is starting to show signs of age is even capable of holding a gun let alone climb a rope, run or achieve anything physical.

The illusion brakes, where a rundown rotor drone gracefully lands. It is modified with a chair and an AK-97. Dog slowly sits on the drone, and another drone quickly arrives with a small bottle of water ontop of it. He drinks and pauses. Their software is unique... he say with pride in his voice, I modified it myself so they can help me around in the daily chores. The drones are clearly old, and numerous gunshots decorate their armor.
Two spirits then materialize behind him, with the vogue image of a naked Indian. It is nice to meet you all, he said softly, I am dog meat, and we are the mad dogs. We are competent in hacking, magic and rigging. I hope we can work together fine.
« Last Edit: <01-07-15/1018:57> by gilga »


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« Reply #886 on: <01-07-15/1729:12> »

looks fun

My only question on your sheet is that you mention bound spirits in your story, but I don't see any among your stats…

Anyway, based on your story, seems like you could have been hired along with the rest of the team to provide security for the circus, but for whatever reason are showing up quite late (but just in time!).

No worries on not knowing anyone - none of the runners knew each other at the start of this.

So you'll be walking into the thick of it, but it will be pretty obvious (by the time you finish reading the IC thread) that the train you were hired to protect is under attack.

The action is all at the north end of the train right now.
So if you want tiime to stage your crew and so forth, you can approach from the south.
But if you want to jump straight into it and be the cavalry, drive in from the north (with the rain and dust no one will see you coming) and loose hell.

So just get yourself up to date on the IC (and maybe just last three or four pages of the OOC) and post your arrival - and you're in!


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« Reply #887 on: <01-07-15/1734:50> »
@Everyone -


And here I used to think the way to keep interest up was to throw lots of direct action for players to react to!
Well, anyway, as you know we have lost Jayde and Lusis. Csjarrat is also leaving the game. Saithor has announced a hiatus.

8-bit and BigGuns have not posted for some time.

And of course we have lost five or six others some time ago.

The holiday season makes the usual PbP drop-out rate even worse - life goes on.

And so does the game - as long as we have one active PC, I will keep actively GMing until Aria returns or calls it (and I hope he doesn't do the latter!).

But just to be clear, just because there are only a small number of PCs, it does not mean you will be totally overwhelmed by opposing numbers.

There are a lot of people on the train, including its own security team.

Individual PCs will be met by heinously dire but balanced threat levels, with excess bad guys stalled or soaked by other forces.

As before, all PCs are currently clear to act based on my latest posts!


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« Reply #888 on: <01-07-15/1737:10> »
I just finished to read it all, what a thriller ;)

I did not bound them in character creation, but I assumed that for story reason, that my character will not leave his home before binding some low level spirits as he is not exactly capable in combat. We can make the dice roll and such I'd go for summoning 2 level 3 spirits of man (10 dice only, and then try and bind them). 

How do we roll that mechanically ?


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« Reply #889 on: <01-07-15/1745:06> »

Just poking my head round the door, Adamu is doing a great job while I'm busy waiting...

Invisible Castle is the usual rolling method, although there are others, failing all else roll real D and list them in the order rolled as Adamu said a few posts back (we trust you)!

General word of caution, SR doesn't always treat 'jacks of all trades' well, and those physical stats of 1 will haunt you!  But that just adds to the role play potential :D
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #890 on: <01-07-15/1844:02> »
Okay, wrote a combat prep post ;) A lot to do. I do not mind the 1's and worst case dog meat will die. I find it fun to play a character with an obvious weakness and I think he should play his cards correctly so he do not ends up in gun fights too often. He can fight reasonably, but with body 1, he should probably let the drones/spirit do the combat and maybe jump in or throw a confusion spell to help them.


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« Reply #891 on: <01-07-15/1906:22> »
Now for the technical details: I am just starting so correct me if I am mistaken:

1. Summon spirit of man force 3: (BAD DOG)
 6  6  2  5  4  6  6  3  2  4   - 5 hits vs 2  5  6   2 hits so I get 3 services.
2. soak 4 drain: 6  4  1  6  1  5  6  3  5  4  5   - 6 hits no drain (Yay! )
3. bind: 6  5  3  1  1  3  5  5  3  5   4 hits vs: 2  3  6  6  3  4  (2 hits) so two more services:
4. Soak 4 drain: 5  2  2  4  3  4  5  1  4  3  6  3 hits , 1 stun damage taken.
Total 5 services for bad dog.

****his optional power is mass confusion spell. (to help the drones)****

I just noticed that this spirit type already have a confusion power - (and is anyhow probably too weak to use it, so let's give it ball lighting instead.)

1. Summon spirit of man force 3: (GOOD DOG)
2  5  3  5  5  5  1  4  6  3  -5 hits, vs 1  2  5   1 hit so I get 4 services.
2. soak 2 drain: 2  1  6  6  4  6  1  1  2  4  5 , 4 hits no drain.
3. bind: roll 10 dice, 1 hit , vs 6 dice 0 hits (wow!) so total of 5 services for good dog.
his optional power is improved invisibility.

drain: no drain since no hits.
Can I assume that the damage from home is healed already ? (just 1 DV)

Before combat:
1. improved invisibility spell (force 4) rolls 13 dice 5 hits, 4 hits to the invisibility spell.
Drain: 3DV :  11 dice, 2 hits I take one drain.
2. matrix search -  computer + intuition -2 from invisibility spell: 2 successes. (bah... oh well;) )
3: mechanically, I gave both the spirits an order to fight with me in combat so I used one service on each.
4. Drones flying stealthy into combat:  9 dice for each and they get: 1 hit,1 hit,3 hits lets hope it will be enough along with the invisibility.

anything I forgot? 

PS: I used this site to roll dice, if there is a preferred site let me know: just the first thing I goggled.
« Last Edit: <01-08-15/1131:15> by gilga »


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« Reply #892 on: <01-07-15/1908:22> »
Apologies for not posting, but I just haven't been able to think of anything in particular to do at present what with the main visible enemy remaining being a vehicle, and the post I made a long while back sending a message to the team about the spirit summoner trying to get the spirit to get me up there wasn't answered by the party member in question.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #893 on: <01-07-15/1913:20> »
I'll get you there ;) my character is waiting for a way to join the combat. Will be cool if you take the drones  with you so he can jump in and help if things get bloody. (let's hope it works out, never did the rigger stuff before).

You can RP it as if the spirit/drones are there to meet you if you will, I am going to sleep so I won't be here for a while.

« Last Edit: <01-07-15/1944:23> by gilga »


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« Reply #894 on: <01-07-15/2013:48> »
Hey guys!

BigGuns - great you are around.

Bad guys are directly on the other side of the train - in fact, as I said, one each is now climbing up between the cars on the north and south end of Car 3 - definitely visible to you.

As for other PC not responding, IC that is fog of war (Alicia has been VERY busy), OOC it can be down to post rate (Saithor is, as you've seen, taking a break).

Also, IC, Ghost just was addressing your character, so I think 8-bit may be waiting for that reply.

As for the spirit boost up to the LAV - I LOVE it!!!
Bad ass stuff like that always gets points with me (loved the cycle crash too!).
One trick is that the spirit gilga is sending has a strength of 1, with bod at  modest 4. Generously, it can haul at best 30 kg skyward….

Tell you what - Alicia's fire spirit doesn't seem to be doing much, and with S4 and B7, with good rolls it could haul Cutter up there.
Let me take a small liberty and assume it sees the need and acts - mostly because it is amused to do so. I won't charge a service, and it won't endanger itself by fighting until a service is used, but it will get you where you want to go…

I don't reckon it HAS to burn you if it doesn't want to...

@gilga - you are one heck of a multi-tasker - i can see you are going to keep me on my toes!
Heading for bed now, but will get all your concerns addressed tomorrow, along with an IC post for you to bounce off of.


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« Reply #895 on: <01-07-15/2230:02> »
Okay, I would like to start by apologizing.

Basically, my life got extremely crazy these past few days, and Shadowrun has been low on my list of priorities. That's the reason I haven't been posting recently. While I'm sure you guys understand, I should have at least notified you all. For that, I'm sorry.

I know it's moving slowly, but I should have checked in at least. I hate my life sometimes ...


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« Reply #896 on: <01-08-15/1733:37> »
Okay, I would like to start by apologizing.

Basically, my life got extremely crazy these past few days, and Shadowrun has been low on my list of priorities. That's the reason I haven't been posting recently. While I'm sure you guys understand, I should have at least notified you all. For that, I'm sorry.

I know it's moving slowly, but I should have checked in at least. I hate my life sometimes ...

Yikes dude, no need to apologize. Life hits all of us would-be escapees!

Really do appreciate the check-in - that really helps with keeping the game going.

Get you ducks in a row, and when your time permits, put up a post and kill someone!


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« Reply #897 on: <01-08-15/1807:45> »
@gilga - you are one heck of a multi-tasker - i can see you are going to keep me on my toes!
Heading for bed now, but will get all your concerns addressed tomorrow, along with an IC post for you to bounce off of.

Ha ha, this guy force me to study most of the book i have so in a way he already achieves his peruse. Today I discovered that he should have specialized in spirits of water. As they have all the powers that I wanted, and can also assist spell-casting illusion magic. So many details to learn.

I am a bit out of the loop, but who is currently active in this game ?


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« Reply #898 on: <01-08-15/1810:20> »
Now for the technical details: I am just starting so correct me if I am mistaken:

1. Summon spirit of man force 3: (BAD DOG)
 6  6  2  5  4  6  6  3  2  4   - 5 hits vs 2  5  6   2 hits so I get 3 services.
2. soak 4 drain: 6  4  1  6  1  5  6  3  5  4  5   - 6 hits no drain (Yay! )
3. bind: 6  5  3  1  1  3  5  5  3  5   4 hits vs: 2  3  6  6  3  4  (2 hits) so two more services:
4. Soak 4 drain: 5  2  2  4  3  4  5  1  4  3  6  3 hits , 1 stun damage taken.
Total 5 services for bad dog.

****his optional power is mass confusion spell. (to help the drones)****

I just noticed that this spirit type already have a confusion power - (and is anyhow probably too weak to use it, so let's give it ball lighting instead.)

1. Summon spirit of man force 3: (GOOD DOG)
2  5  3  5  5  5  1  4  6  3  -5 hits, vs 1  2  5   1 hit so I get 4 services.
2. soak 2 drain: 2  1  6  6  4  6  1  1  2  4  5 , 4 hits no drain.
3. bind: roll 10 dice, 1 hit , vs 6 dice 0 hits (wow!) so total of 5 services for good dog.
his optional power is improved invisibility.

drain: no drain since no hits.
Can I assume that the damage from home is healed already ? (just 1 DV)

Before combat:
1. improved invisibility spell (force 4) rolls 13 dice 5 hits, 4 hits to the invisibility spell.
Drain: 3DV :  11 dice, 2 hits I take one drain.
2. matrix search -  computer + intuition -2 from invisibility spell: 2 successes. (bah... oh well;) )
3: mechanically, I gave both the spirits an order to fight with me in combat so I used one service on each.
4. Drones flying stealthy into combat:  9 dice for each and they get: 1 hit,1 hit,3 hits lets hope it will be enough along with the invisibility.

anything I forgot? 

PS: I used this site to roll dice, if there is a preferred site let me know: just the first thing I goggled.

@gilga -

Okay, like I said, you will keep me and my rulebook busy with all this (especially the matrix part!).
So to avoid holding too much in my head, I might make a couple or three posts here.

Everything above looks fine except for one thing.
I am fine with pre-summoning before you leave home, but each of those bindings requires 75 drams of reagents, which I do not find on your sheet.
So bad news, no binding.
Good news, no binding drain to fret about.

So you now have a few less services, and also sunset to consider.
We are in late afternoon now (not sure Aria mentioned an exact time, but barring someone digging one up, say 1700. It's September in Seattle, so I don't think you'll have to worry about sunset in this scene - once past this scene we can use an almanac or something…

You mentioned in the OOC that you gave each spirit a command to fight along with you (pretty broad since you are not actually directly in a fight), but then in the IC you told one to go with the drones and then follow further instructions (so one service, with later instructions being subsequent services), and ordered the other to protect you….so…do you want to rescind the OOC service declaration?

On to the invisibility…three drones needs three spells. You are at one box of stun damage from the first two. If you want the other two drones to be invisible, you'll need to roll two more spells.

Okay, I think that covers the magic side.

More posts in a minute.

I feel like I am being a nit-picker, which is not how I like to play, but you will understand that you have one guy doing a LOT of stuff. I love the concept, and if you get it down, you can be a real ass-kicker, but given the potential power I need to make sure everything stays by the book.


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« Reply #899 on: <01-08-15/1812:19> »
@gilga - you are one heck of a multi-tasker - i can see you are going to keep me on my toes!
Heading for bed now, but will get all your concerns addressed tomorrow, along with an IC post for you to bounce off of.

Ha ha, this guy force me to study most of the book i have so in a way he already achieves his peruse. Today I discovered that he should have specialized in spirits of water. As they have all the powers that I wanted, and can also assist spell-casting illusion magic. So many details to learn.

I am a bit out of the loop, but who is currently active in this game ?

Well, 8-bit and BigGuns are still in (that's Ghost and Cutter).
Saithor and Lusis are still in but on breaks (Alicia and Luz).
Me, I'm in, but my character Al is sidelined doing fluff stuff until the real GM gets back.

Bit shorthanded, but as explained in earlier post, we will forge ahead with what we have.