[5eOoC] 2075/6: Stormy Waters [Persistent World; recruitment always open]

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« Reply #585 on: <10-25-14/0833:21> »
Good job you've got the detect life spell up and running then isn't it? ...will get back to you with results and some indication of where the missing clowns are... @Saithor, good to know you are in car 5 (although you might regret that in a bit  8) )
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« Reply #586 on: <10-25-14/1019:02> »
Good job you've got the detect life spell up and running then isn't it? ...will get back to you with results and some indication of where the missing clowns are... @Saithor, good to know you are in car 5 (although you might regret that in a bit  8) )

I'm going to regret having a squishy character aren't I? One question I have do is if I have a spirit bound, I don't need to do the complex action to summon it, just the simple ones to give them orders?
What's your favorite scary movie?


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« Reply #587 on: <10-25-14/1156:13> »
That initiative thing could sure come in handy in a tight combat.
Personally, I am glad we have it.

Right at this moment, though, with no one in direct contact with the enemy, and everyone performing actions that go way beyond the scale of three-second combat turns (searching a huge train, negotiating with hostage takers, repairing/driving), are we even really on initiative?

Me, with the result already resolved, I was planning on posting getting the lead train back under control after a few more of other people's posts showed a few more seconds of game time passing.

Yeah, I'm honestly not sure if we are even in Initiative right now, that's Aria's call. If we are though, it will be good to track it.


That is correct, it hangs out in Astral Space waiting for your orders.


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« Reply #588 on: <10-27-14/0940:12> »
I think I've located everyone correctly but feel free to disagree...!

@Jayde, can you confirm exactly which car your meat body is in?  I seem to have missed you off my list  :-\
And thanks for all your work on the Obsidian Portal page!  I look forward to being able to open that up to everyone very soon!
« Last Edit: <10-27-14/0947:03> by Aria »
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« Reply #589 on: <10-27-14/1415:02> »
Can I add in a character that's supposed to be a long standing member in the circus? He's an Egyptian aspected sorcerer. Uses his magic and skills to put on glamours shows. Lion fights, Mummies, Chariot battles etc.

What info do I need to read to familiarize myself? Just the IC thread? I read the basic information on the first page of this thread, but I didn't go through all the pages.
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« Reply #590 on: <10-27-14/1553:30> »
Nickname: Angel (short for Fallen Angel)

Name: Mary Ann Miller - Current identity is Lucy Summers.

Metatype: Elf
Role: Decker/Face
Age: 28
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde


Some people are born for success - Mary Ann Miller was literally built for it. Her parents, both high profile executive in a corporation in Sydney, spent a fortune to genetically tailor their unborn child to be perfect in every way - physically and mentally. Mary grew up spoiled, pampered and well educated, all for a single goal: climbing to a high position in the corporation and securing her family's status.

Between her brains and her education, by 20 Mary had already a college grade degree and, having shown an aptitude for computers, a comfortable position in the company's Informatics Security, with the promise of raising, in some twenty years, to the high levels of the department.

However, as easy as her life was, it was also terribly boring. Over time, Mary grew more and more restless; after fending off a few attacks from shadowrunners, she became interested in their subculture and started lurking around in the less reputable parts of the Matrix.
She was 25 when she took part in her first run. It was a simple job of stealing data from a rival corp, and she didn't meet much resistance, but the thrill of plunging into the depths of the Matrix looking for trouble had her hooked - that night, Angel was born.
Mary kept sliding further and further into her little "hobby", until the thrill and dangers of a run were all she lived for. Sure, her everyday life was nice and earned her enough money to maintain her life of luxury, but only when, at night, she jacked into her deck and rode the adrenaline of a run she felt truly alive and kicking.

The last thread that held her to her corporate life was cut the day the son of the local branch's vice-president proposed to her. Of course, her family considered it a great honor; but the though of becoming a trophy wife and baby factory to some self-centered manager, not to mention giving up her life as Angel, gave her the creeps.
A few days later, Mary was leaving the Seattle airport for a "business trip", with all the dirt she could dig up on her "fianceé" safely stored in a corner of the Matrix, programmed to be released to the public should she fail to input a password daily. A quick stop to move her money to a disposable credit stick, and Mary Ann Miller disappeared forever...

With the help of a runner she was in contact with Angel managed to set up a fake identity as Lucy Summers, electronics expert, but her resources were drying up fast. She needed some serious work, and her contact Torrent just happened to be offering some.

Appearance: Even if you happened to work with her, it would be very unlikely for you to personally meet Angel. She would usually support a group remotely, and all you'd see of her would be her Matrix avatar, a paled skinned woman in dark clothes with a pair of black feathered wings on her back.
Should you ever meet the real Angel, you'd be confronted with the image of a confident, beautiful, tall elf dressed in tasteful, and undoubtly expensive, clothes. Her shoulder length blonde hair would do a nice job in hiding the tiny datajack port on the back of her head.

Personality: Angel is a smart and calculating woman who clearly knows her way around people and social etiquette. Only when she jacks into the Matrix she gives in to her wildest side: she loves the thrill of a close call encounter with a black IC or of breaking into the safest corporate networks.

(character sheet to come)

just to know, my prospective character build has a Microdeck Summit with Encryption as a deck. She's going to be horribly underpowered, right?
« Last Edit: <10-27-14/1600:29> by souffle_girl »
I am the smart one, you are the potato one

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #591 on: <10-27-14/1638:51> »
Meat is in the Kitchen Car :)

Car 8, I think!  With a concealing Force 6 Beast Spirit Guard.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #592 on: <10-27-14/1743:09> »
I admit, I'm having a little difficulty remembering where everyone is at, lol.

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« Reply #593 on: <10-27-14/1746:31> »
I'm assuming we restart initiative now?
What's your favorite scary movie?


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« Reply #594 on: <10-27-14/1812:45> »
I admit, I'm having a little difficulty remembering where everyone is at, lol.

Isn/t that the beauty of it, though?

Depending on our characters' capacities, of course, most of us know what is happening in our own bit of the scene, and just a general idea of the certain parts of various other elements feeding the chaos.

It's a great game when it is orchestrated in a way that the players' feelings mirror the characters' to some extent!


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« Reply #595 on: <10-27-14/1848:17> »
Are we in Initiative now? Are we restarting Initiative? In any case, I think the clown with a smoking shotgun is a, ahem, dead giveaway. So, he's going down.

I don't know Initiative, so I'll show my rounds for the Action Pass; I'll edit this post when I know what Initiative I'm acting on.

Simple Action - Take Aim at Clown (+1 die to attack roll)
Free Action - Call a Shot to Vitals (+2 DV, -4 dice to attack roll)
Simple Action - Shoot Enfield AS-7 in BF Mode at the clown - Longarms 6 + 11 Agility + 2 Smartlink + 1 Take Aim - 4 Called Shot = 16 dice to attack

Shooting Enfield AS-7 at the Clown: 16d6t5 8 [6, 5, 6, 4, 2, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5, 4, 5, 2, 2, 6, 5] - Limited to 7 hits due to Accuracy.

Also, damn, I'm on fire for attack rolls. The Clown takes a -2 penalty to his defense test, but not to the soak roll. DV 15P + Net hits, AP -5. 3 APDS rounds used in 24 round drum. 18 remaining in drum, 44 remaining total.


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« Reply #596 on: <10-27-14/1914:59> »
Doing the same as 8-Bit in terms of initiative, Although I do need to roll the spirit's initiative. Alicia is currently Astrally Percieving

Simple Action-Take Cover
Simple Action-Command Spirit (Force 6 Fire):Attack all of the men dressed as clowns armed with guns on this train (Hopefully this will keep them from attacking the carnies and 8-Bit)
Free Action-Comn

Fire Spirit Initiative 15+2d6= 22 Link
Alicia Initiative(if needed): 10 Link
I wasn't able to tell if moving and Melee was allowed (I'd imagine it was), but if it isn't just ignore this rolls, or if my spirit would be allowed to act before the next initiative pass. Attack will be on the clown closest to Alicia or any that have LOS to her.

Focus 6 Fire Spirit Roll (Initiative Pass 1 out of 3)
Unarmed Melee Attack 14d6: 3 2 5 6 4 2 3 5 2 2 3 6 3 2 4 hits Link
Attack is Damage 10p with AP -6

I won't post in the IC until we have the intiative thing sorted out if you guys want, or should I just go ahead and post?

Also, Souffle-Girl, if you need any help creating your character, the Character Creation and Critique forum is the place to go. As for the Microdeck, I don't know a whole lot about Deckers, but yes it looks very underpowered. I wouldn't advise using it unless your really set on it or am going very low priority for your resources.
« Last Edit: <10-27-14/1919:19> by saithor »
What's your favorite scary movie?

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #597 on: <10-27-14/1938:37> »
Rodeo climbs up on top of car eight in the meat, keeping an eye out for trouble and astrally perceiving to see if she can't find the spirits and see what they are up to.  If she sees one enter a car, she begins to head that way.  Her spirit should still be operating under the 'Guard' and 'Conceal' commands.  As the train is stopped, I don't think falling is too big of an issue unless something smacks her.

meanwhile, I did roll some initiative:
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #598 on: <10-28-14/1136:44> »
Well, I can't really post a complete IC until I know if I killed the clown (99.99% sure, but you never know; maybe it had 8 Edge and rolled like a god). Anyway, an incomplete IC is on its way.


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« Reply #599 on: <10-28-14/1550:09> »
Clown's toast...and then engulfed by a fire elemental so that is literal toast!

Sorry I've got no time to IC now but I will try and get stuff up tomorrow for you all.  Meanwhile I'll do my best to answer some questions...

Oh, and can someone remind me of the range of the detect life spell?  It's about to become important!
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