The reason for the cost increase to Activesofts in the Anniversary printing was because Skillwires where, put simply, stupidly overpowering, and many people - myself in particular, where very vocal about this on the Dumpshock forums.
The current issue is that the cost increase greatly restricts access to the Activesofts, but does not actually address the problem with Skillwires.
I would advise to anyone looking for a change to reduce the cost of Activesofts to Rating x 2,500 Nuyen, and change the functionality of Skillwires to a fixed dice pool (opposed to ranks in a skill, as it currently works) equal to 2 + the Rating of the Activesoft.
Further, Skillwires should be limited to skills linked to a Physical attribute, with another system used for skills linked to Mental attributes. Unfortunately, I have not yet developed rules for this divide yet.