[IC] New Beginnings-Horizon

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« Reply #1485 on: <05-01-16/1223:19> »
Sam heard the gunfire as the man dropped next to him. At first, he thought that he was the next target, but then he looked up and saw Clem in the window; realizing that she was the one who had fired, he looked more closely at the body next to him and realized from the lack of blood that she must have been using non-lethal rounds. Still clutching his side where he'd been stabbed, he called up to the orc, "Nice shot. Can you...get Snow down here?" He then moved to the prone man and started examining him.

Sam doesn't know enough first-aid to do anything useful, but he's going to try to look like it for the cameras. Really, though, he's searching for anything that might give him a lead on who these guys are, and will try to surreptitiously take what he can, especially the sniper's commlink and the knife (a trophy, if nothing else!)
Perception: Int[5]+Perception[5]+Vis[2]-CM(1): 11d6t5 3
Palming: Palming(3)+AGI(5)-CM(1): 7d6t5 4

Ok, dunno if he's going to find much, but he should be able to nick whatever he does.  :o
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #1486 on: <05-02-16/0944:44> »
Putting her handgun away, Clem yelled at the two girls back in the building before getting down the ladder in a flash. "We have to leave, NOW!"

Once on the ground, the ork asked Torley if he could stand by himself before looking for O'Connor. "Take whatever you can from him and then we need to get out of here" said the Asian woman, pointing at the passed out attacker before going in O'Connor's direction.
Self thought


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« Reply #1487 on: <05-02-16/1937:28> »
As the limousine rolled toward what had so recently become a war zone, the four passengers worked at vastly different tasks.

The first was clearly a dangerous man, with armor and weaponry all about his person.  He was   coordinating tactical response with the HRT members that were already in position, giving them a small window to extract the assets compromised, by force if necessary.  This last part to be enforced by the heavies in the black van that rolled behind the limo.  A helicopter flying in that would be on site simultaneously was also under his control.

The second person couldn’t have been more his opposite, a slight man who looked like he would blow away in a strong wind, he was nonetheless very intensely studying a datafile he had just received while also working to recode some work he had previously finished.  The code would only need to be installed onto a previously infected commlink and as long as Pito is reloaded, the commlink will be cleaned in minutes.

The third was a bearded man watching feeds of the situation in front of them.  He selected one that showed an ork woman bent over an elven woman doing magic.  His expression was simultaneously grim and frightened.

The last one spoke quietly on a line, in what seemed like a conference call that only he was party to.  Though the deference of position he held in the car marked him as the superior, it was clear that he was not giving instructions but receiving them from the call.

The van suddenly accelerated past the limo and screeched to a halt disgorging heavy security forces in front of three figures in an alley, the helo screaming over their heads in a hot landing in front of the building. 

Richard Fermin and Crenshaw get out of the limo, the latter giving the runners a nod before running to the front of the building.

Richard walks right up to Clem and Torley, “So I am guessing you must have SOME information for me at this point, but it will have to wait until we get back to Studio City.”  He indicates the limo.

In front the helo deploys two medical/security teams which quickly converge on the forms of Snow and O’Conner.  The Horizon Security patches put Sammy at ease before the bearded tech arrives to let her know that her ride is the limo in back though it is clear he is staying with Snow.


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« Reply #1488 on: <05-03-16/0243:24> »
Clearly someone was following the feeds, Sammy thought as she gave over Snow to the medical teams.  Well, as soon as the commlinks were virus free and they had some sleep, it would be time to do something on the Pito.  For now she followed the lead of a bunch of people who could force the issue if they wanted to.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #1489 on: <05-03-16/2019:51> »
"He does" answered Clem, nodding towards the passed out Italian. As she was helping Torley up and get to the vehicles, she asked Fermin "Think you got room for one more in that convoy, we need to talk to him."
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« Reply #1490 on: <05-03-16/2026:16> »
"He's riding in the van, but I doubt he will be able to intelligently converse on anything of note, he's too far gone.  Come on." said Fermin as a couple of security goons hauled him into the van.


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« Reply #1491 on: <05-04-16/1217:22> »
Collecting his walking stick and the sniper's knife as Clem helped him to his feet, Sam looked at Fermin. "Nice timing. We've got some info, but this guy's important. I couldn't find his 'link..I think he might've chucked it onto the roof; I saw something from it up there earlier, but thought it was just mine acting up." He started to shrug, winced, and started heading for the limo. "I'll try to not get too much blood on your car while you get it for us."
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #1492 on: <05-06-16/1607:19> »
Fermin looks to the military man who has gotten out of the limo and nods toward the building.  As Sammy joins them the man leaves to retrieve the link.

As you get into the limo you see Tommy furiously working, he gives you a wave as he continues to work on whatever it was that he sees in his datalink HUD and says distractedly “The banger will live, and I will take care of the problem with your links.”  Before you can ask any other questions he slumps going into full VR.

This is one of the more unusual getaways you’ve experienced.  The car doesn’t break any speed laws and has a flock of drones pursuing it. PCC Security is at the gates of the studio as you pass through. You realize that as employees of Charisma Associates, you have some diplomatic immunity. It’s kinda nice being recognized rather than having to be a deniable asset.

Inside an office complex, you leave Tommy as Fermin leads the runners to the same large office you met in twice before. At least a half-dozen workers are in here, chatting away. You can overhear the words  “Moral Vigilantes” used more than once.

“Please sit,” Fermin says, as he himself sits down in a leather chair. “Tell me what you uncovered and then I will try and fill in the holes.”


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« Reply #1493 on: <05-07-16/1440:35> »
As soon as they were in the limo, Sammy started working on Sam.  First she used Snow's medkit to get the worst of the bleeding under control, before finishing the job with her magic.  The latter didn't go all that well, as she was tired, but it was at least something.
"That's all I can do for now," she told him.

first aid using the medkit
first aid= medkit 6 + logic 4 - 2CM: 8d6t5 3
heal 3P

magical healing (force 5):
magic 5 + spellcasting 6 - 2 CM =9: 9d6t5 1
heal 1P

drain: 1S
willpower 4 + logic 4 + centering 1 =9: 9d6t5 3
no drain

Torley is healed a total of 4P
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #1494 on: <05-11-16/1604:28> »
"We have a couple of things, sir," Sammy said, "a new name: Patterson.  Presumably the one that gave Bacchus his orders.  And a group consisting of a mage, a sniper and possibly a rigger with some nice combat drones tried to ambush us.  Twice.  We didn't really catch their names.  That's it in a nutshell, unless I missed something."
She looked at the rest of the group, at least the ones present.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #1495 on: <05-12-16/1025:10> »
Sam nodded, then added, "The group was good, probably ex- or para-military. Definitely not cheap. Whoever this Patterson is, he's willing to spend a lot of money to keep us from getting too close to him." He grinned wolfishly. "I'm looking forward to meeting him and thanking him for caring to send the very best."
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #1496 on: <05-12-16/1127:19> »
"I don't think this Patterson person is the one who sent these hitters...even if he had resources for them, which he didn't...unless you found a connection between them, the information I have been given points elsewhere."  Fermin's gaze on you is steely "Have you found a direct connection between Daee and Guiles' deaths and the run they hired you for?"


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« Reply #1497 on: <05-13-16/0715:13> »
"The only thing I've seen is that they were in the hotel where Bacchus and Patterson had their camera for some 'entertainment'," Sammy said, "and they were blackmailed with it.  I can't really recall something else.  Do you know this Patterson, sir?"
From the way Fermin said it, she assumed he did.  She couldn't really recall having heard the name before.

I'm going to do my knowledge checks to see if I know the name:
logic 4 + horizon media 2 =6: 6d6t5 0
luckily no glitch.

intuition 3 + celebrity gossip 3 =6: 6d6t5 2
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #1498 on: <05-14-16/1912:27> »
“No, this Patterson person…” he says the name like he was eating something unpleasant and  needed to get the taste out of his mouth, “…was unknown to me until the briefing I just received.”

Fermin steeples his fingers, then sighs, plunging onward, “Near as I can tell, what we have is a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.  Because of this, we have two talents dead and a huge and very public mess to have to clean up.”

He gets up and walks to one of the polarized glass windows, staring at it as though he can see through the frosted snow.  “I have been ordered to make this disappear, and I have been given complete authority in that regard.  The suggestions I have been given are to simply wipe the slate clean, clear cut and salt the earth, but Pandora likes you, and plus there are these heretofore unknown talents in misters Crenshaw and Baker to consider, there should be some compensation for bringing their skills to light.  So I have to ask you three a question you wouldn’t normally be asked in your line of work.” He walked back to the table and looked at you each in turn.

“Can I trust you, and can you, in turn, give me your trust?”


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« Reply #1499 on: <05-15-16/2302:54> »
Sitting on the edge of her leather seat, Clem shrugged at Fermin's question. "You are paying us and can trust us as far as our contract goes. We are guns for hire: nothing more, nothing less. In our line of work, our reputation, and therefore our word, is what separates repeat business from a cold slab in a KE morgue." The ork took a pause to let what she was saying sink in. "Some of us here have been on a few runs together, so we know the importance of discretion when it comes to Johnsons. We won't break our arrangement, but feel free to give us a 'discretion bonus' if that would appease your conscience."

Clem realized her bluntness was probably not what Fermin had wanted to hear, the man probably used to dealing with yes-men all the time, but she prided herself on her honesty in these situations and hoped Fermin could appreciate a straight answer once in a while.
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