"new' kid in town

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« on: <11-08-10/1748:42> »
let's just say new to this particular data haven.  Actually a member of the old guard, owning every piece of Shadowrun source material printed.  as far as the interwebz goes, I was active back in the old IRC channels and usenet groups as well (ICpick back in the day)

Now it looks like my standing monday night group is going to engage in a season in the Shadows.  Probably not going to get off the ground until january, but I am laying the ground work now and bringing my own wetware back up to speed, it has been 10 years since I played in or ran a game.

No clue what the party of 6 is going to be composed of yet.  I might run Matrix off the book as my PC / NPC.  Since we all live in Sacramento, CalFree I am brushing up on my CalFree info (BTW, anyone have a short history update for CalFree??) - set the campaign close to home.  other that that I will be doing a "straight" game (unless they say they want to do low power, high power, gang, or similar variations).

A couple of my players are already aware of the shadowrun revisionist history, but the others are all rookies, so I am working up a document as an introduction.  I've stolen "So It Came To Pass" from the website, but it only hits 2060, and the last 10 years of the Shadowrun world have been ... busy (Crash 2.0 chiefly).


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« Reply #1 on: <11-09-10/0512:52> »
3 words for ya bro:

Sixth World Almanac


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« Reply #2 on: <11-10-10/2008:27> »
Sacramento got annexed by General Saito when he went rogue in 2061 with a full detachment of 25,000 Japanese Imperial Marines.
Concentration/death camps were set up for metahumans.  The crash happened.  Rabble rose up.  Six years of bitter guerrilla fighting later, Saito is ousted.

Northern California is Cal-free again.


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« Reply #3 on: <12-01-10/1855:09> »
Thanks, already digested the 6th World Almanac.  And reviewed CalFree.

Although I think I am going to stick with Seattle as a base of operations.  Learned from the group on Monday that Seattle has a 'history' from the Spycraft game.  Either that for irony or I'll toss them into Denver.  Sacramento just doesn't seem AAA enough to give them a good dose of the 6th World.


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« Reply #4 on: <12-03-10/0618:01> »
The Sixth World Wiki up on Dumpshock will give you the skinny up to the end of 2070...
Joe Rooney
Freelancer (Missions and otherwise: here's my stuff, plus CMP 2011-05 Burn Notice)

My Obsidian Portal profile

