[SR5] Troll Face/Medic

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« on: <09-15-13/0847:37> »
This would probably make a better NPC/Contact than a runner, but for a RP-centric game it might work out. The basic premise is that she was able to get through medical school, but couldn't get residency anywhere but on a trauma team, because who wants ginormous troll hands rummaging around their innards, unless they're halfway dead, right? Some folks, not even then. Then there's the issue of a troll-butt in an ambulance... it's tight quarters to start with. So she got to ride shotgun a lot, or drive. Thankfully she was small for a troll. None the less, career opportunities were drying up fast, no matter how amiable she was or how skilled in medicine. On a Docwagon Trauma Team, you get to meet shadowrunners, though. Sometimes several a night (sometimes, you even see one more than once in a night -- but nobody's naming names). And they like being kept alive, for the most part, despite their racking up the frequent transfusion points. So, once things finally fell apart, she was able to pull in a favor from some past customers to get in on a few runs. That doesn't make DocWagon happy, but ... her non-compete clause has been up for a good long while, now.
[I made a few mistakes in the writeup, and fixed the ones I caught, but I'm sure there's a few more. Be gentle, I'm still a n00b.]


Metatype:A (Troll (5))
Attributes: B (20)
Skills:C (28/2)
Resources:D (50,000)
Magic: E (Mundane)

Body 7
Agility 4
Reaction 3
Strength 6
Willpower 3
Logic 4
Intuition 4
Charisma 4(5)
Edge 6

Qualities: Exceptional Attribute (CHA), Quick Healer, Natural Athelete, Insomnia(10), SINner (Corp Limited - Doc Wagon)

Karma Expenditures:
+25 Karma from negative qualities
-24 Karma from positive qualities
-10 Karma for + ¥20,000
-12 Karma for 6 skills at 1 (*k)
0 Karma remaining

Athletics 2 ( 8 )(+2 for Natural Athelete)
First Aid 4 ( 8 )
Ettiquette 4 (9)
Medicine 4 ( 8 )
Negotiation 3 ( 8 )
Longarms 2 ( 6 ) => 4 ( 8 )
Intimidation 1 ( 6 ) => 3 ( 8 )
Perception 1 ( 5 ) => 4 ( 8 )
Unarmed Combat 2 ( 8 )
Con 1 (6) *k
Leadership 1 (6) *k
Instruction 1 (6) *k
Pilot Ground Vehicles 1 (4) *k
Biotech 1 (5) *k
Cybertech 1 (5) *k

Knowledge skills:
Chemistry 3 (7)
Biology 1 (5)
Tactics 3 (7)
City Knowledge Seattle 3 (7)
City Knowledge Ork Underground 1 (5)
Business 2 (6)

Japanese N
English 3 ( 7 )

Cyberware: None

1 Month Low Lifestyle with Workspace (is that double-cost too? if not, she's got another 1k starting cash)
Fake SIN(4), Fake Licenses: Weapon (5), Concealed Weapon (5), Practice Medicine(5)
GMC Bulldog
Lined Coat
Armor Jacket (w/ DocWagon logo -- She kept this as a souvenir of past employment, as it was fitted to her, and there weren't lots of trog gals joining up when she left)
Defiance T-250-S (shortened version), w/ Concealable Holster(2), Shock Pad, Ext. Smart gun mounted under, Imaging scope mounted top, with Smartlink, Flare comp, and image link, and silencer (should work fine unless she puts shot/flechette through it) [9P damage, holster and lined coat bring concealability to 0.]
10x each; injector dart, APDS, Stick-n-shok. 20x gel-rounds
6 Thermal smoke grenades, various colors
Medical Shop
Hermes Ikon Commlink
2x Meta-link (throwdown/burner/relay commlinks)
10x doses of Narcojet (for the injector dart rounds)
5x doses of Neurostun VIII (in poppers)
5x biomonitor
1 Year DocWagon Basic
Medkit(6) w/ 3x Medkit supplies
2x each Stim patch (5) and Trauma Patch
3x Standard credsticks, 1 gold Credstick, ¥500 left

Decker (L2 C4)  // More than just Matrix, her source for ID's and info
Fixer (L2 C2) // When Shopsofts fail, or to arrange people
Mechanic (L1 C1) // Friend of the Bulldog, moreso than her, it often seems.Possibly financing a watercraft, or something.
Street Shamaness (L2 C1) // Initially, just someone who can heal magically, but will probably try to become an actual friend to
« Last Edit: <09-28-13/1921:43> by BetaCAV »


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  • Omae
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« Reply #1 on: <09-15-13/0908:24> »
Yeah, she's nowhere near the Face she could be if she weren't a troll, but if you ever need to work for (or with) trolls, she could be really handy.

She's also real good with a scalpel, too, should you ever need "parts" reattached or replaced. She's got expenses, though, along with an eye for finances, and earns no halo in negotiations.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-15-13/1154:19> »
Interesting concept :)

you only used 26 skill points (and 2 group skill points for athletics), so you have 2 left.

If you are looking for some min-maxing you might want to consider spending 10 of your 12 left over karma on  your Instruction, Biotech, Cybertech, Con and Leadership skills. With the two lost points that would net you +7 skill points.

As filling a face role I would use three-six of them to bump up your etiquette and negotiation skills and possible get a specialization. For life as a shadowrunner I would probably spend the rest on a combat skill (in this case longarms) to make her a bit more useful when the drek hits the fan.


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« Reply #3 on: <09-15-13/1358:09> »
For a troll face you might spend more points on intimidation. As a troll you should get some positive situational bonuses to intimidation checks (becasue you're big and scary) and there are many places where Intimidation can be another route to the same results as Con or Etiquette.

In general I think I would dump some of the gear and spend the Karma on skills. Stepping the Bulldog down to a Toyota Gopher, dumping the DocWagon Contract and reducing the rating on your fake SIN and licenses a little would save you 10 Karma. You could use that to buy Biotech, Cybertech, Leadership, Con and Instruction at 1 which would free up 5 skill points. With those you could increase your social skills by a pretty significant margin. Etiquette 5 and Intimidation 5 and Negotiation 4 would probably be my favorite option. At that point you're a pretty good face. 

I'd at least think about using some of that Karma to raise Perception. To my mind both a Face and a Medic should have better than average situational awareness. I would go ahead and drop Longarms and Unarmed Combat to 1 (ouchie I know) and buy them with 4 of your free karma points. That will free up 4 skill points to raise Perception to 5.

At that point you'd have 8 free karma left over. That would be enough to raise your combat skills, or pick up some other skills at 1.


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« Reply #4 on: <09-15-13/1418:38> »
While normally, I say to keep to what the average attribute for a metatype with regard to attributes, for Trolls in SR5 and their exceptionally high priority, their naturally high Strength and Body at a base is the sole exception to this, IMO.

Assuming switching the attribute and skill priorities, this would be a good setup for you (before karma):

Body 5
Agility 4
Reaction 4
Strength 5
Willpower 1
Logic 4
Intuition 5
Charisma 4

Influence skill group 5
Pistols or Longarms 5
First Aid 5
Medicine 5
Cybertechnology 1
Con 5
Intimidation 4
Perception 4
Pilot Ground Craft (Wheeled) 1

At this point, spend your 25 karma to bring Willpower up to 3, and the karma from your negative qualities should be enough to help you round anything out.
« Last Edit: <09-15-13/1534:53> by All4BigGuns »
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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  • Omae
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  • 2-legged devil rat
« Reply #5 on: <09-15-13/1610:15> »
Good suggestions, thanks.
Although I would be tempted to bump Attributes up to A and Metatype to B, to boost strength and body, it only gives 4 more points, at the expense of 5 edge... and it's my impression that as a Face or a Medic, having Edge to burn is a Really, Really Good Thing™, since neither skillset is really conducive to coming back to when you're having a better day. Not having had a chance to actually play, I might be wrong, of course.

I initially started with a Gopher, rather than the Bulldog. There's no rules for putting a shell on the pickup, though, and it wouldn't be as secure, arguably, (or as weatherproof) for hauling around all the medical gear in the shop, if there was. And if she has to transport patients, the bulldog wins on seating hands down. Her limited driving skill isn't going to get much advantage out of the gopher's better handling, either, as I understand it. It was worth dropping some Karma for, IMO.

Juggling Karma and skill points around a bit brings Longarms, and Perception up to 4s, and intimidation to 3 (all with pools of 8 ), which I agree makes her a bit stronger overall, though still not front-line material.
« Last Edit: <09-15-13/1751:04> by BetaCAV »


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  • Omae
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« Reply #6 on: <09-28-13/1902:23> »
Drek. I forgot to apply the +50% modifier to gear costs, in adition to lifestyle, and the Neurostun needs to be VIII to meet the availability cap for starting gear. At the very least, that's going to nix the Bulldog for a Gopher. :(

And having to pay Docwagon an extra 50% for her own coverage, just because she's a troll? No wonder she quit.


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« Reply #7 on: <09-28-13/1910:08> »
Drek. I forgot to apply the +50% modifier to gear costs, in adition to lifestyle, and the Neurostun needs to be VIII to meet the availability cap for starting gear. At the very least, that's going to nix the Bulldog for a Gopher. :(

And having to pay Docwagon an extra 50% for her own coverage, just because she's a troll? No wonder she quit.
No, no.  It has been errata'd. Only the 100% added lifestyle cost.  Gear is same prices.
Link to discussion about the hotfix errata.
« Last Edit: <09-28-13/1911:40> by reyjinn »
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"


  • *
  • Omae
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« Reply #8 on: <09-28-13/1913:50> »
Drek. I forgot to apply the +50% modifier to gear costs, in adition to lifestyle, and the Neurostun needs to be VIII to meet the availability cap for starting gear. At the very least, that's going to nix the Bulldog for a Gopher. :(

And having to pay Docwagon an extra 50% for her own coverage, just because she's a troll? No wonder she quit.
No, no.  It has been errata'd. Only the 100% added lifestyle cost.  Gear is same prices.
Phew. Thanks.


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  • Omae
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« Reply #9 on: <09-28-13/1915:31> »
Phew. Thanks.
My pleasure to save you from even a little angst on a saturday evening :)
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"