IC after action/downtime PbP for The essense of life.

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« on: <06-27-13/1108:02> »
alright, any IC stuff I want you to know, or you want me to know post it here, a lot of contacts will be handled here as well and any catch ups or finalizing run ends. please keep OOC stuff minimal here or post it in a spoiler. frost, you took the elf woman back to your place, along with the data chip correct?

[spoiler]from digger: <hey man, it seems after a little more deliberation we have  3 very, very interested clients. the russian mob, the yakuza, (neither were on this list the info on the data chip I mean) and, surprisingly I received a message from this cities law enforcement. the lawmen, probably crooked ones I assume, haven't offered me anything, the other two. Kid you sure you are not in over your head on this? they are offering more than you can make in two years for that chip. give me a time your free, also, you may wanna bring a little "muscle" for safety insurances.> [/spoiler]

EDIT: if anyone wanted to make some minor tweaks to their characters please do so and let me know. the idea is to have fun, and I don't want anyone feeling there character is not quite how they had thought. ofc after the game tonight I will expect characters to be set in stone.

EDIT: what, have I gotten myself into. lol.
« Last Edit: <06-29-13/0214:02> by Raiden »


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« Reply #1 on: <06-27-13/1518:41> »
presuming the note from Digger was to Frost as opposed to all of us, I'll just remind y'all that my Russian is excellent, my Japanese is only good, and I don't speak pig... :)

Dante spends some time resting up after the exertion of the "simple" trip to the Stuffer Shack, and sends a message to the mystery fixer whose contact info he was given.

"J sends his regards, along with his assurances that you can get a hold of some hardware for me. How quickly can you get me a high-end maglock sequencer? Dante"

Rating 6 Maglock Sequencer = Availability 18F  & 1200¥ = 18, 2 days
Using general "Fixer" contact stats = Rating 5 + Negotiation 5 + Charisma 5 = 15 dice
Fixer takes Rating * 5% of "normal cost of item" = 300¥ deducted from pool
4 rolls needed = 8 days to deliver


While he rests and waits for news on the datachip front, he'll tinker with his commlink and change his access ID, clean and maintain his firearms, have some soykaf, and climb the neighboring buildings wearing a chameleon suit and tac gear.

Hardware 4 + Logic 4 (2)
« Last Edit: <06-27-13/1724:03> by martinchaen »


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« Reply #2 on: <06-27-13/1554:30> »
To Dante you receive curt response[spoiler] Oh, its you, Yeah I was told to get you the bloody stuff, I can get it for ya easily. Meet me in eight days time, at the club Dante's Inferno.> [/spoiler] 300 nuyen is taken out of your account.

From J.[spoiler] <Hey, I heard you blew off a Johnson the other day, the hell man I told you not to bugger stuff up, you better have a good reason for being a no show, I mean am putting my rep on the line for ya how you think it looks when I guy I recommend doesn't show> (remember it was the Johnson that sent you for the food as he was withheld at the time hehe)[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <06-27-13/1704:21> by Raiden »


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« Reply #3 on: <06-27-13/1627:33> »
Dante sends a receipt of message to the Fixer, then writes up a report for J. He then looks up places called "Dante's Inferno" using his matrix agent that came with the apartment.

24, 1 min test, R2 agent with R2 Browse (Data Search 2 + Browse 2) on apartment node (not commlink) 19 hits in the first 15 minutes (agent has 2 critical glitches) 25 hits in the next 15 minutes (agent has 2 glitches and 1 critical glitch)
44 hits, 3 critical glitches, and 2 glitches :D

"The hell, J; I went to the meet just like the instructions said, and Mr. Johnson sent us packing to get lunch.

Next thing I know, ork gangers are blowing up the Stuffer Shack we're at, looking for some mystery girl. We take 'em out (where'd you find that Frost character, by the way, man's got an ego the size of a Norwegian Giant), get the girl out of there and she takes us to where she's stashed evidence against someone.

Serious muscle shows up looking for her, we take out the whole lot of them (that Spectre's got a mean streak to him, for sure, even killed the ones I'd immobilized) and bug the hell out. Frost says they were made men, but I was too busy bleeding all over them to notice much.

I barely made it out of there alive, man; if you want something from me, you'd better give me some more intel next time or I'm just going to take all this hardware and come looking for you instead..."

I forgot to ask yesterday if we could snatch the mobster cars; there were two of them, and I had the wheelmen alive and talking before Spectre killed 'em. Presuming I could get keys/access codes/fingers/eyes/whatever's needed to get the cars started without hacking them off of the mobster drivers, I'd nab a car and ask Frost if he find a good bodyshop where I could pay to have it spoofed so we have more than one set of wheels. I'd also like to grab one of their commlinks and spoof it's Access ID, making damned sure not to reassociate it with it's comm code.
« Last Edit: <06-27-13/1630:54> by martinchaen »


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« Reply #4 on: <06-27-13/1700:18> »
[spoiler]I will get back to you on that test  :o ::). [/spoiler]

[spoiler]<Following strangers around can get you in a world of trouble mate,It had better be info worth it, Don't know him, I was asked for a BnE guy and offered you. I wanna know what you got, and I wanna know anything you know. Watch what you say, you don't want an enemy of me. (could make you roll this, but I feel nice today :3)[/spoiler]

you would have had about enough time to get the needed items to get one before his brains were blown out courtesy of spectre and you make a mental note to stay on his good side, the other would have to be left, the cops are slow, but not that slow. roll a edge test for me, lets see which one you got. also, give me a roll on your physical track healing.
« Last Edit: <06-27-13/1714:48> by Raiden »


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« Reply #5 on: <06-27-13/1723:16> »
While climbing a building a couple of streets over, take care not to let his injuries impact him, Dante's commlink beeps again. Setting in on a ledge overlooking the sprawl's skyline, he reads the message from J.

This fraggin' guy... I'm going to have to find out who he is. Maybe Frost knows a good hacker who'll trace him for me. I don't trust the contacts he provided me with, the Fixer is definitely on J's side in this.

As the sun sets, Dante types up a reply before continuing his climb, making sure his chameleon suit is activated and his commlink turned off again so no pesky security drones will bother him.

"Would you have preferred I left the team to go off and die on their own? I'm sure Mr. Johnson would have been real pleased if he found out most of his team got wiped out and I could have helped prevent it, but chose not to. What would your precious name be worth then, I wonder...

Quid pro quo, friend; I'll hand over what I've got once you've got something for me".

[spoiler]Edge 5

We never made a second magical healing test; we can wait for one of the mages to do that, or I can heal with First Aid 4 + Logic 4 + Medkit 6.
« Last Edit: <06-27-13/1746:55> by martinchaen »


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« Reply #6 on: <06-27-13/1811:36> »
[spoiler]composure roll for your Mr J :) 12d6.hits(5)=6[/spoiler]

<point taken, still, it would be professional to at least contact the contractor next time. I understand your situation may be difficult and perhaps I acted a tad hastily though I do expect a tad more courtesy in the future and as all things it shall be repaid in kind. As for the the info... I bet you your starting to run low on the nova eh? I can get ya some more, free of charge or even walking for you will that work for you?
you managed to nab the good one, its a Hyundia Shin-hung model Sedan, out fitted with a morphing license plate, a tag eraser, and has a clean car coating.
 and go ahead and make the roll. magic healing can be applied after first aid, but not the other way around[/spoiler]


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« Reply #7 on: <06-27-13/2038:47> »
Dante made sure the car he'd grabbed last night was still parked three streets over. He'd left it out of sight of any cameras he could see, parked snugly in an alley partly behind a wall, then he'd activated the camo system and snuck back to the apartment with all the agility he could muster. He figured the owners weren't likely to call the cops, but that didn't mean he had to make it easy for them. He'd gone over it with the portable tag eraser just in case, but one never knew.

He checked his commlink after making it inside, slumping down on the couch.

Professional... Hah! Like whatever they did to me was professional, leaving me here on my own with a bunch of guns and nothing but a note for clues. Fuck 'em; they're lucky I didn't just start shooting...

He made sure to clean his wounds again. The one to the temple hurt, but it was nothing a little synthskin couldn't fix. He considered dosing again, but the last time had left him twitching for hours, like he'd had ants in his blood. Better leave that stuff for now, get some rest. As he settled in for the night his thoughts were consumed with a cold rage.

Courtesy. I'll give him some courtesy, all right; I'll find the bastard and graciously gift him with a bullet to the back of his head. That'll be real graceful like.
Maybe I should stun him, and let Spectre handle the rest; after all, he seems to enjoy that shit.

First Aid 4 + Logic 4 + Medkit 6 - Average Conditions 1 - Lost Essence 1 - Wounds 2 = 2, 1 combat turn
I fucked up these rolls bad, went back and forth as I couldn't understand the rules. So, if you want me to roll again that's cool.
10d6.hits(5)=5 3 wounds healed.

I'll then have to rest for the remainder of the wounds unless they're healed by magic;
Body 3 (4 if you let me make some changes as per private message) x 2
6d6.hits(5)=2 2 wounds healed on day one
6d6.hits(5)=2 2 wounds healed on day two
6d6.hits(5)=3 And the remaining one wound healed on day three


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« Reply #8 on: <06-27-13/2135:24> »
Frost is currently busy organizing the last few touches on his new pad, deciding to finally splurge and upgrade. He makes sure that the 'Mysterious Elf Lady' is comfortable in one of the spare bedrooms and has a health non-soy breakfast (luxury has it's perks). Right as he was about to dig a little deeper into her life, story, and over all means how she managed to stir up such a hornets nest, he gets a comm from Digger.

To Digger <When have I not been willing to take a risk? I've always had a thing for the Yak....Nuyen is nice and all, but.....see if you can get them to stick with the nuyen pay out you've been negotiating.....see if they can throw in anything a bit more...exotic....something that their connections makes easier for them to get a hold, wiz foci, maybe access to some 'ware for some of Chummers that are into that entire walking tin-can or bio-vat scene. Also, I'm sending you my sims recordings from the....event. I expect your discretion as always. Make sure it is thoroughly edited before getting it over to Tony, you know how excited she can get with new material. Our legit entertainment gigs is one thing, don't have to tell you how much heat these recordings could bring down on us unedited. Let me know>

Decides to let the woman rest a bit, taking the time to hang the two bats he took as trophies from last nights festivities. Also sends text contents of Diggers initial message and his reply to the team [Diggers contact info is not included in the text]


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« Reply #9 on: <06-27-13/2201:33> »
After about a day (feel free to do whatever) Frost receives this message

< We know you have it, I am sure you think you can make an easy buck off this, and you probably can, but how long will you be around to spend it? We know where you live, nice little fortress ain't it. Let me tell you now, you don't have the man power we do. I know that you and whoever was with you took out our guys I admit I am Impressed, if we had you guys we might could take over this area fully its a shame such unfortunate events have lead to this unfortunate outcome.  You also helped someone that was wanted by us, but we can all be civil, How about this, Just leave the chip in a briefcase at the Elysium Suit room help yourself to any food or drink, our treat to show our sign of, friendship and appreciation. Then Walk away, leave the chip and we go our separate ways. No more trouble for anyone and hey, you can keep the girl, but we want the kid unfortunately we know he is not with you. Oh, and consider us owing you a big favor.

[spoiler]Dante, some tag chips are embedded rather deeply in a vehicle and a go over wouldn't cut it, this time it will as you are showing a healthy amount of paranoia >:3.[/spoiler]


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« Reply #10 on: <06-27-13/2203:53> »
Spectre is crashing at Frost's place for the time being.  Not a big fan of staying put in one place, but the elf woman probably needs another guard and a set of eyes.  I'm not too fond of dead just slows you down.  Meanwhile, Spectre will make sure he gets his fill of the "good life" food at Frost's place.

Spectre is spending his time researching any kinds of news regarding the attacks and what the cops and buzz is regarding the drek that went down.  Since he doesn't have any contacts that he can trust available, this will be independent research.  Also, Spectre will attempt to contact Dante and check in on him and see how he is healing up.  He will tell him that we are likely going to have quite a bit of heat and should probably stick together because we know that people want the datachip and/or the woman.  The same will go for calling up Drain. 

Spectre will contact the Mr. Johnson and explain that the situation got hot during the 'shack run.  He will use his con to attempt to ease the situation with the Johnson and set up a new meeting if possible:

4 CON + 4 ATT = 8 dice
8d6.hits(5) → [5,5,1,3,5,5,5,4] = (5)
5 hits

>To Drain:  Hey, It's Spectre.  The heat is likely going to come down on us pretty hard.  It best that we stick together.  Otherwise, they will likely just pick us off one at a time. I'm crashing at Frost's and the security is pretty good here.  You should get your ass down here.  Plus the food is pretty good too.

>To Dante:  Spectre here.  How are you holding up?  You got fragged up pretty good during the mish.  You should consider upgrading ur armor man.  That suit looks nice, but I doubt you want to be a good looking corpse. Anyways, I'm here at Frost's crash pad.  You should swing by.  We need to stick together.  The heat is going to come down and when we are by ourselves we are all a bit more squishy....Even Frost though you won't hear him admit it! :)
« Last Edit: <06-27-13/2222:23> by brimstone14 »


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« Reply #11 on: <06-27-13/2229:18> »
In person to Frost:

>Frosty, I invited some of buddies from the other night over.  Best for us to stick together.  The more bodies, the less bullets for us two.  HAHAHA


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« Reply #12 on: <06-27-13/2300:28> »
To Spectre: "I'm glad you did. One less thing for me to do. Right now I'm weighing options before presenting them to the team. One hand, we got the Yak and Russian Mob offering us at MINIMUM 250k. Then we got some interest from supposed 'law enforcement', yet they're not really talking price. Now, the crime syndicate that tried to geek us is offering to play nice and owe us. I don't like blind agreements, if they had a rep willing to negotiate, I could see giving them some consideration, but just blunt terms 'or else' don't set right with me. Have my buddy Digger looking into sweetening the deal with the Yak and Russians, seeing if they can open up their network to us for access to some equipment, ware, or magical goods. A pay day like this doesn't come along every week..."


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« Reply #13 on: <06-27-13/2321:01> »
Reading the comm from Spectre made Dante chuckle. He quickly typed up a response.

"You're staying with the showman? You're crazier than I thought, tovarishch. I'm fine, don't worry about me. And the suit''ll do for now; I took a bullet to the head and I'm still standing, aren't I...

I saw the message from Mr. Slick. See if you can get the name of the kid off the mother; I'll see if I can get a bead on him, quiet like. Whoever we pissed off seems to want him bad, and some leverage might work to our advantage. Home address, friends, stomping grounds; anything you can get out of her. She didn't seem too concerned at the kid not being in the car when we got back out...

Maybe our new hacker friend can jack some security cam footage, see if the kid took off by himself or if he was picked up. I could have sworn I shut that door...


If I can get suggestions on locations from the mother, I'll stake out whatever she thinks is the most likely spot after resting for a full day (at which point I'll have healed 7 wounds), and presuming we won't be called to attend a meeting or something. Commlink in hidden mode, switched to passive if I think any security drones spot me.

I'll be wearing the chameleon suit (with PPP armor if I can wear them under the suit) with both Ares Predators on separate arm slides, and my trusty taser in a quick draw holster. To avoid attracting too much attention walking the streets, I'll cover the suit up with "flats" (cheap, bulky clothing), until I can find a spot to camp out. Let me know if you need a full list of gear I'm bringing.


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« Reply #14 on: <06-27-13/2327:13> »
Well get back to you on the info. But you guys took out the security cams remember?