teenage mutant ninja monkey

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« Reply #15 on: <01-08-13/1225:40> »
I'm not sure you've done your clan Group Contact cost correctly... I may just be misunderstanding your notation, but a Group Contact has a Connection and Loyalty just like any other, however they also have their "Group" Rating, which represents how large and what resources the Group possesses. So maybe your 7 Connection is a combination of their Connection and Group Rating and I've just never seen it denoted like that? Otherwise, it may need reconfigured...

Regarding having a 6 Connection Fixer, seems like a bit of a waste to me since you're not a full time player. Assuming your group isn't doubling up too heavily on Contacts, you probably shouldn't have the Fixer contact - I guess unless another GM/Player has the other... Do any of your other players have a Fixer? Maybe a Street-Doc or something would serve your role better for keeping you healthy and helping with future 'ware upgrades?

no I misunderstood the groups, thank you for pointing that out. Ill have to go back and re read that section. I'm not sure off the top of my head what the other character's fixer status is. Though I figured it would be good to have a fixer in UCAS to introduce the ninja monkey to the group and he would probably need international ties if he is has access to the Mist Ninja Clan. even if it is just one strait out of sneaky boot camp.

Edit: I rearranged the contact points so that it works now, 15 member group with national influence and a 3 connection rating. does that look right? 

Meaning it's difficult to put together something more protective with a low body score. (what's the +1 from?)

Im sorry that the method I'm using to denote the attributes is unclear, the natural starting ability score is 2 and I put one more point into it for a total of 3, so the medium armor with the improved mobility mod should be good as far as encumbrance is concerned. Where can I find info on softweave?
« Last Edit: <01-08-13/1235:42> by fitzink84 »


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« Reply #16 on: <01-08-13/1327:57> »
I wasn't aware of the GM choosing the negative surge qualities, Ill have to run that by him. what is RAW?

what would you suggest for the mini milspec?
My bad; I was thnking of dormant metagenetics.

It actually says in the runners companion that the GM may chose negative qualities for balance... I guess that this will be house ruled.


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« Reply #17 on: <01-08-13/1806:05> »
Where can I find info on softweave?
It's in War!.


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« Reply #18 on: <01-08-13/1810:11> »
I wasn't aware of the GM choosing the negative surge qualities, Ill have to run that by him. what is RAW?

what would you suggest for the mini milspec?
My bad; I was thnking of dormant metagenetics.

It actually says in the runners companion that the GM may chose negative qualities for balance... I guess that this will be house ruled.

It does say that the GM may choose them, but the key word there is "may". Due to that word, it is not a house rule for the player to pick them for the same reason that it's not a house rule for the other way.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

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« Reply #19 on: <01-08-13/1906:28> »
good looking out. Thank you all for the great advice!!! I think the character may be ready. I am really glad I found this site, You guys are full of good knowledge and tips!

