Dronomancer who can fight?!?

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« on: <01-04-13/0826:59> »
I may be trying the impossible here but I wanted to create a TM that wasn't a complete pansy in the meat...ok, she can't stand against a dedicated combat character but she hopefully won't wilt in the face of a loud mouthed ganger.


As ever, thoughts, comments, pointers much appreciated.  I think this is probably my first serious TM character so I've probably missed things that I really need!  She could probably do with a car or similar, I've got about 9K funds left so that might stretch to something crappy.  She seems to have a load of dice pools around 11/12 so I might need to focus my attention on doing one thing better than that?

One last thought, machine sprites inhabiting smartlinks - do they use the diagnostic power to assist firing, is it one task per go or per encounter?  Or is there some other mechanic I'm missing?

Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #1 on: <01-04-13/1422:02> »
Your TM doesn't have Gunnery so you will not be able to use the White Knights on your Dobermans (well you can, but you'll be defaulting).

On Machine Sprites' Diagnostic power - some people do not think that using the gun is the same as using the smartlink; ie: you don't increase the dice received from the Smartlink because you are not actively using it, you are using the gun and the smartlink is peripheral. Take it up with your GM whether or not it'll work at your table.

Additionally, have you looked into a TacNet? That's another good way to squeeze out 2 dice for all things combat related.
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« Reply #2 on: <01-05-13/1812:25> »
I had sort of envisaged letting the drones be autonomous, threading a tacnet and using sprites to control them...the lack of gunnery means I can't make use of a potentially threaded command cf though so it makes sense to squeeze it in somehow!

Will have to debate the diagnostics a GM myself I think I'd allow it, no more wild than an extra 4D attack from muscle toner...of course stacking them would be overkill but rolling that many D is going to be just that anyway so I don't think it would unbalance anything...and the sammy would be your friend :D
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #3 on: <01-05-13/2307:56> »
The problem is that being good in the meat AND in the matrix means you have super Multiple Attribute Dependency to an insane degree. Like, you have decent TM Attributes and some skills, but focusing on skill groups and meat stuff makes you much less effective overall in the area TMs shine brightest in.
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