Barnes and Noble games shelf

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« Reply #30 on: <04-21-11/1744:45> »
My local FLGS was saved by Army Surplus sales.

Yeah, odd combination, but there's a lot of Vets that go there, and word of mouth is getting around about the stuff.
That's an awesome combo! Does everyone wear k-pots while gaming at the store?!

Yeah it is weird how that works.  The game shop we have also sells comics, toys, and other hobby stuff including skateboards.  He has been successful.  The store survived the comic collapse in the 1990s and the game down turn.
That's a pretty popular combo here in AZ. It's so popular that there is a gaming store in every mall (usually filled with rug-rats going nuts over everything).

By mall I take it to mean strip mall?  That is where most of the game stores are located here in Texas.  All I can say about the kids is thank goodness they are there at the store rather than up to their elbows in a video game. Even if they are only buying CCGs at least it supports the store.  I myself do not play collectible card games but I am kinda happy that tragic the addiction happened.  It paided my pay check for a while when I worked at Myth:-)