[IC] Virtual Underworld 93

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« Reply #1110 on: <01-31-12/1657:46> »
>>>>>[ Thanks Money. I got it. And I'll be sure to collect that rifle for you. Well...we're about to arrive at the second safe house. We'll probably get some sleep here..if we can get any, after what we saw...Change identities again, get new transport and so forth. We'll probably hit the first target tomorrow just before dawn. ]<<<<<
       -- Madrecita (16:57:44/01-31-74)
"There are always consequences to our actions. We all must face what we have done, and submit to the justice of the pack. It may be that you will have to run alone from now on, but you cannot begin to fix what you broke without admitting that you broke it." - Madrecita's animal twin.


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« Reply #1111 on: <01-31-12/1838:51> »
>>>>>[Madre, if you can hang out down there till the 14th and be in Cartagena that day then I have an exit for you.]<<<<<     -- Wolfgar (18:35:52/ 01-29-74)
May god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference.

Suicide is never the answer, now homicide on the other hand, that has posibilities.

7.62 Russian, when it absolutely has to be done under budget


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« Reply #1112 on: <01-31-12/1916:52> »
>>>>>[It's a dietary requirement Madre, not a compulsion.!]<<<<<
      --  Chrona (00:16:16/01-31-74)


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« Reply #1113 on: <02-01-12/0224:04> »
>>>>>[Still, Chrona, it is unwise to swim with sharks when blood is in the water. And when dealing with creatures that consider you food, extra caution is warranted, I think.

I slept in the car on the way down, so I'm on watch now. Nothing much to see out here. A few patrols in the area, but nothing more than usual, from what our guides tell us. Still, we're keeping the windows shut close, and I just pop out for a look-see on the astral every now and then.

Got the package, Money. We'll put it to good use, I can assure you.

Since a few days have passed since we came in, anyone interested in purchasing some footage from the Deep Lacuna? Only slightly edited to protect the identity of our 'guide'. Smuggler I met in LA runs the Lacuna in a minisub from LA to San Diego.

And sorry if I sounded a bit freaked earlier. That's only because I was severely freaked. I've seen some of the evil drek Azzies get up to, but this was something I hadn't seen before. I'd track down some of the people who would know about these things, but my connections don't go anywhere near that far up, or that far in. And I don't think they'd be inclined to tell me, even if they did.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (02:23:34/02-01-74)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #1114 on: <02-01-12/0246:09> »
>>>>>[Well this "creature" might know what you saw. But maybe you on't trust the information of a Ghoul, we're only "creatures".

Get yourself assensed. Deeply. Make them take a good hard look until you're truly convinced everything is normal. Go to the best reader you can get.

The very fact you freaked so much could mean it touched you without you knowing, or at least remembering. Same to Madre.]<<<<<

-- Chrona (07:45:55/02-01-74)


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« Reply #1115 on: <02-01-12/0306:22> »
>>>>>[Lose the chip on your shoulder, Chrona. I didn't mean 'creatures' as in 'ghouls are only creatures', but 'creatures' as in 'anything that considers me lunch, be it Infected, insect spirit, dragon, or what have you'. Since that expands beyond just Infected metahumans, the word is apt. Infected don't hold the monopoly on creatures that like to snack on metahumans, and you know it. Would you rather I said 'things'?

And I'll stand by my comment that extra caution is due when dealing with creatures that want to eat you. In the case of ghouls, it might not be a compulsion, but still. And that's not counting the risk of infection when you have open wounds (and when you're traipsing through Azzieland, open wounds are a near certainty at some point in the trip).

But yes, we'll do that when we get to Amazonia. I'd rather not talk too much about it with people until we're clear.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (03:06:12/02-01-74)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #1116 on: <02-01-12/0340:01> »
>>>>>[Play nice, children.  Uncle Money has a headache again and the pills aren't working on it.  Chrona, we're all considered "Creatures" to one group or another.  Humanis, Sons of Sauron, Free Spirits, AIs, Dragons.  Especially Dragons.  And Iceblade did just have a traumatic event happen, you know what that's like, right?  On the flipside, Iceblade, Madrecita, if I'm sending a crew to you, they aren't going to be the type to eat you, Ghoul or not.  I demand professionalism in the people I work with, and not eating the cargo is part of that, be it people, blueberries, or deepweed.  Hell, if I sent a dragon to pick you up, well, you'd have to find out what happened to the real me, as you never cut a deal with a dragon.  Only people I won't work with.  Drink with them, sure, work, sorry, no.

Now, I have to go back to virtual meetings about political jobs again.  At least the more interesting ones are starting to happen and I can get the more civic minded 'Runners involved instead of just New Fish.  On the downside, the mottos for the parties are starting to come out and some are just making me puke.  Who writes these things?]<<<<<
      --  Money Johnson (03:39:42/02-01-74)
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« Reply #1117 on: <02-01-12/1044:40> »
>>>>>[I've met a couple dragons in my time, and I'd have to agree, Money. The thing to remember is that you are always working FOR them not WITH them. And no matter how good you think your deal is, they always come out on top. Unless your name is Lugh Surehand. And mine isn't. Only one time I've 'won' an argument with a dragon. It wasn't a great, and it still cost me the better part of my leg.

In other news, we're moving again. Time for today's 'exercise'. Feels good to have a job to do. Gets your mind off... crazy. We've got a good plan for the strike. Everything works out, we should be able to take it out, no problem. This blade Xerena gave me is hungry. It wants to be used, I think. It suits Shark well. Time to feed the Shark.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (10:44:23/02-01-74)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #1118 on: <02-01-12/1231:30> »
>>>>>[You can't outdrink a dragon either, even if they're in human form.  Ugh, the hangover from that night!

No no no no, Spike the punch with MORE ALCOHOL, not poison!  No, not a lethal level of Alcohol, either.  NO DEATHS, is that so hard to understand.  ...  *Emote:  Sighs*  When the hell did Shadowrunning need a body count?]<<<<<
      --  Money Johnson (12:31:12/02-01-74)
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« Reply #1119 on: <02-01-12/1333:09> »
>>>>>[Depends on the job, Money, depends on the job. We're clear of the first target, Wolf. *Sound of big explosion, followed by sympathetic blasts* That would be the first depot going up in flames. This team Xerena got together are real pros. Their hacker masked our approach perfectly. We went in quiet, no guns. There were only a small detachment of guards at this depot, since we're well back from the front. We killed them quick and clean, and no one knew we were there until we were gone.

Sometimes killing is necessary. Like this job. We could try and just knock out or restrain the guards, but if they managed to get a distress signal out, we'd be up to our necks in Azzies. But this is more commando raid, less shadowrun. And anyone who doesn't understand the difference doesn't need to be in either business.

We're heading to the next safehouse now. No casualties on our side, no signatures left behind, cameras edited to show GreenWar commandos doing the raid, and heading to the north. Will the Azzies buy it? Probably not. But anything that throws them off the trail for a bit may help us getting out of the country alive (and avoiding some of those lovely Azzie reprisals).

And Money, we got your souvenir. You may want to clean the blood off, first. Silly trooper bled all over the gun when Xerena buried that bat'leth of hers in his skull. And this blade she gave me literally sings when you use it.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (13:32:24/02-01-74)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #1120 on: <02-01-12/1522:33> »
>>>>>[For as much as I use and love my firearms, a good blade at the right moment is priceless. I never go anywhere without my trench knives and in the bush, my machete is still one of my best friends. Speaking of which, I need to clean and sharpen them all, it's been a busy week.]<<<<< --Bravo Six (15:22:04/02-01-74)
Bringing chaos, mayhem, and occasionally cookies to the Sixth World since 2052!

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #1121 on: <02-01-12/1533:10> »
>>>>>[ Chrona, it's not a compulsion in lions either, but that doesn't stop them if they get hungry enough. That's not prejudice. That's reality. I've had us both assensed at the first and second safehouses.

Mmm...thanks for the vote of confidence, Miri. I'm rather proud of them myself. They've got scouts at the next two depots and a man inside to make sure we know about any changes in the security set up prompted by the last two hits we made.

Oh for heaven's sake, Saki, Mirikon's not going to bite you. If you found something you think he should know, just report it to him. I'm not a relay station. Sorry about that. I hate using the voice thingy to message. It's so difficult to keep things seperate. Now remember people...we're heading into a fovea. Don't go using your magic, and don't try to project, those of you who can.

Miri's right. If you hit military targets, you better act in a military manner. I've leaned that during my time in the Yucatan. Hehe. I'm glad you're liking the blade, Miri. I look forward to the day when you can use it to its full potential.  ]<<<<<
       -- Madrecita (15:33:44/02-01-74)
"There are always consequences to our actions. We all must face what we have done, and submit to the justice of the pack. It may be that you will have to run alone from now on, but you cannot begin to fix what you broke without admitting that you broke it." - Madrecita's animal twin.


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« Reply #1122 on: <02-01-12/1735:20> »
>>>>>[Fovea. Yet another reason this country should be blasted off the map. I don't know what they've been doing here to create these things, but it has to stop. And yes, I know there's no evidence that they are creating these things, but you don't exactly see them anywhere else, do you?

Right, we're in the next safehouse, planning the next attack. Seems some of Xerena's team are a little bit frightened of me now. Guess they've never seen someone from a possession tradition allow a spirit to possess them. All I did was cut a troll in half! Well, the spirit did, using my body, at my direction. Fine distinction, of course.

The presence of a fovea near the next target is... problematic.

And Xerena, when I'm able, I'll be sure to show you the results. Wolf and Shark hunting together is a breathtaking experience, no?]<<<<<

--Iceblade (17:34:23/02-01-74)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #1123 on: <02-01-12/2056:04> »
>>>>>[Bravo! What rock did you crawl out from under?]<<<<<

-- Chrona (01:55:23/02-01-74)


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« Reply #1124 on: <02-02-12/1512:46> »
>>>>>[Oh sweet heavens Madre, i didnt mean for you to take on the missions, that being said, way to go, I'll send you the first half of the money to a numbered account of your choosing, just tell me how many on the team. The fovea, the Johson says that if you can take and disrupt or destroy that theres an extra bonus payment in it for you and your team, but that its not as important as the depot itself. Also, i have an extraction for you if you cant be in Cartegenia on the 14th. I'll send you a special file later today or tomorrow with the details.

Now Ice, if you can get me footage of what happened or what goes on next, I want it. I would love to see wolf and shark hunting together as i'm a wolf totem myself.]<<<<<

-- Wolfgar  (14:55:55/02-02-74)
May god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference.

Suicide is never the answer, now homicide on the other hand, that has posibilities.

7.62 Russian, when it absolutely has to be done under budget