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« on: <05-29-12/1156:43> »
as every gm has ever seen miraculous this disadvantage appears on every character sheet I have ever seen and as I am starting a new campaign I posted this on the front page. (obsidian portal)

Great news to all you shadowrunners. Lone Star has located EVERYONES loved ones. It was a special day to be sure to see everyone reunited like that. The Break in the case was spectacular coverage. Seems they all were playing Diablo CLXIV once again Diablo was free and this BTL online game. Apparently they were waiting for "ERROR 41" and lost track of time. They eventually gave up and found it has been years since their loved ones have seen them. All at once the Matrix was clogged with message trafic to everyones loved ones.

« Last Edit: <05-29-12/1158:22> by emeketos »


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« Reply #1 on: <05-29-12/1207:55> »
That's kind strange. So far, Ive only see two character which got this quality (one was of my building, the other was another PC), and I've played (well, at least started a game) a lot of times. In both cases, the quality was a real important part of the character concept and was cleverly used by the GM (in the cases the game did not just long three days, that is).


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« Reply #2 on: <05-29-12/1244:48> »
Have to agree with Netzgeist, this is a fairly nice quality when properly run by the GM. It can quite easily lend itself to the campaign (might take some working in), and the negative is actually pretty bad if you fail that test in intense situations (e.g. you're in the facility and you find a database that contains a whole heck of a lot of data, and you just have to check it first before you leave).

Besides, its not like it can't just be abused as badly as an obscure allergy, or worse yet, the prejudiced quality with only the biased degree (e.g. free BP if poorly RP'd; "I'm only biased against humans/orks/elves" whee 30 BP, and I only have to grumble when I work with them).

Lost loved one can be pulled out of the box whenever the GM feels like it, and instantly can change the tone of an encounter from a dispassionate "Its only business" tone to a remarkably personal tone for that given character.


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« Reply #3 on: <05-29-12/1504:46> »
My last game every player had it all created their characters interdependently. Basically treated it as a free 5 point disadvantage. True the obscure allergy can be abused as well. I have to say my last character has it him self actually worked into the narritive as to why my character turned to the shadows. I dont really mind it as long as its not abused. since I have seen it on 3 character sheets already though I thought it funny to put up the diablo joke.


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« Reply #4 on: <05-29-12/1520:03> »
The joke was a good one, indeed.

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« Reply #5 on: <05-29-12/2111:11> »
I also like the joke, but have never seen someone take the disadvantage before, and compared to some of the things I have seen it isn't bad. Like the mage who wanted to have all of is negative qualities be sensitive system, and others having to do with cyber and bio ware mods which he never intends to have. With lost loved one at least there is a roleplaying hook there. However, I can see how it could be frustrating when everyone takes it in the same campaign. Though it would be interesting if they were all missing the same loved one.
ie player 1s sister, player 2s girlfriend, player 3s aunt or something along those lines yet none of them knows the other at the beginning of play
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« Reply #6 on: <05-30-12/0435:58> »
Have it be the wife of all 3 players. She keeps the lives well seperated, using business trips and such as an excuse for her secret lives.
What will the players do when they find out?
Dun dun duuuun.


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« Reply #7 on: <05-30-12/1246:14> »
Wouldn't that suck? xD
Having access to Ares Technology isn't so bad, being in a room that's connected to the 'trix with holographic display throughout the whole room isn't bad either. Food, drinks whenever you want it. Over all not bad, but being unable to leave and with a Female Dragon? No Thanks! ~The Captive Man


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« Reply #8 on: <05-30-12/1642:33> »
Guess it all depends on how it's used. For instance on my rigger I have one fo the most abused (probably) negative qualities - In Debt. But, it's tied to both my Wanted negative quality and my enemy. It's an important part of my backstory.  Just like Born Rich and Black Market Pipeline.
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."


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« Reply #9 on: <05-30-12/1819:17> »
DV, I'd say the most abused negative quality is Incompetent.
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #10 on: <05-30-12/1827:26> »
DV, I'd say the most abused negative quality is Incompetent.

Well I did say probably one of ;)
"Which is better and which is worse,I wonder - To understand or to not understand?"
"Understanding is always worse. To not understand is to never carry the burden of responsibility. Understanding is pain. But anything less is unacceptable."


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« Reply #11 on: <05-30-12/1844:24> »
Don't forget "Sensitive System" for a mage - 15 points to not install cyberware and reduce my essence? really?


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« Reply #12 on: <05-31-12/0327:00> »
... one of the most abused (probably) negative qualities - In Debt...

DV, I'd say the most abused negative quality is Incompetent.

Don't forget "Sensitive System" for a mage - 15 points to not install cyberware and reduce my essence? really?

So, a "Punching" Mystic Adept, with Sensitive System, Incompetent (Blades) and (Clubs) and the rest in In Debt?

« Last Edit: <05-31-12/0329:03> by JustADude »
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« Reply #13 on: <05-31-12/0414:51> »
There's also non-hackers taking Scorched and Sensitive Neural Structure, although at least in those cases they get less BP out of it than a hacker would.

(I've actually done that before. I explained it as my street sam having overcome a BTL addiction.)


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« Reply #14 on: <05-31-12/0718:23> »
I've done that one before, too, Narrator. Though in my case, the sammy was one of Deus's Blues...
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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