Attacks of Opportunity (Kickstarter for Popable Dice)

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« on: <04-14-12/0116:25> »
Attacks of Opportunity is a Kickstarter project making Popable dice (D20's, D10's, D10,000's, etc.). The original project was for getting easy to use dice for gamers that have trouble physically picking up and rolling dice, and it's been expanding from there. The project can be found here. He also sells them on Etsy if you know anyone that could use one now.

A lot of people wonder what could make a gamer unable to actually roll his dice like normal. There are a lot of muscle disease out there that cause shaking to the point where picking up dice is more likely to cause them to fly across the room than land on the table, and many gamers feel that have the thrill is watching that dice roll up on a number (computer RNG just isn't the same).

Even if you can't/don't want to pledge or support the project yourself, please pass the link around and help get the word out there.


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« Reply #1 on: <04-17-12/1042:04> »
Many of the Kickstarter rewards have been revamped for anyone interested in this project.


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« Reply #2 on: <04-17-12/1307:19> »
Well, good thing I decided to follow the link before posting. I was going to ask what "pop-able" means. It's like Trouble. Well, posting the question anyway. Sounds cool. I might kick a couple bucks that way.


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« Reply #3 on: <04-19-12/0607:43> »
While I certainly like the idea and might've bought it for DnD or something like that before it became a miniatures game, its applications in Shadowrun are too limited because you can't chance your dicepool :(
Dice towers are the best for Shadowrun!

