[IC] The Tell-Tale Heart

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« Reply #15 on: <09-30-10/1542:30> »


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« Reply #16 on: <10-01-10/1640:05> »
"I'll take you down there when you're ready to go. We don't wanna keep him waiting too long."

Your drinks arrive and he starts to down his immediately.

"Don't frag this up, okay? I talked you up and if you go in there actin' like a bunch of ganger trash, that's on me. Speakin' of which, lemme buy this round. Least I can do."

((OOC:You'll be riding with Jimmy or following his car if you choose to go with him.))


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« Reply #17 on: <10-01-10/1922:11> »
Once Santero finishes up his rum and coke he tells Jimmy and the group that he'll make it to the meet on his own.  Santero then walks outside and steps into an alley right next to Restaurant and when he's sure no one is looking, he closes his eyes and opens his mind to the Orishas, whispering ancient Yoruba prayers punctuated with a smattering of spanish .  He calls out to Shango through the depths of his storming mind....

"Iwo ni Oluwa Awo Ara ati Manamana....necesito ganar para poderte alabar, mandame un mensajero veloz y derecho...Mo juba awo Shango!"
(translation for GM: "You are the Owner of the Mysteries of Thunder and Lightning, I need to make money to be able to worship you, please send me a messenger who's quick and straight...I humble myself before the mysteries of Shango")

[OOC: Summon Guardian Force 3.  Guardian's roll 3d6.hits(5)=1.  Santero's roll: Summoning (Sp. Guardian) 7 + Magic 6 = 13 13d6.hits(5)=3.  2 tasks.  Drain resistance 9d6.hits(5)=3.  Drain 2S ---> 0.
While possessed Santero can move 100m/turn = 2km/min.  His body would be  6 so he can run 12 minutes without fatiguing, so that's 24 km.]

Through closed eyes Santero sees several hunters darting through the tall grass of the Serengeti, their bows strung over their shoulders.  He tries to get their attention, and one them turns around startled.  The young hunter smiles at Santero and says to him "My names Ngabou....i'm going your way anyways, I can walk with home is two villages down the road."  Santero smiles back at him knowingly.

When Santero opens his eyes he chides himself for asking Shango's help for such a mundane task, but when it comes to running the shadows, it's always best to be on the safe side.  He rubs his throbbing temples, but smiles when he sees the young hunter's glowing form hovering in front of him in the astral plane, and he tells him through their mental link: "Thank you Ngabou, first we must follow a man to get where we must go."  Ngabou nods.

[OOC: Santero's first request will be for the Guardian spirit to possess his body and use its Movement power to follow Jimmy's car to the meet.  Spirit's possession test: Forcex2 + Prepared Vessel 6 =12 12d6.hits(5)=4. Santero's body resists with Intuition 3 + Will 5 + Wound Modifier -1 = 7 7d6.hits(5)=2.... So the spirit is able to possess Santero.]  

Santero, looks down at the grimy back-alley ground, his body shudders for a moment and once the convulsing subsides, he slowly looks up, his face painted with an entirely new expression, his eyes glowing a faint blue while a thin mist of mana slowly rises from the shoulders of his trenchcoat.
« Last Edit: <10-04-10/1317:56> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #18 on: <10-03-10/1547:03> »
Belial looks at Jimmy.  "Alright, professional it is. I'll take my bike and follow you, I don't like being stranded anywhere."  Belial gave Jimmy a reassuring look.  I would prefer you not getting killed by my actions."
Note to all you rich corp slugs out there: the Redmond Barrans is no place to take your brand new drek hot sports car out for a spin.
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« Reply #19 on: <10-03-10/1955:36> »
I will follow on my bike Jimmy.  Easier to move on after wards and get stuff done.  Thanks for the drinks.  I am ready when ever you are.


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« Reply #20 on: <10-04-10/1053:43> »
After a short drive towards towards downtown Redmond, you turn off, going into a more low key residential area. Apartment complexes tower above you. The four of you meet up on a dark, snow-covered sidewalk, outside one such building. Jimmy makes use of a mag-card to get the doors open, motioning you inside.

"C'mon. I'm freezing my balls off."

The lobby is fairly luxurious when compared to many in this part of town. The red carpet has few stains, and fresh image paint on the walls, displaying rolling waves with overlaid advertisements. Those of you without good filters get spammed a little. You enter the elevator and a soothing female voice begins its pitch. Jimmy talks right over it, as if he doesn't hear it.

"Alright, so Mr. O'Leary is a pretty strange guy. Don't mention anything that might set him off, okay?"


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« Reply #21 on: <10-04-10/1139:32> »
Santero asks the Guardian spirit Ngabou to return to his village for the time being until his help is needed again. 
[OOC: guardian spirit is on standby]


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« Reply #22 on: <10-04-10/1210:39> »
Jimmy, what kinds of things set this guy off?  You are being very vague. Will a smile set him off  a frown or something more than that?


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« Reply #23 on: <10-04-10/1229:03> »
"Strange how? Jimmy it sounds like we might need a little more intel on this meet."

Belial activated his wired reflexes.
« Last Edit: <10-05-10/0942:48> by cyclonus743 »
Note to all you rich corp slugs out there: the Redmond Barrans is no place to take your brand new drek hot sports car out for a spin.
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« Reply #24 on: <10-04-10/1333:30> »
Before Santero enters the elevator, he stops and touches his necklace of cowry shells while closing his eyes, bringing the little medal of St. Michael to his lips as you catch a glimpse of a wispy plume of mana flow from the kiss to the pendant.  

Once he continues into the elevator you notice his gait has aquired an uncanny briskness to it.

[OOC: casting an increase reflexes F3 spell and putting it on his sustaining focus: Magic 6 + Spellcasting (sp. health) 7 = 13 13d6.hits(5)=3.  Drain resist: Cha 4 + Will 5 = 9 9d6.hits(5)=2.  
Drain F/2+2=3S--->1S.  Now he has Initiative 9 and 3 IP.]
« Last Edit: <10-04-10/1339:57> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #25 on: <10-05-10/1025:05> »
Jim runs a hand over the back of his neck, thinking for a moment. He pushes the stop button, halting the elevator

Belial: Strange how? Jimmy, it sounds like we might need a little more intel on this meet.

Kali: What kinds of things set this guy off?  You are being very vague. Will a smile set him off  a frown or something more than that?

Jim runs a hand over the back of his neck, thinking for a moment. He pushes the stop button, temporarily halting the elevator

Jimmy: A smile would probably cause you a whole lot more trouble... He's a psycho, but he's real crafty. Don't show any weakness. Don't joke around. And for the love of god, try not to piss him off. Do what I do. Put all your feelings aside... and just think about the Nuyen."

His finger hovers over the elevator's control panel and he looks back at the three of you.


((If anyone has any other questions you can keep it stopped and ask. Belial activates his wired reflexes, Santero increases reflexes. Santero, you took 3 stun, right? You got a penalty right now?))
« Last Edit: <10-05-10/1227:56> by Joker »


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« Reply #26 on: <10-05-10/1121:40> »

at that Kali leans against the back left corner of the elevator and gets a wolfish grin on her face. 

{OOC casts Increase Reflexes Force 4 .  3 successes for the spell 4 for the drain.  So my initiative is now 8 with 3 IP's}


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« Reply #27 on: <10-05-10/1221:01> »

Belial gets into professional mode for the meet, i.e. stops acting all paranoid and hostile.
Note to all you rich corp slugs out there: the Redmond Barrans is no place to take your brand new drek hot sports car out for a spin.
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« Reply #28 on: <10-05-10/1445:20> »
[OOC: no I rerolled but summoned a weaker spirit, and got no drain, and then got 1S drain from casting Increase Reflexes.  On another note, my mentor spirit Elegua (Trickster) requires me to make a composure test (2) to resist playing a prank.  Just in case i'll roll it now Cha 4 + Will 5=9 9d6.hits(5)=2.....he succeeds.]

Santero: "Square meng'."  
« Last Edit: <10-05-10/1448:46> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #29 on: <10-07-10/0207:10> »
The elevator reaches it's pinnacle at the fifth floor and the door opens to reveal short hallway with a few doors along it. That little hall leads to an office, of which the centerpiece is a large antique desk, though, there is other furniture and a couple of doors in there as well. A fair amount of effort has gone into the decor. Behind the desk there is a glass wall with another door leading out to the balcony. The balcony's view is terrible. The only thing you can see are the backs of other buildings.

Mr. O'Leary, a large man with a completely bald head stares out the glass in the office, facing away from you in a thoughtful pose. After sluggishly emerging from one of the side rooms right next to you, a butler drone begins speaking to you, causing the tall figure to turn around and lock his wrathful eyes on you. Even from here you can see that his teeth have been replaced with metallic shark-like teeth, giving him a frightening visage.

Drone: "Welcome Mr. Sullivan. Mr. O'Leary is expecting you. Right this way please."

It turns around and begins to slowly lead you into the office. As you enter you notice another humanoid off to the side of the room, previously hidden from view. the being has some kind of dermal sheathing, ocular implants that make no attempt at a human appearance, and a ventilator. In addition to carrying several visible firearms and grenades, it has some kind of modern looking sword on it's back. Probably some kind of bodyguard.

Drone: "Mr. Sullivan is here to see you, sir."

Jimmy (Nervous):"Eh.. I brung 'em just like you asked, boss. Can I go now?"

Mr. O'Leary approaches you, looking each of you over carefully. After a moment he waves Jimmy away as if he were nothing. Jim turns to leave immediately. The butler drone slowly leaves the room as well.

Mr. O'Leary: "Sure don't look like much. Tell me, why should I trust something like this to a couple of street punks like you? Huh?"

((00C: Not a great post, even for me... If you need any clarifications please feel free to ask me.))
« Last Edit: <10-07-10/0222:09> by Joker »