Aztlan Takeover Plot

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« Reply #30 on: <03-18-12/2207:25> »
The Azzies would gain an enormous number of very tangible benefits. By holding more territory, they control the trade, natural resources, and are in a position to cripple any other corps in the region by enforcing their laws and tarriffs. With such a greater pool of resources to draw upon, Aztechnology could make serious bids on continental control, especially with the ability to almost completely cut off the rest of North America from the Japanese and Eastern corporations. Once they settled in, negotiations to get rid of any support San Fran's rebellious leader may still have from the Japs, and I can't imagine Tir Taingire would not be happy to see the xenophobic general ousted. The more cities Aztechnology can get their hands on, the more major production facilities they will control, and the more pressure (financial, political, and even military) they can exert on everyone else.

I doubt it would be easy. Let's face it, Dunzelkahn did a bang up job predicting exactly what would happen so far, what makes anyone think that suddenly his multi-billion Nuyen foundation would be stupid enough to fall for bound spirits? The trouble with that sudden influx would be that a single high-level mage figuring out that it was only a gambit using bound spirits could blow it all, and turn that raging drekstorm right back on Aztechnology. All of a sudden, the now-benevolent and helpful Azzies are exposed as (the all too familiar) villains, having been caught subjecting mundanes to blood magic experimentation and then selling them off to the Foundation!

In the shadowrun universe, the Nation State is weaker then the Corporations.  Controlly terrirtory does not equal control of whats in the territory.  Therefore control of territory does not equal control of trade, or resources, or production.  Private individuals control this.  Now Azzies do have a history nationalising these things and generally annoying other corps, but they did get a serious smackdown last they did this.  Other megacorps are unlikely to support an Azzie expansion and they can hit Azzies elsewhere, like Europe and the rest of North America.  This is not a computer game where owning territory (gold mines) gives you the edge along.

Also, controlly territory is very, very expensive.  Even now, when nation states wield more power than they do in Shadowrun, many nations run in the red (though there are strangely sound economic reasons to do so...), and the privitise as much as they can, not nationalise.

You could not cut NA from Asia by control of territroy.  To do so would most certainly provoke a war.  Which is expensive.  And Azzies have too many interests spread around the world the risk them for a pointless war.  Actually better to keep it open and charge a reasonable tax.

Not sure why Azzies need to spend so much effort on the Draco Foundation at all? The other corps and the remaining nation states are far bigger challenges.

Not sure why the immortal Tir elves want the pensular?

Creating Blood Mages to bankrupt the Draco foundation?  Only if the Draco Foundation is run by idiots, which I would assume is not the case.  I thought the list of Blood Mages was limited, and even if it wasn't, its a simple enough tasks to avoid/delaying payments etc and then investigate how the bloodmages are being created.  Who are not just idiots getting farmed by the Azzies.  If you created an army of awakened blood mages (and thats a big IF), they are powerful and... well ruthless is the nicest word I can use. 

What  will happen?  A blood mage gets dumped at the Draco foundation's door, they will investigate his entire past, using both mundane means and powerful magic, and find one) just created and unlikely to have done much to taint his essence, b) the connection to the Azzies. 

Of course, I think that the plan, on the surface and without further detail, seems a tade crude.  I think the Azzies would be more subtle.  And I still don't know why they are spending so much effort to target the Draco Foundation and not all there many, many other enemies?

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« Reply #31 on: <03-19-12/0754:21> »
The blood mage gambit was ONE of what would have to be hundreds of small sub plots that they would have to do to get their objective.  If you're fixating on this aspect, then it is already doing its job, tie up the Draco Foundation.  Ultimately, the blood mage gambit comes down to this: Dunkelzahn wanted the Azzies to stop using blood magic.  If the Azzies show up on the doorstep with all of these blood magic hedge magicians, plus concerns for their safety and a willingness to provide their blood magic research, the Draco Foundation would very much be violating both the spirit and letter of the Will. 

Let's assume they hesitate and stall to avoid paying.  Think about who is really out there hunting down the 'real' blood mages.  Shadowrunners.  How many shadowrunners are willing to get jerked around like that?  It is a lot of work to bring someone in alive, especially a blood mage.  The Azzies could also spin this in their favor by pointing out that the Draco Foundation isn't willing to fulfill their contracts and that they are selectively killing people for assassination, not general protection of the public safety as they would profess.  The Azzies walk away with their ten thousand blood mages and the Foundation has to deal with the backlash.  On the back side, they've also planted the seed in the minds of the general public that they have TEN THOUSAND blood mages on the street.

Yes, the Foundation would save its money by not paying out or delaying payment, but they would be tied up in a PR mess if they do.  The Foundation gets tied up for a while dealing with that mess.  If they pay up, then they are in financial straits and need a white knight to step in.  It doesn't matter how much the Foundation has, it is limited.  Aztechnology just needs to create more than that to strain the Foundation's resources.

But again.  This is just one of many smaller moves on a great big chessboard.  Work it out so either way, Aztechnology wins.

You've also got to accept the basic premise that Aztlan takes over the West Coast.  What needs to happen for that to take place.  I think that it is obvious that they need to make some alliances to get it done.  What needs to happen to get those alliances?


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« Reply #32 on: <03-19-12/1750:52> »
Its an idea.  I think there are a number of things to consider:
1) Artificially 'Awakening' someone, particularly to a specific type, is not currently possible.  But lets assume that the Azzies worked it out.
1a) Azzies worked it out, something worth billions of Euros and would make them potentially a power without equal... and the create disposable cannon fodder?
1b) Azzies can awaken people now... every other megacorp and remaining nation state powers quickly organise their own shadow operations to still secret.  Soon every nation / corp as 100% awakened security personal.

2) Azzies 'create' an army of Blood Mages.  Immortal Elves and other shadowpowers suddenly see the stakes much higher (as in the end of the world type stakes) and act accordinly.  Harliquin and others, most likely Hestiby and even Lowfyr, take actions in the shadows to ensure this secret stays buried forever.  Azzies most likely destroyed in the process/

3) Azzies show up at the door of Draco Foundation with 10,000 blood mages.  Draco Foundation takes the following actions:
3a) Delay.  Need to verfiy, confirm, whatever.  Shadow community etc not that worried because more concerning is that 10,000 blood mages just appeared out of nowhere.  Most figure its a trick (because it obviously is).
3b) Draco Foundation or similar (perhaps Horizon) run a media campaign to discredit the Blood Mages and/or Azzies.
3c) Draco Foundation declares they are infact not Blood Mages, even perhaps a new, similar but safe, varient. Azzies recieve a token reward only in public, shadowwar begins in the background.
3d) Draco investigate the Blood Mages, trace them back to Azzies, deal with the problem.  Perhaps call in Dragons for assistance.  Perhaps expose Azzies.  Suddenly the Dragon Terrorist (forgot his name) is actually a hero...
3e) Remember, Draco Foundation has a large number of shadowrun contacts, and some very special in house resources.  Azzies are not going to have a cakewalk.
3f) Still don't know why Azzies are even attacking the Draco Foundation in relation to its expansion attempts?

4) 10,000 Awakened Blood Mages who then get sold out.  Um.... yes... I can see how that will turn out....

Look, its an idea, but how well it works depends in part of who your playing with.  Some players go with the flow, some will tear apart the logic with a viciousness of a wolverine.  My players would walk if I ran the above.  Just saying.
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« Reply #33 on: <03-19-12/1842:58> »
The Draco Foundation either pays up or they don't.  If they don't, all those Blood Mages come home and the Draco Foundation gets discredited.  That is probably the desired outcome. 

If they pay up, a carefully arranged white knight appears to bail them out so that the Draco Foundation thinks it gets the upper hand against Aztechnology. 

If they don't pay up, then a public relations nightmare gets dumped on them, claiming that they aren't actually interested in helping the world and that blood mages are misunderstood.  Additionally, the dragons are conspiring for world domination, etc.  Release contents of mysterious room mentioned in Dunkie's Will which supports the claim.

While the Foundation deals with the issues, Azzies can maneuver elsewhere without interference from the Foundation. 

The 'sold out' blood mages could be the portion of society that is awakened but driven insane.  In exchange for turning themselves in (with promises of safety), they get 10% of the reward donated to their families (100K each is a lot for peons).  Without doing some sort of awakening ritual, 1 in 10,000 people has some sort of magical talent.  1 in 5 of THOSE has training.  1 in 4 of THOSE is a full magician.  There are 134 million people in Aztlan.  That means that there are 10720 estimated number of untrained citizens with some magical talent.  Find them.  Teach them ONE magical skill/spell.  Teach them ONE technique using blood magic.  Throw in some psychiatric therapy and support for their family.  Boom! Legit 10K blood mages.  BOOM! 10K potentially dangerous wild cards off the street. BOOM!  Massive infrastructure put in place to secure all the magic talent in Aztlan.  This is something they should do regardless of using them for the Draco Gambit.

Now, step back from the Draco Gambit.  That is just ONE of many moves on the chess board.  Look at the others.  I strongly suggest that Horizon gets on board with the Azzies as well as the PCC.  The Shedim are a major problem in the LA area.  That's not a liability anyone wants to deal with, especially the PCC.  Give the PCC a port on the Gulf and LA becomes less vital, especially given the magical threat.  If the Azzies can produce 10K magicians in a single swoop, that would be a big selling point towards being able to fight a magical threat.   "We're here to help.  We can wait until they turn you all into zombies if you like.  But we'd just as soon fight the threat before they get too integrated into society."  Horizon was founded on fixing California after the earthquake.  If the Azzies present their case in a pro-California way, i.e. it was the corporations that drove a wedge between California and Mexico all those centuries ago.  It is time to reunite our peoples and heal this land of ours.


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« Reply #34 on: <03-19-12/1902:26> »
Horizon are in it to win it against Aztlan in South America; I don't see them backing their blood enemies (pun intended) against the Draco Foundation. Besides, why go through all this when Aztechnology is awfully close to getting what they want (a return to Denver). Focusing on that, and a contingency plan for when/if Ghostwalker comes back, seems like a much higher priority than picking a fight with Draco.


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« Reply #35 on: <03-19-12/1919:38> »
OP: Aztlan takes over West Coast.  I can't change that.  I'm just trying to figure out how.  But if Horizon is against Aztlan in South America, then that is a carrot Aztlan can throw to Horizon for their support.

I think most of my takeover techniques involve a 'Heel Face Turn' on Aztechnology's part.  Basically "We've been fighting and sacrificing for the good of the world here...  You've all benefited from us doing what you were not willing to do..."

Don't get me wrong.  I'll be the first to say that Aztlan taking over the west coast is nigh impossible.


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« Reply #36 on: <03-19-12/2026:18> »
Joe, I know your keen on this as a posisble.  Thats cool.  But I just don't buy it. As a plot, it feels too crude and more like a sledgehammer then something subtle I would expect from Aztlan.  I would rather see them finance a series of magical terrorist attacks (via double blinds) which hit Draco Foundation at the same time, preferably with loud, public and very bloody effects..  That would keep  Draco just as busy with less potential issues.

I also don't think territory swaps are very easy or likely.  These things are complex, and as every government is riddled with spies of all sorts, very public long before it takes effect.  Could happen, but I would expect lots of blackmail and dirty tricks first.

I would rather see something more subtle, more behind the scenes.  I would rather not see enemies working together so easily.  I would rather see Azzies using the Ute dissadents, the technomancer anarchists, and the Treaty of Denver discussions as their tools.  Assassinations, black mail, terrorism and dirty tricks.  These are the tools of a megacorp.  or just plan military strike.  But no comic book plots for me. In my opinion of course.
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« Reply #37 on: <03-19-12/2130:03> »
A direct military assault won't work.  That would result in an Omega Order being called immediately since it would be a direct threat on Horizon HQ.  It would also be an attack on the NAN (PCC) which does have the magical strength to fight back.  It is also an attack on a Japanese protectorate (rogue or not). 

Aztechnology needs to remove several fronts before going active.  That means political fronts (CAS, PCC, Amazonia), internal battles (Yucatan), corporate (Horizon, Japancorps) and shadow (Dunkelzahn's operatives, and probably Ghostwalker).  I count at least 10 gambits that need to be run to clear the path for a military assault.  I don't see them getting cookie jar committed until like step 8 or so. Securing California would be step 9.  Step 10 would involve the return of Daniel Howling Coyote to reunite the NAN, including the anti-anglo Makah and Crow of the S-SC and destroying the land bridge of Panama and severing the link to Amazonia.


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« Reply #38 on: <03-20-12/0015:10> »
Ahh... this I am on the same page with you. 
PCC and other NAN allies (eg Sioux)
Hestiby and her territory
San Fran
Other Megacorps, particular Jap Corps (Renraku is now based out of LA? for their NA operations, or New York?  I remember something about this in the Shutdown book).
Ghost Walker
Other Dragons including Sirrug
Draco Foundation
Ongoing civil war in Yucatan.

The military assault is not likely, not with the odds against them, but hey, you never know.

Divide and Conquer and Only Fight One War on One Front.  Two important rules.

So first step is to resolve Amazonia Conflict.  Make Peace or Win the War.  This removes a massive thorn from their side.  Step Two would be to resolve the Yucatan Conflict, same deal.  Can't give away territory you don't control.

Step Three, sow confusion and discontent among your enemies.  This is a shadow war.  Distabilise CAS, PCC, and anyone else who might possible get in your way.  Assassination, fund home grown terrorists (even if they would normally also hate you, eg Afghanstan during Soviet occupation, actually most major cold war events).  Make sure its through double blinds and linked to you.  The key here is to keep your enemies occupied and distracted and unable to act when you make your move.

Step Four, Take the Higher Ground.  Before any actual terrirtory is taken, you must take the higher ground, at least in the public eyes.  Massive media campaign painting you as the good guys and potential targets as terrorists, failed states, aggressors.  eg Iraq, Poland, East Timor, WWI etc.   Be attacked, defend yourself,  play the victim guard, demand justice! or Big Brother, Human Rights card, eg failed state invasions. If Step Three is successful, it should provide justification.
Step Five.  Attack!  Just Don't Announce It!  This step involves actually making your move, but always do unannounced.  So everyone can see what your about to do, eg Step Four got you support, just don't set dates.  Only the US does this and it could cost lives if you can't dominate your enemy immediately.  See if you can be invited into the territory, perhaps by someone involved in Step 3 (rebel/freedom fighting groups), or can some sort of international body sign-off.

A lot of these steps overlap.  Step 3 is where you would find the most work for shadowrunners, but there is lots of work in Step Four and Five.  Runners could easily be involved in both the Azzies and Enemies side of the conflict.  Step Four could be skipped in a more fiction, cinematic setting, and replaced with the 'Surprise Armada' scenario.  You know, when the runners accidently stumble on a massive fleet/army just moments before the invasion.
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« Reply #39 on: <03-20-12/0735:26> »
Can't give away territory you don't control.
I believe that is the entire premise behind extraterritorialty and private law enforcement.


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« Reply #40 on: <03-21-12/1747:39> »
I don't see Aztlan even trying to take over the west cost, Seattle however now that would be something.

Now I am not talking about a Military coup here, but have a look at some points and tell me if you like what you see happening

  • Seattle has considered breaking off from the UCAS
  • Aztechnology lost a lot when they got kicked out of Denver
  • The Aztechnology pyramid in Seattle is extreamly important to doing business north of the Aztlan border
  • Ares Macrotechnology is a long standing enemy of Aztech and Knight Errant becoming the law in town is a destabilizing element

Sounds like a potential story arc to me
« Last Edit: <03-21-12/1750:20> by Morg »


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« Reply #41 on: <03-21-12/1952:26> »
I want to say some time back in the 50's, Aztlan sent a big battleship up to Everett to push the rules for servicing non-UCAS vessels at the base.  I think that Salish vessels were being serviced there or something.