Corporate Intrigue errata discussion

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« on: <01-22-12/0941:57> »
page 26
"Twelve Minuteman security professionals (use Lone Star Police Squad Member, p. 282 SR4A) customarily work in the building, but as the runners are filling some of these slots, reduce their number accordingly. For instance, if there are four runners, then there are only twelve actual guards."
The example makes no sense, since twelve is the actual default number of guards.

page 49
"The box is about 30 centimeters x 20 centimeters x 10 centimeters, made of sturdy metal, and locked with a Rating 6 maglock with a keypad. Astral inspection also reveals that it is protected by a Rating 6 ward."
My understanding of the rules is that mobile wards, let alone portable wards, were not possible (see Street Magic, page 123 : "Wards are not portable astral objects." "If the physical anchor moves more than a few centimeters from its location at the time of the warding ritual, the entire ward collapse" and also "A ward must also extend at least one meter in every direction from the physical anchor that it is attached to"). Text should precise this is an exception to the rules.

page 61 "Behind a high and heavily guarded wall sit the residents of the Exterritorial Business Zone."
page 63 "those living in the corporate controlled Exterritorial Business Zone."
page 66 "the Matrix grid in the corporate Exterritorial Business Zone (EBZ) will shatter"
page 66 "The Exterritorial Business Zone (EBZ) is heavily guarded"
Although Feral Cities, page 120, does refer to "Exterritorial Business Zone", it also mentions "corporate exterritoriality" on the same page, instead of "corporate extraterritoriality". The proper term, per Shadows of Europe, page 173, was "Extraterritorial Business Zone".

page 72 "she needs the shadowrunners to travel to the city of Tamanrasset in Egypt, where the most recent Desert Wars took place. Tamanrasset is the staging area for Desert Wars in southern Algeria, in the Ahaggar Mountains."
page 74 "Tamanrasset is located in the Ahaggar Mountains in what used to be southern Algeria."
Not consistent with Sixth World Almanac maps (set in December 2072), Feral Cities (set in December, 2071), page 73, on Algeria: "This moderate Islamic country, part of the Maghreb Confederation, has had fairly stable borders for the last decade or so" and Target: Wastelands (set in September 2062), page 35, "The central stagging point is Tamanrasset in southern Algeria in the Ahhaggar Mountains."
Unless Egypt invaded Algeria in early or mid 2073, pushing back the border 500 kilometers west, in the middle of the Desert Wars arena, without anybody noticing or mentioning it, in say, War!.

page 83
"She thinks her system is more secure than it is—while she has a solid Firewall, she doesn’t have much of a Stealth program covering her tracks, so it’s not difficult to trace the route from the Prospector’s commlink to her node (Cho’s stats, including her programs, are on p. 87; information on her home is listed under Andrea Cho’s Safe House, p. 85)."
There are no program or even commlink rating in Cho's stats on page 87. Besides, Spoof, not Stealth, is used to Redirect Trace (SR4A, page 234).

page 92
Security Processing: Response 4, Signal 1, Firewall 3, System 4
Primary Access: Response 4, Signal 3, Firewall 3, System 5
Power Controls: Response 4, Signal 0, Firewall 6, System 3
Facility Records: Response 4, Signal 1, Firewall 4, System 3
Facility Security: Response 4, Signal 1, Firewall 5, System 4
Special Projects: Response 4, Signal 1, Firewall 5, System 4
IC: All nodes have Black Hammer 5 installed.
The Primary Access has Response 4 and System 5. Black Hammer is a program, not an IC. Since there's little interest in having Black Hammer as a resident program, it should be an IC with a Black Hammer program loaded. Besides, all the node have Response 4, and thus cannot run a program at rating 5, at least without the proper option.

page 96
"Adept Powers: [...] Indomitable Will"
It should read "Iron Will" I think.

page 98
"This investigation should have the runners questioning whether they should remain loyal to their employer, who may be guilty of conspiring with Aztlan to perform blood magic and metahuman sacrifices, or risk crossing a great dragon; a dragon called the Destroyer who has recently added a new title: war criminal."
Reading the adventure proper, the runners cannot question whether they do one or the other: if they remain loyal to their employer, they'll also cross the dragon.

page 113
"Notes: Glamour is granted by her Feywear shawl."
It should be followed by a proper page and book reference, as done elsewhere, for the people who didn't buy Attitude to stop scratching their head at what the fuck is that. The same should go for adept powers taken out of the so-called Shadows Options book The Way of the Adept.

page 114
Darren Villiers had Magic 14, Essence 3.375, Initiate Grade 8. He's thus 3 points above is legit Magic Attribute maximum. I didn't take the time to calculate if he also has more powers than he should.

« Last Edit: <01-22-12/1149:14> by Nath »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-22-12/1933:02> »
page 26
"Twelve Minuteman security professionals (use Lone Star Police Squad Member, p. 282 SR4A) customarily work in the building, but as the runners are filling some of these slots, reduce their number accordingly. For instance, if there are four runners, then there are only twelve actual guards."
The example makes no sense, since twelve is the actual default number of guards.

You're correct, of course. Page 26 should in fact read "Twelve Minuteman security professionals (use Lone Star Police Squad Member, p. 282 SR4A) work in the building, but as the runners are filling some of these slots, reduce their number accordingly. For instance, if there are four runners, then there are only eight actual guards." Brain fart/typo on my part.

page 114
Darren Villiers had Magic 14, Essence 3.375, Initiate Grade 8. He's thus 3 points above is legit Magic Attribute maximum. I didn't take the time to calculate if he also has more powers than he should.

FTR I originally statted Darren Villiers as having an Essence of 4.11 and a Magic of 14 (12) with 12 Power Points worth of Adept Powers. I am not sure why his Essence wound up being 3.375 in the final project. I think someone erred, although I'd have to run the math to determine who. (Edit: quickly rechecking the math, he has 1.175 Essence worth of bioware and 1.05 (0.525) Essence worth of cyberware.  Hence his essence should actually be 4.3 unless I'm missing something. In any case his Magic should still be 14 (12) as I originally statted it.)

(Another error on this page is that his Improved Reflexes is specifically Improved Reflexes (2). That one is definitely my bad. I also would have done better to deal with his Invisible Way quality via a "Shadowrun Options:" field following Notes, like the way that Nadja Daviar is handled in Street Legends, p. 153. As a final note, the line listing his unarmed strike damage should not be bold, that's a layout error.)
« Last Edit: <01-22-12/1948:34> by Neurosis »
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« Reply #2 on: <02-11-12/1446:42> »
page 49
"The box is about 30 centimeters x 20 centimeters x 10 centimeters, made of sturdy metal, and locked with a Rating 6 maglock with a keypad. Astral inspection also reveals that it is protected by a Rating 6 ward."
My understanding of the rules is that mobile wards, let alone portable wards, were not possible (see Street Magic, page 123 : "Wards are not portable astral objects." "If the physical anchor moves more than a few centimeters from its location at the time of the warding ritual, the entire ward collapse" and also "A ward must also extend at least one meter in every direction from the physical anchor that it is attached to"). Text should precise this is an exception to the rules.
Note that before SM got de-errated it was possible...


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« Reply #3 on: <09-16-12/1758:11> »
page 61 "Behind a high and heavily guarded wall sit the residents of the Exterritorial Business Zone."
page 63 "those living in the corporate controlled Exterritorial Business Zone."
page 66 "the Matrix grid in the corporate Exterritorial Business Zone (EBZ) will shatter"
page 66 "The Exterritorial Business Zone (EBZ) is heavily guarded"
Although Feral Cities, page 120, does refer to "Exterritorial Business Zone", it also mentions "corporate exterritoriality" on the same page, instead of "corporate extraterritoriality". The proper term, per Shadows of Europe, page 173, was "Extraterritorial Business Zone".
Having made some research lately, it seems whoever wrote that part actually was damn right, while the entire Shadowrun line outside of this chapter, and quite a number of 20th and 21st lawyers are wrong.

Originally, it seems the term "extraterritorial" means a state gets to apply its law outside of its territory, (an "extra"-territory if you will), which in most cases means on the territory of another state. The "territorial" part in extraterritorial is the territory whose law's applied.
The term "exterritorial" describes a part of a state's territory where its law doesn't apply ("outside the territory"). The "territorial" part in exterritorial is the territory whose law isn't applied. But the later has faded into disuse and been replaced by the former.

When you're in, say, a Shiawase facility in New Jersey, New Jersey law doesn't apply, but it's not Japanese law that apply. And there is no "Shiawase state" with a territory somewhere whose law you apply. Physically, Shiawase only exists as a corporate filing form in Osaka Prefecture archives (even its headquarters could be moved overnight). What you call the "law" of corporation and apply instead, is actually nothing else than glorified corporate by-law, code of conduct and user agreement, with death penalty added.
So, Shiawase facility is not extraterritorial (in the original meaning) since their is no territory whose law applies there ; it is exterritorial, since there is a territory (New Jersey) whose law doesn't apply.

Shadowrun use of the word extraterritorial is now well established, so the errata might still be due. But that was just to say the author was actually correct.