Drowning in Shadows [OOC]

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« Reply #90 on: <01-30-12/0638:00> »
Aalithun, you told me that you didn't really want me to have In Debt so I presented another character to you WITHOUT it because that is what you wanted. You've asked for characters, I've given them to you and you proceeded to pretty much say "Hey, do this and I'll screw you." and honestly that isn't the type of GM or game I am interested in. Peace out.


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« Reply #91 on: <01-30-12/0716:13> »
Okay then. I'm glad we have found that out early. It would have been troublesome in-game. :)

To get it out in the open: I think not one of you has In Debt now - I told him he has to pay his debt first before anything else and he has to buy it off with Karma, like any other negative quality.
Unfortunately, in PbP, things move slow, and this brings that many players see In Debt as a free money and BP jar. One run can take several months in RT (realtime) while your characters live a few weeks - thus, you don't have to worry about it, and this way, it has no roleplay value.

Shadowrun is supposed to be about quick, heated "runs", that can be resolved in a few sittings, taking a few hours each. Thus many long-term qualities loose their value when you play PbP. I'm sorry if that seems harsh, but I just don't feel it fair to let someone "cheat" while others are gutsy and make hard decisions with their characters, working, supporting their grandparents and such - thus making "living" characters instead of "easy" ones.

So these are my reasons, but I've said this is my first GM-ing, so I appreciate and learn from every feedback - even if it's an angry player dropping out. :) So if you have similar opinions as Lyz, just tell me and I make the game more like the other games out there, or if you just want to drop out, let me know, and we close this game without hard feelings :)


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« Reply #92 on: <01-30-12/0722:02> »
Carnation Seattle Ranch is in Redmont. See Settle 2072 sourcebook, p.118 for more detailed information. I didn`t wrote description because in fact it is one of locations already described, and didn`t realized that maybe not everyone read that sourcebook :P
As I said here with no reply since then:

my character spends maybe weekends there, as she is working in Everett Naval Hospital and it is safe to assume that she spends most of her days in the hospital or in laboratory (she has chemical workshop paid). If this would be the problem, I would think about some kind of squat of low lifestyle, I have 500Y as starting money, that t is enought to buy me a bed in some kind of dormitory.
Also, for the reason of this choice...
I got my grandfather to take care of and the Carnation ranch is just the best place I found in sourcebook :)
Also there is nothing simillar I can find in the Everett. Besides. I dont remember if I had to remove this also but Nina is capable to stay on her own using Survival skill, well Everett is not the best place to do so :)

So it's still not in Everett, but closer. I've read the Sourcebook, of course, but Carnation-Seattle Ranch is not a strikingly important part of it :) so I forgot.
 I didn't reply to your hospital post because there was a little smiley face at the end of it and I thought it was a joke. So you mean to work 60 hrs in the hospital, go to committee meetings, take care of your grandfather AND go on shadowrunning? And yes, as it is now, you have to do all of those things, dependent is a negative quality, your grandfather needs you, he's not there to manage your living expenses (if you leave it to him, you'll find yourselves In Debt real soon, and I mean the quality ) And you have to go to work from Redmond to Everett so: 5*12 hrs of work, 0,5 hrs on traveling, at least 6 hrs of sleep,  1 hr grandfather, 1 hr else (eating f.e.)= 2-2,5 hrs a day remaining to other activities, one of them is shadowrunning. More on weekends, but you will be tired as hell and probably just want to sleep instead of dodging bullets.

So I suggest you'll become a part-time nurse, working 20 hrs and then you may have some spare time to occasionally help the team out :).

What I have on mind is Ambulance/Emergency doctor. Those 60 hrs I was referring to some common stereotypes: doctors being underpaid / overworked, doing extra shifts, emergencies etc.). I was using this to illustrate, that when working in Everett, I may have (a little) chance to be considered as Living in Everett, since I work there.
Still, I have 20hrs/week Day Job Negative quality. I understand that having Depedent Grandfather is a negattive quality, that is why I pay the rent and ALL costs for Carnage ranch. Which is more than Im able to gain in the hospital. And thats why I need to shadowrun.
Is this acceptable solution?
You need me to actually live in Everett, no other option. I must buy the flat or pay the rent there and there is no other way to get in the run. In that case Ill remove every mention oc ranch from my sheet. Just buy the same quality flat somewhere noname in Everet. Since Everett is on the Salish borders also, that would not be a a problem to relocate the whole living there, well it would lack that element of described somehow significant and generaly known place. Ill tell you that this flat is on [adress, 3rd floor]. Everyone happy and so we can continue to actual meeting etc. It may be that I see this discussion about where does character live insignificant, since I myself live abou 40 kilometers from my work place, where i spend about 50 hrs a week, and I consider myself living both in my home and in the town I work.

No, as I said, it's close enough, just drop the 60 hr shifts - think about RL, an overworked, underpaid worker having to support her father is happy if she can manage to stay on her feet when her shift ends, and being tired when on a shadowrun is a quick way to an early grave :) So you can be ambulance or anything, just stick with the 20 hrs - I appreciate you making hard choices, but this seems more like masochism :) Believe me, you'll have enough to worry about, you don't need any extra work time for no money :)


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« Reply #93 on: <01-30-12/0730:22> »
And I want to start the game so badly, I'll start sorting the characters - those who are ready, will get their individual IC posts soon. Sichr is almost ready, Netz is ready, Farothel is OK, Kour is taking his sweet time, but with Lyz out, we are almost ready to play. Now you will finally see if it was worth it (I hope so), and I want feedback regularly to know if something is going in the wrong way!

So final check on the ready characters, then on the IC story and we are on the way!


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« Reply #94 on: <01-30-12/0731:56> »
I think you totally misinterpret why I am dropping. I could care less about the In-Debt quality, I don't like to hear you complain that I am submitting ANOTHER character because the other characters I submitted don't work without the boost in currency. It's kinda hard to keep a positive attitude when the GM is like "OMG, another one? Why? Why?" when I said why and went to the trouble of posting his basic stats and qualities before asking the GM to read an entire character sheet. I just wanted a "Hey, sorry your others didn't work out. These qualities you've selected for Paul are (Good or Bad), hurry up and catch up with everyone else."

I tried to fit into YOUR game and do as you wanted while you assumed that you know my rp style intimately. Debt is not just a stat problem for most people, its a psychological one. Have you ever owed anyone tons of money? I'm not talking house payments, I'm talking the gambling debts that people waste their children's college tuition on. You don't think that thought, sitting in the back of a character's mind, causes some serious moments where they go "I shouldn't do this.... but I really need the money. Sorry." ?

I understand that you have a general playerbase to judge me off of, but perhaps that is why you shouldn't judge somebody for the actions of others but their own merit. You wanna know why deadline works as a shadowrunner? Because he wants to find his sister. He hates running the shadows, and that debt is a serious problem for him. So much so that he has a history of selling his runs to the big media outlets for the cash to pay them off. He sells out teams for money not because he wants to, but because that is how far he has to go to get rid of debt and put coin in pocket to find his sister.

So I provided paul, who had decent qualities (I believe astral sight was on your list of Underused Qualities even) and he had an interesting story. He's an ex-cop from Lone Star with a grudge trying to hold his team together through a rough patch. He usually acts as a private investigator, staying out of the stickier jobs simply because he was a cop. He still holds his morals, ideas, and still thinks Magicians are the scum of the earth and the devil incarnate because he's seen what their power can do. Sure he's Lucky, but honestly he's just a guy trying to get his daily soykaff and keep his soul partially clean so he can one day go back on the straight and narrow. After his little feud with Knight Errant is over with.

These aren't "Easy" characters. I am not trying to "Cheat" the system. I'm agitated because you so readily sweep them aside or inflict them with heavy penalties (So I can't repair Deadline's drones or anything before I pay off the debt? Okay, so if they need repairs so he can do his job how is he gonna do his job to make money to pay off his debt?) without bothering to dig beyond what is there in the stats. It's just.... skin deep. And characters are soooo much more than skin deep. For someone who wants "Living" characters, you sure as heck don't come off as caring about their lives very much.


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« Reply #95 on: <01-30-12/0811:47> »
You are right, Paul was an interesting character. I didn't say one bad word about him, I just asked you to send me the full character. :)

Anyway, thank you for the feedback. :)


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« Reply #96 on: <01-30-12/1104:44> »
OK. there is wone more issue I need to solve, and despites Ive read the chapter on this topic in SRA and SpyGames, im not too clever about it and need GM ruling. I have SIN as a Salish citizen. Also day job as doctor in public hospital. What possible licences and information accesses would be connected to this? This is more story linked than quality and rules, so I need to ask about it:
Possible weapons licences linked to military history and Salish weapons politics:
I know Sioux are quite militarized, well IDN about Salish.
Weapons may be allowed only in Salish, not in UCAS/Seattle.
Weapons would be registered, so traceable to my SIN, if used to any criminal activity.

Medical databases:
IDN but today doctors have a fair access to public databases related to peoples health, surgery etc. I know this will be much more registered and secured in 2073, well still there are some informations I would have access to. Of course, only for public Sins, I dont expect to have access to DocWagon`s Gold card databases, nor I expect that my datasearches will not be traceable to myself. This is not just about peoples, but also compounds, people, ilnessess etc. I know this maybe would never become topic during the game, well I want to know what possibilities there are for me.

Not to mention access to drugs and such.  Definately tracable to you (you have to sign off if you take some out of the pharmacy), but as a doctor you can have access to things as Zeta-interferon, tetracycline and other wonder drugs.

@Aalith: something I've just noticed I've forgotten myself, adding a location to my fake SINs.
rating 4 (Rachel O’Toole): UCAS
rating 3 (Samantha Delavine): Horizon
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #97 on: <01-30-12/1110:06> »
What's the metatype of Kour's character? If he is also an ork, that would make a very noticeable team...


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« Reply #98 on: <01-30-12/1126:51> »
What's the metatype of Kour's character? If he is also an ork, that would make a very noticeable team...
Eagle(Human) shifter
Just last Q before posting my Char
@Sichr you sharing the Lifestyle or not, on this depends whether I have the funds For a Fake sin or not.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #99 on: <01-30-12/1134:55> »
Kour is a little drowned (pun) with his game and the games he plays in. His character is in the mold, but I'll ask him when he'll be ready to start. Worst case, he joins after we started the IC, which is not a problem, since *spoiler* you will all start individually and then somehow we forge you into a team. But as far as I know, he's not an Ork, but thatt doesn't mean he's not noticeable.. You'll see...

About licenses: yes, if you have weapon licenses, it can be traced to you or your (fake or real) SIN. If you don't, if you carry them and a patrol stops you, there will be a problem. Of course, you can carry only self-defense firearms on you, even licensed automatic/bigger weapons must be kept under lock (meaning at home or trunk of car etc.) You cannot walk the streets with a shotgun on your shoulder even if you have license for it. 
As far as I can tell, Nina is not in the Salish military, right now she's a doctor of some sort. So she may not carry anything more then self defense firearms legally.

About medical: you are on the bottom of the hospital food chain, working for a very low payment, so max resident or intern. You can access patient files, you have access to drugs, but everything is counted and on paper. Anything besides that is illegal, just as it is in RL. You have a supervisor to report to.

As I said, Day Job is a negative quality :) but you can use it to achieve good things, just don't get caught :)
And you need a medical license, but you don't have to pay for it, it comes with the job.


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« Reply #100 on: <01-30-12/1145:24> »
She works in Seattle, which had it's share of crazy, so as long as you don't start killing people and such, you are fine. You can wear face-paint, leather jacket, you can chant, dance on the street etc. Just hide your machete :)


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« Reply #101 on: <01-30-12/1205:37> »
uploded in Omae
Name is Sharp filter trough me
forgot as for free Chax2 Contact - Watchmaker Con 2 Loy 2 - hacker/rigger and Landlord of Sharp. Made her CustomComlink witch she even can use in her beast-form.
« Last Edit: <01-30-12/1210:38> by Kouryuu »
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #102 on: <01-30-12/1206:09> »
So Nina is ready? Nothing to add?


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« Reply #103 on: <01-30-12/1226:34> »
OK, site is slowing down, IC post tomorrow morning.
I would like everyone registered in InviCastle, using the campaign name "drowning", making clean rolls (what are you rolling + you can add any positive modifier you feel appropriate - I will subtract dice from the end if there is a negative modifier)

On Edge:
Replenishes on good roleplay, critical successes (hard ones) and whenever I say :)
It's the hand of the Gods, a pact with the Devil, an angel on the shoulder. If you use it as a dice booster because you want a few hundred extra nuyen from the Johnson, Lady Luck will get mad at you :)

And someone can point out the section for me, where it is mentioned that you can reroll failures but keep the hits if you spend an edge?


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« Reply #104 on: <01-30-12/1229:20> »