Recruiting: Dawn of the Artifacts

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« Reply #15 on: <12-18-11/0934:21> »
Name: Fang Nielsen
Alias: Alex Bernhardt
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Lifestyle: Low (1 Month)
Karma Spent: --
Physical Description: Tall and lean for a Human, leaning towards the proportions of an Elf. Likes dressing like action heroes from old movies, so long as it's still practical enough.
Personality/background Fang's life had seemed pretty good a while back. His mother was in the UCAS Military for a while, although she never told you where. From the moment he could lift one she'd trained him in the art of firearms, and she'd also provided a fair bit of training in melee weaponry. Your father was an unremarkable wageslave, but his mother thought the world of him anyway. He was caught in the crossfire of gang warfare when you were 12, and died in the resulting chaos. Fang's mother disappeared for a week after that, and he's pretty sure he knows why. From then on, he was entrusted to look after himself, and she provided Fang with steady income which was more than sufficient to pay schooling fees, rent, and of course, for weaponry. He was a devoted athlete, trying to understand his Adept abilities that were coming to light. He spoke with many others who were Awakened, and took up hobbies that went along with his skills, such as climbing, gymnastics, and martial arts. It was around his 18th birthday when his mother returned home, gave him a new SIN and Commlink, and had Fang leave behind everything for a life in the shadows. A politician had used her as a scapegoat to cover up for his own vices, and she'd gone straight for him when she found out, stopping only to cash in a few favours on the way. She kept him as safe as she could, but the entire police force had her mugshot. She didn't stand a chance. He was left with the money he had on him, a small selection of gear stashed in a few supply boxes, and his legacy. A fixer who knew his mother well gave him a call, said that he'd heard he was well trained. He said he thought he could hook him up with some runners. Fang agreed almost immediately.



Positive Qualities
Restricted Gear
Negative Qualities
Allergy (Uncommon, Moderate, Iron Oxide)
Elf Poser

Active Skills
Unarmed Combat3
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Security Procedures4
Security Design3
Language Skills

Adept Powers
Attribute Boost Agility 20.5-
Attribute Boost Strength 10.25-
Improved Reflexes 23-
Wall Running1-
Great Leap0.25-


Gear (40000¥)
Goggles (w/ Smartlink, Ultrasound, Image Link and Low Light Vision)
Gecko Tape Gloves
Survival Kit
Medkit Rating 6
Low Lifestyle (2 Months)
Fairlight Caliban (w/ Novatech Navi)
Lined Coat (w/ Thermal Damping 6)
Fake SIN 4
Fake Gun License 4
Fake Concealed Carry License 4
AR Gloves
Certified Credstick (w/ 4140 Nuyen)
Ceramic Knife
Vibro Blade Sword (w/ Personalized Grip)
Hardliner Gloves
Shock Glove
Ares Predator IV (w/ Concealable Holster, Smartgun, Silencer, Electronic Firing, Barrel Reduction and Ceramic/Plasteel Components Level 1)
Ares Alpha (w/ Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, Smartgun and Barrel Reduction)
Ruger Super Warhawk (w/ Speed Loader, Concealable Holster, Firing Selection Change SA, Smartgun and Personalized Grip)
4 Predator Clips Regular Ammo
4 Predator Clips Stick 'n' Shock
2 Alpha Clips APDS
4 Alpha Clips APDS
10 Warhawk Speedloaders EX-Explosive Rounds
1 Grenade Launcher Clip High Explosive Grenades
3 Gas Grenades (w/ Neuro-Stun)

International Arms Dealer4/3

Build Point totals:  400 = Stats 200 + Magic 65 + Skills 124 + Positive Qualities 15 + Resources 8 + Contacts 3 - Negative Qualities 15

This acceptable, or have I overlooked something?


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« Reply #16 on: <12-18-11/1123:49> »
I'm pulling the team together now, I'll have replies sent out by this evening.


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« Reply #17 on: <12-18-11/1348:54> »
Iceblade is modded to fit. Link is in my sig.
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #18 on: <12-18-11/1947:00> »
Gonna go ahead and toss down my character since I've already sent it to the GM and made the modifications requested.

Name: Iokua Kaʻanāʻanā
Alias: Lost
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Nationality: Hawaiian
Lifestyle: High (20 LP)
Total Karma: 0
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description
1.93 meters tall, with a medium build (heavy for an elf) and milk-white skin, which is almost completely covered by tattoos, all done in a vibrant black ink that contrasts the colorless skin. Dark pink eyes and darkly vibrant red hair kept cut to shoulder-length.

Astral form appears to be almost the same as his meat body sans tattoos, but completely translucent and traced by a thick black border.

On the Matrix, Lost appears to be a soap bubble floating in the air, iridescent and translucent.

Lost is, to most people, a quiet, reserved individual, a friendly person always willing to help out a neighbor. Those people have never seen the inside of his apartment. Or the inside of his mind. Lost is a pure hedonist, seeking out the pleasures in life for himself, willing to use whatever tools are at his disposal to attain those goals. He practices his magic because it brings him pleasure to do so, and it affords him opportunities that would otherwise be denied him.

Born December 31st, 2049 at 11:59:59pm, Iokua was raised in the belief that his family was descended from the kahuna that had protected the rulers of Hawai'i of old from mystical threats. When his magical talent surfaced, his family was thrilled that they had produced a new kahuna and began to groom him to one day take his "rightful" place as a defender of the independence of the islands and those who would support it.

Iokua had a single friend throughout most of his life - a menehune named Akani who was born at the same time and date as Iokua was. The two became close fairly quickly, and were all but inseparable throughout their formative years and later. They became blood-brothers through ritual, carried out in secrecy from their families. As they grew older, they began to discuss how to leave the island and escape their lives; Iokua from his 'destiny' and Akani from being 'just another dwarf'. Between the two of them, they formed a workable plan.

Akani was skilled with his hands; Iokua was magically gifted. With the combination of summoned spirits and Akani's workmanship, they crafted a boat sturdy enough to carry them to the mainland, where they could find their own lives. On the eve before their eighteenth birthday, after Iokua had spent almost a week erasing all material links the two had, they set off in the ship, christened the Freedom.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. A tropical storm broke out over the ocean a few days into the voyage. Even with a water spirit propelling the ship forward, they couldn't outrun the storm. Akani was tossed overboard as the ship was thrown back and forth like some child's toy over the waves, and Iokua was thrown head-first into the deck of the ship, knocking him unconscious.

Iokua awoke hours later, a very wet, half-drowned elf on the shores of CalFree, just outside of San Francisco. He'd made it... but lost his brother in the process. He vowed to not let his blood brother's death be in vain, though. The plan had worked, after all; the ship had gotten at least one of them to the mainland. So Iokua set out to find a new, better life.

He didn't find it. He obtained a legal SIN in CalFree, but with no background and nothing to really offer, the young mage couldn't find any kind of work and was forced to live on the streets. One night, he was jumped by a group of younger teens belonging to a local wizgang called the Satanists of Diablerie. After he killed them (in self-defense), he was approached and made an offer - join or get geeked. He joined; after all, how much worse could it be than having to eke out a meager existence on the streets, getting jumped?

The Satanists of Diablerie were a black magic group who demanded their followers practice magic their way. Their initiation rite involved making a pact with their Mentor - the Dark King. Iokua made the pact freely, an almost Faustian deal - in exchange for the Dark King's assistance in life, in death he would become the Dark King's servant, a guardian in the land of the dead.

Iokua took to the black magic outlook of the wizgang quickly; hedonism, being self-serving, and taking what one wants in life appealed greatly to the young mage who had fled his home in an attempt to escape the trappings of tradition. For a time, he became almost sociopathic, using his magic to bull his way through obstacles and hammer aside opposition.

That changed pretty quickly around 2070. The Satanists of Diablerie were approached by an organized crime group - Iokua never found out who. When they refused to sign on with them, the wizgang became their target of opportunity, to make a name for themselves in the town by wiping out an established local presence who refused them. The gang was systematically assassinated, in drive-bys, bombings and other assorted nastiness.

Iokua booked it when the majority of the gang had been wiped out. He cleansed his material links and tried to get away as quietly as he could. When the bus he had boarded (to get to Los Angeles) was attacked by the crime syndicate, Iokua thought his all-too-short life had come to an end. That's when Akani showed up; he'd washed up in LA and spent the last two years trying to find his blood brother, slowly becoming an information broker in the process. Along with Akani came a well-established go-gang on bikes with heavy weapons that blasted the vehicles of the syndicate to pieces.

Reunited after three years apart, Iokua and Akani returned to LA together, where Iokua played "magical assistance" to Akani's information broker services. Which meant that he spent a lot of time on his ass while his rich and influential friend made nuyen hand over fist. After a year of this, however, Iokua became... well, bored. At least in the wizgang, he was living on the edge, dancing the knife-edge between life and death every day. Akani gave his blood-brother a chance at finding that excitement again; he sent him to Seattle and fixed him up with a comfy life and a Fixer. Running the shadows should be pretty exciting, right?

Well, after another year went past, and a small number of shadowrunning jobs under his belt, Iokua began looking for something... bigger. He'd lived in small places all of his life; the islands, the ten mile radius that the Satanists had control over, the apartment building Akani owned and worked out of. He wanted size. He wanted immensity. He wanted to see the world and all that was in it.

A few phone calls later, and a job out of the country was lined up...



Positive Qualities
Magician (15); Black Magician Tradition.
Mentor Spirit (5); The Dark King.
Restricted Gear (5); Force 4 Power Focus

Negative Qualities
Albinism; Mild allergy to Sunlight (-2 to all actions while in sunlight), flashing/glare effects at 1.5* power.
SINner (Standard); Tesh Kana, CalFree citizen.
Media Junkie (Mild); 2 hours/day browsing Matrix, can skip one day. -2 dice to resist the urge to surf the Matrix and Addiction tests.
Prejudiced (Common, Biased); Lost is intimidated by Trolls and tends to react badly to their presence, but tries to keep it to himself.
Nano Intolerance; Nanonware degrades at 1 point/4 days instead of 1 point/week.

Active Skills
Knowledge Skills
Magic Theory3
Spell Design2
Underworld Politics2
Language Skills

Bonded Foci
Power Focus Force 4100000¥Bonded, 4 BP; polished ring of petrified balsa wood with a 1/16th inch wide inlay of orichalcum running down the center.
Health Sustaining Focus Force 330000¥Bonded, 3 BP; finger-sheath in the shape of a skeleton coiled around the finger.

Acid Stream(F/2)+3
Toxic Wave(F/2)+5
Detect Enemies, Extended(F/2)+3
Trid Phantasm(F/2)+3
Improved Invisibility(F/2)+1
Metal Wall(F/2)+5
Increase Reflexes(F/2)+2

Gear (165,000¥, 85¥ unspent)
Form-Fitting Body Armor, Full Body Suit with Nonconductivity 62950¥
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit with Thermal Dampening 63500¥
SecureTech PPP Leg and Arm Casings with Fire Resistance 6950¥
SecureTech PPP Forearm Guards200¥
SecureTech PPP Shin Guards150¥
2 Fake SINs8000¥
Force 6 Magical Lodge Materials (Used)3000¥
Tag Eraser150¥
Rating 6 Goggles with Image Link, Flare Comp, Vision Enhance 3, Thermographic Vision775¥
10 Tranq Patches Rating 61200¥
Modified Erika Elite (Response 3, Signal 1) with Iris Orb OS (Firewall 3, System 3) and Pro User Package (Analyze/Browse/Edit 4, Command 2)3610¥
Rating 3 Earbuds with Audio Enhancement 3 and Spatial Recognizer430¥

The InformantC6/L6
  • A highly secretive information broker who sells what he knows to the highest bidder, with an extensive network of information gatherers across the globe. But to Lost, The Informant will always be Akani, the menehune the elf grew up with on O'ahu, his blood-brother and closest confidant.
  • 5er0 (pronounced Vernon) is a surprisingly skilled troll hacker that Lost ran into in the meat one day. Lost helped 5er0 out of a tight jam, by dropping a stunball on a group of Humanis Policlubbers looking for an easy target (and apparently a glasses-wearing troll dressed in nerdy slogans counted). While the two aren't especially close, 5er0 helps Lost out from time to time with his "madd Troggy Matrix skillz", and has his own fairly long-reaching resources in the form of a mutinational hacker group he belongs to.

Black Magic
Combat: Fire
Detection: Water
Health: Earth
Illusion: Air
Manipulation: Man
Drain: Willpower+Charisma

Mentor Spirit: The Dark King (+2 dice to Perception and Assensing, +2 dice for spirits of Man, -1 die to resist Physical damage)
  • The Dark King peers over Lost's shoulder and whispers in his ear. He points out the things Lost misses in both the physical and magical worlds and lends his most manipulative servants to Lost.

Tash KanaLegalCitizen of CalFree
Seito Kaiba4Citizen of UCAS
Deis Davros4Citizen of CAS

Build Point totals: 400 = 170 Attributes + 30 Metatype + 105 Magic + 68 Active Skills + 25 Positive Qualities + 33 Resources + 4 Contacts - 35 Negative Qualities
« Last Edit: <12-20-11/0912:37> by RelentlessImp »
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #19 on: <12-19-11/0222:15> »
Didn't got message from GM - so Butcher didn't make it :('
Sorry for a small delay ;)

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« Reply #20 on: <12-19-11/1803:59> »
Didn't got message from GM - so Butcher didn't make it :('
i had not time to put Raven in as well, just had to making the final touches, and where is the point of it now.  ???
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #21 on: <12-19-11/2108:19> »
Team has been established:

Relentless Imp: Black magic combat mage (Alias: Lost)
Mirikon: Possession-based melee mage (Alias: Iceblade)
Sentinemodo: Combat medic mage with ranged attack (Alias: Butcher)
Farothel: Ork adept gun-bunny Lagos native (Alias: Zebra)

Thanks everyone for the interest. We just had a campaign go bust right after spending a ton of time getting it started and several (but not all) of the current players were in that campaign. If things go well we may have a chance to add players later or I may start another campaign in the future.


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« Reply #22 on: <12-19-11/2110:39> »
Three mages and an adept. I think this says something.
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #23 on: <12-19-11/2111:18> »
Just as well. Never done forum RPing in PbP or any other format before really, so I'm not even sure how to do things.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #24 on: <12-20-11/0007:33> »
Should be an interesting group.
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #25 on: <12-20-11/0358:48> »
Three mages and an adept. I think this says something.

Well, we go for an artifact hunt, that's no wonder it had lured many mages.
we should synchronize spellbooks though
Sorry for a small delay ;)

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« Reply #26 on: <12-20-11/0611:30> »
take at least one with the sterilize and clear water spells.  Those are worth gold in Africa.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #27 on: <12-20-11/0908:08> »
I've got Manabolt, Icebolt (Ice-element version of Flamethrower/Lightning bolt), Ice Slick, Physical Mask, Orgy, Heal, and versions of Astral Armor, Increase Reflexes, and Combat Sense that can only be cast on myself (I have bad luck on drain rolls). Not as strong at summoning spirits, and no skill at banishing them. I tend to 'banish' spirits with my F2 weapon focus.
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #28 on: <12-20-11/0916:42> »
I've got Manabolt, Icebolt (Ice-element version of Flamethrower/Lightning bolt), Ice Slick, Physical Mask, Orgy, Heal, and versions of Astral Armor, Increase Reflexes, and Combat Sense that can only be cast on myself (I have bad luck on drain rolls). Not as strong at summoning spirits, and no skill at banishing them. I tend to 'banish' spirits with my F2 weapon focus.

That's the best way to banish them. Well, Stunbolt works, too. :D

Should we start working on getting some stuff together on how the runners know each other and wind up on the same job together?
Next time you're down on your knees, and you're expecting a slap, it might be me in that mask, and I just might have a bat.
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« Reply #29 on: <12-20-11/0928:27> »
I am real good (tm) at healing -> spellcasting 6 with specialization in healing plus magic 5 giving me 13 dices without BC, I need to think a bit on taking some kind of fetish or foci.
also not good at summoning/banishing

spellbook so far:
Armor (Manipulation) DV: (F÷2)+3
Combat Sense (Detection) DV: (F÷2)+2
Heal (Health) DV: (Damage Value)-2
Increase Reflexes (Health) DV: (F÷2)+2
Manabolt (Combat) DV: (F÷2)
Mindnet (Detection) DV: (F÷2)+3
Offensive Mana Barrier (Manipulation) DV: (F÷2)+3
Stabilize (Health) DV: (Overflow damage)-2

I am a combat mage, so I'd rather avoid dropping the combat sense/reflexes, though the truth is I'll probably not have them both on myself at once, so maybe that clear water would find it's spot.
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry