[IC] VU93 -- October -- SRMs 04-01 through 04-04 and CMP 2011 Missions

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« on: <10-08-11/1602:09> »
Ok, we're assuming events from SRM missions through 04-04 and the 2011 CMPs have now happened.  Beware of spoilers if you plan to play any of these in the future, and remember to avoid "claiming" any missions, since multiple players run them.  But the events, and fallout, are now live for Missions and VU93.  Have fun.


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« Reply #1 on: <10-08-11/1611:13> »
>>>>[Well, it's been a busy few months in the shadows, to say the least.  I feel like I've talked to a hundred different runner teams.  I really must be getting old, 'cause I feel like I've given the same job out dozens of times.  Ahh well, fraggit.  Do this long enough, and everything blurs together anyway, ya know?
     So the big deal is Prop 23, aka Project Freedom.  The ORC has finally managed to get it's movement on the ballot.  Of course, now this just makes us a target for the bigots in office.  Already been some crazy drek going down.  if you attended any of the downtown Rally's, you'll know what I mean.
     And this artifact rush nonsense.  Ghost, I never imagined it would generate this much biz.  Magic skulls, bags of magic obsidian rocks, books and tomes, magic fraggin' swords.  I feel like I'm stuck inside a game of Dawn of Atlantis here.
     So how's the biz been treating you lately?]<<<<<
     -- Bull (16:05:30/10-08-73)     


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« Reply #2 on: <10-08-11/2040:34> »
>>>>[Slogging through the bile that is political workings for the politicos I like, still a dirt that never washes away.  Every damned election.  Hope that you'll be happy to hear that I'm supporting politicos that are for Prop 23 "up" here, Bull.  Damn well time we finally get all of Seattle together at last.]<<<<<
     -- Money Johnson (19:40:00/10-08-73)
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The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #3 on: <10-11-11/2234:00> »
>>>>[Good god.  What kind of idiots have you got down there, Bull?  Who the hell is pushing this Prop 23 thing, and how quickly can you make them disappear??  If you get this thing passed, your lot are dead in the water.]<<<<<
     -- The Wyrm Ouroboros (22:34:06/10-11-73)
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
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Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
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« Reply #4 on: <10-21-11/1440:06> »
>>>>[Bull has his own reasons for helping the ORC with Prop 23, none of which is my business to spill. Needless to say, Prop 23 is ballzy on many levels. Yeah, it'll force the Seattle government to recognize the Underground and treat it, and orks in general by proxy, with equality. Sounds great in theory, but the problem with being treated equal with the rest of Seattle is that the rest of Seattle is being treated like shit. I'm honestly suprised that the ORC was able to get this thing on the ballet, becasue if Prop 23 succeedes, then it will be open season for KE down there. And I don't think that everyone in the underground will be as happy as the ORC with any new found equality. Not to mention that Brackhaven or his ilk could use it as a prime reason to "ensure security". This election is gonna be hot; almost glad I only visit Seattle nowadays.]<<<<<
     -- Bravo Six (14:39:08/10-21-73)
« Last Edit: <10-21-11/1510:25> by Mystic »
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« Reply #5 on: <10-21-11/1639:06> »
>>>>[That's if Brackhaven stays in power.  It's a Gubernatorial Election this year.]<<<<<
     -- Money Johnson (15:38:18/10-21-73)
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The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #6 on: <10-22-11/1157:55> »
>>>>[ Who's governor doesn't make a spit's worth of difference.  The majority of income in the Underground comes from, shall we say, less than strictly legal commerce?  If the OU becomes Just Another District, yes, KE (or Lone Star, or whomever gets the contract) is going to go down there -- and they're going to require full disclosure for areas, and mapping the place out is going to be a Project for them, so they can go where they need to.
              Frankly, if this thing passes, the Underground is doomed. ]<<<<<
     -- The Wyrm Ouroboros (11:58:12/10-22-73)
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
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« Reply #7 on: <10-22-11/1214:47> »
>>>>>[So they should stay second-class citizens, even compared to other SINless?  And the major reason that income comes from "less than strictly legal commerce" is because there is no legal commerce at all available to them at this time.  Anyhow, there's "less than strictly legal commerce" going on in the corporate enclaves and downtown Seattle, for frags sake, it's not like it's going to become squeaky clean and beautiful.

OK, this is a major concern that has politics above and below ground talking, a lot.  I didn't walk into this blindly, and have contacts on both sides and every side of the equation.  Legit and illegal.  Even a fair bit of the "illegal" folks in the OU are for Prop 23, as they'd stop having to rob trucks of food just to feed everyone and start buying food on the open market.  The ones that are wholly illegal are just complaining about new bribes they'll now have to pay like they would on the surface, but are eager for new markets as well.  There's also the addition of another city hall, a larger voting pool (You better believe that a SIN Amnesty is being demanded on this deal!  They're pulling the "Night Of Rage" card to get that one), and I don't blame them a bit.

Mount Humanis is pissed off, ORC is all for it, and the other groups are squabbling and trying to find dirt on each other as fast as possible to derail their attempts at supporting/smashing Prop 23.  Biz is good right now, and the Ork Underground will still be a place that Orks, Trolls, and Dwarves can hide out when the heat is on, mingling in with the crowds just like elves can in Elven Neighborhoods and Humans can, well, anywhere.]<<<<<
     -- Money Johnson (11:14:24/10-22-73)
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« Reply #8 on: <10-22-11/1225:34> »
>>>>>[Redmond is Just Another District, too.] <<<<<
— Brighid (12:25:09/10-22-73)


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« Reply #9 on: <10-22-11/1238:56> »
>>>>>[So is Puyallup.  The "OMG KE is going to go in guns blazing!" is pure drek.  It's not like it's Lone Star with it's almost 100% Human(is) force here.  KE is at least an equal opportunity exploiter.  ...  Employer.  Bah, same difference when you're talking about a Mega.] <<<<<
— Money Johnson (11:38:55/10-22-73)
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« Reply #10 on: <10-22-11/1411:49> »
>>>>>[Meh, I wouldn't be too worried about the Underground either. If that's what they want, good for them. And Money is right, business seems to be good these days. Told my fixer that I'm back in business for a while and he told me the demand for wetwork is unusually high at the moment. Some serious shit is going down but, well, for me it's just going to be another bunch of credsticks to cash in.] <<<<<
— Smiley (14:11:32/10-22-73)
"Fun? Frag yeah! Always is when that involves a bucket full of drek!"


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« Reply #11 on: <10-23-11/0319:50> »
>>>>>[All things being equal, I would agree with everyone about the Underground being just another district. But the big X-factor here is Brackhaven. If he wins, he now has to bring the Underground to heal...I'm sorry "bring the infrastructure up to current legal standards and for current law enforcement to bring current crime levels under control for public safety", and can do it all legal like. It's not going to be guns blazing, no it's going to start with something like serving arrest warrants, stings for contraband, condeming buildings because of safety hazards, and a lot of other legal sleeze. KE and or the government is going to push and when someone pushes back, even if its a little bit but I know of too many people who will push back HARD, you have a possible flashpoint to give someone like Brakhaven the perfect oppertunity to put the hammer down. Prop 23 is a direct challenge to the status quo and right now they have one of the worst possible foes to deal with. Neither side can back down becasue both have way too much invested, but make no mistake, even if it's passed, it won't be the end. I just hope the Underground is ready, I mean truly ready for it. ] <<<<<
— Bravo Six (03:19:19/10-23-73)
Bringing chaos, mayhem, and occasionally cookies to the Sixth World since 2052!

"Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients"-Rule 38, The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries, Schlock Mercenary.


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« Reply #12 on: <10-23-11/0422:31> »
>>>>>[Notice that both the Republican and the Arch-Conservative parties are heavily opposed to Prop 23.  I can't fathom why at all.  ...  Oh, right, their major supporters come from Humans and Corporations, what was I thinking?  But, yes, I can see that happening far too well.  All the more reason to take jobs that hurt those parties and help out the others, right?  And, hey, it's not like you're giving up cred on the stick, the jobs and pay are there.  Remember, 'Runners, vote early, and vote with every Fake SIN you got!] <<<<<
— Money Johnson (03:20:55/10-23-73)
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« Reply #13 on: <10-23-11/1021:31> »
>>>>>[I may remind you that there are plenty of Republicans who think Brackhaven is a carpetbagging piece of shit, beginning with President Colloton.]<<<<<
— Brighid (08:44:23/10-23-73)


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« Reply #14 on: <10-23-11/1313:30> »
>>>>>[They were the "Corporations" part of my previous post, not the "Humanis".  And while there are some Republicans that are their own people and work with what the party really stands for, the majority are in the Megas pockets (But that's true of all politicians.).  Also, a lot of Republicans in Seattle wish that he would flip his flag back to Arch-Conservative as well, but that's not likely to happen in Seattle.  Too many Metahuman voters.

Let's just say I've been talking to some folks at...  Some places...  That would love to see Brackhaven return to federal politics and a new Republican candidate be able to come forward.  Honestly, the best thing I've heard about him recently is that, "Well, at least he's a local."]<<<<<
— Money Johnson (12:12:40/10-23-73)
Si vis pacem, para bellum


