Carrying Capacity and Encumbrance on page 310 of the 4A rule book are not listed as optional rules. And while items do not have a
listed weight, they do weigh something. Otherwise, I can keep my Doberman drone in my backpack since it doesn't weigh anything.
Making the unfounded assumption that things weigh nothing is what gets players hit by phonebooks by angry GMs.
A grip (noun) is an external handle by which you hold an object and also known as a handgrip. A pistol has a grip. A rifle may have a top mounted carrying grip or a pistol grip or none at all. A suitcase has a grip. A chainsaw has a grip. A tennis racket has a grip. Pliers and hammers have a grip. Gloves are worn and as such are not held by a grip to function properly. I'm sorry, but I cannot agree that gloves have a grip for the purposes of something like a personalized grip.
I opened up Chummer after reading your note about the armor, I deleted every peice of armor, and rebought everything except the arm and leg casings since Chummer doesn't have an option to wear only one part of that. So, I bought only the leg casings. It works now. Perhaps that's the culprit. Or perhaps when I first did it, I bought the armor before the cyberarm. I don't know for sure.
I do feel a bit cheesy about not wearing the matching shirt to go with the Vashon jacket and pants, so I bought a generic 300Y clothing item and named it Vashon Island Synergist Shirt w/o Ballistic threads. (Gotta wear the fancy shirt instead of a t-shirt since this ain't Miami Vice after all.) Also added some spare clips to each pistol capable of taking them.
I put the remaining few hundred nuyen on a certified standard credstick.
Rezipping and attaching the modified file.